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163K 3.6K 4.6K

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๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
01. sixties dance
02. the enchantress
03. really sexy babies
04. I am not 'your love'
05. the ritual
06. kidnapped
07. she lost control again
08. I promise we're not serial killers
09. ray sutton
10. theodore?
11. I can't kiss you, klaus
12. noah ortiz
13. a tampon, really?
14. rebekah mikaelson
15. does that mean I can fuck bex?
16. dead racoon
17. what's up, babe?
18. finally free
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
19. senior prank night
20. please remember me
21. first day of senior year
22. a life without you in it
23. you never told me you were gay
24. birth family
25. astrid emerson
26. mikaelson past
27. you only seem to care about yourself
28. In love with klaus mikaelson
29. prom
30. I'm a petrova, not stupid
31. mikael
32. he tried to kiss me
33. spilling secrets
34. klaus is your romeo
35. pregnant with a square baby?
36. a birthday funeral
37. kidnapped for the third time
38. parents aren't supposed to outlive their children
39. mikaelson ball
40. always and forever
41. the original snogger
42. old friend
43. first kill
44. unlink
45. alaric killed dad
46. twenties dance
47. crazy vampire alaric
48. I'm gonna lose everyone
49. wickery bridge
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
50. the purple poison
51. whitmore college
52. birthday
53. promise ring
54. what are you?
55. miss mystic falls
56. the truth about lily
57. all my fault
58. ted petrova
59. cancer
60. beatrice emerson
61. my side of the story
62. to the moon and back
63. portend
64. follow your heart
65. haven't I given enough
67. dormant
68. the death cure
69. just wake up soon
70. the funeral
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„๐‘๐’

66. see if you have it on

449 13 3


Looking up from her boyfriends chest, Allison watched as Bonnie's face fell. Her confusion only grew and hearing a gasp: one that sounded oddly familiar.

Allison pushed Klaus away, everything turning to slow motion as she looked at her taken aback friends and then back at her boyfriend, preparing herself for what was about to happen.

And finally, she turned around.

Allison's eyes widened, seeing her dead brother, sitting up on her sister bed, alive.

She felt as if she'd been put back together, as if the other half of her heart had finally reunited with the other — she felt whole again because she had her brother back, her other half, her twin.

Although it had been two days since the loss of her twin, she couldn't bare the thought of never seeing him again, never talking to him again and never fighting again. She couldn't stand it and when she saw her entire family fall before her, a part of her — no — every part of her wanted to fall with them, because if they fell, she'd fall with them, and to see one of them stand back up with her gave her a slither of hope that she could get the rest back, but she wasn't so sure.

She didn't move. She didn't move an inch; she couldn't.

All she did was stare. Stare at the brother that had quite literally died before her.

Theodore gasped awake, frantically looking around the room, his heart dropping when he caught sight of his elder sister laying next to him, dead.

He then turned around to see a cluster of people: some his friends, some his sisters, his girlfriend, his sisters boyfriend and... and his sister.

Theodore slowly stood up from the bed, not taking his eyes off his twin. He was absolutely appalled by how he was alive right now but he honestly couldn't give a shit right now because his sister was there, his other half, his twin.

A tear trickled down Allison's cheek as she still stood stationary, looking into her dead brothers eyes. She didn't know whether her eyes were playing another trick on her, but based on everyone else's shock, they weren't.


The name slipped out her lips like it usually did, but this time it was different. It was a mere whisper, barely audible, but that wasn't the only difference because she was aghast when saying it, more than ever before.

She didn't wait another second before running to her brother and giving him a bone-crushing hug. A hug that was different to any other, a hug that expressed every single thing she was feeling right now, a hug that said more than words, a hug that told him how grateful she was to have him back, a hug that took some of her pain away.

Because out of everyone, Allison least expected her dead brother to take some of her pain away...

"Doesn't mean I'm dead that I can't still suffocate." Theodore scoffed, unable to return the hug due to his arms ring pinned down by her, but smiled nevertheless.

After a moment, Allison allowed her brother to breathe, releasing him from her bone-crushing grip and asking the question everyone had been wanting to know the answer to,

"How the hell are you alive?"

Everyone but Klaus because he already knew. It was because of him, after all.

"I don't know." Theodore sighed, looking around the room and giving a tear-eyed Bonnie a soft smile.

"I do." Klaus revealed, taking a step forward. All eyes were on him and he walked over to his love and stood by her side.

The unbreathable suspense and deafening silence only continued as he looked at his love with a look of confirmation, asking if she was sure she wanted to hear this because when she did, she'd have to lose her brother all over again.

Allison slowly nodded, having a feeling that she knew what was going on now, but just didn't want it to be true.

"He's in transition."


"What?" The Forbes twins exclaimed at the same time, looking at the Mikaelson in shock.

"Oh my God." Allison said in panic, weaving a hand through her hair stressfully, "What are we gonna do? Elena's a vampire now and there's no more of her blood left. I've just got Theo back just for him to die again?"

"Love, calm down." Klaus calmly told, placing a hand on her shoulders comfortingly like he usually did.

Allison roughly pushed her boyfriends hand off her, "No. What am I gonna do? I can't let him die again."

"We'll find a way, Ally. We always do." Theodore finally spoke, finally calming her down. It was the only thing that could calm her down right now, "You're not gonna lose me. Not again." Allison hesitantly nodded, having faith in his words and the hopeful smile on his lips.

"Allison." Elena spoke after a moment, catching everyone's attention, including hers. Allison looked up with a questioning gaze, pushing her boyfriend to the side and walking up to the Gilbert, sensing that she knew something.

"The necklace I gave you at the ball. It had some of my blood in it, remember?" The Gilbert finished making Allison's eyes widen in realisation while everyone else exchanged confused and more so disturbed looks, taken aback by the blood exchange.

"You have some weird kinks, Elena." Rebekah's eyes widened in disgust as the Gilbert shot a glare her way.

"I don't mind it." Damon playfully winked at his new girlfriend making Elena scoff in annoyance and finally snap.

"It was a safety precaution and if I hadn't though about it, Theo wouldn't even have a chance at survival." When everyone still have her a questioning look, she sighed, "I knew ages ago that there was no way I'd stay human, not when everyone around me was a vampire. I gave Allison some of blood just in case we needed it one day because I knew she'd keep it safe and turns out I was right, we do. So where is it, Ally?"

Allison's mouth opened, trying to speak but failing when no works came out. She sighed, taking a deep breath before trying again "I- I don't know. I can't remember where I put it."

Allison placed her shaking hand on the side of her forehead as she tried to steady her breaths, feeling a panic attack coming on.

Everyone looked around worriedly, catching on and as Klaus was about to step forward, Theodore held him back with a reassuring look, "Hey, I got this. Okay?"

Klaus sighed, giving him a small nod and taking a step back.

Theodore gratefully smiled at him in return and then went up to his sister, holding her shoulders and then making her take a seat on her bed.

When they were both sat down, Allison's panic attack began to worsen, her eyes travelling around the room frantically, looking at all of the people, focusing on their whispers about her.

Theodore noticed this and acted quickly, "Klaus, get them all out of here." The Mikaelson abided and made everyone leave the room. When everyone left, he gave his love one last look before leaving.

When everyone had left, Theodore turned to face his twin, his hands resting of each of her shoulders gently but firmly.

"Everything's gonna be fine, alright. We'll find that necklace and I'll transition into a vampire and that means if anyone tries to hurt you ever again, I'll be stronger and I'll take them down." Theodore said with a bittersweet smile on his face, hating how weak he was.

Despite Allison's unsteady breathing, she let out a few words to comfort her brother in return, "You were never weak, you know that? When you stood up to Beatrice like that, it was admirable. That alone was more powerful than anything you could've physically done."

Theodore smiled, overjoyed that he could be reunited with his sister. Even if it had only been a day, no one deserved to depart with their family like that.

A silence washed over them as Theodore got lost in thought.

After a moment, he spoke up again, "You know none of this is your fault, right?"

Her silence was enough of an answer.


More silence.


And then, snap.

"Maybe it is my fault, okay?" Allison stood up from the bed with a distressed look on her face, "Maybe if I hadn't been born or in this stupidly amazing family that they'd be alive right now, okay? Maybe then you'd actually be alive..." Her pause meant something.

Allison knew that Theodore didn't want to be a vampire. She knew that he wanted a semi-normal life and that after all this supernatural bullshit was out of the way, he'd settle down somewhere and have kids if his own and then grow old with his partner, occasionally making visits to the town he'd leave in the past.

She knew that he didn't want to be a vampire and live forever. She knew that he didn't want to be a half-breed freak that belonged no where, that was excepted no where.

She knew that he'd feel different from everyone else and she knew that that there nothing that she could do about it because their only other choice was death, and that wasn't an option.

Theodore stood up, reeking of anger from her words, "Don't you dare ever say that again."

"I need to find that necklace." Allison disregarded him, changing the subject as she searched through her bedside table drawers in search for the necklace.

"No. We're not done talking." Theodore protested, growing frustrated with his sister. He hated seeing her like this and he hated even more knowing that she entirely blamed herself for this when none of it was her fault.

Allison pushed the drawer back inside and then turned to face her brother, "Now we are." She said before leaving the room and leaving him there speechless.


Allison's face dropped when walking into her mothers bedroom, seeing her laying on the bed like she was resting, but that bullet wound on her temple said otherwise.

From behind her, Theodore let out a heavy sigh, his eyes coated with fresh tears.

He couldn't bear the sight of his dead mother when he was alive and he couldn't bear it when he was dead; he'd never be able to.

All their friends watched with sympathetic looks as Allison gently grasped her mothers hand, turning it over and brushing her thumb against the moon ring. A weak smile took over her features as she admired her mother, trying her hardest to bury the tears she was about to let out.

It became so hard for her that she had to leave the room so that she wouldn't cry.

"I'm going to my room. You guys can come if you want." She uttered in a voice so quiet that it was just above a whisper.

Everyone hesitantly followed her as Theodore remained stood, watching as they left.

Bonnie was the last to leave, giving him a soft smile and nod before leaving.

Theodore let out a heavy sigh when the door closed, turning his head to look at his mother, "I really wish I could've been there earlier to protect you, Mom. You didn't deserve this."

A tear fell down his face as he gently stoked her cold cheek, hating this, wishing he could go back and reverse what had happened because in his mind, this isn't how she should've died.

She should've died watching her kids graduate, getting their first jobs, getting married, having kids — but no. That didn't happen because when you're living a life of supernatural, nothing is normal. Casualties happen but all you can do is move on.

But he hated that idea, he hated it because you couldn't just move on from something like this. Yes, overtime the pain would fade but that wouldn't change the fact that she was too young.

But something that Theodore didn't know, was that either way, it would've happened, because the world was unfair and loss was still possible without the supernatural.

Loss was possible with cancer.


Theodore had re-entered his sisters room, trying to push his feelings away and act like he wasn't crying in his mothers room a few minutes ago.

No one bothered addressing him as they were all searching every inch of her room for the necklace.

Theodore sighed and sat on Allison's bed, not bothering to search for the necklace as seven people already were.

"Theo, why aren't you searching?" Allison poked her head out from her wardrobe angrily.

Theodore's eyes widened, wincing at his sisters tone, already knowing her next moves by the look on her face: dragging him by the ear.

But before she could make a move, she caught sight of a certain Salvatore brother snooping through her drawers.

"Damon, stop snooping through my pantie drawer!" Allison slammed her wardrobe door shut, stalking over to him and slapping the back of his head.

Theodore let out a sigh of relief, thanking the Salvatore for the first time in his life, and for him doing something that he should be fighting him for.

So instead, Klaus walked up to the vampire and forced him up by his neck and slammed him into the wall, "You don't know what I would do to you if Allison didn't resent you as much as she should."

Allison let out a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest, "Nik, let him go."

The Mikaelson's jaw clenched as his grip tightened on Damon's neck, making him grunt in pain, but when Allison raised her brows at him in a scolding manner, he released his grip with a sigh of annoyance.

Damon gasped for air, holding onto his neck and looking at the Forbes thankfully.

Allison just shrugged in response, not having it in her to give him the witty smirk she'd normally give. The loss of her her mother and then her sister and maybe even her brother had drained all of her happiness away from her, all thanks to Beatrice, but now that she was gone, she didn't feel any better because that satisfaction of killing her only lasted for a moment, but the loss of her family had a long term and eternal effect.

When they had gone back to searching the room, Damon spoke, "If it's a necklace, why don't you just see if you have it on?"

"That's a stupid idea." Allison scoffed, looking down at her neck, "If I had it on I'd have kno-" When she saw the silver pendent around her neck, her jaw dropped.

"And you guys say I'm unhelpful." Damon scoffed but before he could let anymore words out, his breath was taken away, and this time, not from Klaus' hands around his neck.

Allison jumped forward and enveloped Damon into a bone-crushing hug, surprising him more than ever before.

After confessing his love to her at the ball and saying how Klaus wasn't good for her, they're friendship had diminished for the worse and they'd never been the same, but now, having her arms around him again changed everything.

He hadn't been this close to her in months and now that he was, it only meant one thing: that they were friend again.

"I missed your hugs, buttercup." Damon smiled, letting the old nickname slip from his lips as everyone smiled at the cute moment, everyone but a certain hybrid who was brooding in the corner.

Stefan nudged his old friend with a chuckle, "And you used to make fun of me for brooding."

Klaus glared at him menacingly which only made him chuckle more.

Everything was slowly getting better, but the war was yet to be over.


Word count: 2646


So yeah, Ally and Theo have finally reunited since I couldn't bring myself to kill him and literally, he has the best lines bc who the hell says, 'doesn't mean I'm dead that I can't still suffocate' right after they come back to life?

I find it so sad bc Ally's blaming herself for everything and is like 'if I wasn't born you'd all still be alive' like girl has enough problems already and now this? (Totally my fault but whatever).

Damon snooping through Ally's panties drawer was something else. I bet if she hadn't stopped him that he'd be sniffing them too but at least we got Dallison back together if you guys even like their friendship 😭

Anyways follow my wp tiktok and insta @_mrsmikaelson.wp and remember to vote, comment and share, I love you guys bye!

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