Until our marriage!

By koovoobi

236K 15.4K 1.8K

A complicated and twisted love story Top Taehyung Bottom Jungkook Completed!!! More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
*Another Promo*

Chapter 7

3.9K 269 64
By koovoobi

Jimin was looking at the boy getting dressed after coming back from college in the evening by sitting on his bed with a kimbap. "Jungkook, are you sure, you don't want me to come with you?", Jimin asked Jungkook who was wearing his jacket. "Yes, it's won't take long. I just need to print these reports and bind them.", Jungkook said put his backpack on his shoulder. "I took the spare key with me, in case you want to go out. It's fine.", Jungkook said taking the key. "I will be back soon. Bye.", Jungkook said to Jimin and went out. He wore his mask and bennie once he stepped out of the hostel and walked to the book stall which is a few meters away from his college entrance.

Even though it's only 6PM, the atmosphere looks dark like night due to the foggy climate and slight raining. Most of the students were either in the dorm or in college itself, so the road and the entrance gate was almost empty, only a few vehicles passing through the collage road. Jungkook gripped his strap of the bag tighter and stood in front of the said bookstall looking at the road, expecting the blonde.

After five minutes, he saw a black Mercedes' pulled opposite, the other side of the road, from where he was standing and a man attired in black tees crossing the road and walking towards Jungkook. "Hey, did I make you wait for long?", he asked in deep voice. Jungkook looked a little confused at the man by titling his head. Taehyung smiled and took his face mask off. "Oh.. it was you. I got confused. And, no. It's just five minutes.", Jungkook said. "Can we go now?", Taehyung asked Jungkook who nodded positively. Both of them crossed the road and went toward the car. Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook to get in and he also got in.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook occasionally while he drives the car. "Jungkook, I don't have any virus disease. You can remove your mask.", Taehyung said when he noticed Jungkook is still wearing his mask. "Oh, sorry.", Jungkook removed his mask and kept it inside his bag and chapped his lips a little and rubbed the tip of his nose with his forefinger. Taehyung intensely watched his pink lips and the boba nose before taking a deep breath to control his raging heart. "Jungkook, you are so beautiful.", Taehyung said once he fixed his gaze back on the road aside. Jungkook nodded in embarrassment as it was his first time receiving a compliment face to face and looked at the window wiper going left and right. Again, both of them fell into silence and some old R&B music filled inside the car. "Do you want to eat something?", Taehyung asked. "No. I am fine.", Jungkook said looking at his side profile. Taehyung hummed. "Where are we going?", he asked, diverting his gaze to the window. "Nowhere, we will just drive around.", he replied. "Is this your car?", Jungkook asked looking inside the car and received a hum. "Do you like it?", Taehyung asked seeing the bright curious eyes of Jungkook. "Yes. Who won't like Mercedes and that too black. It's classy.", Jungkook said. "Oh.. mm.. Why didn't you wear shorts?", Taehyung asked looking at Jungkook's lap. "Oh, nothing. It was raining, so I thought of wearing something warm.", he said rubbing both palms on his thighs. "Jungkook, can.. can I hold your hands?", Taehyung asked eyeing the palm resting on his thighs. Jungkook was baffled. "I won't do anything. I just felt like.. mm.. holding it.", Taehyung confirmed. Jungkook nodded softly before extending his hand to Taehyung, who held it by occasionally caressing it with his thumb and smiled feeling how softness and tenderness of Jungkook's palm. Jungkook sat there awkwardly looking at the joined hands.

After a few minutes, Taehyung took Jungkook's hand which he is holding and rubbed it on his own cheeks. Jungkook was surprised but didn't say anything as he allowed the other to feel his palm by smiling shyly. "You are so soft.", Taehyung said. "Mmm.", Jungkook said. "Didn't Jimin ask anything, like where you are going?", Taehyung asked. "Yes, I said I want to take the printouts for the project.", Jungkook said with a cheesy smile. "Haha. You are so cute.", Taehyung said and kissed his knuckles. Jungkook was taken back.

"You didn't answer my question yesterday.", Taehyung said caressing his hands again as they took the next diversion to another pocket road. "Which question?.", Jungkook asked in confusion, looking from outside to Taehyung. "Mm.. your size.", Taehyung said eyeing at his chest. Jungkook pulled his hands back immediately by glaring at him. "Haha. Sorry I was just kidding.", Taehyung laughed eyeing the serious gaze of Jungkook. Jungkook hummed and gave a fake smile to him. "Jungkook, don't be nervous. It's just, I was curious since you have a perfect body proportion.", Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded. Taehyung looked at the calm face on Jungkook and again took his hand and rubbed it on his cheeks before kissing his finger tips, while driving the car with one hand. Jungkook breathed out shaking. "Jungkook, can I.. can I touch your lips.", he asked but gazing at Jungkook's parted lips. Jungkook wet his own lips and nodded hesitantly. Taehyung removed his hand from the other's hand before stopping the car under a tree. He put the wiper on as it is raining and dimmed the headlight. He turned on his seat and sat facing Jungkook.

Jungkook squirmed under the dark gaze which is on him now. He could feel his own heart beating quicken when he noticed Taehyung's eyes now on his lips. In nervousness, Jungkook bit his lower lips and dragged it slowly with his teeth before releasing it. Taehyung wet his own lips by caressing it with his tongue seeing how Jungkook's lips changed into a darker shade of pink. He exhaled loudly and extended his hands and touched Jungkook's lower lips with his forefinger. Jungkook's breath got stuck in his lungs as he started feeling butterflies flattering their wings in his stomach. Taehyung traced his lower lip and lip ring with his finger before gently cupping his cheeks. His hooded eyes were stuck on Jungkook's lips as rubbed that parted lips with thumb. Jungkook was in trance, as he was lost in those dark eyes which is looking at him intensely. He neither moved back nor pushed his hand away from him, instead, he sat there letting other do things to him. Taehyung's gaze moved between his lips and his eyes as he leaned forward and pecked the Jungkook's lip corner. Jungkook closed his eyes, fisting either side of his baggie pants. "Jungkook..", Taehyung called him so sensually that each syllable fanned on his lips. But Jungkook's bambi eyes opened wide as if startled and suddenly he pushed Taehyung. "WHAT THE HELL, TAEHYUNG.", he shouted at him by jerking his hand from Taehyung's hold, when Taehyung kept Jungkook's hand on his crotch, on his semi hard member while he pecked his lip.

Jungkook turned around and pushed the door to open which is locked. "Jungkook, I am.. I am sorry.", Taehyung said holding the other's hand. "Open the door.", he seethed angrily at Taehyung by pulling back his hand from other's hold and started hitting on the door. "Jungkook, please. It was a mistake. I.. I am sorry.", Taehyung said grabbing his hand again. "Please. Please don't touch me. Open the door. I want to go.", Jungkook said and tears welled on his eyes. Taehyung shook his head. "I.. I will drop you.", Taehyung said withdrawing his hand from the other before starting the car to drive back. Taehyung checked Jungkook, who was wiping his tears occasionally. He didn't say anything further other than driving to the dorm. Once, he stopped the car near the entrance, Jungkook hastened the seatbelt and went out after slamming the car door and ran inside the building. "Fuck", Taehyung growled by tightening his hold on the steering looking at the boy who ran off from him.

"Jungkook, are you okay? What happened?", Jimin asked worriedly after seeing a red faced Jungkook with swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks rushed to the room. "Nothing, I.. I.. I just fell down.", he lied after keeping his bag on the bed. "Omo, did you hurt anywhere?", he asked checking him. "No, I am not. I.. I will go and take a shower fast.", Jungkook said after removing his sweatshirt and took his bath towel. "Oh.. aunty called me and said you were not picking her call. Call her back after your shower.", Jimin said. "Ah. My phone was in silent mode. I.. I didn't notice it. I will call her.", Jungkook replied and went inside the washroom. He closed the door and walked to the mirror and checked his reflection in the mirror. He touched his lip corner before washing his face.

After taking a shower he came out. "Are you okay, now?", Jimin asked and got a nod as response. Jungkook took his phone and walked to the window calling his mom. "Ah.. where were you? I called you twice. Then I called Jimin.", Jungkook heard his mom. "I.. I went to take Xerox of my project.", Jungkook said by side eyeing Jimin who is doing somthing in laptop. "Oh, okay. Did you have dinner?", she asked. "No mom, going to.", he replied. "Mm. Don't skip the food and sleep on an empty stomach saying you are on a diet, okay? Go and have something even if it's not your favorite or likeable. Mom will compensate you on weekend. Okay?", she asked smiling. Jungkook hummed. "Wait, dad wants to tell something.", she said and next minute Jungkook heard his dad's voice. "Jungkook. How was your class?", he asked. "Good dad.", he replied. "Mm.. study well. You have surprise this weekend.", his dad said. "Surprise?", Jungkook asked. "Yep. You will know it on weekend. Now, go and eat your dinner and don't stay up late doing assignments. Sleep early. Say my regards to Jimin.", his dad said and both of them bid goodnighg before hanging up the call. "Can we go and have dinner?", Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded and both of them walked to the mess to have dinner.

To be continued...

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