A Circle of Flame- Sirius Bla...

By jade_diamond11

26.6K 607 54

Liza Prewett has enough to consider without involving the Marauders in her life. Starting her sixth year, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note

Chapter 23

418 11 0
By jade_diamond11

"Oi, Baby P!"

Liza tried to pretend like she didn't hear the call. It was only the first handful of days after the holiday, but she had finally begun to believe that she would be safe from the Marauders. Apparently, her luck had run out.

Despite her quickened pace, Sirius's arm closed around her elbow. Liza spun around, nearly knocking them both off balance. Quidditch practice had been her only distraction and Liza had forced herself through several drills this morning. She was painfully aware of the sweat that still dripped down her neck.

"What is it?" Her tone sounded sharper than she meant. But the sweat was beginning to freeze into her hair in the January air.

However, Sirius seemed unbothered as he eyed her with a lazy grin. He had trimmed his hair a bit over the break so that the ends danced over the tops of his shoulders. Liza hated that she noticed. "You free for lunch?"

"Wha—" Liza's protests were cut off as Sirius steered her in the direction of the Great Hall. "No, I—"

"The mates and I reckoned that you could eat with us today." Sirius continued, as though she weren't digging her heels into the cobblestones. "Not to mention, I have a Potions assignment that—"

Prying herself from his grasp, Liza barely restrained herself from sending a stinging jinx. She didn't want to make things worse than they already were. "Listen, Black. I don't know what you're after, but I'm telling you, it's not necessary. You stay in your life, and I'll stay in mine."

Sirius quirked a dark brow. "What I'm after?" A large smirk grew over his face. "Prewett, do you think I'm propositioning you?" He sent her a roguish wink. "If that was my intention, I would make it much more obvious."

Liza stepped back, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and irritation. Could Black ever take anything seriously? She rolled her eyes before continuing back down the corridor.

"Oi, what about lunch?"

Turning back, Liza shook her head incredulously. "We may not be attached at the hip, but I am still friends with Reg. I'm not about to betray him by sitting with his brother and his bullies."

"Bullies?" Sirius's nose wrinkled as though he had stepped on something particularly foul. "We never—"

"You have bullied my house since the moment you stepped foot into this castle." Liza rolled her eyes before adjusting the quidditch robes she had folded against her hip. "I know you have some need to prove yourself—"

"I don't have to prove myself to anyone—"

She cut off Sirius's snarl. "What about to yourself?" Liza tilted her head, letting her matted curls fall over her forehead. "Seems to me that your hatred of Slytherin stems from the fear that you're really just like them."

Sirius's frown deepened into a nasty scowl. Clearly, this conversation had not gone as he had planned. "So, you know everything, do you Prewett? How did that work out for you by the willow?"

Liza stiffened. Sirius's face shuttered and he opened his mouth. For a moment, it appeared as if he was going to apologize. Then Liza strode away.

Muttering under her breath, Liza nearly stumbled into another student as she turned the corner. "I'm sor—" she cut herself off at Myra's defensive gaze.

"My apologies," the girl replied coolly, her dark hair twisted into a thick plait. She was about to walk off before Liza reached out a hand.

"How were the holidays?"

An unrecognizable emotion flittered over Myra's face. Was it guilt? Shame? "Alright. Yours?"

"Alright," Liza echoed, shoving at the ground with the sole of her shoe. The tension was nearly unbearable. "I'll see you around."

Without waiting for a response, she pushed her way past her friend and headed to the library. Outside of the Quidditch pitch, it remained her sole place of refuge. It was nearly empty this time of morning. Only a group of Ravenclaws worked at the center table, their discussion a muted hush of murmurs and nods.

Giving a quiet smile to Madam Pince, she settled down at a desk at the corner of the room. The Transfiguration homework McGonagall assigned that week was horrid and it would take her most of the day to complete it.

"Er, Liza?"

She glanced up to see Remus standing over her, fiddling with the strap of his bag. A grimace fought to emerge onto her face. Was she really to have no peace?

"Yes, Remus?" She let out a sigh, hoping that she didn't sound too rude as she set her parchment aside.

"Could I sit with you?" The Gryffindor appeared even more nervous than usual as he pointed over to the chair across from her.

Liza gestured with her palm. "I'm fairly certain that's the one James carved his and Lily's initials all over. Practically yours at this point."

There was no response of amusement as Remus slid into the chair. Instead, he fiddled with the end of his quill, plucking bits from the shaft. At this rate, it would be bare before noon. "Listen, I—"

"Remus?" Liza's tone was quiet, but kind. She had been struggling not to pity the Gryffindor. Knowing Remus, it was the last thing he would want. But the image of his transformation would not leave the recesses of her mind. "If this is about last month, you really ought not to worry about it. I won't tell a soul."

The boy refused to look into her eyes and instead straightened his tie for the umpteenth time. The fabric was smudged with ink from his fingertips. It was a rare sight for his usual prim appearance. "I know you probably think I'm a monster—"

"Hold on," Liza shook her head. "Whoever put monster out there? I said no such thing."

Another pause weighed the air. Remus cleared his throat before foraging in his bag. He pulled out a chocolate bar and took a bitter bite. "I am one." She almost missed his soft reply.

Watching his movements closely, Liza was still rather confused about what chocolate had to do with anything. It was a rather odd addition to their conversation.

She sighed before walking to the left side of the library. The wire stands in the corner constantly revolved with updated copies of the Daily Prophet. Thumbing through today's edition, Liza stopped on the story of a muggle family who had been killed not far from Hogsmeade. One of the children's bodies was still propped up on the bed.

She strode over to Remus and set the article before him. "These, Remus, are monsters." Of course, none of the murderers had been caught. But when one worked on Voldemort's right hand, that was no surprise. "Monsters are made by choice, not by circumstance."

Remus swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing against the flesh of his throat. "Death Eaters are a bit of an extreme example—"

"And yet you're throwing yourself in the same lot." Liza shook her head, setting the paper aside. The photographs were giving her chills. "Remus, anyone who doesn't see your worth doesn't deserve to make any judgements about you." Her lips quirked slightly as she tried to lighten the air. "And don't tell the others, but you're not so bad for a Gryffindor."

A sad laugh rumbled from Remus's chest, although she was glad to see a hint of relief in his gaze. "Your house would kill you for such blasphemy."

Liza winked, "then it's our secret, right? Honestly Remus," she looked down back at her chart. "You've got to stop punishing yourself. You're going to miss out on everything good."

There was a sound of a chair being pushed aside and she assumed Remus had stepped away. Then his voice replied from several paces away.

"I can see why Sirius acts like an idiot around you."

Liza jerked her head up, nearly pulling a muscle. But the Gryffindor was already gone. She sighed. "Ruddy Marauders."


Liza's tone was cool from where she stood in the Slytherin Common Room with her arms folded over her chest. It had taken several weeks to separate Snape from his pack of rats, but her patience had been necessary.

The boy lifted his head, shoving an oily bit of hair from his eyes. Liza knew she wasn't the best at haircare, but there certainly had to be a better way to maintain his locks. Especially if he continued to fawn after Lily Evans. Now that was a high standard.

"What is it, Prewett?" His thin lips pursed into a snarl. "I am trying to study. We have a Potions exam next week, in case you had forgotten."

Liza rolled her eyes. "You and I both know you spend far more time devising your own magic than working on Potions." Regulus had once told Liza of the strange spells scribbled in Snape's textbook. She took a step closer, hoping that her height would offer her at least a bit of intimidation. "I have a question about what you mentioned that day at the Hospital Wing."

"Well, unfortunately, I spend quite a few days there," Snape drawled, looking none too amused. Yet, Liza could see the gleam of recognition in his eye. "Thanks to the band of misfits that you are so fond of."

"I'm not fond of them," Liza retorted irritably, "Remus is by far the most tolerable of the lot. Peter, too. Sirius and James are insufferable gits."

Snape finally looked up from his work for more than a moment with his nose upturned. "On a first name basis, I see." His black eyes glittered as his tone took a sinister turn. "Won't Regulus be happy to hear of it."

Losing her patience, Liza ripped the boy's parchment from his desk. She tried not to let her gaze linger on the diagram of a dissected body. Merlin, Snape was darker than she suspected. "You won't breathe a word of this to him." She gritted her teeth. "Now what do you know about the Whomping Willow?"

"Why would I care about an ancient tree?" Severus's expression was blank.

Her fist clenched in frustration before Liza blinked and let out a long breath. "It's not ancient. You told me so yourself."

The Slytherin across from her scowled, summoning his work back with a wave of his hand. Liza stared in surprise. When had he learned wandless magic?

"That was back before I realized you and Black were into the enemies shagging action."

Liza spluttered, her cheeks flashing crimson despite her best efforts. "That is NOT—" she cut herself off, realizing that Severus was egging her on. "What," she repeated, even less nicely, "do you know about the Whomping Willow?"

Flicking to the next page, Severus read the paragraph before him in its entirety. His lips moved over the words, and he took much longer than necessary. Liza began to imagine ripping the tome to shreds.

"I know that Lupin," Severus smirked as he flicked to the next chapter. "has a nickname that alludes to far more than a term of endearment."

Liza fought the urge to close her eyes. Moony. How could she have forgotten? Could the Marauders have been any more daft?

It was obvious that Snape was well-aware of the happenings during full moon. And Liza was entirely sure that she could not perform any sort of memory charm without him cursing her hand off. Or worse.

A murmur of voices echoed down the corridor as Regulus and Evan Rosier entered the common room, followed by Frederic Avery. Liza hadn't seen the latter since Slughorn's Christmas party. His eyes roamed about the room hazily before they dropped on Liza and Snape. Avery smirked.

Severus had shoved himself as far back from Liza as possible, already reburied in a mountain of parchment and ink. Evan looked up and caught Liza's uneasy stance with a scowl.

"What're you doing here, Prewett?" A sharp grin arched his top lip. "I knew you took a fancy to dark-haired men, but Snape?"

"That is NOT—" Liza caught herself before she made the scene worse. Regulus stood watching quietly, his dark grey gaze guarded. "Alright, Reg?"

He sent a firm look at Evan and Frederic. "Go on upstairs. I'll be there in a moment."

To Liza's surprise, the Slytherins obeyed without protest. Although she was sure that Evan was holding back some grotesque remark. Once they were alone (minus Severus), Regulus gestured towards the corridor.

Liza followed her friend quickly out of the passage and behind a pair of statues that had been carved in the shape of miniature basilisks. Salazar Slytherin seemed to adore the bloody creature. She tried not to let her eyes linger on the stone fangs. They were nearly the length of her arm.

"Muffliato," Liza whispered, casting a silencing charm so that no one would be able to overhear their conversation. She was trusting her house less and less these days. Not to mention the Marauders, who now seemed to appear around the corner every place she went. She had nearly knocked Peter over on her way out from the Quidditch meeting rooms the other day. Bit creepy really, with the boy lurking in the shadows.

"How were the holidays?"

Regulus puffed out a long breath, but when he opened his eyes, Liza saw that they were glimmering with relief. "The Dark Lord wants to wait. My parents say he's only interested in adult wizards at the moment. Can't have a bunch of children carrying secrets at this stage."

A flicker of hope igniting in Liza's chest. "Does this mean—"

"I'm still taking the mark," the boy hurriedly interjected, his tone firm. Liza was rather afraid when she didn't see a flicker of fear in his eyes. Was Regulus becoming used to the idea of being a Death Eater? "But it will be pushed back until next term. Possibly even a year."

Unsure of exactly how to respond, Liza shifted the sleeve of her jumper. The emerald green seemed to make her skin all the paler. The weak winter sunlight had done no favours for her complexion.

"I'm worried for you."

Regulus's expression crumbled into one of irritation. "That's it?" he snapped, seeming to lose all earlier relief. "I—"

"No, I'm happy for you!" Liza quickly interrupted, pulling the boy into a hug. Only now she realized that Regulus had grown significantly taller than her. Taller than Sirius. She buried her face and the thought into his shoulder. "Just always terrified."

Regulus's arms tensed as they usually did at any display of affection, but gradually Liza felt him return her embrace. A relieved sigh left her body. There was still a bit of her childhood friend left. At this rate, she didn't know how long it would last.

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