Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

Final battles of Umbara

213 6 5
By SithTrooperO9

-imperial palace, Coruscant-

''Congratulations on your award, General Covraii.'' the newly promoted vice-admiral Thrawn congratulated me. ''I heard that it was your plan that prevented Zaarin's coup. Most impressive.''

''And congratulations to you too on being promoted to vice admiral. With Zaarin out of the picture, there is room for one more grand admiral. I believe you can fill his place.'' I told Thrawn and the Chiss had every chance and talent to become one.

''Thank you for believing in me, general. And my condolences to the loss of you aunt.''

''I must get moving now, vice admiral. The war isn't going to win itself and you are tasked to hunt down Zaarin. I'll be waiting to hear of you success.'' I told Thrawn and then left the halls to go to the hanger bays. There, my guards and Prisca were waiting for me. ''I wasn't expecting to see you here, Prisca.''

''I'm supposed to be your aide, Sal. I'm going with you wherever you are on assignment. Here, Akkadia and even onto your campaigns.'' she explained. ''And... I wouldn't like it any other way than this.''

''Very well. There's more than enough room on the Endless Night for all of us.'' I said and we boarded the sith fury class corvette and flew out of Coruscant.

''Passengers of the Endless Night, zis is your flight captain speaking. Where do you vant ur destination to be? Maybe the best scenaries on zis side of ze Hydian Way?'' Gunther, my pilot, spoke in his usual manner and Prisca was surprised to hear him.

''Gunther? Sal, is that Gunther?'' Prisca asked. ''And he's your pilot? Whatever did he do to become your personal pilot? If he's here, that means Hans too is there on the cockpit. And also Vilem Kyse.''

''All three are part of my unit, Prisca. Hans and Gunther as my corvette pilots while Vilem is the leader of my fighter wings. They call him 'the vulture' and he's one of the best pilots in the empire.'' I explained to Prisca. ''They were assigned to my unit following the Samovar campaign, if I remember correctly.''

''Ey, uh... Sal... I hope vou didn't take mein sweet talk too seriously. Are ve heading back to Akkadia or not?'' Gunther asked from the comms.

''Not yet, Gunther.'' I replied. ''First we go to Ziost.''

''Copy that.'' Gunther then set in the coordinates and the corvette jumped to Ziost.

-remote cantina in the Outer Rim-

''Don't be shy, guys. Eat as much as you like.'' said the leader of Primrose, Uri Penta, to her squadmates. The former stormtrooper captain now bounty hunter found no available jobs as of late so they decided to come to a remote cantina to find one. With the Expansion Regions uprising war still going on, trade wasn't going as smoothly as it used to. ''Especially you, Hadad.''

''Not like I was planning to, Uri.'' the tank of the squad, Hadad, replied. Due to the cybernatics put into him, he was a towering figure, strong and tough, but needed lots of food.

''I know.'' she muttered and then turned to their pilot as he returned from re-fueling their ship. ''How's the Stellar-Fang, Tym?'' she asked.

''Good but tanks only three quarters full. With this war and the empire taking most of the resources, I was luckly to fill even just 40%, Uri. Supplies been gettin' more difficult to come to these part. After the Akkad Spring and all that mess.'' Tym replied and upon the mention of their birth planet, Inanna and Hadad were paying close attention.

''Akkad Spring? Did something happen in Akkadia?'' Inanna asked.

''It was relatively recent that we heard of what occurred in the Akkad Spring, Inanna.'' Uri told her teammate and then explained in detail. ''Weeks into the Expansion Regions war, an assassination attempt happened on Moff Dainah Covraii... and she died shortly.'' Uri revealed and this shocked Inanna greatly. The green haired female cyborg member of Primrose became worried of her old friend/crush. ''Not long after that, a rebellion was staged and... as if by a miracle, the moff's nephew, Gen.Salazar Covraii, returned and squashed the rebellion.''

''Sal avenged his aunt, it seems.'' Inanna muttered. ''I'm... glad for him then since he avenged his aunt. What happened after that, Uri?''

''He became the new moff of the entire Seswenna Sector, one of the youngest moffs in the empire too. Strange enough, he was crowned... I don't know how to pronounce it but he became king over all of your home system, Inanna. Didn't think the empire would do such a thing but there was the Serenno incident. Got Imperial Intelligence's, Armand Isard's hand specifically, written all over it.'' As Uri explained, both Inanna and Hadad could not believe their ears.

''Sal became king of kings!?'' Inanna nearly shouted. ''It's... amazing and yet... hard to believe. No one had been crowned 'king of kings' in over a thousand years!''

''That's Sal for ya.'' Hadad said while eating a big lump of meat.

As Primrose talked, the news came to tell everyone of recent developments. ''Good evening everybody or morning wherever you are in the galaxy. We here at the Galactic Herald bring you today's news. Recently, Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin had attempted a coup but was stopped and is currently on the run. Details regarding what happened today are scarce but here's what we know: six star destroyers belonging to Admiral Zaarin crashed on Coruscant's surface. Death toll is still an unknown at the moment. Over two thousand of Zaarin's troops were killed today and two imperial task forces stopped the other ships. Imperial Security Bureua Colonel Wullf Yularen has stated that the ideas of preventing the coup came from Gen.Salazar Covraii, also moff of the Seswenna Sector, with data retrieved by an ISB agent. The general was given yet another award, making him one of the most decorated officers in the imperial military, and he continues doing his part in the ongoing war.''

''Did you hear that?'' Inanna asked. ''A coup against the emperor. And Sal stopped it!''

''Your boyfri- crush, I mean, friend really is something, Inanna.'' Uri said and then got a 'really?' look from her friend due to the little attempt at teasing. ''With him back in the war, I wonder how well it'll go. He already won previous campaigns and wars before. Will this one be any different?''

-Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Focus. Focus, Rachael. Calm your mind and know when to control and use your emotions.'' Snoke whipsered to his new apprentice, Rachael Covraii, the younger sister of Salazar. Taking her master's advice to heart, Rachael calmed herself and levitated the blocks in front of her using the force. ''Good. Good. Do not lose focus.''

''I'll... I'll try.'' she replied. As she said that, Snoke was not pleased.

''No. Do or do not, there is no try.'' Snoke replied, confusing Rachael and nearly making her lose focus.

''What? How can I do something or learn it without trying first?'' Rachael asked.

''Do not take it too literally, Rachael. When you say, 'I'll try', you do not have enough confidence in yourself that you can succeed. You degrade yourself, fill your mind with doubt and hindering yourself. Have confidence that you can succeed and trust in the force to help you. All require an ally and the force is a most powerful ally; it is in all of us, flows through us and binds us.'' Snoke explained and Rachael understood.

''I understand.''

''Good. You can lift a few stones and bricks. Now, you will lift bigger and heavier materials.'' Snoke clapped his hands and the droids brought out the bigger stuff for Rachael to continue her training.

-Cobra fortress, Ziost, sith space-

The Endless Night flew through the Stygian Chaldera, the gas cloud that protected sith space, and we arrived at Ziost, one of the five holiest planets to the sith. The mighty Cobra fortress stood tall and great on the frozen desert scape of Ziost and the Endless Night landed inside it's ginormous hangers. As we came out of the corvette, Prisca was very impressed with the fortess.

''It's... an amazing marvel, Sal. Bigger than any imperial garrison I've seen in the Core. When did you even have the time or resources to build such a place?'' Prisca asked.

''It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that. Having to transport all the necessary materials here to Ziost without anyone's notice. We're confident that not even the director general of the ISB or Armand Isard of Imperial Intelligence knows about it.'' I said to Prisca and she was even more interested and curious.

''If you are willing to answer, then how are you so confident, Sal? Not that I'm doubting you.''

''Are you planning on reporting to Colonel Yularen, Prisca?'' I asked and she seemed genuinely hurt by this question. Her feelings did not betray her; she had no such intentions.

''N-no, Sal. I won't. Promise.'' she said.

''The shadow-feed network. A device that allows us to know the communications of Coruscant, even the ISB and Imperial Intelligence. It allows us to spy on the populous if need be. That is how I know. Not even Armand Isard's biggest secrets are safe from me. If need be, I can blackmail the man.''

''Have you ever tried to spy on me then, Sal?'' Prisca asked, more curious than offended or anything.

''No. I would never violate your privacy, Prisca. Although there were times I checked ISB's communication and information gathering to know if you were safe.'' I replied.

''Then at least I know you were concerned about me, Sal. It's a relief, really.''

''I'm happy to hear-'' I stopped dead in my sentence as a black mist came and soon, I felt the body of a woman cling onto me. I knew who it was. ''Nymeria.''

''Welcome back to your fortress, lord Salazar.'' Nymeria welcomed me in her silky, soft voice while pressing her body against me. ''I see you brought a guest. I can sense proto-adarite armor on her. I thought you were only seeing those two Akkadian noble women.''

''Sal, who is this?'' Prisca asked. The ISB lieutenant-colonel felt possessive and angry at the pale skinned, red eyed woman who had small horns on her head and wings on her back.

''Prisca, meet Nymeria. She's an... urm...''

''I'm one of lord Salazar's trusted and loyal servants. Nymeria, the sith sorceress of Angmar. Pleasure to meet you. If lord Salazar brought you here, it means you are special. Am I right, my lord?''

''Yes, Nymeria. Priscilla Roth is a very important person to me.''

''Like Kore Nyx and Myranda Blûdwyne, my lord?''

''Yes. In fact, once the war is over, we'll be getting married. Me, Kore, Myranda, Prisca... all four of us.'' I answered.

''So exciting, my lord! If you won't accept me as a wife, then at least as a concubine. You are dark lord of the Sith Eternal and now king of kings. You can do it, lord Salazar.'' Nymeria said and then Prisca immediately came to my side.

''I will be the one to decide that and at a later time. Now, we need to discuss how to end the war soon. Right, Sal?'' Prisca told me as she grabbed my arm.

''Y-yes. We'll get right on that. The command rooms not too far, Prisca.'' I said and walked towards it with Prisca close to my arm.

'So, that Priscilla Roth is the possessive type eh? This'll be fun, teasing her and making her jealous. Though I can sense the malicious intent that she has stored inside her.' Nymeria thought and disappeared in a black mist to the command room.

(fortress command room)

''Lord Salazar. You returned to us once more.'' Roxanna said as she knelt down before my presence. I put out my hand and she took it, kissing it before standing up again. ''I believe you will want to hear that- who's this, lord Salazar?''

''ISB lieutenant-colonel Priscilla Roth, Roxanna. Prisca, the female Chiss before you is Roxanna; she's the one I put in charge of this fortress and she's my strongest warrior.'' I introduced them. ''She's friendly, Roxanna. No need to start anything unnecessary.''

''If you trust her, then she's good with me, my lord. As I was saying, my lord, I believe you would be pleased to hear that Captain Rukovossky and Admiral Conrad have the victories you desired. Though without some trouble on their part.'' She said and gave me the data. ''But a victory regardless of how you look at it and the Umbarans are on the run.''

''When I attacked Umbara, we captured more than two sections of the planet. I left expecting at least another section won. I didn't think that the imperial commanders would lose this badly.'' I commented on the recent Umbaran victory and major imperial losses on the planet. ''The emperor has given me complete control of all imperial assets in the Umbara campaign. I want as many viper troopers to be available to fight as soon as possible, Roxanna.''

''It shall be done, my lord.''

''When Admiral Conrad and Captain Kassus return, I want all of my forces to be ready to move to Umbara.''

The Endless Night docked on one of the Morning-Star's hangers. Captain Kassus and Admiral Conrad completed what they were tasked to do. Now, it was time to end this war.

''Sir, good to have you back.'' Captain Kassus welcomed me as I entered the bridge.

''Captain Kassus. I'm glad to see you well and eager to fight once more. How were your battles?'' I asked him.

''Nothing me and the boys can't handle, sir. Though it would've been good to have you there personally with us, sir. But, I guess without you, Zaarin's coup would've succeeded.'' Captain Kassus replied. ''Your unit is ready to move once more on your orders, sir. Let's gain more victories.''

''Yes. Let's.'' I muttered. ''Lieutenant, when we are ready, jump to Vena. I want to annihlate the Umbaran fleet there and open way for supply chains to open.''

''As you wish, sir.'' the lieutenant replied and soon, my fleet jumped to the planet Vena and it's system, which wasn't far from Umbara.

(space battle of Vena)

Another victory. My fleet was split in two with the one I led facing the enemy and the second portion coming in to split the enemy fleet. The result was an absolute massacre of the Umbaran and rebel fleet. The Morning-Star dominated the battle, single-handedly wiping out two cruisers and four destroyers on it's own. Priscilla Roth was greatly impressed by this show of power.

''This ship is... it's amazing, Sal.'' she muttered. 'So this is what a space battle looks like. And Sal won. Not like there was any doubt that they'll lose.' Prisca thought to herself.

''The Morning-Star, Prisca.'' I remarked, proud of my mighty flagship. ''Best available arms and technology, she is a true terror on the battlefield.''

''Lord Salazar, Umbaran warships have entered hyperspace and are fleeing to Umbara.'' a sith cultist informed me.

''Enter hyperspace. Pursue them and annihlate them to space dust.'' I ordered.

''Sal, are you telling me that your ship can fire while in hyperspace?'' Prisca asked as the Morning-Star entered into hyperspace. We soon caught upto the fleeing warships and all cannons opened fire. ''Guess that answers my question.''

The Morning-Star opened fire on the fleeing Umbaran ships. Such a thing, firing while in hyperspace, was unheard of in the history of space combat. The crew of the enemy ships were terrified to their core when the Morning-Star opened fire. They were all quickly annihlated. The fleet soon arrived at the planet Umbara to help the imperial forces and end this war.

(The Battles of the Sudden Flame)

Transports brought from Ziost flew down to Umbara's surface. On my orders, Cobra had set a base in the mountains of Umbara where the ships were to deliver the cargo I wanted. The things inside these transport ships were none other than sith war beasts.

''What are the things inside them, sir?'' Captain Kassus asked me as he came forward.

''You'll see soon, captain. Are the troops ready?'' I asked in return.

''Yes sir.''

''Good. Thalia, now.'' I ordered on the comms and the transport doors opened to reveal terrifying sith war beasts. Even the most hardcore of troopers were scared of these monsters made by sith alchemy.

''Sir... w-what are these... these beasts!?'' Captain Kassus asked, scared to his core at the sight of these monstrosities.

''Sith war beasts, captain.'' I answered. The monsters included the large beetle like silooth, the monstrous terentatek, modified drexyls, sith behemoths, sith wyrms, bull rancors and battle hydras. I stretched out my hand to extend my power to them and the beasts obeyed my command. ''Go and annihlate my enemies.'' I ordered and they moved out.

The sith war beasts moved out to attack an Umbaran city not too far from us and defended by brigades of troops. When they came, they were completely unprepared for such an attack. They fired at the beasts but their hides were modified to resist blaster bolts to some extent. The silooths climbed defenses, shredding Umbaran clones while terentateks spewed fire out onto the city. Drexyls flew down and wyrms burrowed beneath the city. Rage rancors tore through their fortifications with ease and many fled from their presence. Sith behemoths came to make short work of tanks and soon, shadow troopers started to move in the city. The city was utterly devastated and another victory belonged to me.

'Is this the power of a sith? Sal, to command such power... you truly are amazing!' Priscilla Roth thought as she saw the devastation that the sith war beasts unleashed.

''Another city is not far from here, sir. Do we go?'' asked Captain Kassus.

''Why not, captain?'' was my answer and we were on the move once again. ''I want the terentateks and rage rancors to form six groups. Have all shadow troopers form up behind them and get the walkers ready. Call in Kyse and the vultures for a bombing run.''

''Yes sir.'' Captain Kassus then relayed my orders for me and we continued our advance.

The terentateks and rage rancors tore through the enemy defenses easily. It didn't help that they carried bunkers on them from which shadow troopers could fire. The hydras got their heads blasted off but it didn't matter; cut off one head, two more would take it's place. The sith behemoths came around protecting the flanks of the shadow troopers and they encircled an Umbaran army. Kyse and his vultures came around for their bombing run and much of the city was annihlated. More than a hundred thousand Umbaran troopers surrendered before me and we won three victories in one day.

''We won yet again, sir.'' remarked Captain Kassus. He had pride over the continual string of victories and pride in serving in this unit. ''We can now move onto Umbara City.''

''Let's not be too hasty, captain. There are still other cities we must take before going to the capital city of Umbara.'' I said to the captain. ''If we go to the capital now, it will have the necessary means to re-supply itself and continue the fight.''

''Of course, sir. My apologies.''

''What is your plan, Sal?'' Prisca asked me.

''First, we take the nearby cities. Then, we sent squads to enter via the capital city's sewage system and we attack head on. It's simple but given how densely packed the capital is, we are in for a big fight.'' I explained my plan and they understood it. ''The sith war beasts in our possession should-''

''Incoming fire!'' we all heard one trooper shout and a rain of missiles and bombs came upon us. The Umbaran starfighters flew down, targeting the walkers and sith war beasts. The chemical mixed fire of the starfighters weakened the war beasts severely and the missiles killed them. The sith hydras could not regrow their heads due to the intense fire on them.

''Get Kyse and all fighter squadrons to come down and blow those garbage out of the sky!'' I told Captain Kassus who nodded and I left to take the fight onto the approaching Umbarans.

''All units to your battlestations! We need air support down here immediately. Kyse! Get your squadrons down here now!'' Captain Kassus nearly shouted on the comms and then left to join the fight.

Because of this sneak attack, the angry army of shadow stormtroopers and sith would show no mercy on the Umbarans.

(five days later, Umbara City)

An intense fighting occurred on the streets of Umbara City. My forces had taken the nearby cities without much resistance but there wasn't many soldiers. At first, we assumed them to be low on manpower but it turned out that a majority were called back to the capital. Umbaran high command left the systems doomed to fall to imperial forces and called them back. There was extremely intense and hard, bloody battles, both on ground and above in space. Two imperial fleets came to assist us and divisions worth of troopers came to aid us.

Bombs and blaster bolts went to and fro in the dark streets of Umbara. Nonstop fighting that raged on for more than two days and seeing hundreds of thousands of casualties every hour. Shadow stormtroopers worked alongside regular troopers and we advanced as we could but the Umbarans and their clones put up a fierce resistance in the defense of their homeland.

I impaled an Umbaran clone trooper and force snapped another. I cut down one more and shot blast bolts from my blaster pistol. ''Prisca! Anne! Selene! Where are you!?'' I shouted since I was separated from them. In the heat of battle, we got separated as a damaged frigate crashed down onto the city. I continued fighting my share of Umbaran troopers when a starfighter came falling near me. I used the force to create a shield but the destruction of an Umbaran MHC behind me caused it's power core to explode. It wounded me severely and caused problems with my cybernatic parts. I fell on my back, pain all over my body and I felt the distress of my troopers.

Troopers calling for medics, others for reinforcements and then others reporting the death of their fellow soldier. Above in the sky, I saw a lucrehulk that the Umbarans repurposed leading the assault. I felt an anger come to me as all of this occurred. 'Get up. Get up!' my mind roared. 'My troopers need me. This war must be won.' I stood up and channeled my force power onto my hand. Lightning danced but I condensed it, made it stronger and stronger. I held it in my hands charging it up for a while, and then I released it.

A shot of lightning that sent an energy bubble that turned the nearby Umbarans to dust. Lightning that shot to the very top of the skies and destroyed the lucrehulk ship. It grew and grew until it encompassed all of the Umbaran star system and sent a shock wave through the force.

In the imperial palace at Coruscant, Darth Sidious was talking with his apprentice, Darth Vader. As he spoke, he stopped in the middle of it as both he and Vader sensed the force storm unleashed by Salazar Covraii. Sidious had a wide, crooked and dark smile on his face as he felt the power of the force storm.

''Lord Vader, do you sense it?'' he asked his apprentice.

''Yes, my master. The power eminating belongs to none other than the general.'' Vader replied. ''Most impressive.''

''Few sith so young can pull of a force storm, lord Vader. Lord Ashur is indeed a most valuable ally on our side.''

(Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia)

''A lightsaber duel is not just a clash of plasma blades, Rachael. The crystals themselves are connected to you. Know that the crystals too fight with you and if you are connected to them, the more fluent your abilities are.'' Snoke told Rachael Covraii as they began the lightsaber training sessions.

''I understand.'' Rachael replied and got ready for her training when they felt it through the force. It was her brother and him unleashing a powerful attack.

''Good. We will start with the basics and-'' Snoke too sensed it and he was happy. ''Rachael, do you sense it?''

''Y-yes. It's my brother. Such power that I'm sensing. It's... it's-''

''Incredible. He has created a force storm that covers an entire star system.'' Snoke finished with a dark smile.


Yoda, grandmaster of the jedi order, was in his hut on Dagobah. He was ready to eat his meal when he sensed it. The intense power in the dark side echoing throughout the galaxy. He dropped his bowl and clutched onto his robes for he felt cold.

'Such power... what could it be?' Yoda asked himself. He did not know that there was another sith lord in the galaxy.

-Umbara, Expansion Regions-

My force lightning created a huge force storm that spanned the entirety of the star system. Growing to over five lightyears in height, it created tree like branches and destroyed the Umbaran lucrehulk. The lightning sent bolts that annihlated whole starfighters and warships. Much of the Umbaran fleet was wiped out instantly and the lightning also came down to the surface. Umbaran walkers and tanks got struck while entire platoons got vapourized. It was a horrifying sight for the Umbarans but one of awe and majesty for my forces.

''Wh-what is that?'' Priscilla Roth asked as she stared at the beam of lightning that made Umbara, the shadow planet, lit like day.

''A force storm.'' muttered Selene. ''Lord Salazar has created a force storm.''

''Over there! The general is there!'' Anastasia, the death trooper captain, pointed out. ''The lightning is becoming weaker. We need to secure the general.''

My head felt like swimming and my body felt weaker. The lightning soon died out and I fell on one knee. I was still ready to fight but as my shadow troopers and sith warriors came to me, I knew I was safe. The war was won.

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