The City Girl (Isaac Garcia x...

By DemonShadow13

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When Jackie Howard and her twin sister y/n Howard move from New York City to Silver Falls Colorado to live on... More

Part 1 - Moving To Colorado
Part 3 - Getting Comfortable
Part 4 - Connecting With The Garcia Brothers
Part 5 - First Day Of School
Part 6 - Afternoon Mall Trip
Part 7 - Is Someone Jealous?
Part 8 - The Prank
Part 9 - The Date 1/2
Part 10 - The Date 2/2
Part 11 - The Talk
Part 12 - Girl's Night
Part 13 - Trying To Sort Things Out
Part 14 - Helping Lee
Part 15 - Chill Day
Part 16 - The Garcia's Meet The Gang
Part 17 - Hanging With Isaac
Part 18 - Worried Garcia's
Part 19 - Overprotective Garcia's
Part 20 - Drama
Part 21 - Thanksgiving With More Drama
Part 22 - Checking On Jackie
Part 23 - Chill Day With Isaac
Part 24 - Hanging With Ashley
Part 25 - Bonfire
Part 26 - The Fight

Part 2 - Meeting The Walter Boys

2.6K 32 8
By DemonShadow13


Time Skip

After a long drive we pulled up to this two story house that had a pool in the back with a barn and lots of farm land. This is definitely a big change from the city life.

"Honey, do you need any help with the bags?" Katherine asked George as we started getting out of the car. 

"Nah." George replied.

"You okay?" Katherine asked Jackie.

I walked up next to her and put my arm over her shoulder cause I could tell this was a lot for her to take in.

"Fine." Jackie replied with a smile but I'm pretty sure it was fake, and I didn't want to start any drama just yet so I didn't say anything about it.

"Let's get you two inside. We'll introduce you to everybody." Katherine said starting to walk over to the stair leading up to the house.

Jackie went ahead of me as Katherine waited at the bottom of the stairs as she answered her phone. I could have listened in on her conversation but I choose not too as it was none of my business.

A boy in a blue and white striped shirt came round the corner on a skateboard.

"Move!" the boy yelled at Jackie.

Jackie move out of the way just in time so she was fine. He skated past another boy in a blue shirt who was lying on an outdoor couch reading a book.

"Hi." The older boy on the couch said. "Danny."

"Jackie." Jackie replied to the boy whose name was Danny. 

"y/n." I replied after Jackie.

Katherine opened the front door for us while still on the phone.

"Whoa! Whoa! Benny, stop running." George said to a young boy who ran out of one of the rooms caring toys.

"I'm not running!" Benny replied.

We stoped in front of a room where there were two boys around our age playing video games

"Oh. Hey, guys." George said getting the attention of the boy in a dark blue shirt "Guys, can you stop that for a second?"

The guy with the blue shirt stood up while the one in the light grey shirt just looked at us. There was something about the one in the grey shirt that made me feel like I could trust him. No, y/n stop you know what happened the last time you trusted a guy. I thought to myself. 

"This is Jackie and y/n. Jackie, y/n, that's Alex and Isaac." George said pointing to the two boys.

"What's up?" Isaac said smiling at us. 

Jackie just smiled.

"Sup." I replied to Isaac. I looked over at Alex and it seemed as though he was stuck in a trance.

"Got a few more bags if you can go grab them." George said to the boys which seemed to snap Alex out of his trance.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Sure thing." Alex said, he stoped in front of me and Jackie stuck his hand out "Hi." He said.

"Hello." Jackie said shaking Alex's hand, I had a slight feeling that Jackie liked Alex.

Me and Jackie walked away from them following George. I turned around and made eye contact with Isaac as he was following his brother out the front door. We smiled at each other and I turned around to see where I was going.

"Straight ahead is the kitchen." George told us. "I'm gonna take these up to your rooms."

Katherine hand both me and Jackie a glass of lemonade and continued her phone call, as George took our bags upstairs.

"Thanks." Jackie and I said in unison.

As I took a sip of the lemonade I so Jackie bend down to get something, and since I was curious I looked down to see that she had stepped on a yellow toy car. She picked it up and took it over to set it on the bannister next to a truck. She then stoped and stared up at a photo that was hanging on the wall.

"Girls, I'm so sorry. I have to go." Katherine said looking at her phone. "Oh, thank God. Will's here." she looked up from her phone, looking into the kitchen as me and Jackie turned our heads to see who she was talking about.

We saw a man in a white button up shirt walk in carrying a tray with some thing on it.

"Jackie, y/n. This is Will. Will this is Jackie and y/n." Katherine introduced us as we walked over to Will.  "Will's our oldest and he's the best."

"Jackie, y/n, welcome." Will said sticking his hand out for us to shake.

"Hi." Jackie said shaking Will's hand.

"Hey." I said shaking Will's hand after Jackie.

"I have to go to the clinic. So can you take over and get Jackie and y/n all settled in?"Katherine asked Will. "They've already met, um... "Katherine said trying to remember everyone we've already met. "Danny, Isaac, Alex, and, um...."

"Benny." Jackie said helping Katherine out on who we have met.

"I cannot believe I'm getting called in right now." Katherine said walking away from us. "Okay, so..." Katherine started before getting interrupted by George.

"What? You have to leave?" George asked Katherine even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes, but Will's gonna take over." Katherine explained to George. "Jackie, y/n, I'm so sorry. I promise I will be back as soon as I possibly can."

"Don't worry." I said giving Katherine a reassuring smile.

"Hope the dog's okay." Jackie said.

"Thank you." Katherine said with a smile.

"And, hey, Jackie, y/n, I am always around here somewhere. If you need anything, call me, okay? I gotta get out to the orchard." George informed us.

"Uncle George, wait for me." The boy with the blue and white stripped shirt said ridding his skateboard past me, Jackie and Will.

"So, the Tony Hawk wannabe is Lee." Will informed us that the boy in the blue and white stripped shirt was Lee.

"We've met." Jackie said rolling her eyes while placing her glass of lemonade down on the counter. 

Will took us upstairs and knocked on one of the doors, were we saw a guy sitting on the floor playing the guitar. "Nathan. This is Jackie and y/n" Will introduced us.

Nathan stood up off the floor and went to shake mine and Jackie's hand. "Hi. It's nice to finally meet you." 

"Thanks. You too." Jackie said. I just smiled and shock Nathan's hand.

 "Come on." Will said walking out of Nathan's room. We walked outside where we could hear punk music playing. "Just so you know I'm hard of hearing, so if I'm not looking at you or there's a lot of background noise, I won't understand. Just FYI." Will said as we walked over to a table where he turned off the speaker.

"Yeah. Keep the energy in it. Keep the energy." A boy with a black and white button down holding a camera said to a girl with a wooden sword and benny. 

"Hey, everyone, this is Jackie and y/n." Will said getting the attention of the kids playing by the pool. 

"Hello." Jackie said waving at them with a nervous smile plastered on her face.

"Hey." I said.

"That's Parker over there," Will said pointing to the girl. "And that's Benny."

After Will said that a boy with blonde hair rose from the water shaking his hair out. I looked over at Jackie and it looked like she was stuck in a trance. He looked at us for a second then walked over to a chair and sat down.

"Wanna introduce yourselves?" Will yelled at the guy sitting on the chair.

"They'll figure it out." The guy on the chair said looking at us with a smug smile plastered on his face.

"That's Cole." Will said helping us out a bit.

The boy with the camera came running towards us, and randomly just started filming us.

"Um, hi." Jackie said awkwardly.

"Jordan, aspiring film director." Will said "Leave them alone, Jordan. Come on." Will said to Jordan putting his hand in front of the lens.

After that a dog rose from the pool, and started shaking getting, Cole, Jackie, Will, and I wet. It seemed to bother Jackie more then any of us. Probably because Jackie stayed where she was while me and Will stepped back, and of course Cole had just been swimming.

"Albert, no!" Will said to the dog. "I'm so sorry." Will apologised to Jackie handing her a towel that was hanging over a chair.

"It's okay. I'm fine." Jackie said.

"You know what? Come on. I'll show you two to your rooms upstairs." Will stated as we started walking back inside. "Hey, start bringing Jackie and y/n's stuff upstairs. Okay?" I believe Will said that to Cole. "Cole." Will said probably starting to get pissed at Cole.

"I heard you." Cole replied in a annoyed tone.

"Jackie, I'm so sorry." Will said apologising for something that he didn't do. "Try not to take it personally." 

I'm pretty sure he was talking about Cole attitude but I don't know. We started walking upstairs.

"Um, Will, how many of these kids are George and Kathrine's?" Jackie asked. Honestly I was wondering the same thing.

"Oh. You didn't know. All of them. There's eight of us kids." Will said answering Jackie's question. "Plus Lee and Isaac are cousins on Dad's side."

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