Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

Cobra business

206 6 1
By SithTrooperO9

      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Every complaint that I recieve... every message, every fine that comes to my holo-phone... sigh... why does it always have to be you three?'' I asked and the three in question were none other than the trio of Vilem Kyse, Hans and Gunther. A day after my coronoation and almost immediately, I had to deal with their shenanigans. ''Come on, guys. We're 18 now. I'm king of Akkadia, an imperial army general and sector moff. Kyse, you are among the empire's best pilots. Hans and Gunther, you're my pilots. Really guys.''

''We're sorry, sir. I keep telling them but you know how they are.'' Kyse said, in a way saying he was kinda blameless in this whole ordeal which no doubt ticked off Hans and Gunther.

''Oh zats rich coming from you, mister flying, bald sparrow.'' retorted Gunther. ''You vwere the one to suggest ve check the mausoleum.''

''Yeah.'' Hans supported Gunther.

''Guys, guys, guys.'' I called for their attention. ''I am not blaming one of you. I am blaming all of you. I had to pay 4,500 more credits because of you guys. Please, just control yourselves. You can go.'' I said, dismissing them and once they left, I sat down and gave a heavy sigh. 'Fuck this shit;  they're turning my life into a train gone off course.'

''Sir, you okay?'' asked Captain Kassus.

''Yes, captain. I'm fine. Did you and Admiral Conrad prepare the troops and ships to leave as I told you to?'' I asked.

''We did, sir. We'll be ready to leave within the hour.''


''Why wouldn't you be coming with us, sir?''

''Take a guess, captain, and tell me why you think I'm not coming with you guys.''

''You need to stay to consolidate your power over the planet and the people.'' Captain Kassus said and I nodded my head as a way of saying, 'you're right'. The captain continued further, saying, ''And along with other stuff, sir. I can understand if you want to stay here and grieve for your aunt when we are away.''

''Do not think that because I am silent or working, I am not mourning my aunt, captain.'' I said to the captain, my mind not really thinking clearly. ''I have work and responsibility that comes with my ranks. If I outright mourn for her, shed a tear or so, the higher elites will take it as a sign of weakness. But then, the people will think that I am nothing but a heartless monster.''

''I was not thinking of any of them, sir.'' the captain told me and I sensed no ounce of deception in him. ''You are neither weak or a heartless monster. I am sorry if my words made you think otherwise.''

''No. I should apologize.'' I replied. ''I misheard you... or rather, I thought of your words in a wrong way. Everything is so stressful nowadays, captain. The war, the rebellion, my coronation and rise in rank... then there's the question of my wedding.''

''Wedding? Sir, you're... getting married?'' the captain could not believe what he heard. ''When and to whom, sir?''

''When is a matter of talk for a later time, captain. As for whom, you already met them. Kore and Myranda. We'll get wed soon, hopefully.'' I told the captain and deep down, he feared for his superior commanding officer due to the dominatrix like personality that Myranda Blûdwyne had.

''I wish you luck then, sir.''

''What's that suppose to mean?'' I quietly asked. The captain's tone was strange. Like he was happy and yet fearful. Fearful of what exactly I do not know.

''I will be going then, sir. Admiral Conrad won't like being kept waiting for any longer.'' he said and left the room. 'Hopefully the blonde woman doesn't like whips like they say.' he thought.

''My work just got a whole lot harder. I do not have much experience in the political, financial or administrative functions. Well, at least there's Kore's family and Myranda's too with a few good and loyal people whom my aunt appointed. Hopefully, they can be trusted. But no matter how bad the day can go, at least I have you, Fenrir.'' I said to the good wolf boy who came to be, happy and cheering me up. ''Yes, you're a good boy, Fen, and no matter how bad things get, you will always be by my side, right?'' I asked and Fenrir gave a happy bark.

''Lord Salazar, may I enter?'' it was Selene and she asked permission to enter. I waved my hand, signalling her to come in, and she did. ''The results, my lord. It is as you believed. Your sister is force-sensitive.''

''As I thought.'' I muttered as I looked at the results. The only two, known force-sensitives in Akkadia's history and it just so happened to be us. ''It could be a bit... problematic.''

''My lord... who shall train lady Rachael?'' Selene asked me.

''Keep it between us, Selene. When there is time, you and I will train my sister. Whatever happens, I don't want Snoke or the Eternal's elite to hear of thi-'' as those words left my mouth, a dark mist came into the room and it was non other than my master, Snoke, himself. ''Shit.''

''My apprentice,'' Snoke began, ''you hurt my feelings. Or at least, whatever part of emotions left that I can feel.''

''Snoke, how-''

''Infinity gates, apprentice.'' he stated bluntly. Of course, that was the obvious answer. ''I used them to come from Angmar to Akkadia. Nice palace this is. Khorsabad, I believe it was named. Yes, very nice.'' Snoke looked at the ceiling, the chandeliers, the pillars and other fine pieces of art in my throne room. ''As for your sister, I sensed it through the force, apprentice. No need to go angry on the women or anyone for that matter.''

''You want to train my sister as you train me, don't you, Snoke?''


''Forget it. I will not allow any harm to come to her. She's been through enough and I don't think your way will exactly help.'' I told Snoke but all he did was give a roaring laughter.

''My apprentice, your concerns for your sister... natural, expected of but misguided.'' Snoke said but still my mind was on guard. ''When I found you, you yourself were an emotional wreck. The loss of your parents years prior and the then recent loss of your best friend... I was lenient with you.''

''You call torture, mental intrusion, emotional manipulation and the like... lenient?'' I asked and then let out a slight chuckle. ''I should've expected it from you but-''

''No buts, apprentice. I have decided to train your sister and train her I will. Do not worry for I will go easier on her than I did with you or anyone for that matter. She may not be as strong as you but... she still has potential. If she is not good in the ways of a lightsaber or in traditional force powers, then she might have an affinity with sorcery.''

Seeing no hope of winning this argument, I relented. ''Fine. You can train her but if you harm her, I will-''

''No need for threats, apprentice. You are still no match for me. In a few years, you will be and you will become dark lord of the sith.'' Snoke said.

''Selene, get my sister for me.'' I ordered the Lengii sith who nodded and left the room. ''My vanguard wraiths are in the palace. I will tell the servants to treat you with respect and follow your wishes. But I do not want you to go into Nineveh's streets or anywhere else on Akkadia.''

''Not like I had any plans, apprentice.''

''And I will have special quarters fit for a dark lord made. I do not want you to sleep on my aunt's or my bed.''

''I do not need sleep, apprentice. But that was harsh, even from you.'' Snoke said in a mock hurt tone before he became serious. ''The Eternal's explorers and spies have reported back. Explorations to find what the Elder Things were and how they use the force. As we speak, they are investigating sites in the Unknown Regions and the Deep Core. Another is the matter of the Rakatans.''

''I know that.'' I replied to the Rakata part. ''I have looked at the old tales and epics and found something interesting. The Rakatans are the same Anunnaki of old legends. According to it, they built a city called Eridu that was lost in the great flood. I may have a clue as to where Eridu is. Spent so much time looking at all these star maps and stories I became pre-occupied with them.''

''And what do you hope to gain when you re-discover Eridu, apprentice?''

''Hopefully there is Rakatan machinery on Eridu that we can learn and use to our benefit. Maybe, we may be able to create our own Starforge.'' I told Snoke and then, Selene entered the room, escorting my sister. ''Sis.''

''Brother, you called for me. I-'' she was suddenly caught off guard by the presence of Snoke.

''You don't need to fear. Not as long as I'm alive.'' I reassured her. ''Tell me, sister, what do you know of the jedi?''

''Only stories. That they're an order of mystic warrior-monks with light swords and powers.'' she answered.

''There is more to that. The jedi had enemies known as the sith. I... am one of them or at least part of a sith sect.'' I said to her and pulled out my hand. On my hand came a dark blue fire and I lifted objects through the force. ''You are force sensitive. You can also learn this, sister.''

''M-me? Are you su-''

''Yes, I am certain of it. I would teach you but I have no time. This is Snoke. He is my teacher and the one who taught Selene, my guard, as well as the wraiths. As he taught me, he also wants to teach you.'' I told her and Snoke came forward to examine my sister.

''She's a lovely girl, isn't she, apprentice? Yes, very lovely. Smooth skin, delicate eyes, lush hair, right assets and... a perfect set of teeth! Unlike me, hehe.'' he chuckled and then looked at me, waiting for the perfect roast. ''How are you two ever siblings?''

''Anyways, I will leave your training into Snoke's hands. If he harms you, sis, tell me. Be safe, okay?'' I said and walked out the room to continue with my work. That work being to establish and consolidate Cobra's, and by extension, my power over the Seswenna Sector and fill in the gap left by my aunt. As I walked out of my throne room, I met up with my future brides. ''Kore, Myranda, I was hoping to see you.''

''We came, Sal. Is there something you need us to help with?'' Kore asked.

''Yes. Before the Expansion Regions war broke out, I studied some star charts and had satellites survey the southern half of Akkadia. What I'm asking, I'm putting into the only people I trust. You two. Kore, Myranda, I am convinced that I have found the ruins... of Eridu.'' I revealed to them and the two women were greatly surprised to hear this development.

''Eridu? But, isn't Eridu just a myth, Sal?'' Kore asked.

''All myths and stories have some truth in them, Kore. I will give you a battalion of my shadow troopers as guards along with several wraiths.'' I told them and typed the order on my holo-phone. ''I have to go now. Lots of work to do.'' I said and gave them the data pad containing the data. ''I trust you with this.''

''We'll get it done, Sal.'' Myranda replied, taking the data pad and I left the hall to the hanger.

''Where are we going, lord Salazar?'' Selene asked.

''The underworld. For a meeting with the Hutts. You, Selene, along with Anastasia and her squad and other sith will be there as... the 'intimidation factor' should the need arise.'' I explained to her. ''The death of someone powerful and influential always results in a power vacuum. I must fill it fast before they decide to take advantage.''

''I understand, lord Salazar.'' Selene replied before mustering the courage to ask, ''Lord Salazar, are you angry with me?''

''Why do you ask that?'' I asked, taken slightly off guard by her question.

''I thought you may blame me for lord Snoke discovering the nature of lady Rachael's-''

''I'm not, Selene. I don't blame you. You heard him say it, did you not? He knew it from the force. Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself, Selene. I know you wouldn't have done something like that without my order. I believe you.''

''Thank you... lord Salazar. For believing in me.'' she said with a smile before she recieved a message from Thalia. ''Lord Salazar, I must inform you that probes has found a machine in an ancient jedi temples in Tython. In it is something Nymeria identified as one capable of finding force sensitives in any star sector. They wished for you to know and what your orders will be.''

''Tell them to secure it and to not anyone else find it. If need be, I want Roxanna herself to go to Tython.'' I ordered and Selene relayed the command. We walked into my corvette, the Endless Night, and set out to the planned meetings that were arranged with the Hutts and my aunt's allies.

''Sir.'' Anastasia called out to me as I sat. ''Intel recovered revealed this message, sir. It seems that your aunt wished for you to... marry beyond the two noble women.'' Anastasia revealed, slightly angered. ''It is with Priscilla Roth, the daughter of a man named Everett Roth of Chandrila.''

'Prisca?' I thought. ''I'll... have to put that for a later time, Anastasia.''

''If it's alright, sir, you can just call me Anne.'' she said and I swore I heard one of the death troopers cough.

''If it's okay with you then, Anne.'' I said and turned to my pilots. ''Hans, Gunther, set course for Nal Hutta and then Kessel.''

''Aye aye, Sal.'' Gunther then put in the coordinates and off we jumped to Nal Hutta.

      -Kuat Drive-yards, planet Kuat-

The CEO of KDY as well as other leaders of the company were gathered to hear Roxanna's proposal. That proposal was to turn KDY into essentially a Cobra puppet and the Chiss sith knew they wouldn't listen. So, she had Thalia and sith assassins kidnap their loved ones as blackmail. The CEO and the other leaders, had no choice in this matter.

''As you can see, either you agree to my terms or... you get the point.'' Roxanna said to all of them and viper troopers presented them with holo-documents and holo-papers.

''We don't a choice, do we?'' the CEO asked and sighed. ''Fine.'' he said and signed. Before, Moff Dainah Covraii bought 35% shares of the company and now, it belonged to her nephew, General Salazar Covraii. Now, he had to give more of it over to the new P.M.C Cobra Corps. Little did they know, the man called Cobra Commander and Gen. Salazar Covraii were the same person. With a few signatures, the galaxy's best shipyards were in their lord's hands. Now, she just needed Sienar Fleet Systems and a few more key companies.

Roxanna's holo-phone rang;  she picked it up and saw that it was Thalia calling her. ''Roxanna. What is it, Thalia? New orders from lord Salazar?'' she asked.

''Yes. He wants the device we have discovered secured. No doubt he wishes to use it. Probes reveal that a jedi survivor and his apprentice reached the temple, taking out the probes and the viper troopers. Normally, I would go but lord Salazar stated that you go if the need arises. I am not one to question him.'' Thalia told Roxanna who was delighted to be off for a fight rather than on these tasks.

''Have a ship ready for me then, Thalia. I'll entrust the Sienar Fleet Systems part to you then.''

''Will do. There has been some development recently. Lord Salazar's sister is as you predicted. A force sensitive.'' Thalia informed Roxanna who expected the results to be this way.

''Who is training her then? Lord Salazar himself or a sith vanguard wraith? A marauder perhaps? Maybe Nymeria?''

''No. It is lord Snoke.'' as Thalia said that, Roxanna stop in the middle of the hall, taken off guard by this.

''Snoke? So he decided to train lord Salazar's sister. I'm surprised that he allowed Snoke of all people to train his sister. But whatever. It is not my place to question my dark lord.'' she said and continued walking. ''Speaking of, can't believe we all missed lord Salazar's coronation. I wanted to see that. Where is lord Salazar anyways, Thalia?''

''Off to make sure Cobra's power is established or so said by Selene.''

''Selene sure is lucky she gets to be with lord Salazar and go on adventures with him. Oh well. I'm headed to Tython.'' Roxanna hopped on a corvette and the ship jumped to the holy jedi planet of Tython.

     -Kessel, Maw Cluster, Outer Rim-

''We are in agreement, then?'' I asked the leaders of the Pyke Syndicate who were more than happy and willing to strike a deal with Cobra and my family's business.

''As it was with Lady Dainah, so it will be with you. Good to see we can come to an agreement, General Salazar.'' the Pyke Syndicate head said, shaking my hand. ''Melange comes to us and in return, you recieve coaxium. Labour from your part, other stuff from us. We all profit together.''


''But I would still keep an eye out for the Black Sun if I were you.'' the Pyke head warned. ''The Hutts and we may be powerful allies on our parts but Black Sun may pose a threat. Not to mention that organization called Crimson Dawn. Who knows what they want really? And to think the famous general would be also be the same Cobra Commander of P.M.C Cobra Corps. You have made quite the name for yourself, general.''

''I would prefer if you kept it secret.'' I said to him.

''The Pykes will honor it, general. Your secret is safe with us.'' they said and I left. My left eye glowed behind the eye patch as I chanted in a low voice a sith spell. The spell was to make sure the Pyke Syndicate leaders would not reveal that I am Cobra Commander. If they attempt to, their voice box would be silent and unable to make a noise.

''Anasta- I mean, Anne, did you get what I asked you to?'' I asked as my death trooper captain came. Her squad brought several crates which I assume to be the coaxium I asked.

''Yes, sir. We got them as you asked.'' she answered, coming close to me. I always felt a bit uncomfortable with her so close to me since she was clearly much taller than me. Made me feel a bit small despite holding the power and rank.

''Gunther, prepare the Endless Night. We have the coaxium. Set course for Coruscant. I have a meeting arranged with the emperor.'' I ordered my pilot.

''Vill do, Sal.''

''How's your new upgraded armor, Anne?'' I asked.

''It's okay, sir. I like that it has more functions and it's easier to move in it. Helmets not so stuffy anymore.''

''Glad to hear.'' I said and we arrived on the corvette. Once onboard, the ship took off from the landing pad and headed into space. 'Crimson Dawn, huh?' I thought to myself. 'Better ask Thalia to find out about them should the need arise.' as I sat on my chair, an encypted call came from an old friend.

''General.'' the voice was from Brandon Kosvo. ''Did I call at a bad time?''

''No. How's the front, Brandon?''

''Fine. A skirmish here and there but nothing we can't handle. I just wanna say, thank you, general. For your patronage. I appreciate it. It means very much to me and when you need help, I'll be there. Just as promised.'' he told me. ''I heard of what occurred in Akkadia and... my condolences. Despite what happened, you have given me support and... I don't know how to repay you for this.''

''Don't mention it. Say, how's your mother, Brandon?'' I asked, unaware of what truly happened. A feeling cams from the commodore that was of sadness and guilt, anger and hate.

''She's... passed away a while back.'' Brandon lied, unable to tell anyone the truth.

''Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.''

''No. It's... I'm sure she's in a better place now. Maybe they're watching over us now. Caring for us and... looking out for us.''

''I like to think of it like that as well.'' I said. ''Better go now, Brandon. Lots of work to do here.''

    -jedi temple, Tython, Deep Core-

A few ships exited hyperspace and entered Tython's atmosphere. On the ruins of a very, very ancient jedi temple, Roxanna examined the corpses of fallen viper troopers. 'Marks of a lightsaber cut. From the level of precision and how deep the cut goes, I'd say the one who did this was a knight.' Roxanna concluded in her mind. 'The device that Nymeria discovered. For the jedi, a chance to rebuild. For the Eternal, more acolytes, which means more faithful servants to lord Salazar.'

''Ma'am, the entrance to the temple is over there.'' a sith marauder, clad in their proto-adarite black armor and dark red cloaks, came to report. ''A knight has engaged the intruding jedi. A master-apprentice duo. What are your orders?''

''Tell the viper troopers to enter and surround the place. All of you are with me. However, I wish to fight the jedi myself.'' Roxanna ordered. The marauder replied with a 'as you wish' and left to do as told.

Lightsaber clashes and hissing, the sound of swings and rocks being thrown was heard inside the temple. A sith knight had engaged the intruding jedi duo. The jedi knight and her male apprentice struggled against the sith knight. The bigger and physically stronger sith knight grabbed and threw the jedi padawan away and engaged the master in single combat. As the sith was superior with a lightsaber, the jedi used the force and threw a boulder at the sith. The dark side user cut it apart and was thrown back with a force push. He force choked and lifted the approaching jedi, throwing her back and he ran forward to kill her. However, the apprentice came to save his master in time. The sith knight fought in a dangerous duel that lasted a good minute, utilizing all his skills, physical strength, martial arts and force techniques but he was being overwhelmed. Finally, his left arm was injured and he was thrown back to the stairs.

''Go. Secure the device.'' the jedi master ordered her apprentice as she readied to face the sith knight. The sith knight got up in anger, only to be yeeted by a force push. The jedi sensed the greater dark side user, the more powerful sith, entering.

''Who did that!?'' demanded the sith knight. ''Another jedi!? I'll-'' his anger turned to shock, fear and embarrasment instantly as he looked up to see Roxanna's cold, scarlet gaze looking down on him. ''Tartan Roxanna! I-I- forgive me. I failed lord Salazar.''

''Oh do shut up.'' Roxanna told the sith knight and got her lightsaber out, igniting it in a single blade. Her stance was in form 7 juyo. ''Come and dance with me, little jedi.''

The jedi carefully thought of a way and strategy to defeat Roxanna, that was, until the female Chiss sith surged forward in terrifying speed against her. The jedi barely managed to block the aggressive and hard strike from Roxanna. A hard blow when compared to her own strength, that is. Roxanna continued her relentless attack, striking here and there and she enjoyed the moment. She enjoyed the feeling of fear and anxiety that was slowly coming out from her opponent. The jedi threw rocks at her but Roxanna made a force shield that blocked them. Roxanna surged forward again and began to strike swiftly and aggressively. She kicked the jedi master away and split her lightsaber in two and ignited them. She came again and used her signature form 4 against the jedi. Her swiftness was too much for the jedi to keep track of and the jedi master got a scratch on her left thigh.

The jedi force pushed Roxanna away but the sith countered by pulling the jedi and throwing her at a boulder. Roxanna came and the two dueled once more. Roxanna blocked the jedi's strikes and delivered a hard punch to her ribs. Roxanna continued with her relentless strikes and then shot her scarlet force lightning. The jedi came forward but Roxanna easily blocked her strikes. The Chiss sith kicked her opponent and then disarmed her. She force pushed the jedi away and just as the jedi reached for her saber, Roxanna stabbed her opponent.

''No!'' the jedi's apprentice roared in anger. He ignited his saber and ran forward to face Roxanna.

''Get the device.'' Roxanna ordered the sith marauders and knights while she dealt with the padawan. ''You are not worth my time but show me what you have regardless.'' Roxanna taunted.

The padawan attacked Roxanna with all his strength and skills but the sith Chiss was too powerful for him. It wasn't a real fight and Roxanna bested him easily. The sith force pushed him away and dropped boulders on top of him. The padawan managing to barely save himself using the force. ''Impressive.'' Roxanna remarked. ''For a padawan, that is. Tell you what, if you can survive, come search for us.'' she told him. ''Harness your anger, your hate and guilt and turn it to power. Tap into the dark side and come for me when you grow stronger.'' she said and walked out with the other sith. 'In the end, survive or not, it matters little. Tap into the dark side, you get consumed by it. Survive to use it, you become a servant to lord Salazar and the sith.'

The sith then collapsed the temple, leaving the jedi padawan to his fate. They hopped on their ships and left for Ziost.

"Lord Salazar, Roxanna has reported.'' Selene informed me. ''They have acquired the device. Nymeria shall begin working on it and use it to gather more children as sith.''

''One less job for me and them.'' I remarked. ''Gunther, when will we reach Coruscant?''

''We are here, Sal.'' Gunther replied. ''Arriving in three, two, one.''

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