The Divit Brothers...Love Mak...

By grannydew

9.8K 1.4K 311

The surprise announcement from Paola had all but wrecked Efe's life...or so he thought. But Carolina walked a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Twenty Eight

248 37 14
By grannydew

      Carolina and Sanem were sitting in the middle of her bed, making the final adjustments to the crown of white daisies that she was wearing in her hair. 

      Sanem held it up in the air, as she examined it, turning it back and forth. " There, that should do it, don't you think?" She said, her thoughts going back to that unforgettable day at Can's  home and the photo shoot.

      Carolina could see that Sanem was reminiscing about that time when the picture was taken, "Sanem, I appreciate you letting me wear this crown of flowers. It's obviously an important part of your love story, with Mr. Divit." She replied, grasping her hand...

      Sanem looked down, her face flushed with memories and embarrassment. " Well let me just say, that was a very difficult day for me." She spoke, a childish like smile spreading across her face. " Let me start by saying that I was a very naive and inexperienced girl back then, and I did some things that when I look back on them now...well they are embarrassing, that's all I can say." She replied with a giggle.

      Carolina was more than intrigued. " I can't imagine that you were ever naive, or inexperienced for that matter. But, please tell me what happened." She pleaded, her curiosity peaked.

      Sanem took the next little while telling her how she all but ruined the career of the top model in the country. " It's not something I'm proud of, but when her face became distorted and red from the strawberries in her smoothie, I couldn't help but laugh....and I think that made Can even more upset with me. But that was the day he took those pictures of me without me knowing." She laughed, as the full memories of that day circled in her mind..

      Within seconds Sanem changed, becoming serious, " That was a day of turmoil for me too.. I didn't know what these feelings were that had burst open inside me. Just the sight of Can would make me shudder inside, like nothing I had ever experienced before. I couldn't stand to be away from him,....and I couldn't stand to be with him. It was just like they say,... he was my pull of nature and I didn't understand what was happening." She muttered, as if she were reliving that time all over again.

      Carolina wiped a tear from her cheek, she didn't even realize she was crying, until it tickled her cheek as it slowly rolled down. " I'm sorry Sanem, I didn't mean to bring back bad memories." She said. 

     Sanem smile, " No Carolina, you didn't bring bad memories. These are memories of my heart. These are the memories that make me who I am....Sanem Divit. And I wouldn't have it any other way.. There was nothing in my life that could ever keep me from loving Can... I knew it that day, and every day after that...He was the only person I would ever love." She whispered softly, as she wiped the other tears that trailed down Carolina's cheeks.

      Kadir had all the arrangements handled. Daniel and Leo, Efe's friends since high school, were the ones in charge of stocking the boat with all the necessary supplies for a few days of sailing. 

      Daniel and Leo's girlfriends had offered to decorate the cabin of the boat to welcome the honeymoon couple, so Kadir left the boat in their capable hands. " If we know Efe, he won't be interested in the decor when he gets his bride to the boat."  Daniels girlfriend said, making the rest of them laugh...

      The hours of the day were ticking away, as the time of the wedding grew closer and closer but Carolina had been adamant about Efe not seeing her until the ceremony. It was one of her only traditions that she was sure she wanted to uphold, and Efe was happy to agree. 

      Carolina looked at her phone one more time. " It's 5:00. In a little over two hours I will be a married woman."  The thought made her shiver with excitement. Her and Efe had refrained from  any kind of close intimacy, and to be truthful it had been the worst thing she had ever done. 

      Tonight,....tonight they would makeup for all the nights they had missed together, tonight would be special.... Her mind was thinking of all the possibilities of the night when her phone rang. She picked it up, looking at who was calling. " Dad, is that you?" She asked hesitantly.

      Adam cleared his throat, " Yes Carolina, it's me. I got your message. So you are going through with it? And there's nothing I can say to change your mind?" He asked, his voice was strained and  she could tell he was crying.

      " Daddy, please,...I want you to understand. I'm not doing this just to hurt you,..I'm doing this because I love Efe. Because you taught me what love is,...because you and mom loved each other,...because, because I love you." She sobbed, wanting him to understand...

      Adam swallowed what seemed to be the last bit of his heart, " Your mom would have loved Efe...she would have loved this whole thing,... You, Efe, your love story,....the magic of it all...

      "She would have given you her blessing. So, since she is not here to say those words to you,...Then I will."

      "My beautiful, wonderful, loving daughter..... You have my blessing, blessing to be happy for the rest of your life." He uttered, speaking through the tears.

      " Oh daddy, thank don't know...... dad, dad, are you there? She asked, as she listened to the silence on the other end of the phone.

      Carolina held the phone tightly against her chest, "Thank you daddy,.... But most if all,..thank you momma. Thank you for being with me today." She said, her heart filled with love..

      Gabby was still curled up in the sanctuary of her bed when someone knocked on her door. She threw her hands over her face, " Now what, this had better not be Paola again. I don't need anymore reminders of how insignificant I am." She huffed, climbing out of bed and stomping to the door. 

      When she opened the door, she  was met with a huge bouquet of lavender and purple flowers. "  Gabriela Delgado Cruz?" The person asked, shoving a notebook in front of her to sign. " Here, sign it on the line please." 

      " But, who,...where did ...ahh, ok." She said, scribbling her name on the paper. She took the flowers, still confused at who could be sending her flowers, and closed the door. A card was sticking out from the top of the bouquet, so she took it out and opened it..

      " Gabriela,... I am glad you have accepted my invitation to the wedding. Be ready at 6:00, and I hope these flowers will eliminate any doubts you might have about me.... Oh, by the way... I think this color would look beautiful on you.  Kadir...." 

      She couldn't keep from laughing, but she wondered how he knew she was considering a lavender dress for the wedding..... It was magic....destiny.....clairvoyant...

      Whatever it was, she was convinced.... Kadir wasn't just using her as Paola had said...

She quickly glanced at the clock,.... " He will be here in an hour...... so wipe all those doubts from your mind and get ready.....She thought as she placed the flowers in a vase.

      Paola had chosen a dress that she was sure to make Carolina Munro look like a nun.....She skillfully applied her makeup and pulled up her silky black hair into a bun on top of her head. 

      She stepped back to evaluate herself in the mirror, " You look fabulous, if I do say so myself." She smiled, placing her hand on her stomach.... " Don't  worry my baby....your father will love you know matter what. I will make sure of that." 

      She was watching the clock, " She knew that the wedding would probably be at sunset, unoriginal thought of course, but she wouldn't have expected anything out of the ordinary for Carolina anyway. 

      She grabbed her wrap and her bag and headed out....allowing herself just the right amount of time....." I want to be there just in time to see here walk down the beach.....And then I can spoil all of her dreams." She smirked. " I will almost feel sorry for Red,... no, maybe not.." She laughed...

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