Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

64.5K 2.4K 369

One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals
Breaking Free V1
Not Giving Up
The move
Bringing her home
Fighting for Her
Hot and Cold
Love at first Sight
Makwana vs Makwana
Family Reunited
Standing by her
The marriage arrangement


879 27 3
By nina282

Natasha had lost everything.  She was all alone in Pandya Niwas - her Daama and her brother, Mithu, had lost their lives in an accident.   After Natasha had left the Makwana Mansion, she had gotten real sick that she needed a new kidney.    After Natasha was admitted to the hospital, Dhawal was informed.  Daama and Mithu had an accident where they had lost Daama,  whereas Mithu was declared brain dead, and the doctors wanted to pull the plug on him.   Chiku has asked the doctors to check if Mithu was a match for a kidney transplant so they could save Chutki.  As Mithu was a match, they decided to get the transplant done before taking Mithu off his life support.

The Makwanas heard the news and went to give their condolences, instead heard the neighbors talking about the Pandya's.   Heard their truth, and the Makwanas were ashamed of their deeds.

They went to the hospital to speak to Chiku, Sheesh, and Natasha.  When they saw Natasha, she was broken.  She was in shock.  She was like the living dead.  She was breathing, but her life was gone.  Her fire was dimmed. 

When she was released from the hospital, Dhawal decided to take her home.  There was a fight  between Dhawal and Chiku, where Dhawal revealed that he hadn't divorced Natasha since he didn't submit the papers into court.  When he brought her home, she couldn't walk into the house.  Her feet froze when she saw the house.  She finally noticed everyone, tears came into her eyes.   She kept on looking for someone, with tears in her eyes.  

Dhawal realized that the last she was here, she was kicked out.   He decided that they would go to their farmhouse.   Dhawal quickly picked Natasha up and took her back into the car.   

He looked at Chirag and asked him to grab what is needed and bring them to the farmhouse.

Amba and Amrish tried to ask him where he was going, but as usual, he ignored them as he has  been doing since the divorce deal.  

As her took Natasha to the Farmhouse, he called Chiku and asked him to bring Natasha's luggage and any items that she had a special connection to.     He also called his friend, who happened to be a psychiatrist, to see if he could help Natasha get out of this trauma.

Dhawal had gotten Natasha settled in their room when Chiku and Chirag arrived stimulatously.  Along with Chirag were Esha and Dolly.

Chiku greeted the Makwana family, as Chirag led everyone inside.  

He was met with Dhawal, looking at everyone.  Chiku asked, "How's Chutki?" 

"She's fine.  She is resting.  I've called a doctor to come and see her.   She is not coming out of this trauma.  I'm concerned for her mental health."

"You should have thought of that before divorcing her and kicking her out of her home,"  stated Chiku

"I'm sorry.  I had to do that!  So I could get Pandya Store back to her.  Amrish Bhai made a deal, I needed to kick Natasha out of life in exchange for Pandya Store."  cried Dhawal.  

Chiku, Chirag, and the girls looked shocked.  '

"Then I'm going to stay here too,"  stated Esha

"No.  Esha.   Let me have this time with Natasha.   I need to help her overcome this trauma.  I need her to depend on me to support her.   If you are here, she will depend on you.  I am not saying you guys can't visit.   But let me be her crutch, her support, her husband.   Moving into the farmhouse is the first step."  stated Dhawal

"How are you going to support her if you don't have a job?" asked Chiku

"Actually, I got a job as a manager at Khurana Construction.  I start next week.  When I am at work, I will  be taking care of one construction site, anything I can work at home, I will be bringing it home, the rest when I need to be onsite, I was going have a nurse to stay with Natasha."  said Dhawal

"We will help.   We will stay with Natasha, " said Dolly

"But -" started Dhawal

"Dhawal, we are family.  And family helps each other.  You and your family never thought of us as family, but we thought the Makwanas as family." said Chiku

"Chiku, I have always accepted the Pandya's as my family.  I don't want to argue about this situation.  My first concern will always be Natasha.  Hopefully, the doctor will be here soon."  stated Dhawal

The door to Natasha and Dhawal bedroom opened, and Natasha slowly walked out.   

"Daama!  Mithu!  Where are you?" Natasha was looking for her grandmother and brother.  Dhawal rushed to Natasha, slowly bringing her down towards everyone.   Natasha looked at Chiku's face and said, "Daama, Mithu are never coming back, are they?" 

Chiku raised his hand towards her hand, "No, Chutki.  They've gone far, far away.   They are with our family.   But we are here with you.  We are never going to leave you alone."  

Natasha started crying, slowly going down, but Dhawal quickly picked her up and took her to the living and sat on the sofa, with Natasha on his laps.   Everyone else also came and sat on the sofa.  

After a  bout of crying, Natasha fell asleep in Dhawal's arms.  Esha looked at them and said, "Its good that Natasha has cried.  She is finally accepting Daama and Mithu's death.   I don't think Natasha cried since she's found out.  She's been keeping it in, refusing to believe it. " 

"She hasn't cried at all.  She refused to believe the news.  Daama raised her, Mithu, and Sheesh after our parents' death.  She was our superwoman.   She had to be strong in order to raise 3 children under the age of 7, at her age.   She was 60 years old when we lost our parents.  She lost the family in minutes."  said Chiku, looking at the Makwana family.  "I need to get back.  Sheesh isn't taking this so well.  He's angry and upset.   My friends are keeping him company, but I need to get back to him.  I will call Chutki in a bit, "  said Chiku as he left.

"Why didn't you tell me what Amrish Bhai did to you.  Why did you suffer by yourself.   Instead, you start drinking.   I'm your brother.  We tell each other everything and you didn't say a word."  cried Chirag

"I couldn't.  I didn't want Natasha to find out.  She loves me a lot, but she lost a lot because of it.  Amrish Bhai left Makwana Mansion, I didn't know it was a trick.   So I gave up Natasha so she could have Pandya Store back.   As long as she was ok, I was accepting the distance.  Do you know when I was drunk, I saw her with me.  She was happy with me.  In reality, she was so hurt and angry because of the divorce.  She said she would die, but I thought once she had her family with her, she would forget about me.     But she got sick, and I could have lost her.  I won't lose her again.   Amrish Bhai could do whatever, fight for Pandya Store, I don't care.   My top priority is Natasha.  She's my wife, and I refuse to let her go." 

"What about the divorce?" asked Dolly

"When I found out that Natasha was sick, I called the lawyer to cancel the submission. Luckily, he hadn't submitted to the courts yet.   We are not getting divorced."  said Dhawal as he got up to take Natasha to their room.   

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