Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn

127 6 2
By SithTrooperO9

      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''You called for me, Sal?'' the now recently promoted admiral Kosvo, or should I say, Cornelius K. Rokossovsky, asked as he entered. When he entered the war cabinet room of Khorsabad, he saw others who radiated a dark power like his friend. He could only guess that this was going to be very important.

''Come in, Bran- Cornelius.'' I told him and he entered. ''Meet Roxanna;  she's the marshal of my army. Cobra Corps, wraith legions and sith. And Nymeria as well;  my top sorceress. You already met Admiral Conrad and you also already know Prisca, Captain Kassus and my tie fighter corp leader, Vilem. Welcome to our war council.''

''War council? There is going to be another war?'' Cornelius asked.

''An unofficial one. This war is between my Cobra Corps and the Crimson Dawn.'' I told Cornelius. ''You will aid us in this war.''

''You know I will help you, Sal.''

''Good.'' I remarked. ''Nymeria, tell me what you learned from your divination.''

''I saw an enemy force attack one of your fortresses on Chalcedon, my lord.'' Nymeria told us. ''Then, my vision shifted to a place on Dathomir. There was a place where the nightsisters could use to take the force out of a person. I believe they plan to use that place on you, my lord.''

''That is... kinda troubling to hear.'' I admitted. ''So, they will attack Chalcedon. Anyone got any bright ideas? Any suggestions?'' I asked them.

''Perhaps they wish to draw you out, Sal.'' Prisca gave her thoughts on the subject. ''To attack all of Cobra's bases so that they may force you to come to them.''

''Could be. But since Maul has a former Eternal witch by his side, we must assume that they know we can use divination.'' I said. The possibility existed which made planning all the more difficult. ''Perhaps we can attack Crimson Dawn strongholds and more in the meantime as retribution. Prisca, did you manage to find some of them?''

''A few, Sal. It was extremely difficult. Whatever personnel the Crimson Dawn have, I must say, they are quite good.''

''How about we send one of our own to infiltrate them?'' Cornelius suggested. ''One to strike when we attack.''

''Good idea, Cornelius, and I have one person whom I can trust. Nymeria, are you up for the challenge?''

''You just have to say the word, my lord.'' Nymeria told me. ''Once you give it, I am ready to serve you.''

''We must hold the element of surprise.'' I said to everyone. ''Let Crimson Dawn believe that we are walking into their trap. Roxanna, I want you on Chalcedon. Act as if you were on an official inspection. When the attack comes, Nymeria will sneak aboard their ships. After that, we will attack Crimson Dawn's bases and strike at their heart.''

''Dathomir.'' Roxanna caught on. ''It will be done, my lord. Nymeria, let's go.'' She walked out the room with Nymeria behind her.

      -Crimson Dawn HQ, Dathomir-

''Sister,'' Maul called for the nightsister, ''I ask why do you insist we capture this woman? What role does she play in our plan?'' Maul asked her.

''This woman was once a friend of our enemy, brother Maul.'' She answered. ''We will draw Salazar Covraii out using her. In the meantime, you must position your forces to attack the Cobra. In this way, we will wound Covraii's pride and in his anger, he will come to us.''

''We have information on three of the Cobra bases. I will tell them to strike. Qi'ra.'' Maul called for his right hand woman. ''Ready our forces to attack Chalcedon. I will join you shortly.''

''Of course, lord Maul.'' Qi'ra turned off her hologram to relay the command.

''And what of Maris Brood, nightsister?'' Maul asked again. ''You said that she has a role to play in this grand plan. What exactly is her role?''

''She'll be instrumental in the downfall of Salazar Covraii. When the time comes, she'll fulfill her duty.'' The nightsister answered.

''Who was that woman? The blue skinned one? She could fight on par with me.''

''The Eternal does not give it's sith names, brother Maul. But that woman is the second most powerful in it's ranks. Tread carefully should you face her next. Her skills with a lightsaber and powers in the force are matched only by her devotion to her dark lord and lust for battle.''

''I will... keep that in mind.''

''Good, brother Maul. Now, Salazar Covraii will be by no means an easy foe. That ripple in the dark side... that was him.''

''He... caused the ripple?'' Maul repeated in a question. The force storm over Umbara had send a shock wave in the force throughout the galaxy that every force sensitive felt in one form or the other.

''Yes. Snoke would not choose for him weak successor to lead the Eternal. But here on Dathomir, their plans will be folly. On that, we can be certain.''

-Stellar Fang, with the Primrose crew-

''Crimson Dawn.'' Uri muttered, repeating that name. ''Tym, are you sure it was the Crimson Dawn?''

''I'm certain of it, Uri.'' Tym replied. ''I'd bet you all me credits that it was the Dawn. They were the ones who took Inanna from Nevarro.''

''What would an organization like Crimson Dawn want with us?'' Hadad asked. ''We don't owe that organization any debts, do we? Any favor to return.''

''We don't, Hady. We haven't associated ourselves with the Dawn since Han Solo killed Tobias Beckett who in turn killed Dryden Vos. We ain't got nothin' to do with them. What would they want with us now?''

''It doesn't matter, Tym.'' Uri suddenly spoke up. ''What the Dawn wants with us or why they kidnapped Inanna doesn't matter. No one messes with our family and not suffer the consequences.''

''Uri, I want Inanna back but are you bloody mad?'' Tym asked her. ''We are just four and the Crimson Dawn has an entire army. We'd be long dead before we even got halfway between them and Inanna.''

''That is why we must get help, Tym.'' Uri told him.

''Help? Who in the galaxy would want to help us? No organization or Hutt would support us, Uri. We aren't that popular.''

''Yes, we aren't, Tym. But Inanna has a friend and he would be more than willing to help us from what I've seen. He'd tear Crimson Dawn to shreds.''

Tym's eyes widened as he understood who Uri was talking about. ''Uri, you can't be bloody serious.''

''I told myself never to associate or go back to the empire. Those raids not including. But the situation has changed, Tym, and we fight strongest when it is for our loved ones we fight for.'' She said and stood up before her team. ''Set course for Akkadia. We are meeting with General Salazar Covraii.''

''I can't believe it.'' Hadad muttered. His first time returning to Akkadia after nearly a decade.

''Yes. Desperate times call for desperate measures, don't they? We're seeing the 'king of kings' and hope that he helps a friend.'' Uri said to herself.

''Fine. Sit down and grab a drink or whatever. Destination: Akkadia.'' Tym sat down inside the cockpit and set the coordinates for Akkadia.

              -attack on Chalcedon-

''Detecting several ships jumping in from hyperspace.'' A droid told Roxanna and Nymeria.

''Prepare all troops, planetary defense cannons and droid starfighters.'' Roxanna ordered. ''You know your part, Nymeria.''

''I'll be waiting for you and our beloved lord Salazar on Dathomir, Roxy.'' Nymeria then disappeared in a black mist and went out the room.

Crimson Dawn starfighters came out of the bigger freighters and flew down. They attacked the Cobra fortress on Chalcedon and fought the Cobra tie drones. Transport ships carrying companies worth of Crimson Dawn mercenaries came out to combat the viper troopers of Cobra. Maul himself came down with a few nightbrother warriors and led his men.

''Sith of the Eternal!'' Maul roared at the enemy. ''Face me!''

''Yeah, yeah, I hear you.'' Roxanna casually commented despite the chaos surrounding them. ''Eliminate the enemy troops. This fight is mine.'' She ordered the sith assassins, knights and marauders. She took out one lightsaber and jumped down to face her enemy.

''Are you ready for a rematch?'' Maul asked her, igniting his lightsaber.

''More than ready. And I have a name, you know.'' Roxanna told Maul. ''But not like I'll ever tell you anything.'' Roxanna then ignited her single lightsaber and stood in form 2 makashi.

''We'll see about that.'' Maul ran towards his enemy and Roxanna did the same. They met in the middle of the battlefield and dueled.

Another intense duel between two powerful sith of differing philosohies. Flashes of two red blades with black and white were only visible. Such were their speed that they looked like flashes to the eye. Roxanna used the force to throw objects at Maul and she rushed at her opponent with great speeds. Maul force pushed her but Roxanna countered with her own force push. Roxanna crushed a pillar and then threw it at Maul. The former sith avoided it but was force pushed away. He threw several piles of debris at Roxanna who burned them away. The female sith shot a stream of crimson force lightning at Maul who barely avoided them. The nightbrothers came to attack but Roxanna jumped up and decapitated two of them. She force pushed one and then impaled another.

She switched from form 2 to form 7 and surged forward. She and Maul dueled once more in a deadly dance of lightsabers. Maul kicked her aside but she threw a boulder in return. Roxanna ignited her second lightsaber and attacked. As the battle ensued, Maul realized something: the Cobra forces weren't really fighting back. There weren't as many of them as he initially believed.

''Your forces here are depleted.'' He said to Roxanna. ''The fort is burning and there is no counter attack against me. My men will soon surround you and you will have no choice but to surrender. It seems you are not as tactical as your lord is.''

''True but that does not mean I am any less clever, Maul.'' Roxanna replied and the Cobra counter attack began as shots were fired on the Crimson Dawn freighters.


''Do not underestimate the superior technological and military might of Cobra, Maul.'' Roxanna told him. ''You attacked us and there is only utter annihlation for my lord's enemies.''

The cloaked battlestations revealed themselves and fired on Crimson Dawn. Tie drones came out while three battalions of vipers were waiting to attack with tanks and superior firepower. It soon was turning into a massacre.

Maul roared in anger and force pushed Roxanna back. He threw his lightsaber which Roxanna deflected back. He rushed to end the female sith but Roxanna shot a stream of her crimson force lightning. A ship came to save Maul once more and it distracted Roxanna. Maul was rescued by Qi'ra and the ship flew to avoid the tie fury drones. It went past the Cobra battlestations and with the remaining Crimson Dawn forces, flew away from Chalcedon.

''Get me out of here, Qi'ra.'' Maul ordered as images of the battle on Chalcedon flashed in his mind. ''I can no longer stomach it anymore.''

''If it will do you good, lord Maul, the other attacks on Cobra bases held better successes than us.'' Qi'ra told Maul.

''That is... good to hear.'' Maul remarked when a ghostly mist appeared before him. ''Nightsister, speak to me.''

''We underestimated the military power of the Cobra Corps, brother Maul.'' The nightsister admitted. ''However, your men have managed to severely hamper their supplies of raw materials with these attacks. Salazar Covraii will no doubt be angry despite his army's victory. For men like Covraii see the long term.''

''How should we proceed next, nightsister?'' Maul asked for her ideas and guidance.

''Combating Covraii's army directly is useless. Under his command or not, they are the superior force. Even if we win, our losses will be too much. We must cut off his head. Call him, brother Maul. Inform him that you have the woman. He will come to us personally. Rally your forces to Dathomir for our confrontation.''

''Very well, nightsister.'' Maul said and the mist disappeared.

Sneaking aboard one of the ships was one sith sorceress who infiltrated their ranks. Her powerful sorcery clouding her presence from detection by Maul.

(Cobra fort, Chalcedon)

''Report on our losses and damage.'' Roxanna ordered a Cobra technician who was shaking nervously at her sight.

''Minimal casualties, ma'am. But damage is extensive. All equipment here on Chalcedon will have to be replaced.'' The technician answered.

'Victory or not, lord Salazar will be mad at the loss of valuable equipment.' Roxanna thought in worry.

''Other bases have also been attacked, ma'am. They suffered greater losses than we did.'' The technician told her this and Roxanna left the scene. She got onto a ship and headed back to Akkadia.

        -Akkadia, Ashur star system-

''You have a lot of nerve contacting me like this, Maul.'' I said as I sat on my throne in my palace of Khorsabad. The hologram of Maul talking to me. ''Came here to gloat? Over how you destroyed my fortresses and supply depots? Threaten me? You could barely last five minutes against my second-in-command.''

''I came here to do none of that, Salazar Covraii.'' Maul then showed me a holo-image that made my eyes widen in shock and my anger increase. ''Recognize her?''

''How did you have her in your custody?'' I asked him in a deadly tone. ''She has no part in this conflict of ours. Release her, Maul. What are your demands?''

''Come to Dathomir alone, Salazar Covraii, and the woman's life may be spared.'' And just like that, Maul's hologram disappeared.

Before I got to call Roxanna, Captain Kassus, Admirals Cornelius and Conrad, I felt something. ''A presence. Someone I once knew.'' I muttered and looked out to Nineveh's walls.

(walls of Nineveh)

The Stellar Fang docked on the large hangar walls of Nineveh, capital city of Akkadia. ''Can't believe I'm in Nineveh of all places.'' Hadad muttered.

''This is where you grew up, big brother?'' Their youngest member, Tina, asked.

''No. Nineveh's only for the rich, Tina. No place for pucks like me.'' Hadad replied.

''But that imperial friend of your's.'' She reminded him.

''Well, Sal's different.''

''Guys, can we stay focused here?'' Uri asked them in a commanding tone. ''We'll do sightseeing once Inanna's back.'' Uri said and the team followed her. They hopped onto a train and headed to Nineveh level 3. From there, they took tickets to level 5 and then another train to level 7. They went the rest of the way on speeders. All in all, Primrose spent 7,000 credits on Nineveh.

(Khorsabad palace)

''This... is Khorsabad?'' Hadad asked as he stared at the gigantic palace of his old friend. ''Crazy rich ass friends.''

''Hadad, language.'' Uri scolded him as Tina was among them and so was an entire army of shadow wraith troopers.

''Hey! Tym's language is way worse, Uri.'' Hadad defended himself but Uri didn't really care. They walked towards Khorsabad where a guard stopped them.

''Halt. State your business.'' The guard told them to stay in their place.

''Good afternoon, sir. We are on urgent business and need to meet General Covraii immediately.'' Uri told the guard who wasn't buying it.

''Really? And just what is this business?'' The guard asked them. Uri was nervous and flustering but a comm call came for the guard. ''You have confirmation to enter.''

''... huh?'' was Uri's reaction.

''The general himself wants you to go see him.'' The guard told them and they were granted entry into Khorsabad. Without much delay or thought, they entered.

Uri looked at the wraith troopers and saw a better, more advanced type of stormtrooper armor. It meant one thing: their host was involved with imperial weapons project and his army was equipped with the latest and best brands of imperial tech.

As they entered Khorsabad's great halls, they were suddenly surrounded by several wraith troopers. Primrose was on guard against the troopers, even more so when Admiral Cornelius arrived. ''Found rats in the gutter.'' He remarked as he saw Primrose. ''You have guts to try raid Khorsabad, I'll give you that.''

''We're not here to raid. We're here because we need to see the general and he gave us permission to enter.'' Uri tried to use diplomacy in this situation. ''And you became an admiral, I see. Congratulations.''

''If you think flattery will give you a way out, think again. And why would Sal give scum like you permission to enter his home?''

''Hey! Only a friend can call Sal like that.'' Hadad muttered as he believed the imperial admiral and his friend were not acquiantances.

''You and Sal? Friends? Please. This has got to be one big joke.'' Cornelius felt like laughing out loud at this point.

''That's enough. Stand down.'' The voice of Myranda Blûdwyne, one of the queens of Akkadia, difused the situation. ''Thanks for the work, admiral, but I'll take it from here. Sal is expecting his guests.''

''Guests?'' Cornelius repeated and then looked at the bounty hunters. ''Nothing surprises me anymore. Move along people.'' He said and left the scene.

''Thank you very much for helping us there, miss.'' Uri thanked Myranda. ''My name's Uri Penta and this is my team.'' She introduced herself and extended a hand.

Myranda didn't even bother looking at the bounty hunters. ''Myranda Blûdwyne, miss Penta. My husband is waiting for you in his throne room.''

''Husband? That means... you are one of the general's wives!'' Uri exclaimed. The team was surprised to be saved by one of the wives of the man who nearly ended them years back on Vandor. Without a word, Myranda turned around and walked away. Primrose following behind her.

'Damn. Sal gets to clap her cheeks.' Hadad said in his mind, to himself, a bit jealous.

''Excuse me miss, but, may I know your name?'' Tym asked the brunette with glasses escorting Myranda.

''Oh, my names Rachael Covraii.'' She introduced herself.

''Covraii? You have the same last name as the general.'' Uri remarked. ''You wouldn't happen to be related now, would you?''

''We are. I'm his older sister.''

''Sal has a sister!?'' Hadad nearly shouted as he heard this.

''Would you quiet the fuck up?'' Myranda nearly shouted back at Hadad. ''This palace is already loud enough with two crazy ass dumbos running around doin' shit who knows fuck.''

''Sorry.'' Hadad apologized and they continued on towards their destination.

They arrived at the throne room of Khorsabad. Eleven meters in height, twenty in length and twenty in width;  black like obsidian and decorated in all manner of fine jewels. Lamassu statues were on the entrance and besides the throne. The chandelier had glass that was fine like diamonds and radiated beautifully. Banners of the Sith Eternal were visible and strange (to Primrose) were banners of the Cobra Corps. The carpet was red and made of the finest fabrics in the galaxy. The windows were big and wide, with the view of Nineveh outside. A great, blue lighted view of the city that the Covraii family turned from mud to one of obsidian and saphhire. Sith vanguard wraiths were there, protecting their dark lord, and they were sizing up Primrose;  whether to treat them as a potential threat or nuisance.

Prisca and I stopped our talk when Primrose entered. ''Come in.'' I told them as they came in. ''Primrose. Welcome to my palace.''

''General Covraii, moff of Seswenna Sector, king of Akkadia, we thank you for accepting us into your magnificent palace.'' Uri did a respectful bow before me.

''Hey, Sal. Remember me?'' Hadad muttered in a low tone before Uri told them to bow as well. ''Oh right.''

''Is that... Hadad?'' I just had to ask as it was nearly ten years since we last saw each other. ''Oh my. You're even fatter than I expected.''

''So that's how we're gonna do, is it?'' Hadad asked while chuckling.

''It was how we always were back in Larsa.'' I replied casually. ''Do you all think flattery will keep you safe?''

''N-no?'' Uri Penta was now getting nervous again.

''Of course it won't. Get up.'' I told them to stand. ''Get straight to business with me. This is about Inanna, isn't it?''

''Yes, general. She's been taken away. By the Crimson Dawn.'' Uri answered. ''Please, great sir, we need your help.''

''I am well aware of this fact.''

''... wait, you are?'' Uri Penta was surprised by my words.

''To think you'd face such troubles after the last time I hired you.'' I casually remarked.

''Hired us? Our last job done was a job by the Cobra Corps-'' realization then hit Uri Penta. The Cobra Corps banner in these halls were further proof. ''You're working with the Cobra Corps. Or, you are Cobra Commander.''

''The Crimson Dawn has waged an underworld war against me and my Cobra Corps.'' I told them. ''To get one up on me, they decided to kidnap Inanna and use her as bait.''

''Sal, are you sure you want to tell them this?'' Prisca whispered to my ear. She had doubts about Primrose and their reliability.

''I need them for my future plans, Prisca.'' I reminded her. ''Their usefulness can only work if we trust them and they trust us.''

''If you say so, Sal.''

''Then you know why we must get her back, Sal.'' Hadad said, rising up and ignoring the vanguard wraiths. Hadad walked towards me till the wraiths drew their lightsabers. ''Sal, imperial general, king of kings, Cobra Commander, I don't care. I know that deep down, you are still the same Salazar Covraii I once knew back in our childhood days at Larsa. And the Salazar I knew would never turn his back on friends. Especially when that situation is dire.''

''Are you trying to manipulate me?'' I asked.

''N-no! No! Why would you think that?''

''I was planning on rescuing Inanna regardless of whether you were coming here, seeking my help, or not.'' I told them in a slightly harsh tone. My mood was not great for today. ''Crimson Dawn wants a war with me. With my Cobra Corps. I have never lost a war before in my short career. From simple lieutenant to general, from a nobody to king and moff, I remain the victor. Mimban, I won;  Samovar, I liberated;  Naboo, I squashed their pathetic rebellion. Geonosis and Onderon, I destroyed to their foundation. Kamino I laid waste, to their people and planet and their seed is not. Umbara, I devastated and annihlated. The Hapes Consortium I conquered;  their royal family serving in my palace, here, as slaves. My armies ravaged through over forty systems, sacking many cities and slaughtering tens of millions. Few armies in history have ever been so feared and my fleet has laid desolation wherver it goes.''

''And that is exactly why, I know, the Crimson Dawn will regret their decision, Sal.'' Hadad said, after I recounted my list of victories. ''You wouldn't turn down your friends in need and Inanna needs you more than ever. You don't turn your back on your friends, not before, not now and not ever. I know we made the right decision to come to you, Sal. So what say you?''

''You have talked openly with the dark lord for too long now, mongrel.'' A fanatic vanguard wraith reprimanded Hadad. ''Old friend or not, you speak disrespectefully towards the dark lord and that deserves a punishment.''

''Quiet.'' I said in a casual, almost bored tone. ''Let him speak.''

''Forgive me, my lord.'' The vanguard wraith made a low bow and allowed Hadad to speak uninterrupted.

I guess Hadad's speech cheered me up a bit because my bad mood went away. At least a partial bit of it. ''Crimson Dawn wants a war and a war... I will give them.'' I informed Primrose. ''Inanna will be safe;  that is my promise. And one more thing. I wish to hire Primrose into the ranks of the Cobra Corps full time.''

''Fu- full time?'' Uri was almost speechless to hear this. This would mean they were official assets of P.M.C Cobra Corps.

''Yes. Full time. Either you can become low bounty hunters scraping for low paid jobs, waiting for any other organization to strike or join me and work full time. Your choice.'' I offered Uri Penta and then called Roxanna, Captain Kassus, Admirals Conrad and Cornelius and Vilem Kyse. ''Ready the troops and prepare for battle now.''

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