We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

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What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducciรณn la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 16: Loved ones
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart
Chapter 34: Family arguments
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Chapter 38: Sad souls
Break 3 : tricks you play
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 40 : getting in
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece

Chapter 9 : Our fate

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By Lalya12367

The next scene shows Mirabel following the rats and seeing where they lead her to. The rats hurry up the walls behind a painting but one has some difficulty climbing in. Mirabel pushes the painting just a little bit and it gently swings open.

"That's strange". Coco pointed out

Bruno shrunk in his seat as he watched all of the past unfold.

Mirabel then climbed through the painting and followed the rats on a rickety board they stopped when a figure picked them up then a blast of lightning hit the figure and it turns it out be Mirabel's Tio Bruno.

"Bruno!?" Pepa and Julieta were surprised

"Surprise". Bruno did jazz hands

"I thought you left the Encanto and never came back". Pepa was shook

"See... I was but I decided not to". Bruno slowly explains

"Or because of the fact I made you stay and you knew the mountains were tall". Casita answers

"Yeah that too". Bruno laughs

"Wait you were sneaking into the kitchen and stealing Arepas from the cabinets, I thought it was Camilo all this time". Julieta said

"Rude". Camilo huffs


"How long exactly?" Luisa asked

"Ten years ". Bruno starts

"TEN YEARS?!" They yelled


"Pepi, I had to to protect Mira But obviously that didn't that didn't work or make things any better she was treated just as I feared you still blamed her for literally anything you can think of". Bruno spat

"You're right and I am sorry Mi vida". She looked towards Mirabel

"Estas bien Tia". Mirabel smiled

"But that is no excuse and I know why you really left it was because you hated us and the way we treated you I'm sorry ". Pepa sunk to the floor

" hey, hey no what kind of idiotic thing would make you say that". He sat down next to Pepa

"I don't know". Pepa shook her head

"I could never hate you ever granted you may be annoying sometimes but I could never hate you not in a million years ". Bruno smiled

"I just thought that you didn't think of us anymore and that it didn't hurt to leave". Pepa saddens

"Are you kidding me, of course it hurt it hurt more than anything you know how many times I wished to come back you know how many times I cried myself to sleep ". Bruno exclaimed

"It hurt leaving the family and I never want to do That again". He stated firmly

Pepa smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Good". Julieta smiled

The movie continued on as Mirabel jumped back in fright to see her estranged Tio, then he flash later he started running; Mirabel herself started running after him she started building up speed and was almost close to catch up with him.

" Jesus, Mira your fast". Camilo smiled

Mirabel laughs and smiles.

"Helps when your chasing after little ones ". Mirabel said

Mirabel Continued chasing after her Tio to try to get him to tell about the vision ; But Bruno just kept running.

Mirabel: "Wait ".

She was running past a plank and smashed though it completely, Meanwhile Bruno was swinging one a wooden pole to get over to the other side. Mirabel was not giving up so easily so she followed his trail.

"Looks like your not loosing her Amigo ". Héctor whispered

"You think?" Bruno replies

"Héctor is right you can't loose me even if you tried I don't give up so easily ". Mirabel laughs

"Never have I heard your mother come from your mouth Mariposa". Bruno questioned

"What are you talking about you hear all the time like mother like daughter ". Mirabel replies

Julieta hugged her daughter and smiled.

The two continued running and chasing after each other she accidentally bumped into the side of the wall; Unknowingly scaring Pepa.

Camilo :" Easy Mamá breathe in and breathe out".

Pepa jumped and accidentally stroked her son with her own lightning causing him to transform in out of people.

"Sorry Tia I didn't know and I didn't mean to scare you ". Mirabel apologises

"Estas bien Sweetheart I didn't know that it was you". Pepa assured

"Mijo thank you so much for helping me, I am sorry I didn't mean to strike you". Pepa hugged Camilo tightly

"Estas bien Mamá ". Camilo smiled

Meanwhile Mirabel continued to chase her Tio when he parkoured over the massive gap and continued running. Meanwhile Mirabel was trying to figure out how to do it so she carefully planned it out.

"Don't tell me your going to jump". Elena said

Mirabel laughed awkwardly.

"I think she is ". Franco replied

"You need to teach me how to do that". Camilo said

"NO I don't think so I don't want you getting hurt ". Pepa scolded

The next scene shows Mirabel going to make the jump so she did a run up and make the jump she made it her glasses went askew she went to fix them and she fell.

Mirabel: " Help, Casita Casita ".

The girl was hanging bu a thread to keep from falling.


"Woah calm down Hermanas, what you think I'd leave her there what kind of person would do that". Bruno said

"He's right Mamá, Tio wouldn't leave me like that I know he wouldn't ". Mirabel replies

"Gracias Mariposa ". Bruno smiled

The next scene shows Bruno laying on his stomach and helping his Sonbrina up looking nervous to see her after all these years.

Bruno : " Your very sweaty ".

Pepa picked up the rolled up newspaper and looked at Bruno.

She than began to hit him with it he screams.

"You see your Sonbrina after 10 years and that's the first thing you say". Pepa screamed

"Woah, woah ow ow ow ". Bruno laughs

"Pepi slow down". Julieta calmed

"Keep In mind Pepi, it's been ten years since I've had any human interaction ". Bruno reminds

"He's got a point Mi Amor ". Felix added

"Okay fair point but still". Pepa smiled

Bruno then tried pulling her up but the wood broke even further causing Bruno to fall too. Mirabel tried pulling him up but just then a rat jumped up on Bruno's Arm and causing Mirabel to drop him and scare her.

The families watched in horror as he was dropped some even screamed.

"Is he okay!?" Socorro asked

"I don't know ". Abel shook his head

"I hope he is". Rosa added

Bruno screamed as Mirabel dropped him.

Mirabel: "Bruno".

Bruno then wiped away all the fog and realised he was at the bottom floor he was fine.

Bruno : "Huh ". He shrugged

"Lo siento Tio it just scared me I didn't mean it ". Mirabel replies

"Estas bien Mija I didn't know ethier ". Bruno smiled

"At least you both are okay". Julieta starts

" I'd agree Julieta ". Berto finished

Once the two were pulled up to safety Bruno started walking away. But mIsabel follows behind wanting answers to her questions.

Mirabel: "Wait".

Mirabel banged her head on the wall.

"Estas bien Mira you keep banging your head". Miguel chuckled

"Si". She laughed

"Ay Mirabel, never change Mija ". Julieta replies

Mirabel: " Wait, why did you take that vision what does it mean?"

Mirabel: " Tío Bruno".

Bruno : "you never were supposed to see that vision no one was".

"Do you really think I would give up that easily Tio?" Mirabel asked

"No, I would never". Bruno laughs

"Then What did you think was going to happen?" Mirabel said

"I don't know ". Bruno shrugged

"Wait Tio did you think you'd be stuck in the walls forever ". Luisa asked

"Sort of". He nervously smiled

"Oh Brunito Ay dios Mio ". Pepa sighed

"Lo siento". He apologises

"You don't need to apologise over this". Isabela laughed

"Si". Julieta chucked

"Ay Amigo it's a habit isn't it". Héctor whispered

"Si, still working on it". Bruno smiled

"Besides if I didn't get you out you would have never helped me save our family ". Mirabel replies

"Si, I can't thank you for that Mariposa for everything Really ". Bruno hugged her

"You don't need to thank me". Mirabel smiled

The next scene shows Mirabel looking at the patched cracks.

Mirabel: " Wait have you been patching the cracks".

Bruno: " Oh that no I am too scared to go near those things; No all the patching is done by Hernando".

Mirabel:" Who's Hernando-"

Bruno: " I Am Hernando and I am scared of nothing ".

Bruno: " I am Jorge I make the sparkle ".

"Oh god, I am so sorry Mija I didn't mean to freak you out". Bruno put his hands up

"No Tio it's ok I was just a little freaked out". Mirabel replies

"Besides , The thought was very sweet ". Mirabel smiles

"Ay Bruno please never change". Julieta laughed

"Si, we love you just as you are". Pepa Agreed

"No one could ever make us laugh as hard as Bruno Madrigal ". Felix exclaimed

"Gracias Felix ". Bruno thanked

Bruno: " It's me, I always say acting is my gift".

Mirabel: " How long have you been back here".

"Ten years Mija, just to keep you safe". He answers the onscreen girl

"I never thanked you for that every single second ". Augustin said

"De nada Gus, you know I would do anything for that girl ". Bruno smiled

"I know". Augustin hugged him

"Tio?" Mirabel called

"Si Mira?" He answers

Just then she jumped and hugged him so very tightly and she smiled.

"Que?" Bruno asked

"Nothing, Just for being the best Tio ever". Mirabel smiled

"I want you to know I love you so much ". Mirabel replies

"I love you too Mija more than you'll ever know". Bruno hugged her tightly

The next scene shows Mirabel being in Bruno 's room in the walls.

Mirabel: " You never left".

Bruno: " Well you know I left i my tower which was a lot of stairs and here kitchen adjacent ; Oh and plus free entertainment So what do you like do you like sports , game shows or telenovelas; Their love could never be".

"I still have to find out if Maria survives the car crash". Dolores started

" You're gonna have to wait Loli ". Bruno laughs

"Ah come on". Dolores finished

"These sound pretty fun and interesting ". Coco added

"They are I am on season 3". Dolores stated

" That's what you have been listening to". Camilo replies

"Si". Dolores laughs

Mirabel: " I don't understand".

Bruno: " Oh you see cause she is his aunt and she has amnesia but she can't remember that she is his aunt you see it's kind of a forbidden kind of love-"

"Okay I am hooked I need to know what happens ". Camilo replies

"I'll tell you later". Dolores started

Mirabel: " I don't understand why you left but didn't leave".

Bruno: " Well because the mountains around the Encanto are pretty tall and like I said free food and everything ".

Bruno : "Always hungry never satisfied ".

Mirabel then walked over to where Bruno had fashioned a plate carved in the wood then she looked out towards the crack in the wall as it zoomed out to the dining room.

"Oh Brunito, I am so sorry ". Alma cried

"Estas bien Mamá it was for the best". Bruno had a small smile

"No it's not okay ". Alma stood firm and so did Pedro

"I never should have made you feel that way I am so so so sorry Mi Mijo Pequeno". Alma whispered

"Te quireo Mamá ". Bruno replied

Alma then took him in her arms and hugged and kissed him tightly, Pedro joined in the hug and soon Julieta and Pepa followed and it was so precious. Alma then took her hair out of a bun and left it loose and smiled.

Everyone else was shocked and happy as they had never seen her with her her out before, Pedro just smirked and laughed and kissed her forehead.

Pepa looked up and looked at her Mamá followed by Julieta then Bruno.

"Mamá your-" Julieta stopped

Alma smiled and laughs

"Si Mija ". She laughs

"Your hair Mamá, we've never seen it out before". Pepa added

"It looks beautiful ". Bruno compliments

"Gracias Mijo ". Alma blushed

"Tio is right Abuela it looks amazing ". Isabela adds

Alma smiled gently and then went and hugged her grandchildren tightly.

Then after that hugging session they all went back to their seats.

The next scene shows Bruno speaking as Mirabel turns back around.

Bruno: " Yeah my gift wasn't helping the family, but I uh love my family you know ".

"Oh Brunito we love you too so very much ". Pepa smiled

"Si Cuanado more than you know". Felix and Augustin replies

Bruno: " l just I just don't know how to-"

Mirabel: "Tio Bruno, I need to know what is in that vision if I am hurting my family please just tell me".

"Mirabel Valentina Rojas Madrigal you could never hurt this family you understand me , you are the most precious thing we could have ever asked". Pedro stood firm

"Si your Abuelo is right Mariposa you are the most precious gift we could've ever received and we wouldn't trade it for the world, I know I definitely wouldn't ". Bruno kissed her forehead gently

"Si Mija why would you say something like that about yourself?" Julieta asked

" I don't know I just figured-" Mirabel stopped

"Don't figure anything you are the most amazing thing we could ever ask for ". Camilo replies

"Si Mira and we'll hug out of you if we have to". Socorro starts

With that they all jumped on her and laughed and hugged her tightly. Antonio even tickled her to make her laugh all the adults hugged her tightly and prepped kisses all over her face. Miguel was surprised and happy as he never heard her laugh properly before.

"Que?" She asked

"Nada , it's just you have a beautiful laugh". Miguel compliments

"Gracias". Mirabel blushes

They all went back to their seats but they kept Mirabel close.

Bruno: "I can't because I don't know, I had this vision the night that you didn't get your gift".

He began spreading the vision onto the tray.

Then it shifted to flashbacks of Alma begging her son to do the vision and Bruno reluctantly agreeing.

Bruno: "Abuela worried about the Magic So she begged me to look into the future and see what it meant, then I saw it the vision of the Magic fading the house breaking and then I – I saw you; The vision would change it was different there was no one answer no Clear fate like Your was undecided ".

Then it looked towards his Sonbrina and continued.

Bruno:" But my guess The Magic, The Encanto it's all gonna come down to you".

"Way to pressure her Tio". Camilo replies

"I'd agree with Camilo That's a lot to take in". Rosa added

"You think?" Socorro starts

"Don't underestimate Mirabel she can do this". Layla replied

"We know it's just a lot to take in especially all at once". Isabela said

Miguel leans over and whispered gently to Mirabel.

"Between you me I think you are doing an amazing job and I do think you can do this you don't yourself enough credit ". Miguel stated

"Is that so?" Mirabel giggles

"Si absolutely, You are pretty amazing". Miguel smiles

"Why thank you Señor I appreciate the sentiment it's very much appreciated ". She smiled

"Your welcome glad I could help". Miguel nods

Mirabel shakes her head and laughs.

Héctor smiled at the two there was definitely something going on. Bruno saw this to and laughs and smiled.

"Seems like those two are getting along very well wouldn't you say?" Héctor looked towards Julio

"I think so". Julio nodded

"I told you something was going on ". Bruno added

"And you are not wrong ". Imelda smirked

"I think it's adorable and very sweet". Coco smiled

Bruno: " Or you know I could be wrong which is why this vision is pfft".

Some rats jumped Off the table scared to get hit.

Bruno:"Anyway I think you should go because well if I had a reason you'd be like that is a good a reason".

Mirabel: "Yeah ".

So with that Bruno shooed her out and spoke before he closed the door he spoke.

Bruno: "good luck I wish I could have seen more ".

He then shut the door as Mirabel was about to walk away she had an idea.

"Your not gonna give up are you?" Abel and Rosa started

"Not a chance". Mirabel replies

"Told you could do it". Miguel added

"Really?" She looked Him in the eyes

"Si more than anything ". Miguel smiled and kept his stare

She pinched her nose and laughed.

"Ay, are you always this smug". Mirabel put her hand on her hips

"Sometimes ". Miguel replied honestly

"Ay you Muiscos always have something to say". Mirabel replies

"I'll take that as a compliment ". Miguel exclaimed

Isabela smiled and looked straight into the eyes, She winked and Camilo had the death stare looking ready to kill Miguel for getting close to Mirabel .

Mirabel: " Yeah".

Mirabel then burst opened the door and scared Bruno who was just getting a broom.

"Ay Mira you almost gave me a heart attack don't ever do that again". Bruno started

"Si, Lo siento Tio". Mirabel apologises

"I think she gave us all a heart attack Bruno ". Imelda smirked

Mirabel : " What if you had another vision".

Bruno: " Ah See I don't do visions anymore ".

Mirabel: "But you could".

Bruno: " But I won't ".

Bruno kept avoiding Mirabel by putting one of his backgrounds for his telenovela and even his broom, but Mirabel was not giving up so easily.

"Ay she won't stop Amigo she is very determined ". Héctor chuckled

"I'd agree with you there Papá ". Coco laughed

"That's Mi Mariposa for you she's like her mother ". Bruno laughed

"Hey be glad pushed you otherwise you wouldn't have a backbone ". Mirabel smirked

"Si, that's true". Rosa exclaimed

"I don't know about you but it kinds reminds me of someone else". Berto started

They looked towards Imelda and she smiled very proud of herself.

"And i am very proud of it thank you very much ". Imelda shook her head

"That is one of the qualities we admire about you Amor ". Héctor smiled

Mirabel: "If the future is up to me , Me says have another vision maybe it'll show me what to do".

Bruno: " Look even even if I wanted to you wrecked my vision cave which is a problem because I need a big open space".

Mirabel: " We'll find one".

Bruno: " Where ?"

Just then Antonio entered the room with all his animal friends behind him.

Antonio: " Use my room the rats told me everything, don't eat those".

"ANTONIO !?" They yelled

"How long were you standing there Hombrecito?" Mirabel asked

"About 5 Minutes ". Antonio piped

"Good thing too because you were in a lot of trouble ". Antonio replies

"Well Thank for you help Mono we couldn't have done without you ". Bruno smiles

"Please tell me he didn't get into any danger while you were sorting things out ". Pepa said

"No danger whatsoever Tia". Mirabel reassures

She let out a big sigh of relief and smiled.

Mirabel: "Besides our family needs help and you need to get out of here".

Bruno: " Mhm".

"Well that's it I have officially given up". Camilo sighs

"It's not over yet sonbrino ". Bruno laughs

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