By imnotagae

2.2K 137 9

The sequel. Jordan Wales has faced her past, now it's time to face her present. Jordan starts to learn that i... More

First Chapter.
Second Chapter.
Third Chapter.
Fourth Chapter.
Fifth Chapter.
Sixth Chapter.
Seventh Chapter.
Eighth Chapter.
Ninth Chapter.
Tenth Chapter.
Eleventh Chapter.
Twelfth Chapter.
Thirteenth Chapter.
Fourteenth Chapter.
Fifteenth Chapter.
Sixteenth Chapter.
Seventeenth Chapter.
Eighteenth Chapter.
Nineteenth Chapter
Twentieth Chapter.
Twenty First Chapter.
Twenty Second Chapter.
Twenty Third Chapter.
Twenty Fourth Chapter.
Twenty Fifth Chapter.
Twenty Sixth Chapter.
Twenty Seventh Chapter.
Twenty Eighth Chapter.
Thirtieth Chapter.
Thirty First Chapter.
Thirty Second Chapter
Thirty Third Chapter.
Thirty Fourth Chapter.
Thirty Fifth Chapter.
Thirty Sixth Chapter.
Thirty Seventh Chapter.
Thirty Eight Chapter.

Twenty Ninth Chapter.

48 0 0
By imnotagae

New found love is meant to pull us away from our friends. That's when you know it's real. When you and the other person are so lost in your own world that no one else exists.

When Jordan was with Ian and Tatum, she was talking to Bridgett over the phone. When she was at work, her earpods were on listening to her rant about how her daughter got sick, or how stressful work is, or the fact that her mother has been reluctant on taking Lily for her more busy days.

Ian was less bothered by this. Tate on the other hand, was extremely disturbed.

She didn't like how Jordan wasn't fully focused as they ventured through the mall. The only time she ever spoke to Ian and Tate was to tell them that 'Bridgett' would love a particular piece of clothing because it was in her favorite color, or a specific piece of jewelery because it was a certain size or design. The rest of her focus was dedicated on her cellphone as she texted said woman.

Everytime Tate or Ian tried to get her attention, she would lift her finger up to gesture for them to wait, send an awfully long text, then look up at them for a good two seconds before her phone beeps to indicate that her message was responded to, and she would fix her attention back on the device.

By the time they were driving home from their 'friend's day out', Tate was all gloomy, and nothing Ian did could placate her.

Jordan was at first oblivious of Tate's state, but had finally put her phone down to drive. It became known to her when she began talking to her, and her responses were bitter or cold.

"Where do you guys wanna eat?" Jordan asked.

While Ian went silent to think, Tate rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Why don't you ask your stupid girlfriend."

Jordan frowned, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"What?" she asked, although Tate had spoken loud enough for her to hear.

"Tate, don't." Ian reprimanded.

"Don't what?" Jordan asked. "Is there a problem I should know about?"

Tatum faced the window, looking out of it with the same bleak expression.

"Okay." mumbled Jordan.

She looked back at the road, an upset frown on her face. She didn't feel like getting her mood ruined by an unnecessary argument.

She turned to Ian, ignoring the girl at the back who seemed to carry an attitude.

"So Chinese food then?" she asked.

"Sure." Ian shrugs.

"I don't like Chinese food." Tate said.

Jordan peaked at her rear view with obvious annoyance.

"Well, I asked everyone what they wanted, and all I got was attitude."

"Shocking you actually looked up at your phone and acknowledged anyone." Tate responded.

"Could you tell me what you're fucking bitching about instead of speaking in fucking metaphors?" she asked.

Tate's nose flared. "I'm not bitching. You've been on your phone all day and you haven't even said anything to us."

"Okay, so?"

Ian sunk on his seat at the response. He's only been dating Tate for a few months, but he knows by now that Jordan's response would cause a gigantic storm.

Because Tate was sensitive, she didn't like it when her feelings were disregarded, especially by the people who claimed to care.

"So I'm very very upset, Jordan!" she yelled.

Ian shrunk even further. He's known Jordan for two years, and that was enough time to figure out that she did not like it when people raised their voice at her. It made her feel like a child, or rather inferior.

Despite her rage, Jordan spoke calmly. "Well, I'm sorry you're upset. Next time I won't go with you."

"That's not what I want. Are you that selfish that you can't just put your phone down for one second to spend time with your friends?"

Jordan laughed dryly, like she always does when she's offended. Then she shakes her head to rid her mind of the agitation. "I'm done with this conversation."

She wasn't even feeling hungry anymore. She decided to go home, if they were going to eat, it wouldn't be at a restaurant where the public could witness the tension between her and her friend.

"Just because you have a new girlfriend, doesn't mean you can be an asshole to your friends." Tate spat.

Jordan wasn't shocked because this was one of those rare occasions where Tate uses a cuss word. Rather it was the way the words were spoken, and the fact that such a tone was directed at her.

"When have I been an asshole to anyone?" she asks.

"Right now. Because I'm trying to tell you how I feel and you're just acting like I'm being stupid."

"Because you are being fucking stupid, Tatum."

"I'm not stupid for wanting a good friend."

She raised her eyebrows at the ludicrous statement. "So I'm not a good friend?"

"No, you're not. You're rude, and selfish and you want everything done your way to your liking."

"I'm fucking selfish for letting you live in my house? And sleep in my fucking bed for God knows how fucking long. I've been nothing but a good friend, and you don't even fucking give me credit for it."

"But you've also been ignoring me everyday, and ignoring my calls, it's like I don't even exist anymore."

"Jeez, Tate, sorry I have my own life to live."

"I'm not saying you shouldn't do what you want, but sometimes I need you and you're not there-"

"It's not my fault you're fucking depressed, Tatum! And you can't keep making it my responsibility."

Luckily for Jordan, the words caused Tate to go quiet like she wanted. Unluckily, those weren't the right words to do it.

She sighed out in agitation of her own self, running her hand down her face. Amidst the silence, Tatum's sniffs became coherent, a clear sign that she started crying. That was the only sound emitted inside the vehicle, until they parked outside their shared home.

Obviously, Jordan felt guilty. She wanted to take the words back, no matter how true they were. Because she made a promise to Tate and herself that she would make sure she was okay. She couldn't just abandon that promise, no matter how hard it was.

When she parked the car, Tatum took her seat belt off and opened the door.

"Tate." Jordan called. But the girl ignored her, getting out of the car and banging the door shut.

"I got her." Ian said, rushing out of the car to follow after her.

Not even ten seconds after he left, Jordan's phone rang, Bridgett's name flashing across the screen.

And to think that small, rectangular device was the cause of all this drama.

She picks it up, putting it against her ear. She released a heavy breath before responding with her most 'I'm okay' tone.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, are you still having lunch with your friends?"

"Not really. Lunch was a big ass flop."

"I'm sorry, what happened?"

She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. I just wanna see you right now. I miss you."

"I miss you too." hearing her flustered tone made Jordan feel a wee bit better. "But that isn't possible right now. I'm in a bit of a situation."

Jordan frowned. She did not need more problems right now. "What happened, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, babe, don't worry about it. I just really need your help."

"Whatever you need, I'm here."

"I'm really held back at something work related, but I have to pick up Lily from school. I would've asked my mom but-"

"No no, I'll pick her up."

Bridgett sighed. "Thank you so much. I might be home a little later during the day, would you mind keeping her until then?"

"Not at all."

"You're the best. Okay, I have to go. I'll send you the school address."

Before she could say a goodbye, Bridgett ended the call abruptly. She was not lying when she said she was busy.

When Bridgett texted the address to Lily's kindergarten, Jordan tapped it into the GPS, and then started the car to the destination.

She had been driving for about five minutes when her phone rang again, her ringtone blasting through the speakers of the car, as it was connected to the bluetooth. She pressed the answer button on her steering wheel. Ian's voice was on the other side of the phone, sounding slightly disturbed.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm driving." she answered briefly. "Why?"

"Tate locked herself in the bathroom, and she won't come out."

Jordan's grip tightened on the steering wheel. She could already feel her head starting to pain at the stress of having another issue to tend to.

"Fuck!" she yelled at the road.

This was by far the worst dilemma she's ever been through. This wasn't a choice between Bridgett and Tatum, it was a choice between Bridgett's trust, and Tate's life...possibly.

She contemplated for minutes too long, while Ian continued to enquire about where she was going and if she was driving back to tend to Tatum.

Jordan doesn't know the rules of kindargeten, or what they would do if a child's parent doesn't pick them up at the right time, or how long they'd keep her, or if they'd just throw the little girl out in the street. Although, it seemed better than risking Tate's life.

She huffed out a breath, pressured by the decision.

"Ian." she called to interrupt his ranting. She felt bad.

He was going through this just as much as she was. Tate was his girlfriend, and watching her go through so much was probably affecting him just as it affected her.

"What?" he responded.

"I need you to get her out of there."

"I tried, she's not responding to me."

"Well try harder. Please."

There was silence on the other end, one so long she almost thought he dropped the call.

She heard him breath out. "You're not coming, are you?"

She released a sharp exhale, dreading the disappointment in his voice.

"I can't."

"Why, because of your new girlfriend?" his words sounded bitter.

God, was this topic exhausting.

"It's not like that. I swear if I could, I would."

"You know, you're the reason she's even in there in the first place. Now you don't even have the decency to show up for her."

"That's not fair. I've always been thee for her-"

"Well, you're not here for her right now."

"Because I can't!" she raised her voice. "I'm really stuck right now, Ian. I need atleast you to understand that,'cause she won't."

She heard him scoff before the call ended.

"Fucking hell." she mumbled spitefully.

Maybe this was a blessing disguise. Maybe it was time Ian learnt to handle Tate in such situations, not that they should be a frequent occurrence. Or maybe Tate has to learn Jordan can't always be there for her.

Or maybe, just maybe, this would be the moment Jordan really says "Fuck the world" because she would lose Tate forever.

The biggest risk she took was driving the car forward without turning back. She was afraid, and worried out of her mind, and so anxious it made her sick. But she kept driving.

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