π‘Ίπ’˜π’π’“π’… 𝑨𝒓𝒕 π‘Άπ’π’π’Šπ’οΏ½...

By Guardian_Angel-21

112K 3K 932

In the year 2022, the VRMMO game "Sword Art Online" trapped 10,000 players in a death game. This is the story... More

Chapter 1: Disappointment
Chapter 2: Hidden Log Out
Chapter 3: God of War
Chapter 4: The Way of the Sword
Chapter 5: Swordswoman
Chapter 6: First Dungeon
Chapter 7: Party of 3
Chapter 8: Beater
Chapter 9: BlackSmith
Chapter 10: Act of Kindness
Chapter 11: Night Terrors
Chapter 12: The Fall and Rise of Guilds
Chapter 13: Black Cats
Chapter 14: No Place Like...
Chapter 15: The Trap Room
Chapter 16: Best Gift
Chapter 17: Christmas Renegade
Chapter 18: War and Lightning
Chapter 19: Murder in the Safe Zone
Chapter 20: Illusionary Avenger
Chapter 21: PinkSmith
Chapter 22: Mission Failed
Chapter 23: Sword Dance of Slayer and Knight
Chapter 24: Giant Goblin
Chapter 25: Duel and Broken Souls
Chapter 26: Love Conquers All
Chapter 27: I Love You [πŸ‹]
Chapter 28: My Heart is Yours
Chapter 29: Edge of Hell's Abyss
Chapter 30: The End of the World
Chapter 31: Another Lifetime
Chapter 32: ALfheim Online
Chapter 33: Goblin Slayer
Chapter 34: Monsters
Chapter 35: Prison Break
Chapter 36: Slay Them All
Chapter 38: A Warrior's Heart
Chapter 39: Memory Lane
Chapter 40: Reunion
Chapter 41: Peace
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 0
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 1
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 2

Chapter 37: Worthy

657 38 12
By Guardian_Angel-21

(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it.

3rd Person POV



- January 22nd, 2025 - Kawagoe City - Saitama Prefecture -

The Shinai swung down, raised up, and down again. The birds chirped beautifully in the open, the air was fresh but not cold. And the sun shined brightly upon the backyard of the Kiragaya residence. Dressed in her white kendo gi and her navy blue hamaka, she swung her wooden kendo stick out in the open. Normally while practicing kendo on her own, her mind would be concentrated on her future, whether that be about her future career or future kendo tournaments. Of course, she would think about ALO here and there.

But lately, she had been thinking a lot more about ALO, especially her recent party member, the Goblin Slayer. She thinks back to his feats of strength, speed, and skill with the blade. Thanks to her years of practice with kendo, it gave her an upper hand when playing ALO. But so far, it seems insignificant compared to the Goblin Slayer.

From her interactions with him, she can confidently say that he is new to ALfheim Online. He didn't know how to cast spells, the game's map, and terrain, but the biggest giveaway was that he didn't know how to fly, which resulted in his flying skills being average at best.

So, putting all the facts together, it still doesn't explain why he is so good at fighting. While it could be possible that he has much more experience in swordplay IRL, it shouldn't correlate or immediately transfer over to ALO.

Swinging her Shinai down one last time, she stopped to take a breath.

The sliding door to the house on her left opened. Turning, she saw her brother walk out with a smile and a cold beverage in hand.

Kazuto: Good morning Sugu, finally taking a break?

He hands her the beverage, trading it for the wooden stick. Opening the cold water bottle and sitting down on the steps, she drank.

Suguha: How long have you known I've been out here?

Kazuto: Not long.

He held the handle of the stick, holding it out in front of him. With the handles being longer than he's used to, he held it with both hands. Giving it a quick swing, he looked perplexed.

Kazuto: ...It's light.

She pulled away from the bottle to stare at him.

Suguha: That's a true bamboo blade, so it's on the heavy side. The carbon fiber ones are almost two ounces lighter.

Kazuto: Oh, I meant that it's uh-... it's lighter than I thought. Not nearly as heavy as I'm used to.

He traded the Shinai for the bottle again, he took his own sips as the girl thought.

Suguha: What the heck is he comparing it to?

After downing what was left, he stretched his arms and walked off the porch.

Kazuto: ...Hey, wanna have a match?

Suguha: ... A match? Seriously? A real match with pads and stuff?

Kazuto: Sure, if it'll take my mind off for a bit... But no contact, I'll feel bad if I got a nasty swing at you.

Suguha: You sound pretty confident for a guy who just spent two years asleep. And for your information, I was a quarterfinalist in the middle school finals. But, are you sure you're up for it? You shouldn't push yourself.

Kazuto: Heh! I gotta show off the results of all that muscle-building rehab.

He smirked and began trotting off to the building around the back of the house. Suguha hurried after him.


Inside the wooden dojo, both Kazuto and Suguha were in full kendo armor, kneeling on the floor with the weapons to the side. Giving each other a respectful bow, they picked up their Shinai and got into a pose.

She held her beloved shinai at mid-level. Kazuto, meanwhile...

Suguha:  What's that supposed to be, big brother?

The moment Suguha saw Kazuto's stance, she burst out chuckling. It was absolutely bizarre. His left foot was extended forward, his right foot back. His waist was crouched, the tip of the shinai in his right hand nearly touching the floorboards, while his left hand was merely placed on the hilt.

Kazuto: Don't you worry about it. This is my own style.

Suguha: If there were a judge here, he'd totally chew you out. But whatever you say.

Suguha resumed her position in disbelief. Kazuto spread his feet even farther, lowering his center of gravity. Just as she steeled her back foot for a forward pounce that would easily catch his helpless helmet, Suguha hesitated. Kazuto's stance was preposterous, but there was a kind of ease about it. His defense appeared full of easily exploitable holes, but she felt she couldn't just charge forward without caution.

He suddenly sprang into motion, as though sensing her hesitation. Kazuto slid forward, still low, his shinai springing upward from the right. His speed itself wasn't surprising, but the motion was, and Suguha was caught flat-footed. She could only act on reflex.

From her open right foot, she swung down at Kazuto's left gauntlet. Her timing was perfect—or it would have been if she hadn't hit empty air.

His dodge was impossible. Kazuto pulled his left hand off the hilt of the shinai and pulled it in close to his body. That shouldn't be possible. Now his shinai shot forward at Suguha's exposed helmet. She craned her neck hastily to avoid it.

They circled around and pulled back to allow a space between them. Suguha's mind had switched to a different mode altogether. There was a pleasant, familiar tension present, all the blood in her body threatening to boil. This time it was her turn to attack. She unleashed her best, a "kote men" strike from gauntlet to helmet—

But Kazuto evaded it cleanly once again. He pulled back his arm, twisted his body, and avoided the point of her blade by the width of a hair. Secretly, Suguha was shocked. She was known on her team for the quickness of her strikes, and she couldn't remember the last time she'd missed on multiple attacks in such a spectacular manner.

Now she struck powerfully, in full attack mode. The tip of her sword flashed at breathless speed. But Kazuto dodged each and every strike. Glancing at his eyes through the helmet's mask, Suguha thought that he saw everyone with perfect precision.

Irritated, she came in close to catch hilt on hilt. The pressure of Suguha's powerful legs and core pushed Kazuto off-balance. Without missing a beat, she unleashed a powerful overhead blow.

Suguha: Yaaah!!

Again, nothing but air. And a slight tap on her hip snapped her back to reality.

The match ended, and each fighter lowered their guard. Turning to her brother, she could see the look on his face of exhaustion. He pushed himself hard to avoid that last attack. Lowering their weapon, the girl sighs in defeat and disbelief.

Kazuto: Well, you've certainly gotten better since two years ago. Heathcliff's got nothing on you.

Suguha: Thanks... I guess. Are you doing okay?

Kazuto: Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just call it a day.

Kazuto took several steps backward and he whipped the shinai back and forth, then attempted to place it over his back. The next moment, he froze and then scratched the top of his head.

Kazuto: Sorry, old habit.

He walked out of the dojo and she stood there in silence, watching him exit the doors. How did he get so strong? Being in a coma for two years and jumping into kendo like it was nothing. But it wasn't only his strength that surprised her, but his expertise and skill.

It was as though he was utilizing a stance he'd practiced for years and years...

But that couldn't be right. Kazuto had only practiced kendo for two years, from age seven to eight. He wouldn't have learned anything but the very basics. Now she has two people in her mind, both incredibly talented and seemingly more skilled than her to think about.

Was she losing her touch?

- Shinagawa City - Minamoto's residence -

The ticking clock was loud, louder than usual, or that could just be his head, reminding him that time was passing by. His own subconscious taunting him involuntarily.

He turned the gears, locking into place his bike tire, sitting in his garage. It's been a couple of years since he last used it, and traveling around in a taxi can be expensive. Plus, he definitely needs the exercise, he may have recovered and excelled in physical therapy, but he can be stronger. He has to get stronger.

Pumping air into the tire, his mind rushed back to her.

He had visited her earlier, but the hope of her waking up that he usually carried wasn't there today. While he's hopeful that she's in ALfheim Online, there's always that doubt in the back of his mind. That voice that tells him that she's gone, and he will never find her.

But that's when another intrusive thought arrives, one that makes his blood boil at the very thought of. He could be in her room. Doing god knows what to her, whether that be in the real world, or the vir—.

That's when he stops pumping and grabs the closest object to him (the bike wrench) and throws it at the clock on the wall. The glass breaks and both come crashing down.

But the ticking doesn't stop.

His breathing quickens and doesn't slow down. The floor beneath him starts to spin. A cold sensation runs through his nerve, paralyzing him. The walls begin to move and close in. He closes his eyes, but the sensation remains. All he can hear is the ticking.





He feels himself being pulled into a hug, but he can't tell who. His face nuzzles into their chest and he holds onto them for dear life. After a while of hugging, his breathing slows down. The ticking stops being so intense and warmth returns throughout his body once more.
Everything returns to normal.

???: Feeling better?

Now as to the person who is holding him, he pulls back a bit, which in turn lets go of the hug. Looking up, Adkin is surprised to see the face of his father, Captain Shiro Minamoto.

Adkin: Dad... wh- what are you doing here?

Shiro: I came to check up on you, and see how you were doing. Looks like I came just in time.

Getting off the floor and sitting on the couch, his father joined. His father eyes the clock and the boy feels embarrassed.

Adkin: Sorry, I'll clean that up.

Shiro: It's alright, son. We can worry about that later. Feeling alright?

Adkin: ...To be honest. These past months... I haven't ever felt more helpless in my life.

Shiro: ...Is this about that girl? Asuna, right?

The boy nods slowly, not even looking his father in the eyes. His head was hunched, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands together.

Adkin: I know that you've told me that I should refocus on getting my life back on track, school, the academy... but I can't think of anything else by her, Sir. I can't move forward without her... I'm sorry.

His father is the police captain, and ever since he was young, he wanted nothing more than to be like his father. He trained hard and studied everything there was to know about police work. But when his mother had passed away his father had grown distant in his depression. He worked even harder to gain his father's recognition and respect.

His sister was already accepted into the police academy, but that future was stolen from her.

When he awoke from SAO, his father was there to pick him up and bring him back home. While he has to be away some time for work, he seems to be trying harder to be more present.

Shiro: ...Son.
...Be strong,
Even when your bones
Feel like they cannot carry
The weight of your soul.
For strength lies not just in muscles,
But in the resilience of the spirit,
In the courage to face the darkest nights
And in the determination to rise again.

The young Minamoto boy looked up to meet his father's gentle gaze. His father is also his inspiration for his poetry hobby, always knowing the right thing to say.

Putting his hand on his son's shoulder, the man held a face as if he were about to lift off a heavy burden.

Shiro: Adkin... I cannot imagine the hardships you faced while you were away. But I know this about my son... He is a good man. This girl seems to hold a special place in your heart. If she makes you feel whole, don't let her go. Be strong for her. I know you will do the right thing, but all in due time.

Tears threatened to fall from the boy's face, and he shoved his face into his father's chest, who hugged him in return. After a while, the Captain's phone rang. Separating from the hug, he answered, after a couple of seconds, he responded with an alright.

Shiro: I'm-

Adkin: Don't apologize, I understand. Duty calls, go.

After giving his son a smile, he got up, picked up his coat, and said his goodbyes before exiting the door.

Wiping away the tears, he took a deep breath and got up. Walking over to the clock on the floor, he looked down and saw a broken reflection in the glass. Looking past the reflection, he saw the hour. It was almost time.

 - Central Capital, Alne - Neutral Territory -

Logging in, the swordsman appeared and the bright blue light dimmed out. It looked like the armor was an empty showpiece, but once he moved the armor came to life. Standing up and walking out of his room, he exited the inn and walked toward the enormous tree at the center of the city. Players spawned in and began their day, NPCs greeted him but he paid no attention to them. The architecture of the city was beautiful, with most bridges and roads made of freshly constructed marble and stone.

Walking up the final steps towards the tree, he reaches the roots. A stretch of that wall was decorated with two massive statues of fairy knights, ten times taller than any player. Between them was a stone door adorned with fine carvings. For being the starting point of the game's final story quest, it was remarkably absent of any players.

Taking a few steps forward when he was surprised by movement coming from the giant statues, who turned and crossed swords with each other.

{Gate Keepers}: O warrior ignorant of the celestial heights, dost thou seek entry to the castle of the king?

Before the player, a menu opened up with a Yes or No prompt, asking if he wished to initiate the final quest. He pressed Yes without a second hesitation. The giant statues uncrossed swords and returned to their original form.

{Gate Keepers}: Go then, prove thou art worthy of thy wings, prove thou art worthy of flight.

The enormous gate opened before him, revealing a room of darkness. Reaching for his blade, he inspected it and recalled that the twin dwarfs said his new blade wouldn't be ready until near sunset. Guess he would have to do with an ordinary sword for now. Blade in one hand, and a shield in his other hand, he marched forward into the void of black.

Walking into where he thought the center of the room was, he was suddenly blinded by the bright lights from all around. Getting a clear look, he stood inside the hollowed-out interior of the world tree. The white design and lights made it look otherworldly. Emerging from the walls was a knight with transparent wings and a long sword. The guardian turned and targeted the single-horned player.

Cracking his neck, he got into a fighting stand as his eye glowed red.

Goblin Slayer: Let's do this.

In his shield hand, the wings flight controller appeared and thin black transparent wings appeared on his back. Flying upwards, he clashed blades with the first guardian.

He pushes and knocks back the white knight, but before it can get far, he grabs it by the collar and stabs his blade into its head, causing a purple explosion of defeat. Flying out of the smoke, he continues to fly higher and higher, noticing a dome-like structure at the top of the tree. That must be the exit to winning this challenge.

But before his confidence could go any higher, more lights emerged from the wall.  Hundreds upon hundreds of white guardians formed above him, creating a wall between him and the dome.

His grip on his blade tightened. Spotting two guardians inbound, he flew to them and maneuvered to dodge one of their blades and slice the second one across the stomach. Exploding into a cloud of purple smoke, he turns his attention to the first one, narrowly blocking a blade to the head with his shield. Pushing it away, he goes in for a swing but forgot he is flying manually, causing him to away and miss his swing and as a result, the beater is slashed across the chest.

That's when she comes into mind.

A burning sensation grew in his heart and grew hotter and hotter. An unstoppable fire grew and ran through his veins. He couldn't stop. Not when he's so close.

Flying back into action, he blocked a blade and slashed the guardian's arms off, knocking it out of his way. Flying higher, a group of three charges him. Flying straight into one, he stabs one in the chest, ducking under the second one's blade, slicing its head, and kicking the spinning head hard into the third one.

But a sudden fourth one appeared with an overhead swing. He blocks it with his blade but it starts to crack, pushing him down.

He grits his teeth. Seeing his blade on its last bit of health, he waits. Just an instant before his blade breaks, he uses a small amount of effort to slide out of the way and let the guardian's blade slide off of his. He spins and elbows its face and swipes its blade out of its hand. Cutting it in half, he keeps flying.

Two inbound guardians target him. Aiming for the left one, he throws his round shield at it, making the guardian knock it away, leaving itself open and giving him a chance to land his feet on it and stab its head. Leaping off of it as it explodes, he flies and mows down the second one.

He moves the controller higher and higher. The dome is just a few feet away from him.

Goblin Slayer: I'm almost there, Asuna! Just hold on a little longer!

But before he knew it, a light arrow impaled his hand, making him drop the controller. His wings disappear and gravity returns. He begins to free-fall and he turns his body to see an army of guardians aiming their arrows at him. He sees the controller a few feet away from him, he reaches out but he's pierced by a couple hundred light arrows, taking a good chunk of his health bar. He finally manages to catch the controller before he hits the ground. As soon as his wings reappeared he turned but was caught off guard once again. Five guardians' swords were thrown and impaled his chest, piercing out the other side.

He grunted, wanting to move forward but his health bar kept dropping red. He reached out to the dome, but another wall of guardians covered his way. Eventually, all of his health was gone. Purple smoke covered his vision and a ⪡YOU ARE DEAD⪢ icon appeared before him.

- End Music -

The swords that impaled him dropped to the ground. Opening his eyes, he couldn't move his body. He could only keep staring at the dome at the dome. A transparent menu with a timer of 600 seconds began.

This was the game death penalty. He was now a small ball of black fire floating in the center of the room, surrounded by the flying white knights. Guess there was nothing he could do now, but wait till he respawned.

Or, that's what he thought once he saw the guardian's calm demeanor turn agro. Turning his vision towards the entrance, he was surprised to see a blur of green and yellow flying past the guardians at great speeds.

Leafa flew past guardians, using her sword not as a weapon but as a shield to tip their momentum out of the way. Being that he was halfway up the tree, she made quick work and caught his ball of fire. Now nose-diving towards the ground, the guardians summoned and fired their light arrows at the young girl. She spun like a drill, avoiding the arrow but receiving a scratch or two. Reaching the ground she stuck close to it, avoiding the swords and arrows thrown her way. Finally, she reaches the entrances and comes out the other side, crashing to the ground.

After taking a breath, she opened her hand and the ball of fire remained. Opening her menu, she pulled out a small vial. Letting the fire hover above the ground, she opened and poured out a drop of the potion. The ball of black and purple spun, growing bigger and taller. Disapatting, the smoke revealed the slayer who hung his head low. Looking up, he saw the Sylph who sat on the floor with a face of relief.

Leafa: Goblin Slayer...

He kneeled down to meet her level and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Goblin Slayer: ...Thank you, Leafa.

Leafa: Of cours--

Goblin Slayer: Don't ever do something like that again. Understand.

Confused, she saw him get right back up and march toward the door to the World Tree. She jumped up and raced after him, grabbing his left arm and pulling him back but he kept going.

Leafa: Wait! Just let it be! You can't win, it's suicide if you keep trying and the death penalty will only grow higher if you do!

Goblin Slayer: I don't care. I can't stop... I won't stop until I reach the top. If you won't help me, then move out of the way.

Leafa: Just who do you think you are!? I told you, people have been trying to beat this for a year. It's impossible! It doesn't matter how strong you are!

Goblin Slayer: I. Said. Move!

He pulled his arm, ripping it out of her grasp. He continued to march forward toward the gates of the World Tree, with one singular objective in mind. Tunnel vision clouded his judgment, but his senses yelled at him to move. With no sword in his scabbard, he pulled out a knife and crossed blades with Leafa's attack.

Goblin Slayer: What do you think you're doing!?

Leafa: Fight me. I challenge you to a duel!

Pushing forward, they clashed and jumped back. Quickly opening her menu, she pulled out and tossed him a sword. Catching it, he couldn't turn around as she dashed and they clashed once more.

Goblin Slayer: I don't have time for this.

Leafa: WHY! Because you think I'm not worth your time anymore! Is that it?

Pushing back, the young man dodged underneath her swing, and she jumped back to avoid his low swing.

Leafa: Or is it because you think that I'm weaker than you!? Is that it!?

Activating a sword skill that made her blade glow green, she flew forward and swung overhead. The swordsman went underhand and they clashed in the middle.

The girl felt a rush of emotions she didn't know could happen all at once. One, was the adrenaline of escaping the World Tree's guardians. Two was the anger she felt at not only the young man who abandoned her and left her to fight the tree alone, but most importantly, at herself. After all of her years of training, and her time spent sharpening her skills in both the real world and in-game, she was still not nearly as strong as she wanted.

However, if her brother, who just spent two years in a coma surpassed her at her best, was all her effort irl worthless? And if this newcomer proved to be as strong as he appeared, formidable enough to hold his own against the World Tree's defenses, was her effort in-game worthless too?

...Has everyone been going easy on her? Do they not see her as someone worth truly fighting?...

She will not stand for this. She will prove them worth. Because she is worth fighting!

With a quick twist of her wrist, she countered with a series of rapid slashes, each one aimed at the swordsman's defenses. He danced back, his blade flashing in the light as he deflected her attacks. Their swords sang in the air, a symphony of steel and skill. The swordsman pressed forward, his movements fluid and precise, but the swordswoman matched him step for step, her own blade a blur of deadly grace.

As they continued to duel, their movements became more intricate, weaving a deadly dance of offense and defense. The swordsman feinted to the left, then spun to the right, aiming a powerful overhead strike at his opponent. But the swordswoman was ready, her own blade intercepting his with a resounding clang.

Their swords locked for a moment, the two fighters locked in a test of strength and willpower. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, the swordswoman broke the deadlock, pushing the swordsman back with a flurry of strikes. He stumbled but regained his footing, his face a mask of determination.

With renewed vigor, the swordsman launched a fierce assault, his strikes coming faster and harder. But the swordswoman was relentless, her movements fluid and precise as she parried and countered each attack.

But time was of the essence and the slayer had to be elsewhere. So doing something he normally never does, he goes in with an overhead swing. Seeing this, the girl locks blades with him, her hands raised high to the left and her blade angled to the right. Working as expected, he does something the Sylph had never seen. Using his right hand, he grabs the neck of her blade, pushes his hilts together, and pulls them down to his left. The sudden swiftness of it all didn't allow the young girl to realize that he was ripping the blade out of her grasp before it was too late and the edge of his blade was at her neck.

Goblin Slayer: ...Yield.

Realizing what had happened, the yellow-haired girl couldn't help but feel all the air leave her body, letting her knees fall to the ground.

Leafa: ...I yield.

She could only sit there in silence, her hands trembling as she lowered her gaze to the ground. The defeat weighed heavy on her, not just because of the loss in the duel, but because of the flood of emotions and doubts that clouded her mind.

Goblin Slayer looked down at her with a mix of concern and determination. He had seen the fire in her eyes, the passion that fueled her every strike, but he also sensed the turmoil within her. Without a word, he lowered his sword and extended a hand to help her up.

Goblin Slayer: You fought valiantly, Leafa. One of the best I've ever faced.

She slowly looked up at his hand but lowered her gaze once more.

Leafa: You only say that because you're feeling sorry for me... I don't want your pity.

Goblin Slayer: I do not say it out of pity, but out of respect for your skill. You are strong, Leafa, and you will only grow stronger with time... And I am sorry for how poorly I mistreated you. You haven't done anything to deserve it. I hope you can forgive me.

He dropped down to one knee and lowered his gaze to the floor. The girl looked at him and could only chuckle at the sight.

Leafa: You don't have to do that. I'm the one who charged you first. If anything, I'm sorry too, for pushing you to fight me.

Looking back up, he reached out his hand once more and she took it this time. Rising to their feet, the girl charged him and wrapped her arms around him in an expected hug. Slowly, he placed his hand on top of her head as his display of affection.

Goblin Slayer: ... And some days I forget,
what it is to be gentle with myself,
how to look at myself with kind eyes and speak to myself with soft words.
But on those days, I remember:
I am worthy of love,
worthy of kindness,
worthy of all the good things life has to offer.

Hearing his words, the girl only hugged him tighter, letting the words sink in. Separating, the girl looked at him with a worried face.

Leafa: Thank you... You're heading back inside, aren't you?

Goblin Slayer: ...I am. But I hope that you'll join me this time.

Leafa: ...

Picking up their blades off the floor, she handed him her secondary blade, she stood in a salute position with her blade in front of her face.

Leafa: I'll be more than happy to join you. Besides, it's not like you have an army to help.

Recon: But what if I said you did!?

Turning around and looking out to the city, a green-haired boy was flying over to them. Landing rather roughly nearly tripping himself, the young Sylph ran up to them.

Leafa: Recon? What are you doing here?

Recon: I've already told you Leafa. My blade belongs to you and you alone.

Goblin Slayer: You spoke about an army, what army?

Recon: Oh- right. The leaders of the Sylphs and the Catsiths are going to have a meeting and finalize the details of a coordinated raid of the World Tree between the two races. This plan has been set into motion for weeks now, and both races have their armies on stand-by, waiting for the treaty to finish.

Leafa: If we manage to join their raid party, we can definitely make it to the top of the World Tree!

Goblin Slayer: Sounds like a plan. Recon, do you know where this meeting is supposed to take place?

Recon: Yeah, I know the way! I can take you!

He was about to run off and activate his wings but before he could, a hand stopped him and pulled him back.

Goblin Slayer: Hold on, we've got one pit stop to make before we go.

- BrotherSmiths Shop -

The door to the shop opened and the bell about it chimed to alert the owners somebody had entered.

Walking out from the back room directly to the counter the brothers struggled to carry a sword draped over in a brown cloth. Placing the blade atop the desk, the brother smiths looked at the slayer and his two companions.

Sindri: Perfect, you're just in time.




(A/N): Hey guys, a bit of a longer chapter today to make up for last chapter's shortness. Big plans are on the way, hope you stay tuned.

Btw, this is what Brok and Sindri look like, didn't know how to include the image into the story without making it unnecessarily longer.

Support my Kofi :)


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