Back to us | Alexia Putellas

By mackgreen97

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Alexia and Isabel had a past. A complicated past. When they are unexpectedly reunited after almost two years... More

The return.
The dinner.
The moment.
The aftermath.
The day.
Game day.
The journey.
First step.
Whatever it takes.
See you soon.
Listen to her.
Hey you.
Lets go.
The beach
Was it a dream?
The comeback.
Arguments and conversations.
Let me explain...
Christmas party.
Christmas party pt.2
After party
Past, present, future.
Moving on.
Your mum
The letter.
You've got this.
Celebration conversations.
Here now.
It's all planned.
Did you mean it?
Made it.
If anything happens.
Shall we?
Open your eyes.
Indescribable love.
We're ok.
Coming on.
Insecurities and suspicions
It's over.
For Jordi.
Family first.
The interview.
I need you.
Wants me.
Date day.
Contract talks.
Author's message
Weekend away.
To myself.
Deserved more.
It's a possibility
Decision made.
Whole new chapter.
Sharing the news.
He's just scared.
Baby watch
Our boys.
Maybe not.
Are we really doing this?


3.9K 202 4
By mackgreen97

We kept the news of him being born to ourselves for a few hours, soaking up every ounce of him that we could, before letting anyone else into our new family bubble... giving him his first feed, changing his first nappy, and cuddling him as much as we could. He'd barely cried or fussed since the moment he was first placed on Isy, he'd fed from her for nearly an hour before I finally got the chance to hold him properly. I wasn't upset or disappointed that I didn't hold him straight away, Isy had put all of her energy for the last 9 months into growing him and bringing him into this world so it was only right that she got the first moments with him, but the second I took him into my arms I never wanted to put him down again.

"I know that we decided on Leo if it was a boy, but he doesn't look like a Leo to me..."

"Oh thank god, I'm glad you think so too! I didn't want to say anything because I know you love the name Leo, but it's just not him" Isy said from her bed, watching our son as he slept on my chest, her eyes barely leaving him since the second he was born.

"So you would have named our first child a name you didn't like, just to make me happy?"

"No, I love the name Leo, but he isn't our Leo... I don't know what it is, he just isn't"

"What other names do you have in mind? What have you got on that list of yours"

Isy smirked before reaching for her phone, loading up the list of baby names she had had in her notes since way before we had even met. She'd been adding to it throughout our whole relationship, whenever she saw a name that she liked she added it to the list for our future children

"I haven't got many boy names, but there are a few I like... Sebastián, Jordi, Lucas, Enzo..."

"I love Jordi, Jordi Putellas... what do you think little one?" I smiled down at him, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head as he slept.

"Jordi Jaume Putellas" Isy smiled from across the room, her chocolate eyes watering up as they met mine.


"Really" She nodded.
"If that's ok with you?"

"It's more than ok" I welled up, think of my Papá and how much he would have loved having a grandson.

Isy was the first one to suggest that we share the news with our families, not wanting my mum to worry about not having heard anything in the six or so hours since we arrived at the hospital and wanting to tell her parents that they were now grandparents. Alba was the first person that we told though, she'd been a rock to both of us since we started this journey, she was there for Isy when I got injured, for me when I needed pulling out of my own head and she had been the best auntie to Jordi well before he had even been born. Facetime had been a regular way of contact for us over the last few months, Isy would call her in the afternoons when I was out at training for some company and Alba would call her in the morning before work to check in on her and the baby. So calling her wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but the topic of this particular Facetime was.

"Hey!" She greeted cheerfully as she picked up Isy's call, Jordi and I were sitting just out of view waiting for the right moment to tell her or until she figured out that we were no longer at home.

"Hey Albs, you ok?"

"I'm good, how are you and Bump doing?" Alba asked.

"We're good, didn't get much sleep last night so we are a bit tired... are you up to much this evening?"

"No, not really. I was just going to cook some dinner and have an early night, it's been a crazy week at work and I just want to climb into bed and get some sleep to be honest" She answered obliviously, still not noticing the hospital surroundings in the background of the call.

"So you don't want to come and meet your nephew then?" Isy smirked, waiting for her to realize what she had just said.

"My what?!" Alba almost squealed with excitement, the camera shaking as she jumped up from wherever she was sitting.

"Your nephew..." Isy smiled, before turning the camera towards Jordi who was fast asleep in my arms.

"What!? When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me? Ay dios mio, he's the cutest little thing I've ever seen!!" Alba gushed, her face now incredibly close to the screen as she stared at him.

"My waters broke at 3 this morning and he was born just after 11, we just wanted to keep him to ourselves for a while, but you are the first person to know and he can't wait to meet his Auntie Albs"

"Can I come now? Because I will literally get in the car right this second..."

"Let us tell the grandparents first and then you and Mama can come in together" I interjected, knowing that Mama would most likely be upset if Alba got to visit before her.

Telling Mama was a completely different feeling, when I finally checked my phone about an hour after Jordi was born I had multiple messages from her, desperate for information about how we were getting on, we'd kept her completely up to date whilst we were at home waiting for things to happen, but since we arrived at the hospital there just hadn't been time.

Mamá 🐻

The contractions are getting stronger and closer together, so we are going to head in now xx

How exciting!!! Drive safely and let me know when you get there xx

How's everything going? How is Isabel doing? Xx

I hope everything is ok, give me an update when you can hija xx

It's been a while so I assume we've got a baby, take your time, soak it in, and call me when you're ready, I love you all xx

The call went as I expected it to, she was over the moon about the news of having a grandson, and just like Alba, she was desperate to come and visit us at the hospital, but as time passed I could tell that the exhaustion was finally catching up on Isy. The adrenaline of Jordi arriving and everything that had followed in the hours since had now worn off and she had hit the wall. During the call, Isy had very excitedly told her that she should come and visit this evening with Alba, but the moment the call ended that excitement faded. She was uncomfortable, emotional, and exhausted, and as much as she said she wanted them to come and visit, it was clear that she wasn't up for visitors and, to be honest, I wasn't quite ready to let anyone else into our little bubble just yet. So, while Isy was feeding Jordi I messaged Mama and Alba, explaining that visiting probably wasn't going to happen tonight.

Mamá 🐻 and Albs 🌸

Hey you two, I know that Isy sounded great on the phone and that she was excited about you coming to meet him, but in reality, she's exhausted and emotional and I am too. It's been a really long day and it's probably going to be an even longer night with the little man, so can we postpone until we get home tomorrow? She really needs to get some rest and I need to be there for them both xx

Of course Hermana, whenever you are both ready! I've got the rest of my life to love on that sweet boy, waiting a couple of days won't hurt xx

Take as long as you both need, we'll be there whenever you're ready! Send Isy my love and kiss my grandson for me. I'm so proud of you Ale, and I know that your Papa would be too xx

"Mama and Alba are going to come and visit once we get back home," I said, sitting on the side of Isy's bed, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and staring at our Jordi.

"What? Why? I thought that they were coming tonight?" She sked, looking up a me confused.

"I messaged them and asked to rearrange, I'm exhausted and to be honest I don't want to share him just yet"

"Oh, thank god!" She sighed, resting her head on my chest with relief.
"I did want to upset them, but I'm exhausted... I just want to eat some food and get some sleep"

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