The Divit Brothers...Love Mak...

By grannydew

10.6K 1.5K 315

The surprise announcement from Paola had all but wrecked Efe's life...or so he thought. But Carolina walked a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Sixteen

268 41 6
By grannydew

      Paola turned the sign around in the window to the closed side. She flipped off the light, walked out, then turned to lock the door. All these things she had done a thousand times before, but tonight it made her feel more lonely. 

      She headed down the block toward her car in a daze, wondering what Efe and Carolina had thought about the report from her doctor. " It's not going to always be like this.....Once Efe realizes that he is going to be a father, well...I know he will do the right thing."  She thought as she reached her car.

      A smile eased across her face as she thought about Carolina, " Poor Red. She came all this way to Spain to be with Efe, she will have to tuck her tail and run back to daddy".....She couldn't help but chuckle. " Wish I was a fly on the wall tonight at the Divit house. Ms. Munro might be packing her bags at this very moment."  That thought changed her mood instantly.

      She sat down in her car and reached for her phone. She hadn't told Gabby about it yet, and she couldn't wait. Gabby's phone rang a few times before going to voicemail. She ended the call in a huff, " Wonder where she is. I would have thought she would be waiting for my call."  Paola thought staring at the blank phone. 

      She pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward Gabby's house, " I will just go to her place. I'm sure she is waiting to her hear from me."  

      Kadir took her helmet and shoved it in the storage compartment. " Here let me help you." He said, extending his hand out to her. " Thanks, but I can get off the bike myself." She said shooing him away with her hand.

     He smirked with annoyance, " Hmm. Ok fine. Have it your way." He stepped back away from her, watching as she got off the bike. 

      " Have you been here before?" He asked as they walked toward the front of the restaurant. Gabby looked around, " No, I don't think I have. But it looks great." She muttered, surprised at the place.

      It was a quaint little place, but full of charm. Not at all a place that she thought the dashing Kadir Divit would be caught dead in. There was lights strung all around and the music was playing, as Kadir opened the gate leading to the outdoor tables.

      She was shocked and the look on her face revealed it, " So, what do you say. It's a good night to eat outside, don't you think." Kadir asked with a smile. She returned the smile as he pulled the chair out for her to sit.

      " Yes it is, a good night to eat outside I mean." She replied, still scoping out the cafe. Most of the tables were full of customers, and almost all of them turned and waved at Kadir as if he was their friend. Kadir smiled and waved back, acknowledging everyone.

      They had barely gotten seated before the waiter appeared, " Mr. Kadir, good to see you. Do you want your usual tonight?" He asked, as he bowed slightly. " Carlos, sir, how are you. Yes I will  take a San Miguel, and a glass please. And for the lady,... a glass of Sangria." He said, questionably as he looked her way.

      Gabby nodded, wondering how he knew she loved a dark red, strong Sangria, packed full of fruit,  but she was still too surprised to speak. This was not at all who she thought Kadir Divit was. This wasn't a place she pictured him to visit, or to be welcomed as if he was a celebrity. 

      He grinned, leaning across the small table, " So, you like it? I come here a lot. It's a place my dad used to bring my mom when she first came to Malaga." He said proudly, looking around with a sparkle in his eye.

      " Yes,...I..I.. really love it Kadir. Thank you for choosing this place." She told him.She felt like she was seeing this man for the first time, a person that she had misjudged, and maybe a man that might even like a woman like her.

      He knew he had surprised her, and that was his plan, or was it? He had set out to seduce Gabriela into revealing what Paola had up her sleeve, but to his surprise, he was beginning to enjoy her company.

      Paola knocked loudly on the front door of Gabby's apartment. Then again, but this time harder and louder, " Gabby, hey open up. I have a lot to tell you." She yelled out. But no one answered the door.. 

      She rummaged through her purse for the key that Gabby had given her a long time ago, "Ahh, here it is." She mumbled, shoving the key in the lock and turning it. The door swung open, " Hey, it's me...where are you. I have a lot to tell you." She called out, stomping through the small one bedroom apartment. 

      She had made the circle and stopped in the middle of the living room, hands on her hips, "Where the hell is that girl. I have the best news of my life, and she's off enjoying herself somewhere." She snarled, flopping down on the sofa. 

       " That's ok....I will wait on her to get home. She will be as excited as I am about Efe and Red finding out the truth, I'm sure of it." She thought smugly, as she stretched out on the sofa to wait. 

       The waiter had brought the drinks, " Mr. Kadir, would you like a minute before ordering. I can come back." He said. Kadir smiled, " No, I think we will have two Pipirranas with tuna,...Is that ok with you Gabby? He asked, touching her on the shoulder. 

      She shivered at his touch, but managed a smile. " Yes, sounds good. And I'll have another glass of Sangria." She spoke quickly, raising the nearly empty glass toward the waiter. She knew she would need that extra boost of false confidence before the night was over.

      Kadir nodded, " Good, and bring me another beer as well." He ordered. The waiter hurried off with their order. Kadir shifted his attention back to Gabriela, " I hope it's ok that I ordered for you. I just know how good the Pipirrana is here." He flashed that dazzling smile her way. 

      She was putting forth every effort to maintain some sort of dignity, as she nervously looked away from him. " What are you doing, are falling for all his charm. Just what you said you would never do..  She lectured herself. 

      But by the end of their salad with tuna, they were laughing and joking as if they were best friends,...or dare I say it..."on a date"

      " Ok, I hope you have room for some Churros, because they make the best here." Kadir said, leaning back, stretching out his stomach. She giggled, knowing that the third glass of Sangria was making its appearance.

      " Oh I don't think I could eat another bite. Are you trying to make me fat or something." She spurted, laughing loudly and covering her mouth. Kadir laughed along with her.... " Fat?....are you kidding me. You could get blown away by a strong wind if you weren't careful. You are beautifully petite and perfect, and I wouldn't change a thing about you." He announced. 

     The words tumbled from his mouth unexpectedly, but not at all untrue. He wouldn't change a thing about her.....

       Her laughter stopped immediately, her eyes open wide, " What....what did you say. Did you say I was perfect?" She  asked, putting him on the spot.

      Kadir's smile faded slowly, but his eyes did not look away from hers.....they couldn't look away.

      "  Well Gabriela, I guess I did say that... And I suppose you aren't going to believe me if I were to say it again." He spoke, once again the words escaping from his mouth without a thought....

      " Gabriela, you are a perfectly beautiful woman, and I am honored to be sitting here with you tonight."...... He spoke softly and breathlessly, as if he were in a trance.....

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