A Circle of Flame- Sirius Bla...

By jade_diamond11

26.5K 607 54

Liza Prewett has enough to consider without involving the Marauders in her life. Starting her sixth year, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note

Chapter 11

551 8 0
By jade_diamond11

"Miss Prewett, did you bring a quill?"

Liza sighed as she stepped into McGonagall's classroom, the torchlight above dim and elongating shadows of the abandoned desks. The professor's neat space was a stark contrast to the rest of the chamber. A wide assortment of rubbish littered the floor and several pieces of Drooble's were stuck to the tops of the wood. Some prat had been creative enough to arrange the chewed bits into a heart.

Liza had no doubt the head of Gryffindor would make her pry off every piece. It was going to be a long night.

"Yes, professor," she managed a grim smile as she pulled her eagle feather from its pocket in her bag. It was not often that she served detention, but she usually brought most of her school things with her. Slughorn usually opted for small talk over the usual punishment. "Lines today?"

A plaid nightcap was tucked over McGonagall's head, which Liza found rather amusing. It wasn't even nine o'clock. Still, not a hair of her grey-streaked bun was out of place as the woman gave a curt nod.

"But we will have one other student joining us, so you may as well wait—"

The doors to the Transfiguration classroom burst open, slamming into the stone walls with a large bang. Liza was nearly trampled by the intruder as they hurtled towards her back. She stepped out of the way just as Sirius sprinted by, his hair flying behind him in a dark wave. One of his shoes was missing and his toe poked through the hole in his left sock.

"Min, I've got to cancel our date tonight." Sirius's tone was flirtatious, but the tension in his shoulder blades hinted at his concern. "Reschedule at my place tomorrow?"

Looking utterly unimpressed by his pleading pout, McGonagall pressed her lips into an invisible line. Liza's opinion of the professor increased by a few points. "Mr. Black, I already informed you that tonight would be your final chance. Professor Flitwick informs me that you skived his detentions all last week. Unless you want to face suspension," she peered down over her rectangular spectacles, "I would advise you sit down and start cleaning."

Opening his mouth to argue further, Sirius abruptly shut his jaw at the steely glint in her gaze. He sighed. "Yes, Minnie." A glance to his right made him finally notice Liza, who was already beginning to scrawl out her first line. His cheeks flushed with indignation. "How come she's only got to write?"

Professor McGonagall waved her wand and sent the last few folders on her desk into a cabinet. The parchment landing neatly in a thin stack before the drawer swung shut. "Because you were the one who started those disgusting rumors in the first place, Black." Her nostrils flared. "Surely you were taught better than to defile a lady's reputation?"

"Well, you see, mumsie never got around to those sorts of lessons." Sirius flashed a grin, his teeth a bright white. "Too busy chasing me with the fire poker."

Liza raised a skeptical brow, but the Gryffindor's tone remained brusquely casual. McGonagall rubbed at her temples. The strain of a long day was evident in her tight grimace. The professor was like a rubberband moments from snapping.

"Just do the work, Black." She turned back to a small wooden door positioned at the back of the classroom. The cherrywood was tucked into the shadow of a small staircase. "I'll be in my office if you find you're incapable of the task."

Sirius perked up. "Does that mean—"

"Where I have several cabinets of school records for you to sort." McGonagall slammed the door shut, sending a hard bang resounding about the chamber. Each slab of granite vibrated with her irritation.

There was a long pause before Sirius's shoulders sank. He turned back to Liza, who immediately leaned back over her parchment and pretended she hadn't been listening. She was already several lines into her task.

"Now look what you've done, Prewett."

The flood of anger Liza had been attempting to restrain back all day came rushing back, destroying any strength she had mustered to remain hospitable. "Excuse me?" she hissed, snapping her quill with the tightness of her grip. She made no motion to repair it. "You're the one who started all this in the first place!"

Sirius rolled his eyes, flopping down onto a chair and tilting it back until his long tresses brushed the wall. It was a miracle that his skull didn't crack against the floor. Much to Liza's disappointment.

"Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Most women are glad to be within five centimeters of this," he gestured towards his body and wriggled his tight trousers.

"Well, I certainly didn't enjoy having my reputation tarnished." Slamming down her quill, Liza accidentally bit her tongue, filling her mouth with an iron tang. "I won't be able to look anyone in the eye for weeks!"

The Gryffindor snorted. "Please. You're not that special," he pried a bit of gum off the desk and began to roll it between his fingers with boredom. "I give it a day for people to forget all about it. Two tops, if we include your unnecessary outburst."

Liza narrowed her eyes. "I don't know how it is for you Gryffindors, but for a Slytherin reputation is everything. And we don't forget easily."

Seeming entirely irritated, Sirius slammed the legs of his chair back to the stone. "Don't act like you weren't about to do the same thing." His tone had turned venomous as he leaned closer, his messy waves adding to his unhinged appearance. A faint sheen of worry still darted in the back of his irises. "I just made the first move."

"WHAT?" Liza was utterly confused. Her head ached and she rubbed her temple roughly as she tried to make sense of the boy's vague accusation. "What would I— hold on. Is this about what you said about Reg?"

But Sirius had already turned away from her confrontational stance, beginning to kick scraps of parchment together with moody movements. "So, you do have a bit of a brain after all." He waved a dismissive hand at Liza's outraged expression. "Prewett, any other night I'd love to engage in a little banter over your supposed innocence. But right now, I have a lot on my mind. Please shut that delightful mouth of yours."

"I will no—" Liza broke off as Sirius buried his head in his hands, clutching at the roots of his dark hair as he tilted his neck to gaze out the latticed window above the stairwell. A wash of moonlight bathed his sharp features. She frowned. If she hadn't known better, she would say Sirius looked concerned.

"What is it?"

The Gryffindor gave no response and Liza clenched her jaw, letting out a low growl. Tension lined each of his muscles. "Listen Black. If you don't tell me what's going on, there's nothing I can do for you."

Sirius laughed, although there was no warmth in the sound. It was a horrible mimicry of Regulus's tone. "Right. Like you wouldn't use it as an excuse to exact some sort of revenge." He tapped his chest. "I grew up in a house of snakes, remember?"

"And I take offense that you group us all in the same category," Liza crossed her arms over her chest, her lines forgotten. "I still despise you. But something's going on. You seem," she was about to say serious, but there was no way she was setting herself up for that pun again. "Troubled."

The Gryffindor paused, unwilling to tear his gaze away from the window. The night sky remained unchanged by his intensity. White stars glimmered in a swath of velvet.

"Unless you can get me out of this ruddy detention, there's nothing you can do."

Liza twirled the broken half of the quill in her fingers as she contemplated Sirius's slumped stance. She noticed a muscle twitch in his jaw, and it was impossible to hold back a bitter smile. He and Regulus shared far more tells than they realized.

Taking a slow scan about the room, Liza assessed the disarray of the desks and winced at the ashy stain on the floor to her right. Black was about to owe her the rest of his life.

"Alright, this better be important and not some stupid prank." She pushed back her chair, making the legs screech against the stone as she stalked towards Sirius. "Get out of here before I change my mind."

The frown deepened on Sirius's forehead. "Prewett, I hate to break it to you, but your features don't exactly scream 'Sirius.' McGonagall will notice I'm gone—"

"Not if I do your work," Liza shrugged as she kneeled on the stone floor, placing the tips of her fingers delicately against the gray stain. It looked like the remnants of one of Fabian's fireworks. Closing her eyes, she attempted to rally her concentration. "Scourgify."

To her relief, a faint tingling sensation raced down her arm and she blinked her gaze to see that the stain on the floor had faded. The stone below had resumed its usual scuffed surface. "I know McGonagall forbid wands," she shrugged, twisting her hair over her shoulder, "but I can do a little bit of wandless magic. Enough to clean this, anyways."

She looked up to see Sirius watching her, his mouth parted as he jerked his head from the floor to her face and then back again. Liza suppressed a smirk. She had managed to silence the git. "Go on, Black."

There was a slight pause as Sirius stared at her expression, his silver gaze narrowed thoughtfully. Finally, he let out a breath and turned towards the door. "Thanks, Liza."

She faltered at the mention of her first name. The Gryffindor had never called her that. "You're—"

But Sirius had already disappeared.

Liza sighed, turning back to the dirtied floor, and waving her hand, gathering the bit of parchment together in one pile. Thank Merlin for all the years of Molly ordering her to clean up after Gideon and Fabian. Her brothers had always refused to lift a finger. It was her first demonstration of accidental magic.

Gazing out the window once more, Liza frowned as the light of the moon bathed her figure, setting the classroom alight with an eerie glow. Wherever Sirius was, it better have been important.


"So, McGonagall didn't pry off your fingernails last night?" Myra glanced over from where she was twisting her braids back into a thick ponytail, her slender fingers making nimble movements to intersect the locks. "I don't see any blood or tears."

Liza laughed, tugging on the last layer of mascara before shutting the tube with a firm snap. "No, just cleaning and lines," she flexed her sore hands. "I don't know if I can bear to take any notes today." She intentionally left out the part about covering for Sirius. Myra would certainly not be impressed.

The Slytherin girl rolled her eyes before giving her tie a final satisfactory pat. "Like you would ever skive a day of school. You're worse than Lupin."

Not seeing this as much of an insult, Liza grinned as they took the stairs down to the common room and headed out towards the Great Hall. A renewed spring lifted her step despite the fatigue that pricked her eyes. Her mood only increased at the buttery aroma of pancakes drifting out the doors.

"Brilliant," Myra grumbled, eyeing the large glass pitchers that hovered above the tabletops, waiting to be of service. "I'll have syrup stuck to my sleeves for weeks."

Liza didn't pay much attention to her friend's complaining as she craned her neck towards the Gryffindor table. Immediately, her forehead pinched into a frown. The Marauders were nowhere to be seen. The middle bench they usually occupied was empty, set with plates and goblets that gleamed with disuse.

A flare of concern warmed her chest. "I wonder where they are?"

Myra followed her gaze before her lips twisted into a scowl. "Probably pranking some unsuspecting soul." She shrugged, turning back towards Regulus, who for once seemed to be saving them a spot. "Who cares?"

Several paces away, a familiar redhead was trotting back towards the entrance, her arms loaded with textbooks. Liza quickened her pace to intercept Lily before she made it into the corridor.

"Hey!" she reached over for the girl's elbow. Lily flinched back in surprise, nearly dropping her stack of parchment as Liza sent her an apologetic grimace. "Sorry. I just wondered if you knew where the Marauders are?" she nodded in the direction of their empty seats.

Lily's brow crinkled as she followed Liza's gaze, and she bit on the corner of her lip. "No, sorry."

A loud grunt escaped Liza's mouth as she tried not to throw her arms out in exasperation. "So, Black played me. Again." At Lily's quizzical expression, she let out a long sigh. "Sirius seemed panicked last night, so I covered his detention. Bloody git probably just wanted to spike someone's pumpkin juice."

She offered an irritated smile, but Lily's frown only seemed to deepen as the redhead adjusted the weight of her books onto her hip. "I don't think so." Lily hesitated and Liza could detect a flicker of uncertainty in her emerald orbs. "Go check the Hospital Wing."

Liza's stomach dropped. The Hogwarts students only saw Pomfrey for the worst of cases. The Head of the Hospital Wing would force them to stay far longer than necessary. "The Hospital Wing?"

Lily only shook her head in response, her red tresses grazing the tops of her shoulders. "I shouldn't say any more." She glanced over Liza's back and a sweet smile graced her lips. "Hey, Myra."

"Hi, Evans," Myra grunted, not meeting her gaze. Her posture was stubbornly directed towards the Slytherin table and her fingers twitched with impatience.

Slowly turning to face her friend, Liza grimaced as Lily walked away, her small heels clicking daintily on the stone. It was easy to see why James was so infatuated. Lily seemed ethereal while she glided through the corridor.

"Have you two become best mates or something?" Liza raised an eyebrow. "Should I feel threatened?"

Myra scowled, although it didn't reach her eyes as she spun away from the direction Lily had disappeared. "Sod off. She was the only thing that got me through that rubbish party of yours."

Wincing at the memory, Liza nodded, "fair point." She jerked her head towards Regulus, who was now shooting them an irritated glare. The Slytherin was not known for his patience. "Will you cover me? I've got to go."

It was Myra's turn to look unimpressed. "And why are you suddenly so concerned with Black?" She leaned forward and narrowed her chocolate gaze into slits. "Don't tell me that rumor was true?"

"You think so low of me," Liza rolled her eyes, knowing her friend was only prodding for a reaction. Turning back towards the entrance, she offered a parting wave. "I just want to make sure they all are alright."

As she disappeared into the corridor, Myra increased the volume of her tone. "Black is charming, Liza. And that means he has something to hide."

Liza pondered her friend's parting words as she climbed the spiral of stairs that led up into the Hospital Wing. Her calves burned with the effort. Why it was such a jaunt to the infirmary, she still didn't know, but she supposed that was Hogwarts. Little made sense and nothing was at all practical.

A sneezing second year tottered through the doorway and Liza took the opportunity to wedge herself between the closing panel. Smoothing the stray hairs that had gotten caught in the hinge, Liza straightened and scanned the rows of beds that lined the inside of the wing. Golden rays of sunlight filtered through the windows and bathed the space in a cheery light. If not for the aggressive ward, Liza would have feigned sickness just to stay.

She bit her lip at the familiar sandy hair fanned out against the pillow two cots to her left. The curtain was drawn around majority of the mattress, but she could make out the outlines of the other three Marauders as they hovered over Remus.

"Last night was worse than usual."

The voice was James's and the shadow nearest Liza ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up on end. "Dunno what went wrong."

A faint squeak echoed across the floor as Peter leaned back in his chair, nearly toppling to the ground. Unfortunately, his head dipped back behind the curtain just enough that Liza's stance was visible. Liza pressed herself back against the door. She was too late. The Gryffindor's blue eyes widened.

Feeling her heart pound in her chest, Liza fumbled for the icy handle and tripped over her feet. She shoved the door open and immediately darted into the corridor. It was mercifully empty.

Not bothering to look back for followers, Liza put all her force into leaving the corridor. The soles of her flats pounded into the stone and her breath heaved in short bursts.

It was really about time she did a bit of running to keep in shape, but Liza forced her muscles to keep straining as she took the stairs two at a time, turning back towards the Slytherin Common Room. Whatever the Marauders were hiding, she was certain they didn't want anyone to know about it. Especially a Slytherin. 

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