The Divit Brothers...Love Mak...

By grannydew

9.8K 1.4K 311

The surprise announcement from Paola had all but wrecked Efe's life...or so he thought. But Carolina walked a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty One

305 44 13
By grannydew

      Can and Sanem said goodbye to the rest of the guests.. " Sorry everyone, but we will have to reschedule this celebration for Efe and Carolina. There seems to be an emergency with one their friends and they had to rush to the hospital." Can explained. 

      " We promise to make it up to you as soon as they return from their honeymoon in a few days." Sanem added, waving as their friends left.

      " Can, should we go to the hospital too, Efe might need us if things don't go well with the baby." She asked... her heart breaking...

      Can shook his head, " No, let's let Efe take care of this himself. Besides Carolina is there for him now, that's the only person he will need. But we will be here waiting for them when they come home." He said, holding Sanem tightly against him.. 

      Kadir held Gabby's hand the whole way, as they sped to the hospital. " Gabby, please don't cry anymore. You are going to make yourself sick." He pleaded with her, methodically messaging her hand with his thumb.

      Gabby wiped the tears from her face, " Kadir she doesn't have anyone.... I was the only person she had,...and I turned my back on her. Do you know how that makes me feel." She mumbled through the sobs.

      " You never told me why you and Paola were fighting.... But I bet she has forgotten all about it by now. Do you want to talk about it?" He urged, trying to make her feel better.

      Gabby turned away, " No, I can't talk about it. But it won't be okay, trust me." The rest of the drive to the hospital was in silence. 

      Efe had so many emotions running through him at the moment that he couldn't even think, as they sped down the Highway toward Malaga, but Carrie's feeling were the most important to him right now. " Babe, are you ok?" He asked, reaching for her hand..

      Carolina had sat frozen in one spot, rethinking the bizarre event that happened just before the ceremony. She glanced his way with a slight smile, " I'm fine sweetie, don't worry about me. Your have more to worry about." She answered, wondering if she had some strange connection to what had happened to Paola...

      Efe sighed heavily, " But you are the one that I worry about most, Mrs. Divit." He said, giving her a boyish grin. " You are my wife, my heart, my soul,... so I just can't worry about anyone else." 

       The sound of him calling her Mrs. Divit was music to her ears. She was his wife, his partner and the person she loved most in this world, and she would stand beside him no matter what.

      They found a parking spot just outside the emergency room door, and all four of them hurried inside. Gabby and Efe inquired about Paola at the admissions desk and the clerk directed them down the hallway to another nurses station and waiting room.

      Gabby stopped a nurse as she rushed by, " Hey, excuse me, but someone called me about Paola Torres. She has been in an accident." She asked. The nurses nodded, " Oh yes, wait in the waiting room there and I'll get the doctor." 

      They all stepped into the waiting room where a few other people were waiting to hear about their loved ones. The others all looked their way as the entered, that's when Gabby noticed Alvaro sitting at the back of the room.

      Alvaro nodded a hello to Gabby, then looked away. She hoped that Efe didn't ask her about him, she wasn't sure if she could lie straight to his face. 

      Efe had also noticed Alvaro there when they came in, and he wondered who he was waiting for. He hadn't seen Alvaro in a while, not that they had ever been close friends, but they had been acquaintances. 

      The doctor came in the room and they immediately stood, " Are you here for Ms. Torres?" He asked, flipping through the chart in his hands.

      Gabby was the first to answer, " Yes, she's my friend. How is she?" She said. The doctor took a second to scan over the chart, " Well she was very lucky I think. The other car hit her broad side on the passenger side of her car." He reported.

      Alvaro had moved closer to Gabby and the doctor so he could hear what was being said. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the doctor say that Paola had been lucky. But he was worried about more than just Paola,.... he was worried sick about the child she was carrying.

      A wave of emotions hit Gabby, as she grabbed onto Kadir's arm for support. " So she wasn't badly hurt doctor, is that what you're saying?"  The doctor smiled, " I think your friend had a guardian angel with her tonight." He answered.

      The doctor looked at the four of them, " And where is the father of the child she is carrying?" He asked. 

      Efe cleared his throat, " Oh, that's me doctor, I'm the father. The baby is fine, right?" He muttered, embarrassed to be saying the words as he stood there in his wedding clothes and holding his new brides hand.

      The doctor hesitated for a second, " Oh, well....the baby has come through this just fine. I do not see any problem with your, uhh,... the mother carrying the child to full term." He reported, a bit confused.

      Alvaro covered his face with his hands, " Oh thank god they are both ok." He mumbled quietly. Gabby turned to look at him, giving him a slight smile...but she wished he hadn't showed up there. 

      The news brought a strange sigh of relief from Efe as well. He hadn't really considered this child as his own yet, but the thought of her losing the baby had made him feel strange.

       " Now, as far as the mother,...she has a broken ankle, a few scrapes and bruises and she will need someone to help her for a few days,  but other than that, she is fine." He said with a smile....

      The doctor then directed his attention toward Efe,  " I know you must be worried about your baby,...but I can tell you that baby's are very well protected in the mothers womb. The fetus in this early stage of pregnancy is quite healthy." The doctor said, patting Efe on the shoulder.

      Efe smiled and nodded, " I don't know much about pregnancy but I think that at 13 weeks, isn't the baby less likely to be in harms way." He said. The question took Carolina by surprise, but by the look on the doctors face, she could tell he was just as surprised.

      The doctor looked at all of them before answering, " I'm sorry, I think that you all have been misinformed." He spoke, with confidence.

      Gabby felt her heart skip a beat, " Oh no, here it comes....the truth. When the doctor tells them have far along she really is,... that's when my life is over."  She thought as she listened to the doctor.

      " How so doctor?" Efe asked, stepping a bit closer to doctor. His whole body language was demanding to know what he was talking about..

      " Well, Ms.Torres is not 13 weeks along in her pregnancy, and I'm not sure how you could have been given that information." He began, as he checked over the paperwork on his clipboard again.

      Efe felt his body tremble as he listened to the doctor....." Ms. Torres is approximately 7 weeks into this pregnancy, but she was very concerned about the well-being of this child. I have assured her that there is nothing to worry about." He answered, with a smile.

      " Seven weeks, ...are you weeks." Efe uttered, as a hundred red flags went off in his head...." But, I saw the reports...they said.... I'm sorry but, can I see Paola?" He asked the doctor.

      Carolina held onto Efe's arm tightly...." Babe, I don't think it's a good idea....not now.  Efe took a deep breath before turning to Gabby....

      " Ok Gabby,.... Whose baby is it?.....And I want the truth this time" ....His eyes glaring at her..

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