A Circle of Flame- Sirius Bla...

Por jade_diamond11

26.3K 605 53

Liza Prewett has enough to consider without involving the Marauders in her life. Starting her sixth year, she... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note

Chapter 46

350 7 0
Por jade_diamond11

NOTE: A SHORT DEPICTION OF SMUT AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. For my younger readers, please skip ahead after Liza and Sirius enter the Room of Requirement. I promise you aren't missing anything integral to the story!

"Who should I ask out for Valentine's?"

The surrounding group stared up from their textbooks at a rueful James. The Gryffindor looked particularly dashing in a button-down shirt and combed hair.

"Hold on." Liza stared at the Marauder. "You're not actually over Evans?"

Sirius let out a noise of agreement beside her. To his left, Remus continued gazing at James blankly.

"It's not April Fool's." The werewolf grimaced and his facial scars shifted with the movement. "Do I need to show you how to use a calendar again?"

Looking appropriately offended, James shook his head at the four that surrounded him. Even Peter had yet to take the Sugar Quill from his mouth.

"You've gone and killed Wormtail." Waving a hand in front of the boy's face, Sirius clutched his shoulders protectively. "If this is a joke, Prongs, you've ruined our fair friend. His mind may never be the same—"

"Oh, come off it." There was a soft thud as James aimed a cushion at Sirius's head. The tartan square successfully made contact. "You've been telling me it's time to move on."

Remus raised a dry brow. "Yes. And we've been saying that since first year. Never stopped you before." The quill in his hand dripped a blot of ink into the center of his parchment. Liza decided not to alert him. Remus was rather terrifying with NEWTs on the horizon.

"Well, I'm tired of never celebrating Valentine's! You and Wormy always stay in the tower," James jerked his head towards the dormitories, "and my boyfriend won't agree to an open relationship." His hazel glare centered on Liza. "Thanks a lot, Prewett. You and your old-fashioned belief in exclusivity."

Rolling their eyes in unison, Sirius and Liza shot each other an amused grin.

"Potter, of all of us, you're the one that's a hopeless romantic." She toyed with a longer strand of Sirius's hair, lacing it into a thin braid. "Wife and baby and white-picket fence."

Sirius stuck out a disgusted tongue. "Domesticity."

Privately agreeing with her boyfriend, Liza turned back towards James. The bespectacled boy was fidgeting with his wand. Clearly, he was in need of their attention.

"So, who are you asking?"

"I'm glad you asked!"

Remus and Peter both sent Liza exasperated looks. She had evidently opened an unwanted box.

Beaming, James pulled a scroll from the front pocket of his shirt. "I have carefully created a ranked and colour-coordinated list on the finest female specimen at Hogwarts." He winked roguishly, "and I deserve the best."

Sirius stared up at his best mate in concern. "Mate you're starting to sound like me."

"Which, I might add, is not a compliment." Pressing a consoling kiss to Sirius's cheek, Liza reached for the list. "Let us see the poor souls."

James ducked back from her reach. His eyes blazed in alarm as he nearly toppled onto the sofa set behind him. "No! They'll try to ruin me." He gestured towards Remus, Sirius, and Peter.

"I don't care in the slightest." Remus flicked open a Herbology journal and started to copy down a diagram. "Just stay out of the common room."

Rather mollified at his short response, James offered Sirius a last salute. "It is time I become a man, my friend. Liza," he waved a dismissive hand in her direction, "just bring Padfoot home before it gets dark."

Liza rolled her eyes as he skipped out of the portrait hole. "He has the maturity of a small child."

"And the brain of a troll." Remus set his diagram beside hers. Each of their boxes were lined perfectly with the properties and components of the devil's snare.

"Merlin, how can you lot be interested in plants?" Tucking away his own diagram, which more closely resembled a set of scribbles, Sirius groaned at their work. "Bloody Puffs."

Adding a last definition to the root of her array, Liza patted his shoulder sympathetically. "I have to know Herbology to know how to brew Potions. And I need to brew Potions to become a Healer. Haven't got a choice, really."

"Thank Merlin Aurors need to know the more interesting subjects," Sirius counted off on his fingers, each ringer glittering in the firelight. "Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, none of that other rubbish."

"You're forgetting Potions—" Liza's lecture was interrupted as Sirius pulled her into his lap.

"That's what I have you for, love." His rough kiss made Liza grin and she slid a hand up the back of his shirt. Just enough so that Remus and Peter wouldn't notice. Sirius glared at her.

Moving his lips towards her ear, the Gryffindor lowered his voice to a whisper. "Be careful of what you're encouraging, Prewett."

Tugging at the band of his knickers, Liza let her nails scrape against his flesh before she pulled away with a bright smile. "Back to studying!"

Before she could react, Sirius had hauled her up over his shoulders. Liza let out a shriek of protest and smacked his arm.

"Black, I'm taller than you!"

"And I still go to Quidditch practice." Sirius grinned up at her as he tripped out of the common room. The Fat Lady grumbled from the portrait behind them. The ostentatious woman had yet to warm up to Liza.

Finally, Sirius set her down at the foot of the staircase. Liza raised a brow as he gestured for her to follow.

"Where are we going?" She frowned. "I thought you said we weren't celebrating Valentine's."

A wide smirk split Sirius's innocent expression. He tugged off his jacket and laid it on Liza's shoulders. "I never said any such thing, doll."

"But—" Liza grumbled as Sirius disappeared down the corridor and she quickly followed, sliding her arms into the leather. The strong aroma filled her nose.

Rather wishing that she had continued Quidditch, Liza panted to keep up with Sirius's brisk stride. His boots clicked several paces ahead of her no matter how quickly she increased her pace. At least she got a generous view of his arse. Liza would never be one to complain about that.

"Wh—" just as she was about to voice her thoughts, Sirius drew to a halt. His gesture was proud as he indicated the entrance to the Room of Hidden Things.

"Open the door."

Shooting her boyfriend a last wary glance, Liza pulled on the iron handle. With a low creak, the hinges swung open to reveal the space beyond.

It was like stepping outside.

An exact replica of the Quidditch field stood before her, the wide expanse of grass shining under an invisible sun. Encircling the emerald blanket were the audience platforms, although instead of representing all the houses, there were only Gryffindor and Slytherin. A printed lion parted its jaws on the platform nearest to Liza and gave an ear-piercing roar.

Liza lifted her hand into the air, splaying her fingers wide. She swore that she could even feel a light breeze. "How?"

It was the only word she could manage.

"The Room pretty much responds to whatever you wish," Sirius ran a thumb across the circumference of one of the goalposts, leaving a faint smudge. "Tried to summon the Black Vault, but all the coins were fake, so I wager it still has its limits."

Snorting, Liza shook her head as she turned her face towards the ceiling. Whatever artificial warmth the room had created brushed against her skin. She could nearly pretend it was summer.

"This is an incredible—"

"I'm not quite done." The handle of a broomstick was thrust towards her chest. Opening her eyes, Liza's mouth fell open. The carefully polished gleam was evident. "Is this Pott—"

Sirius grimaced, "Absolutely not. Only if you want a ghost for a boyfriend." He tilted his chin arrogantly. In the last few weeks, he had carefully shaved the stubble that usually darkened his chin. Privately, Liza thought it made him look a bit younger, but she decided not to mention it.

"That's Reggie's."

Liza swallowed at the sheen of the dark wood. She should have guessed. It was the newest Nimbus model, after all. "We're both dead."

"What Regulus doesn't know won't hurt him," Sirius pressed a kiss to her lips. "Have a bit more faith in my sneaking abilities, love."

With a last wink, the Gryffindor mounted his own broom and jolted into the air. Liza expected Sirius to reach the ceiling at any moment. She braced herself for impact.

Magically, Sirius's form continued to soar through the sky. Whatever extension charms had been inlaid in the room were impossibly powerful. Liza knew the ceiling still had to exist, but it must lay very far away.

"Alright, Black," her chest tightened at the familiar feeling of the handle beneath her fingers. Her body leaned forward instinctively as she kicked off from the ground. How she had missed the freedom of flying.

Giving a wild laugh, Liza threw her arms in the air as her broom steadied about thirty meters in the air. Each blade of grass had now blurred into sea of green below.

"Do you like it?"

Sirius hovered a few meters away. A hint of vulnerability flashed over his expression.

"This is perfect." She grinned widely. "And not cold."

Shaking his head, Sirius undid his ponytail so that a mane of curls danced about his shoulders. "Only you enjoy the rays of the sun and the stink of sweat. Maybe you really should have been a Hufflepuff."

Liza held her hands briefly behind her and thought carefully about what she would like the room to create. A heavy weight dropped against her fingers.

"I'd like to say that Slytherin has left its mark."

With a wink, Liza thrust the newly arrived Quaffle at Sirius's chest, nearly knocking the Gryffindor from his broom. Not bothering to wait for his response, Liza dove for the plummeting Quaffle and pulled it into her grasp.


Sirius's shout trailed behind him as he rocketed over towards one end of the field, settling in the center to guard the goal posts.

Liza shifted the Quaffle from one hand to the other, tossing it easily as she kept her balance by squeezing her knees tighter against the broomstick.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me, Black?"

Beckoning her with a wave, Sirius raised a dark brow. His grey gaze danced playfully. "I would say that the year off has made you lose your touch."

Deeply insulted, Liza feinted towards the right before pulling to the center goalpost. She aimed the Quaffle just to the left, knowing that the breeze would affect the ball's trajectory.

Suddenly, a large body collided with hers and Liza lost sight of the Quaffle as her broom spun midair. She grasped for the handle blindly, feeling her head begin to spin.

A hand reached out to steady her back. Sirius hovered beside her, a sheepish smile on his lips.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to hit you that hard."

Liza pulled him closer by the collar, her eyes twinkling with amusement. The scent of grass mixed with the leather jacket she still had draped over her body. "You're dead, Black." She turned to scan the ground, unable to catch the marron of the Quaffle.

"Wait," Sirius interrupted her search as he pulled his broom beside her. He glanced at her with the side of his gaze. "Do you remember the last time we tried this?"

She raised a skeptical brow. "You mean when you kissed me and then avoided me for three months—"

"I wanted a second chance." For once, Sirius refrained from touching her, evidently waiting for her permission. His silver gaze glittered in the sun. "Please?"

Studying his features, Liza let her focus land on his lips. They were slightly chapped from the February air, but still somehow terribly inviting.

"I like hearing you beg."

Sirius grunted as Liza leaned closer, tilting her chin and offering her mouth. "Don't talk dirty to me, witch." The bottom of his lip brushed against hers. "You'll start a battle you'll surely lose."

In response, Liza captured his lip between her teeth, tugging gently as she guided her broomstick alongside his. Sirius responded in similar fashion, skimming his tongue over the edge of her lips before exploring her mouth.

Liza barely registered the movement as their brooms gradually began to descend. She pushed her hands beneath the collar of Sirius's shirt, letting her fingers trace over his collarbone.

Their feet hit the ground and Liza jolted, nearly tripping off balance. Sirius gripped her waist, pulling her into his arms as she wrapped her legs around his torso. Self-conscious of her weight, Liza attempted to squirm away from their embrace.

"Was that me or you?"

Liza turned her neck to where Sirius indicated. A large mattress sat in the grass behind them, draped with a couple of thick comforters. No pillow was in sight.

Not trusting herself to look at the Gryffindor, Liza stared back at the grass. "Do you want to try it?"

A firm finger lifted her chin. Sirius scanned her expression closely. "Are you sure?" His voice wavered, giving little question that Liza could back out if she wanted to.

Slowly, a daring smirk spread over Liza's lips and she tugged at the waist of his trousers. "I never quite got to taking these off, did I?"

Sirius's throat bobbed as he swallowed harshly. "You have three seconds before I pull you down to that mattress and strip you entirely."

A shiver ran down Liza's spine and she pressed her lips to the area of skin between his jaw and throat. "One." She breathed into his ear as she nipped the end of his earlobe. The silver stud that he usually wore was cold against her lips. "Two—"

Liza gasped as Sirius shoved her against the side of the mattress, half-carrying, half-forcing her to sink into the sheets. Unwilling to let him dominate, she wrapped her legs around his waist and twisted her body so that she was on top.

Sliding her lips over his torso, Liza tugged off his t-shirt. The fabric slid easily over his smooth skin. As she had assumed, his upper body was delicately muscled, each narrow pane rippling with tension at her touch.

"You didn't tell me you got a new tattoo," she traced the shadowy figure of a young boy, which swooped in a dive over Sirius's heart.

"I read the book," Sirius nudged Liza's arm with his nose as he slid out of his trousers. She deliberately didn't look further down. Nerves were beginning to eat away at her initial buoyance. "Peter Pan." Sirius elaborated at her lack of response.

Liza's lips rounded into an "o" shape. "You finished it?" She grinned sheepishly at his gasp of offence. "I just didn't think you were the book type."

"Normally I don't have the patience," Sirius admitted, tugging at the waist of her jeans. Her abdomen pooled with warmth. "But I wanted to understand Reggie a bit more. Although," he squeezed Liza's left breast, circling her nipple through her blouse, "I don't necessarily want him interrupting this moment."

A wide grin spread over Liza's face as she leaned down to press a long kiss to his lips. "Give me a second."

Turning away from Sirius and ignoring his sound of protest, Liza ducked behind the nearest Quidditch platform. Conveniently, it sported a Slytherin banner, and she nodded at the winding serpent. With a few swift movements, she removed her blouse, bra, and trousers before replacing Sirius's leather jacket over her shoulders. It felt a bit odd to be standing in her knickers, but Liza felt far more comfortable undressing herself first. She had heard enough awkward first-time stories among the Slytherin dormitories.

She tugged out her braid and treaded her fingers through the ginger waves. Several strands had been ruffled by the breeze and Liza was rather certain she was only partially presentable. Still, she let out a last sigh and poked her head from around the platform.

"Close your eyes!"

Sirius raised a brow at her call. His body was draped confidently on the mattress and Liza was distinctly reminded of a lion lounging on its rock.


"Just. Do. It."

Indulging her request, Sirius closed his eyes. Liza waved her hand to ensure he had listened before tip-toeing to the mattress. Kneeling at the edge, she ran her hand over the bulge in his knickers and slipped her hand beneath the fabric.

The male anatomy was a frequently discussed topic among the Slytherin girls, who were often engaged and promised before their twelfth birthday. The tidbits of knowledge Liza had gleaned gave her confidence as she wrapped her fingers around his girth and brought the tip to her lips.

With a slow circle, she teased Sirius with her tongue before plunging his full length into her throat. It was more difficult to accommodate than Liza had anticipated, and she was careful to keep her teeth covered.

"Merlin," Sirius grunted as she began to move her head up and down and he threaded his hand through her hair, keeping it from falling in her gaze. "I'm supposed to be the one pleasing you."

Unable to respond, Liza just shook her head lightly as she experimented with her hand, moving it around his girth in the same rhythm as her mouth. A low moan parted Sirius's lips and she bit back a satisfied grin.

Her pause gaze Sirius enough time to flip her beneath him and his eyes widened, noticing for the first time what she had changed into. The left side of the leather jacket had slipped away entirely, exposing Liza's breast. She flushed as Sirius's silver gaze devoured her figure.

"I know it's not any—"

"Shut up."

Before Liza could reply, Sirius had thrust her jacket from her shoulders and had begun to suck at her nipples. His left hand trailed down to her waist as his lips moved to her neck.

"I should warn you," he breathed, tugging at the hem of her knickers. Liza felt as though her insides had become molten. She narrowly resisted the urge to beg him to continue. "Patience is not my virtue."

"Then don't be patient."

With a rapid tug, Sirius broke the side of her knickers, the lace giving away as he tugged them off her leg. Before Liza could react, he had buried her face between her legs. His tongue trailed over her slit, putting pressure in just the right places. Her thighs quivered as Liza's back curled with pleasure.

A groan escaped her mouth as Sirius pushed one finger into her core, pumping at an increasing pace.

"You alright?"

Liza could only manage a nod through the dizziness of her thoughts. She gave up responding entirely when he plunged a second finger inside.

"I want you." She managed to slide her hand to his girth, sliding her finger over his wet tip.

"Are you--" Sirius hissed as she raised her hips to rub against him. Without a second hesitation, he guided himself inside her with a firm push.

Moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure, Liza lifted her hips slightly, giving Sirius a better angle to reach her core. Her ankles laced behind his back as she gripped his shoulders. She was rather afraid of leaving marks.

Sirius leaned down with a grunt as he pressed a brief kiss to her lips, teasing her with his tongue. "Don't hold back." She could feel the smirk against her mouth. "No one can hear us here."

Sucking in a harsh breath, Liza scraped the flesh of his back with her nails. Sirius seemed to enjoy the pressure as he jolted against her, grazing her chest with his before taking her nipple between his teeth.

"That's it babe. Let go."

She whimpered as she felt Sirius harden further, his girth pulsing inside her. Then, Sirius's fingers rubbed her slit, and she became undone.

"Sirius!" A cry broke from her chest as she quivered against him.

Sirius groaned with pleasure, pushing himself deeper as he felt her finish against him. With a final lurch, he released inside her. The pressure of his length throbbed in Liza's core as she pressed a weak kiss to his throat.

For a long moment, they rested pressed against each other, nearly every centimeter of their flesh meeting. Sirius trailed his fingers against her throat. Rivulets of sweat pooled into his collarbones. 

"I love you."

Puffing out a low breath, Liza blinked at his stormy gaze. "I love you too, Black."

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