Transformers: Rise of The All...

By PharaohsGirl2000

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In the distant reaches of the universe, on a planet called Cybertron, an epic war has raged for eons. Cybertr... More

Chapter 1: A Desperate Measure
Chapter 2. A Daring Rescue
Chapter 3. Optimus Prime
Chapter 4. Uncle Jackie
Chapter 5. Not quite right...
Chapter 6. She isn't Human
Chapter 7. definitely not human!
Chapter 9: More than you realise
Chaper 10: Megatron
Chapter 11. Its Time
Special Announcement
Chapter 12. Getting around the bend
Chapter 13: Closer and Closer
Writers Block

Chapter 8: Healing

142 4 2
By PharaohsGirl2000

It had been a few days since the incident involving Breakdown and Knockout, and Smokescreen had recovered completely, except for a few lingering scratches on his paint. However, he considered these to be simple scars for him to bear and carry with him, visible reminders of the battle he had...lost. Even if he wanted to forget that loss. Meanwhile, Wheeljack had returned to his usual smug and self-assured demeanour, which piqued the young mechs curiosity about his holoform's capabilities. He couldn't help but wonder how Wheeljack's holoform was able to move so far away from his actual body, given that they were supposed to have a limited range of mobility for safety reasons, before the holoform would reappear back in the actual body. He knew that age didn't normally affect a transformer's holoform range, as it required a special upgrade. However, considering Wheeljack's expertise as an engineer, it seemed likely that he had utilised the tools available to him to enhance his holoform's capabilities.

During this time, Phase observed her uncle Wheeljack finding various ways to tease and torment Smokescreen. Wheeljack would activate his holoform and casually stroll down the street, fully aware that Smokescreen was watching. Adding to the effect, Wheeljack would strut proudly like a peacock, making it even more evident that he was purposefully demonstrating his ability to go further than Smokescreen. In response, Smokescreen, remaining in his vehicle mode, activated his holoform and attempted to follow Wheeljack down the street. However, his holoform abruptly vanished when it had barely reached halfway, only to reappear back in the driver's seat of Smokescreen's alternate mode. Frustrated, he audibly groaned while Phase found amusement in his futile attempt to prove himself equal to Wheeljack.

Determined to get under Wheeljack's skin in a different way, Smokescreen devised another plan. He stepped out of his vehicle mode, approached Phase, and lifted her up in a bridal-style hold. Taking a seat on the front porch step, he placed Phase on his lap with her back turned to him, and in a final defiant gesture, Smokescreen discreetly flipped the middle finger at Wheeljack, who could only watch and grind his teeth in frustration. "Why you dirty little -" Wheeljack was ready to curse out the bold bot for this, but as Phase had instructed him to be nice to Smokescreen, he had to bite his tongue. The two were thick as thieves, and Smokescreen used that to his advantage to annoy Wheeljack.

Occasionally, Bumblebee or Arcee would drive by to check on Phase, the mischievous engineer, and the arrogant guard. Sometimes, they would bring the kids-Raf, Miko, or Jack-with them, while at other times, only one or two of the kids would accompany them. Raf had developed a strong bond with Phase, considering her as an older sister he never had as she played video games with him, helped him with homework, and just generally served as a great conversationist. He eagerly absorbed knowledge about engineering from Wheeljack, who, next to Rachet, had become somewhat of a mentor. Jack, on the other hand, enjoyed learning from Phase how to repair vehicles, using Smokescreen or Wheeljack as examples, and she would often utilise spare parts that she kept in her garage for practical demonstrations, just so she didn't have to take apart Smokescreen or Wheeljack. Miko, ever the wild child she was, would turn up the stereo when her favourite music came on, and both girls would rock out on the air guitar like carefree teenagers. The kids would share their experiences and stories from their time with the Autobots, and Phase was always eager to listen and reciprocate by sharing stories about her dad and Wheeljack from the few occasions she had been in the pit crew. Wheeljack gladly filled in the gaps for Phase, recounting his experiences with Anthony, whether due to her absence or her young age, causing her to miss certain moments. Admittedly, Phase got a little choked up talking about her dad or her parents in general, and Wheeljack tried his best to offer her support.

On Wednesday, after school had ended, Raf and Jack arrived with Arcee and Bumblebee. Wheeljack came up with an incredible (and somewhat dangerous) idea-a drag race! First, it would be Arcee versus Wheeljack, followed by Bumblebee versus Wheeljack. Then, Arcee would race against Smokescreen and Bumblebee against Smokescreen. Finally, the pièce de résistance would be Wheeljack against Smokescreen. This friendly competition would allow Wheeljack and Smokescreen to channel their grievances towards each other healthily and in a productive (not) manner.

Jack positioned himself at the end of the street as other neighbours gathered to watch the race unfold. Wheeljack and Arcee made use of their holoforms like usual, positioned at one end of the street. Jack improvised by using one of Phase's jackets as a makeshift flag, standing to the side where he was safe. "Everyone ready?!" He called out, the spectators shouting and eager 'YES!' As Wheeljack, ever the smug bastard, revved his engine for the kids. Jack waved the jacket to start the race, and the powerful revving of the Lancia and the roaring of the motorbike echoed through the street as eager spectators cheered and screamed with excitement, especially those with kids. The air was thick with the scent of burning rubber, and fresh tire marks were left on the ground. Wheeljack quickly took the lead, leaving Arcee behind in his rearview mirror, skillfully preventing her from overtaking him. Phase diligently kept score, holding up a finger to mark Wheeljack's victory. "JACKIE WINS!" she proudly announced as the Lancia made its way back to the starting point, and Arcee gracefully accepted defeat. She gave Wheeljack a thumbs up and looked forward to wiping the floor with Smokescreen when his turn came up. "Good luck, Bee," Arcee announces, giving him a thumbs up as well as the muscle car crept up to the starting line.

Wheeljack heard a lot about Bumblebee. Heard how he conquers roads like a beast, practically bending them to his will. He is not so sure he'll win this time, but keeps a high spirit as yet again, Jack raises the 'flag', and the crowd of onlookers wait excitedly. Again, the race starts, but as expected, it isn't Wheeljack to win this time. Bee traversed the road smoothly, leaving behind a thick cloud of smoke from picking up speed so suddenly. Though it came close to a tie, Bee still won, and Raf jumped up and down excitedly, cheering, "WAY TO GO BEE!"

Phase gazed at the sleek McLaren, unable to contain her anticipation. She couldn't help but feel the urge to join the race, even though it was initially meant for the Autobots. However, seeing their enthusiasm for this competition, she decided to let them enjoy the moment. Just as she was about to resign herself to being a spectator, the sound of Smokescreen's engine starting caught her attention. His voice came through the radio, filled with eagerness, "Do you want to get in on the action, boss?" The invitation sparked a flicker of excitement within her.

Phase glanced at the street once more, contemplating the offer. Smokescreen hadn't witnessed her true driving abilities yet, only catching glimpses of what she was capable of. Participating in this race would only offer yet another glimpse into her experience, but the prospect excited her nonetheless. She craved some adrenaline and thrill right now, as she had confined herself to her own home for these past few days, even took time off work to get herself through her stress, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. With a mischievous giggle, she made up her mind. "You know what? Fuck it. I need some excitement," she declared, a grin spreading across her face. She swiftly moved to the driver's side of Smokescreen's alt mode, ready to take on the challenge. She acknowledged that it was a straightforward path, but in her mind, a race was a race, and she was ready to win!

Arcee, fueled by a newfound confidence and a burning desire to outperform Smokescreen and wipe his smug grin off his face, positioned herself at the starting line. Her holoform focused on the road ahead, ready for the race. However, as her optics landed on Phase behind the wheel of Smokescreen's vehicle, her confidence wavered. Arcee had heard numerous tales of Phase's victories in these races, earning her the reputation of being the undisputed queen of these roads. The realisation that she would be competing against such a formidable opponent shattered Arcee's hopes of defeating Smokescreen, shedding a metaphorical tear.

Meanwhile, Raf eagerly watched the unfolding scene, his eyes filled with anticipation. He, along with Jack, had also heard about Phase's remarkable track record and triumphs in previous races. They were both excited to catch a glimpse of her driving skills, knowing that they were in for a thrilling spectacle. "Racers ready?!" Jack's voice rang out, but it was almost drowned out by the thunderous roar of Smokescreen's engine, which echoed through the air, momentarily deafening the spectators. Wheeljack, standing to the side, rolled his optics at the ostentatious display. Regardless of the driver, he relished the opportunity to defeat Smokescreen. Even if it meant his niece was the one behind the wheel, a win was still a win in his eyes. The race started again, and Smokescreen was the first to cross that line. In the time it took Arcee to get halfway Smokes had passed the finish line already, and she was left with dishonour. Not really, but a gal is allowed to be dramatic!

Jack was almost blown away by the sheer force of Smokescreen driving by, and he had to run to catch the jacket so it didn't get ruined! Raf let out a giddy laugh, sitting in his seat with excitement, "I can't wait to see you race them Bee!" He exclaimed. Arcee resigns herself, pulling into the open garage to sulk quietly while Bee pulls up to the starting line. Phase pulled up next to him, eager to see what he could do. Two legends, one winner.

As soon as the flag dropped, both sports cars roared down the road. This race was pretty close, as Phase matched Bee's speed and Bee levelled with her experience. It happened so fast no one was sure who exactly won, but they were excited nonetheless! And they weren't even done yet. It was time. Wheeljack waited at the starting line as Bee proudly pulled off to the side. "You got gears kid, I'll give you that '' Wheeljack muttered as Smokescreen pulled up. "Oh I got more than gears old man. I got your niece" that little dig at Wheeljack just pissed him off, and steam huffed from his grill like a bull blowing steam from its nose. "You're about to lose those gears, that's for sure!" Wheeljack growled. He loves Smokescreens vigour and energy, he just dislikes the cockiness. Smokescreen was nowhere near Wheeljack's level in the war. Wheeljack was somewhat of a veteran, he'd proved his metal and shown his strength, and so far Smokescreen was still to prove his worth as a member of team prime, or to Wheeljack. "Hey!" Phase scolds, "be nice! And cut it out, people are going to hear you both!" She warned. Both engines revved with excitement. Jack held up the flag, the crowd fell silent, waiting with anticipation. As soon as that flag went down the two cars were gone, neck and neck on that stretch of road. It was only a minute's worth of race, and it was damn close as smoke filled the air and rubber burned against the bitume, but Smokescreen and Phase finished first.

"HAHAHAHA YES!" Phase shouted, listening to her uncle groan. Twice now, he's been beaten by his niece! How?! "Man, I must be getting old. You've beaten me twice now!" Wheeljack sighs, all while Phase rubbed the victory in. "What did you say the other night? Next rematch you'd win? Is that what you said? Or did you mean you'd be kissin' my ass?!" She laughs. He was never going to hear the end of it! "Yeah, yeah smartass, don't rub it in" he muttered.

The Autobots present that day found themselves genuinely enjoying the event. The kids revelled in the excitement, finding immense joy in witnessing the races and experiencing the highs and lows of the competition. Dreams were crushed, and yet, amidst the disappointment, a newfound respect began to blossom among the participants. Arcee, however, couldn't shake off her disappointment at not being able to race against Smokescreen without Phase behind the wheel. Yet, she held onto the hope that her chance would come eventually.

As the excitement gradually subsided, some of the neighbours cleared out, while others lingered to engage in conversations with Phase, the kids, and even the holoforms. They shared stories and memories of her dad, Anthony, who was well-known and dearly loved within the town. Arcee observed the discussions taking place and noticed a slight unease in Wheeljack's demeanour. She recognized that behaviour all too well, as she herself experienced similar discomfort whenever someone brought up Tailgate or Cliffjumper. Muttering his name, Arcee nudged Wheeljack to get his attention. Concerned, she asked, "Hey, Wheeljack, are you okay?" She carefully gauged his response, understanding the pain that discussing Anthony brought up for him. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just don't like talking about..." He looked away, growling under his breath, his hands tucked away in his pockets. Sensing his need for support, Phase wrapped an arm around him, offering a silent gesture of comfort and understanding. Together, they stood in solemn silence, finding solace in their shared grief and mourning in their own way.

Arcee carefully observes the interactions between Wheeljack and Phase, and she comes to the conclusion that the best person to talk to about something is Ratchet. Although Ratchet is known for being grumpy, he and Wheeljack have a somewhat functional relationship, even if it involves Ratchet playfully using his scalpel to threaten Wheeljack whenever he speaks. Regardless of the situation, Arcee decides that she will inform Ratchet about whatever it is she wants to discuss.

Phase glanced at her watch, patiently waiting for the neighbours to leave so she could offer snacks to the kids. Once they had cleared out, she cleared her throat and called out; "hey, you kids hungry? I'll make snacks!" She offered, with a big smile on her face. Raf eagerly nodded in response to her offer, while Jack, feeling grateful for Phase's hospitality, raised his hand and volunteered to help, "let me help you out, I make a mean sandwich". He followed Phase into her kitchen, where she gathered ingredients for simple sandwiches while Jack took care of the plates. As they worked, Jacks mind wandered to the discussions held between Phase, her uncle, and the neighbours, and awkwardly broached the topic of Phase's dad; " your dad...I heard what happe-", but before he could say more, Phase abruptly slammed her knife into the cutting board, signalling that she didn't want to discuss it. "I'm gonna stop you there, kiddo. Some things are best left unsaid" she stated, trying to not lose her cool with Jack, "besides, I doubt you'd like my bringing up your father..." she pointed out, earning a nod from the teen. Jack wondered why his father had left, but he didn't have the answers. He simply hoped never to see him again.

"I'm sorry it's and Wheeljack seemed...pretty upset" he pointed out, "i don't wanna make you unhappy but....I do think it might do some good to talk about it...." he urged, trying to approach the subject as gently as possible. Phase finished slicing tomatoes and let out a sigh, leaning against the kitchen counter as she consideredJacks words very carefully. Her fathers death always haunted her. Without looking at Jack, she began to explain: "I was there when it happened.....I watched my father die on the track...." she explained, not really looking at Jack....she just...stared at the counter top, thinking of what to say next. "what happened? He had an accident...right?'' Jack asked, keeping his gaze low. "yeah....he got to the final bend of the track. He was doing so well too, we thought for sure he'd have earned first place......I don't know what dad he just....he lost control of the car. it flipped and went flying across the uncle managed to pull him out but..." she teared up at the thought, the memory of her fathers blood pooling on the ground killing her inside......she would never forget that day as long as she lived. It left her scarred....

Tears dripped onto the counter top, and she simply covered her mouth to keep from crying out as she recalled the tragic event, the image of her father's blood searing into her mind. Sensing her pain, Jack gently but firmly placed a hand on her shoulder, "'s ok. If you don't want to talk about him anymore it's fine! I'm sorry I asked...I shouldn't have asked. I was just...I thought it would help". He apologised for bringing it up, acknowledging that he didn't know the full stories of Phase and Wheeljack. "I don't know you or Wheeljack very well. So I don't know your story. But I know there's more to you than you realise...and as horrible as it is, things happen for a reason...and your dad wouldn't want you to be so upset. He'd want you to keep fighting..." he urged, hoping this was enough to help her through some of her grieving. As much as it hurts, he knows you can only grieve for so long before there's no more pain to hurt you.

Jack's words brought some comfort to Phase, and a faint smile appeared on her face as she expressed her gratitude. "Thanks, Jack..." she said, appreciating his understanding and support at that moment. After finishing the sandwiches, Phase and Jack carry the plates outside, each filled with delicious ham, cheese, and tomato sandwiches. Raf eagerly accepts his plate, expressing his gratitude to Phase before happily munching on his sandwich. As Phase takes a bite of her own sandwich, Smokescreen playfully nudges her, causing her to momentarily pull her food away, thinking he might attempt to steal it. However, Smokescreen does not, since he has no use for human food.

The atmosphere that afternoon is serene, with everyone enjoying each other's company and sharing stories while Wheeljack focuses on polishing his swords. As the day progresses, and darkness sets in, most of the neighbourhood residents have either gone to sleep or settled into their usual nightly routines, alleviating Wheeljack's concerns about being noticed. Eventually, Arcee and Bumblebee inform Jack and Raf that it's time to go home. Phase receives warm hugs from both of them, playfully ruffling Raf's hair and reminding him; "don't forget to get your calculus done ok?". Raf enthusiastically agreed, responding with a chirpy "yes ma'am!" before disappearing into Bumblebee's alternate mode, which swiftly speeds off down the road. Jack waves goodbye as he gets his helmet on, and Arcee takes off to ensure they make it back before curfew.

Phase collects the now-empty plates and brings them inside, while Wheeljack remains outside, and Smokescreen follows Phase inside in his holoform. Smokescreen, leaning against a nearby wall, smiles and remarks, "Today was fun. You're really good with kids!" he chuckles, teasingly suggesting that Phase might secretly be a mom. Phase dismisses the idea, shrugging and explaining; "I don't think I'd make a good parent...I got too much emotional baggage ... .plus the ongoing issues with the Decepticons." She sighed. As Phase washes the plates and sets them in the drying rack, Smokescreen acknowledges the unlikelihood of them having children of their own anyway. "I don't really know how it works anyway, but if you're curious it might be better if you ask Rachet, not me. I just don't think our kind can have kids."

His cheerful demeanour and charm cause Phase to blush, finding him attractive in every way-his adorable smile and relaxed nature alluring to her. She pulls herself up onto the counter, sitting and gazing out the window. Reflecting on the day, she nonchalantly states; "I've accepted it at this point. I just don't think I'd make a good parent. It's not for me." Smokescreen's eyes scan her form, taking in every detail, and he sighs softly. He wrestles with his own emotions, wanting to express how he perceives her beauty and intelligence but choosing to bury those thoughts and suppress his feelings for now. He is determined that one day he will tell her, but a part of him is conflicted, torn between the love he had for his friend back on Cybertron and the possibility of developing feelings for Phase. This internal struggle leaves him feeling confused and uncertain.

Phase stretches out, yawning softly as she hops off the bench, "I'm gonna...go catch some z's. I'll see you in the morning, ok?" She didn't give him much of a chance to answer, as she just walked around him, heading for her room. The day was fun, for once it wasn't doom and gloom, and she appreciated that. "Yeah...see ya im the morning" Smokescreen sighed, before his holoform faded away.

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