Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

20.1K 464 124

A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

Battles of the war

218 5 0
By SithTrooperO9

A/N: Captain Kassus is head of Salazar's speeder-cavalry force called the 'savaran cataphracts'. They are an elite unit pulled from the best of the scout troopers and have some sith knights among their ranks. They ride heavily armed and armored speeders into battle and their main weapons are blaster rifles, pistols, ion lance-rifles, plasma maces and plasma swords.

Cobra tie drone fighter; successor to the separatist droid tri-fighter.

Cobra light fortress walker

Cobra droideka artillery cannon droid

Cobra nemesis class star-frigate

Stats for the ship:
Length- 670 meters
Width- 240 meters
Height- 60 meters
Crew compliment- 100 for crew
Trooper compliment- 300
Hyperdrive- class 1
Speed- 1,000 miles an hour
Weapons- 40 medium turbolasers, 20 ion cannons, 10 rocket launchers, 10 point defense cannons and two phasers
Starfighter compliment- squadron (12)
Can carry- 25,000 tons of cargo

Cobra harrower class heavy cruiser

Length- 1,300 meters
Width- 460 meters
Height- 400 meters
Crew compliment- 500
Trooper compliment- 5,000+
Hyperdrive- class 1
Speed- 980 miles an hour
Weapons- 60 heavy turbolasers, 40 medium turbolasers, 40 ion cannons, 30 missile launchers, 30 point defense cannons and 10 phasers
Starfighter compliment- 100
Can carry- 100,000 tons

-imperial army camps, Umbara-

''Report, captain. What do you have for me?'' I asked Captain Kassus as he entered my camp to report the latest scouting mission.

''Things look good, sir.'' Captain Kassus answered and then gave me the data pad. ''No traps so to speak. No Umbaran scouts or droids in sight. We are clear.''

''Hmm... be on the lookout anyways for any unpleasent surprises, captain. We wouldn't want to be surprised attacked by the Umbarans now, do we?'' It was more of a statement than an actual question and the captain agreed. ''Tell me, captain, how do you like your new unit, the savaran cataphracts?''

''They're good, sir. With the powerful, swift speeders, tough armor, blasters and personal shielding, our flanks can be easily protected.'' he said, giving his opinions on his new unit. ''I gotta ask, sir... why did you call them savaran cataphracts?''

''Savaran means 'sovereign' and cataphract was a heavy speeder cavalry force used before the Ruusan Reformation. They were the terrors of their time, captain, and your unit is the spiritual successors to that unit. Much in the same way as my 10,000 vanguard wraiths are the spiritual successors of the king's guard of old.'' I explained and the captain nodded his head in understanding.

''Do you think we can march directly to Umbara City, sir?'' Captain Kassus asked.

''No. I don't think so, captain.'' I replied. ''I don't have any troops for that. I plan to wage a guerilla war on the Umbarans, thin out their ranks and destroy as much of their supplies as possible.''

''With your powers in the force, sir, I thought it would be easy.''

''Yes but it can go horribly wrong. And given how many of you there are here, I am afraid my powers might harm you in the same way as our enemies.'' I said to the captain. In a big battle, I was very concerned that my force powers might harm my troops just as much as the enemy. It wasn't a price I was willing to pay.

''I understand, sir.''

''However, it doesn't mean I won't use some force abilities. The war encompases all of the Expansion Region, captain. It's in my best interest to bleed the enemy given the resources and manpower they have. And there's also the fact that we don't have much troops to spare for a full on assault to Umbara City. Best we can do is capture some cities and cause some havoc. Any report from Admiral Conrad, captain?''

''None, sir. The fleet is ready to support us but are still anxious in the event that the Umbarans might use their ground cannons on them.''

''I see. Tell me, captain, what is the nearest target from here?''

''A city, sir. A city just thirty miles up north from here. Medium sized with not much for defense; however, we do have indications that an Umbaran force numbering at least 15,000 is going there.'' the captain answered.

''Let us capture that city, then, captain. Tell the troopers to be ready and prepare all walkers. I want you and the other commanders here for briefing and planning within thirty minutes.''

''Sir yes sir.'' Captain Kassus gave me a salute and left to relay the command.

(Battle at the black river)

''It seems that a small force is trying it's best to build trenches and several bunkers. Most likely as a form of protection, a mere sacrifice for the city, sir.'' Captain Kassus whispered to my ears. ''The other force is just over there, right past the mountain pass.''

''Any starfighters or AA guns in sight?'' I asked.

''As far as I know, none, sir. I believe that they're here to set up a new shield generator. To cover the section of Umbara that is open.''

''Have a few of our best scouts activate their cloakers and plant detonators at the bunkers, captain. I want artillery set up over there on that position and once the signal is given, to rain fire down on them.'' I ordered the captain and he nodded and then left to relay the command. ''Given how the shields do not allow the gozantis to enter or tanks to come in, it is best that this ends quickly.'' I muttered to myself.

The cloaked shadow scout troopers moved towards the bunkers and threw their detonators inside. Once the bunkers were blown to pieces, they quickly ran away and artillery was fired. Captain Kassus led his savaran cataphracts and, amidst the confusion that the explosions caused to the Umbarans, slew many of them. I ignited my lightsaber, took my blaster pistol out and led the charge. More artillery fire was launched and the Umbarans were scattered. They stood their ground in a brave but foolish line; easily wiped out by artillery and savaran charges. They fled by the river with many drowning to death. The survivors then fled to the other side, to their fellow troopers, to make their stand against my forces. The walkers arrived just in time and I re-organized my forces as we headed to the city. Eight AT-ATs were to lead the assault while being flanked on all sides by battalions of troopers and squads of lighter walkers. We moved to the enemy frontlines and they met us for battle at a small fortified position.

Before the battle was even to commence, the commander of the Umbaran forces came out riding a speeder and stopped before my forces. ''Face me, imperial! Come out and fight me like a man!'' he demanded, shouting in a loud voice. All the troopers wondered if the Umbaran was crazy, stupid or just plain suicidal. I could easily order the front troopers to kill him but here was a good oppurtunity to demoralize the enemy, cut off one of their heads and psychological warfare.

''You are not thinking of facing him, are you, sir?'' Captain Kassus asked me. ''It could be a trap, sir.''

''I can handle a trap, captain. While I face him, move the artillery to the right and shell the enemy position when ready. After that, chase them all down.'' I ordered the captain and went out to face the Umbaran and igniting my lightsaber. The Umbaran had an electro-sword with him and we stood ready for the duel.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before I suddenly charged. The Umbaran commander had a personalized shield with him which protected him from my strike. He tried to slash and shoot me with his pistol but I deflected them away with my lightsaber. I charged my force lightning to my lightsaber and then swung a devastating blow to the shield. A second strike and it was gone. I pressed my advantage and the Umbaran commander was dead in no time. I cut him down and the artillery shots were fired. The walkers came forward and blasted their way through them. The Umbarans were retreating and we chased them down.

''The Umbarans have retreated, sir.'' Captain Kassus informed me. ''They abadoned the city. Do we pursue?''

''Eliminate them, captain. Take your cataphracts and a battalion and do not let a single one of them escape. The rest of you, take the city.'' I gave the orders and all units moved to do as told. Within twelve minutes, we reached the city. ''If you see an Umbaran, leave no survivors.''

The city was empty. It's inhabitants no doubt taken out to safer places. The troopers moved in to scout the place and search for anything of use. I was accompanied by my death trooper guards, Selene and a dozen regular shadow troopers. We went to what seemed like the main HQ of the city and I decided that was to be my temporary camp. We went up the stairs of the building while the shadow troopers stayed behind. I walked inside the upper room of the building and found an office. It had an aroma of a pleasant, warm drink and there were some data records. Mostly useless. The death troopers searched the place for any other useful data that might come in handy at a later time.

''Ugh. All this walking is killing my feet.'' a shadow trooper complained as he sat down, tired from all the non stop running, chasing and walking. As he sat down, a metallic rod fell on the wall, causing it to fall and it revealed about ten Umbaran troopers on the other side. ''Weapons down! Hands where we can see 'em!'' he shouted at them.

The two sides shouted at each other for a good ten seconds till my death troopers came and blasted the Umbarans to death. The shadow troopers looked up and saw me not too happy with them. I did order them to kill any Umbaran they found after all. ''We make camp here.'' I said to everyone present. ''Contact the others and set up anti-vehicle and anti-starfighter cannons. Have watchers go on regular shifts. We rest for now.'' I ordered.

''Sir yes sir. I'll relay the order to the others.'' a lieutenant said and got on his holo-phone to contact the other troopers. Within two hours, my unit was here and the abandoned city was our temporary base.

(about three hours later)

''You propose to use this... mercenary group that you created for the war, general?'' Emperor Palpatine or Darth Sidious asked over on the private and heavily guarded comm link between the two of us.

''Yes, lord Sidious. It will give valuable experience to the viper troopers and to test how well the new vehicles and weapons work.'' I replied.

''Using mercenaries to fight on my empire's behalf would... no doubt create some controversy. Both in the senate and the public.'' Sidious remarked.

''And the empire's other activities?'' I asked sarcastically. The media and holonet was heavily controlled by the ISB and Imperial Intelligence. Censorship was more frequent than most people thought. Many imperial citizens never anything other than what the state deemed necessary.

The emperor made a slight smirk to my sarcastic question. ''Very well, general. Do as you wish.'' he said and the comm link died.

''Shall I contact Roxanna and tell her of your command, my lord?'' Selene asked me.

''No. I will contact her at a later time. For now, I just want to rest.'' I replied and got on the bed prepared for me. On the bed were Selene and Anastasia with me.

-Cobra fortress, Ziost, sith space-

''You want us to come and help you in the ongoing war, lord Salazar?'' Roxanna asked me over on the comm link. ''We will get right on it then, lord Salazar.''

''How many viper troopers are in service, Roxanna?'' I asked.

''More than half a million troops, my lord.'' she answered. ''Each modified by the doctor's own work and Nymeria's sith sorcery. With your friend's training on the vipers, they are as good as a professional army.''


''The doctor has made more weapons and vehicles for Cobra, my lord. According to your design of course, but somewhat modified. The droideka artillery, the light fortress walker, the tie drone fighter and the new nemesis class star frigate. And a few sith spawn beasts for good measure.''

''I see. Good to hear that the doctor isn't slacking. I will be expecting you on Umbara soon enough, Roxanna. Along with Thalia and Nymeria.'' I said and just as I was about to turn the comm link off, Roxanna called for me.

''One more thing, lord Salazar. Nymeria has been recieving dreams and visions lately. She tells me that she sees a red skinned man with a red lightsaber.'' she revealed and this got me thinking and concerned.

''Another sith perhaps?'' I muttered. ''Be on the lookout for anything, Roxanna. If it is another sith, then it may prove to be troublesome for our plans. If found, you can eliminate them.''

Hearing that, Roxanna smiled in her usual psychotic, blood thirsty smile. ''With pleasure, lord Salazar.'' she said and turned the comms off. ''I certainly hope it's a force sensitive and a powerful one. Only for me to see how well they can... dance. But for now, I have to prepare the vipers for the war.''

-space battle over Nkllon-

Commodore Brandon Kosvo led his task force to capture the planet of Nkllon in the Expansion Region. Facing him was a force of four cruisers, six destroyers, ten frigates and several corvettes and wings of starships. His force consisted of four star destroyers, two newly made experimental interdictors and several cruisers. He had to be clever in how he dealt with this force lest he lose his task force, the lives of his subordinates and suffer humiliation. So he devised a clever strategy to win this battle.

''We've arrived at Nkllon, commodore sir.'' a technician informed his commanding officer who stared at the force over Nkllon. The main star destroyer, ISD Starseeker, was accompanied by the two prototype interdictors and a few arquitens cruisers.

''Let us test their metal.'' Brandon muttered to himself and then turned to the lieutenant. ''Order the arquitens to move further away from the Starseeker. I want the ships to come closer to us.''

''Yes sir.'' the lieutenant nodded and relayed the command to the cruisers. The arquitens cruisers started to move further away from the Starseeker and the enemy corvettes, a four frigates and two destroyers along with four wings worth of starfighters moved to outflank the imperial force. They attempted to destroy the arquitens cruisers and then the ISD.

''Just as I hoped it would happen. And just in time too.'' Brandon muttered to himself and indeed, it went as how he hoped it would. The interdictors used their gravity fields to redirect the incoming imperial vessels. Brandon timed it perfectly. The other star destroyers stood in between the enemy fleet, cutting them in two and the other arquitens arrived. Taking advantage of the confusion the enemy had, Brandon's task force launched all of their starfighters on them. Some of the arquitens were modified to carry a full squadron of tie fighters.

The enemy was caught completely by surprise due to how the star destroyers cut their fleet in two. They were confused at what had just transpired. The wings of tie fighters and bombers wrecked havoc on the enemy. Brandon ordered the Starseeker and the arquitens cruisers to move in to finish them off. The other star destroyers also moved in to finish off the other ships. The enemy cruisers were no match for star destroyers. The victor of the battle was obvious by now and within minutes, most of the enemy ships were destroyed. One frigate tried to escape but it was caught in the interdiction fields.

''Fire ion cannons on that frigate.'' Brandon ordered and soon, the last frigate was disabled and then destroyed. ''Get the garrison and ground units ready. Once the planet is subdued, send word to imperial high command. Nkllon is back in imperial hands.'' Brandon told the lieutenant who nodded.

''Yes sir.'' he said and went to give the message.

-Umbara, Expansion Region-

''Exactly as reported, sir.'' a shadow scout trooper said to Captain Kassus as they saw a battalion and two companies worth of Umbaran clones walk on the road. Shadow scout troopers hid in the flora and were split into two groups. They planted mines on the road and were waiting to ambush them.

''When do we attack, Captain Rukovossky?'' a lieutenant asked his superior commander.

''Now.'' Captain Kassus said and they made the mines explode. The Umbaran walkers wobbled as the mines exploded and dozens of clones died. Rockets were launched at the walkers and the scout troopers started to fire at the startled clone infantry. Grenades were thrown and the savaran cataphracts charged to annihlate them. The clones put up a brave resistance but were finished off in the end.

''All dead, sir. No survivors.'' a scout told the captain.

''Inform the general that the way is clear.''

(imperial army encampment)

Cobra forces came in the tens of thousands with fresh companies of battle droids, droidekas and new vehicles. The sith spawn war beasts, armored heavily with heavy repeating blaster sentinels, were also brought. Roxanna, Nymeria and Thalia came to meet me in my camp as the viper troopers were coming to reinforce my ranks.

''Mercenaries?'' a shadow trooper asked one of his friends. ''Now why would the general use mercenaries of all people?''

''Lord Salazar. So good to see you once more.'' Nymeria said as she entered my camp and came close to me.

''You too, Nymeria. You too.'' I replied. ''It wasn't too much trouble coming all the way here to Umbara was it, Roxanna?''

''You better ask Thalia for that, my lord.'' Roxanna replied instantly. ''She is the one who did the planning, not me.''

'So much for the marshal of my Cobra. More interested in a duel than in strategizing.' I thought to myself. ''So these are the new ships and vehicles that the good doctor made.'' I said as I caught a few glimpses at the Cobra war vehicles. ''Good. Now, we can continue the fight.''

''And what is the target, my lord?'' Roxanna asked and I pressed a button on the desk. The hologram of a densely packed city on Umbara, not too far from my encampment, was shown. ''This? Seems tough, my lord.''

''I know but the shield generator for this section of the planet is there. Because of ground cannons, the ships can't come within a hundred mile radius from our position.'' I explained.

''So that was why we had to march all the way from the imperial garrison to here.'' Roxanna concluded. The ground cannons were the cause. They prevented the warships from supporting her lord and if recent reports were to be believed, the Umbarans had upgraded their shield generators.

''The city that we're attacking is densely packed and populated. At least 50,000 Umbaran clone troopers are there and reports indicate tunnels that run all across the city.'' I said and the hologram showed the underground tunnels of the city. ''When we reach the city, I will order a continuous bombing of missiles, artillery and more. Thalia, I want you to lead a contingent and secure the tunnels. Cut off the power generator that feeds the ground cannons of this section. Roxanna, you and Nymeria are with me. We will lead the assault. The ground cannons are powerful but they are only good at targeting warships. They cannot target infantry or fast moving starfighters. Once down, Captain Conrad will order the tie squadrons to come and aid us.''

''That won't be necessary, my lord.'' Roxanna told me and I raised an eyebrow. ''The doctor has made new weapons called phasers. They are very powerful, accurate and have a range over five million miles. More than a thousand times the range of a star destroyer. I believe it's a good oppurtunity to test them.''

''Very well. We shall test these phasers. We move out within the hour.'' I ordered.

''Lord Salazar, if I may ask, how come the Umbarans haven't use their starfighters on you or your army yet?'' Thalia asked.

''Simple. We... destroyed their air bases and transporting starfighters would be hard given they can't pass through planetary shields.'' I replied and as there were no more questions, we moved to capture the city.

(Battle of the Walled City)

''Careful with the shells. This way.'' a sargeant told the troopers to be careful as they carried the shells of the cannons for the bombing. One wrong step and they could fall and explode. The artillery cannons, missile launchers and the walkers surrounded the city, waiting for orders to begin the bombing.

''All set and ready, lord Salazar.'' Roxanna informed me.

''And Thalia and the vanguard wraiths?'' I asked.

''Ready to begin when their time is upon them.'' she answered.

''Good. Let us rain fire on them.'' I said and gave the command. And within a moment, all cannons opened fire on the Umbaran city.

The people of the city screamed in horror as suddenly, a rain of fire came upon them. Buildings were shot at and their debris fell on the people. The shells came down and regular vehicles were ablaze. Destruction reigned everywhere. The shelling and missile rain continued for over ten minutes and just as the second wave was about to begin, Thalia got her signal. She and the vanguard wraiths entered the tunnel to not let any Umbaran clone trooper use them for an ambush. The second wave began and even heavier bombing followed. Much of the city was to be levelled to the ground. Urban fighting was a nightmare for any army as the defenders had the homefield advantage. Missiles and shells continued to rain over on thr city all the while troopers were readying themselves to storm the city. The shadow troopers and viper troopers along with vehicles gathered around on every corner of the city. A special contingent of troopers was also made to assist Thalia's unit down in the tunnels.

''Advance.'' I ordered and the bombing stopped. The vehicles came first followed by squads of shadow troopers and viper troopers. ''Report of any stronghold you see. Mark them for immediate shelling.'' I ordered over on the comms and the troops advanced.

(inside the tunnels)

''Run! Ru-argh!'' an Umbaran clone trooper was suddenly cut in half by a lightsaber. The contingent of vanguard wraiths entered the tunnels and found it to be like maze. It was full of tunnels going to and fro, up and down. Still, the vanguard wraiths advanced, eliminating any resistance that they encountered.

''The power generator is not far.'' Thalia informed the others who nodded their heads in understanding. At least the headache of a maze tunnel would be over soon. ''Viper troopers, go up and destroy the fortified places. These tunnels are built directly into homes with repeating blasters for ambushes. Vanguard wraiths, we move to the left, then down, to the right and then three rooms and finally straight ahead to the shield generator.''

The viper troopers started to move according to Thalia's command while she and the vanguard wraiths went to take out the power generator. Other vanguard wraiths were to take out the remaining Umbaran clone troopers and militia. Thalia used her x-ray vision and saw a platoon worth of clones protecting the power generator. Her left hand quickly turned into a powerful particle blaster and she shot the door open. She unsheathed her lightsabers from their scabbard and charged at the clones. The vanguard wraiths followed and took out many of them.

''Inform lord Salazar... we have the power generator.''

(in the city)

I led the bulk of my forces to attack the shield generator directly. With Roxanna by my side, we were pretty much unstoppable. The shadow troopers and viper troopers held firm in their position against the incoming enemy. I shot my blaster pistol shots, causing great devastation, and then threw debris at them using the force. Roxanna too shot out her crimson red force lightning at the enemy. Missiles continue to rain down on the city as fortified positions were marked.

''General, the shield is down.'' a trooper informed me.

''Fall back. All units fall back.'' I ordered and we hastily retreated back outside the city walls.

The Umbarans believed that they had won until they saw the Morning-Star loom over them. My flagship pointed all of it's lower and broadside guns at the city. Two star destroyers and a few Cobra ships followed suit. Then, they all opened fire. An even greater devastation followed; destruction rained from the sky as the ships opened fire. The entire city was reduced to rubble.

''Have the technology of the Umbarans be sent to Ziost. The good doctor would like to study them.'' I ordered and the viper troopers loaded Umbaran blasters and vehicles onto their transport ships. With another section of the planet open to me, I can continue my campaign.

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