By whathepeach

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"Well," he suddenly informed, his voice a mere whisper that sent shivers down my spine, "facts about vampires... More

Chapter 1: The Entry
Chapter 2: The Escape
Chapter 3: The Visit
Chapter 4: The half truth
Chapter 5: The half truth 2
Chapter 6: The Rules
Chapter 7: The Entrance
Chapter 8: The Realm
Chapter 9: A New World
Chapter 10 : ' The fuck ?'
Chapter 11 - Trapped and Desperate
Chapter 12: The Academy
Chapter 13: Witnessing the First Magic
Chapter 14 :The Sinister Encounter
Chapter 15: The Sinister Encounter 2
Chapter 16: Unexpected Connections
Chapter 17: Unsettling Encounters
Chapter 18: "Don't Stare "
Chapter 19: I need a drink
Chapter 20: The Roommate
Chapter 21: Trapped in Shadows
Chapter 22: MEETING HIM.
Chapter 23: " He's back"
Chapter 24: Unveiling the intrigue
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: The Training begins
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 : Unveiling Connections
Chapter 31: Confronting the Shadows
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Plan 1
Chapter 39: The plan 2
Chapter 40: Tangled Desires
Chapter 41: Shadows and Secrets
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46: Night of Reveal
Chapter 47 : Reunions and Revelations
Chapter 48
Chapter 49: The Encounter with Morgan
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55: Ignited Awakening
Chapter 56
Chapter 57: Craving Heat
Chapter 58: Moonlit Whispers
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Thank you note ❤️

Chapter 71

378 26 12
By whathepeach


"You can see him now," the man emerged from Nicholas's room, his role as the pack doctor explained to me by Brian, Nicholas's Beta. Nicholas had been in a deep slumber for nearly twenty-four hours, and the agonizing silence around Reyes had been suffocating me from within.

Was this the unbearable ache of almost losing someone you loved?


"Thank you," I murmured to the man, his departure marking my entrance into the room. As I stepped inside, a heavy sigh escaped my lips, my throat constricting with a mingling of anticipation and trepidation. There he stood, near the window, his broad, bare back exposed for my eyes to behold. My gaze trailed over the intricate tattoos that adorned his skin, their artistry colliding with the brutal scars inflicted by the Dark Lord.

It was a sight both hauntingly terrifying and achingly beautiful.

Drawing closer, my hand reached out, trembling as it made contact with his back. Despite his coldness, he remained unaffected by my touch. "Does it hurt?" I whispered, my fingertips delicately tracing the marks, cautiously avoiding the deeper cuts that had been stitched up.

"No," he responded, his gaze evading mine.

"Did the doctor provide any ointment?" His nod confirmed my question. My eyes scanned the dimly lit room, and I spotted a small container on the bedside table. Withdrawing my hand from his skin, I moved toward the bed. "Sit down, let me apply it for you," I urged, my words finally catching his attention. Weariness etched his features, a faint frown gracing his lips.

"Red, I'm alr-"

"You don't get to tell me that, not after witnessing the state you were in!" I lashed out, my voice filled with a mix of worry and frustration. His lips parted, taken aback by my outburst, but he remained silent.

"So... please," I swallowed hard, my voice softening, "Sit... down." The room enveloped us in silence, save for the thunderous pounding of my heart. Relief washed over me as I heard the sound of his footsteps, signaling his compliance. He settled onto the bed, and once again, I was confronted with his wounded bare back.

I unscrewed the lid of the ointment container, carefully applying a small amount to my fingertips. As my touch grazed his damaged skin, he winced and let out a low curse. "Sorry, I'll be more careful," I stammered, fighting back the tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. Though darkness veiled us, I sensed his nod of acknowledgment.

With renewed determination, I resumed the task of applying the cream, now proceeding with extra caution. After a while, he broke the silence, "Where should I start?" My hand instinctively paused, my focus shifting from his back to his profile.

"From the beginning," I responded, understanding the weight of his words.

"Very well, do you remember when we first met?" he inquired, a warmth spreading across my face as memories flooded my mind, even as my fingers continued their soothing motions.

"Of course," I replied, a soft smile gracing my lips.

"It all started-"

"Not like this," I interrupted, a sudden urgency in my voice.

"Why?" Confusion tinged his words.

"I... I want to see you," I blurted out, the fear of sounding foolish momentarily forgotten.

"No," he sighed, his voice carrying a mix of resignation and apprehension.

"Why?" I questioned, my own confusion taking hold.

"I'm... scared," he whispered, his words fragile, as if whispered into the night.

"Scared of..."

"You might come to regret me once you hear everything I have to say. It's best we don't see each other until I've finished sharing my story," he confessed, vulnerability seeping into every word.

I sat there, stunned and rendered speechless by his words. I hadn't expected him to harbor such thoughts, but in hindsight, it made sense. After all, I had discovered the truth about him being my mate the hard way. "Okay, " I managed to utter, my voice betraying a mix of curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

"Thank you," he responded, a trace of satisfaction lacing his words.

"It all started when Guardian Jayden hired me to take care of his niece - you," he began, his voice steady yet tinged with a flicker of nostalgia.

"So you didn't know we were mates," I interjected, my curiosity getting the better of me.

He shook his head, his eyes meeting mine. "No, I didn't. I was just a student when your uncle approached me for the job. It was an immense privilege that he entrusted me with your well-being, especially considering the animosity surrounding him due to his connection with your father. At one point, he was almost banished, but he got lucky." I listened intently, my fingers still gently massaging the ointment into his wounded back. The room enveloped us in a serene tranquility, and the sound of his voice washed over me, offering a temporary respite from the tumultuous emotions swirling within.

"I didn't think I would ever have a one," he murmured, his voice tinged with a touch of melancholy.

"Have what?" I inquired, my breath catching in my throat.

"A mate," he confirmed, "In my family lineage, mating had become a rarity. Many of them turned into lone wolves and perished that way. I believed that would be my fate as well."

"Then I met you," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. Memories of that day flooded my mind, memories of my ninth birthday - a day forever etched in my heart. "You were there, so adorable, strong, and incredibly stubborn," he continued, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"I thought it was an illusion, perhaps a trick from the moon goddness, but it wasn't. You were my mate, and from that day forward, I made it my mission to protect you with every fiber of my being," he confessed, his words carrying a weight of devotion and determination.

"I would visit you every day, sometimes every hour, just to witness your smile directed at me. You would recount stories of how your peers called you weird, and in those moments, I wanted nothing more than to defend you, to protect you from their ignorance. Your parents began to grow suspicious of our closeness, and one day, they confronted me. I told them the truth, and strangely enough, it made them trust me even more whenever we were together," he recounted, the memories painting a vivid picture in our minds.

"The more time we spent together, the stronger our bond became. There were moments when you would question why I was always by your side. But how does one explain to a nine-year-old that she is their mate?" he mused, a hint of wistfulness lacing his words.

"Why did you leave?" My voice escaped my lips before I could even consider the consequences. His body tensed, freezing in place as silence enveloped the room.

"I had to," he finally responded, his voice filled with an inexplicable mix of fear and sorrow.

"That's bullshit, and you know it. Tell me the real reason, Nicholas," I demanded, my tone firm, determined to uncover the truth. But still, he remained silent, offering no words in return.

"Okay, then," I declared, determination fueling my actions as I closed the ointment lid, intending to rise from the bed. My feet hovered just above the ground when suddenly, his hand clutched mine, and before I knew it, my body was pressed back onto the bed, his figure looming above me.

"Don't leave," he pleaded, his voice laced with fear, his piercing blue eyes softening as they met mine. "Please."

"Then tell me the truth," I demanded, my heart pounding in my chest. He nodded solemnly, withdrawing his hand from mine. He took a step back, allowing me to sit up against the headboard.

"Okay, here it is," he began. "The Dark Lord's reputation predates my birth. He gained his infamy by killing an elder-your grandfather."

My eyes widened in shock. "What? My grandfather?"

"Yes, your dad's father was an esteemed elder in the academy. He was strong and honorable, which made him the Dark Lord's perfect first victim. No one knows exactly how it happened, but there was a witness who informed the other elders. At the time, Xavier's mother was in love with your grandfather, so she hid him. However, she eventually revealed his whereabouts when more killings occurred. The Hunters realized they needed a weapon to end the Dark Lord once and for all, as he wasn't a full hybrid."

"The weapon had a catch, though-it could only be used once. They succeeded in killing the Dark Lord, but the fear of his return lingered. That's when the law prohibiting relationships between different creatures was established. Everything went smoothly until..."

"Until my parents fell in love," I finished his sentence, feeling a lump forming in my throat.

He raised his head, his gaze meeting mine as he offered a brief smile. He sighed and shifted closer to me, his body radiating warmth.

"They were both students when they fell for each other-a hunter and his prey. It was unimaginable, really. When they were caught and reported to the elders, Amelia disowned your mother on the spot. Your father had a choice-stay at the academy or be banished with her."

"He couldn't leave, especially when your mother was pregnant with you," he continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. He paused, giving me a moment to process everything, and I instinctively moved closer to him.

"So they were banished and went to the human realm, where they had you. Things were going well until they heard rumors of a clan attempting to resurrect the Dark Lord. The entire academy was gripped with fear, but only your uncle knew that your mother was pregnant."

"He informed your father and urged him to return, but your father refused. He believed that leaving you and your mother would be too dangerous. On the night they were murdered..."

"Go on," I urged, my heart racing.

"I saved you. I don't know how, but I sensed your call for help. I found you hiding in the closet, felt your fear. It consumed me. If we hadn't met, if I hadn't been there, who knows what would have happened to you?" His voice grew strained, and he clenched the blanket tightly.

"I was just eighteen, with no family and no power to protect either of us. I held you, crying helplessly as you fainted in my arms. I knew they would come back, so I used a burner to contact your uncle. I stayed with you until I heard your Aunt May calling for you."

"There was something off about everything-timing too perfect. They could have killed you before your parents arrived, but they waited, as if instructed by someone higher up. My gut told me it was connected to the academy. That's why I decided to go back. I promised myself that I would return stronger, ready to face whatever came our way. I didn't want to run or hide, in case fate intended for us to meet again. Because if we did, I knew I wouldn't be able to let you go."

His confession brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't fathom someone sacrificing their life for someone they had only known for a year.

As though I was important.

" Cause you're important to me, Red," he said softly.

"Don't do that," I choked out, wiping away my tears.

"Sorry," he whispered, his head hanging low.

"So..." he hesitated.

"So?" I prompted, my voice filled with curiosity.

"Will you regret me now?" he asked nervously, trembling ever so slightly.

"Why would I?" I replied, feeling a surge of warmth and affection towards him.

"Because it took me this long to tell you everything, and I feel foolish for not confronting it sooner..."

I didn't let him finish his sentence. Instead, I straddled his thighs, his hands instinctively gripping my hips as mine wrapped around his neck.

"You may have a way with words, but sometimes your brain can be quite foolish," I teased, rolling my eyes. He looked at me with a mix of confusion and vulnerability, like a lost puppy. I shook my head and decided to do something that would erase any doubts or regrets.

I kissed him.

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