Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibi...

By VoltzyVoltz

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The Calamity Box is an ancient relic from amphibia, capable of helping the user travel through worlds. Howeve... More

Through the portal
Beach bug or bed bug
Cane't hold us by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
Pizza tower
Y/N's gone mad
Bad bugs, whatcha want, whatcha want, whatcha gonna do?
Sussus Froggus
Snail Tales
Is this a good F-Anne-fic?
Boss Sprig
The Human Way
Love Frogs
Anne-xtreme Camping
Nurse Y/N
Saving Stumpy's Super Sick Saloon
The Travelling Bug Circus
The IRS will never get my taxes
Y/N's Theme Song Takeover
Grubhog Day- 1993 starring Y/N Murray
Drop it like it's Hop, drop it like it's Pop
Hop-Trump vs Joe Toadstool
Authors Note
Polly and Y/N
The Bazaar Bizarre ... or was it the other way around?
Mordecanne, Sprigby and Y/Nson
A Huge Thank You
Forgiveness is a dish best served sung
Pheromonial Outbursts
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember? Ba-dee-ya, partyin' in Wartwood-ember
Toad Tower Trouble
Start of Season 2 Authors Note
New Season, New Start
Team Y/N-Pop: Where the fun will never start
The Sorta-Sibling Special!
The Stranger From the Portal and A Failed Mission
M-M-M-M-Marcy Woooooooooooo
The Newtopia Scavenger Hunt
An Audience with The King
Their first date is a ... musical?
Tourist Trapped ... wait-
Super Cart Bros Ultimate
Honk shoo mimimi
This is not Inception
They're coming home, they're coming home, they're coming. Plantar's coming home
The Hop Darn Truth
Temple No.1: Mind-Over-Marcy

Visiting The Family

585 12 25
By VoltzyVoltz

Y/N walked the dark forest attempting to whistle to himself whilst his hands rested easily in his pockets.

Y/N: Damn I never realised that I sucked so bad at whistling. I guess having parents who don't have lips will do that to you.

He then attempted to try hum to himself but found it too annoying and just resorted to walking in silence.

Y/N: Man I just gotta get there quicker. The sooner I'm back at their cave the better I'll be. Ai-ai-ain't that right Blitzø?

Y/N shook his head and blinked a few times before quickening his walk.

Y/N: God dammit, not again.

Over the past few days, Y/N had found himself forgetting small chunks of his days, each only lasting around ten seconds but enough to concern him. On one second he would be standing still and the next when he opened his eyes again he could be 10 feet ahead of himself.

This concerned Y/N deeply. He figured that if anyone could help him with the issue it would be Mantis and Ant. They had always knew how to help him when times were tough.

Y/N: Take a left here and boom there we go, cave.

Y/N ran towards the cave quickly and pushed himself past the vines and trees, slicing anything that would get in his way. The second he entered the cave he found out the answer of a question he had been asking himself for many years: Mantis was the top.

The next time he had his eyes open he was sat upright with a cup of water in his hands with Mantis and Ant sat across from him.

Y/N: Huh? Wha- what happened?

The two startled and looked at him before clearing their throats.

Ant: Well you walked in on us doing .... yoga and then you fainted. Have some water to calm yourself, bud.

He took a sip of his water and placed his cup down gently.

Mantis: So, what is it you need? Or did you come all this way just to chat with your dear, old dads?

Y/N: You see, theres this thing thats been happening. On one minute I'll be somewhere and the next, I'm somewhere else with no memory of how I got there.

Ant: And I guess its driving you crazy, huh?

Y/N: Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.

Y/N shook his head again and groaned.

Y/N: What did I just say?

Mantis: Something about rats and rubber rooms and you being crazy.

Y/N took another sip of his water with shaky hands.

Y/N: What if ... what if one day I go in and never come back out?

Ant and Mantis scuttled round to both sides of him and cuddled into him.

Mantis: Y/N, you're strong. Stronger than what me and Ant could ever imagine being. I'm sure that this will all blow over soon and you just gotta be strong and push through it.

Ant: And you know that we're always here for you if you ever need to talk you just come and see us alright?

Y/N snuggled into them and closed his eyes and smiled. This was all he needed.

Ant: Anyway, the only thing that could beat you down is, well, you yourself.

Mantis: So, tell us all about your adventures. Oh, and who's this Soul Song of yours that Ant's been telling me about?

Y/N smiled and told them everything he could remember. A couple hours later and Y/N was back out the cave waving back to Mantis and Ant as he made his way back to Wartwood. Just as he turned around, he ran into a spider web and spluttered as he tried to get it out his mouth.

Y/N: Ugh. Bleh! I hate spiders. Of all the insects in the world they choose to be difficult and call themselves "arachnids". "Oooh I'm so fancy, I can jerk off 8 times as fast and make my home out of the sticky white stuff I make".

He continued walking until he reached the Plantar college where he heard screams inside.

Y/N: The screams of my friends being in danger?! Eh, average tuesday. Wait, what day is it?

Y/N opened the door and saw a Hop Pop covered in glue and Anne, Sprig and Polly looking exhausted.

Y/N: Yo, Anne. What day is it?

Anne: Tuesday, why do you ask?

Y/N pulled his fist in triumph.

Y/N: Fuck yeah, first try.

Sprig: Dude, where've ya been?

Polly: So much happened and you weren't there to see it!

Y/N: Eh, you win some you lose some. Anyway, I'm off to bed. I've had a very short day and I'm too lazy to do any more of it.

He flung himself into the basement and onto his bed and curled himself into a ball to sleep.

Meanwhile, out in the woods Y/N? scowled menacingly.

Y/N?: The signal won't hold! Why won't the signal hold?!

He stabbed his spider limbs into a tree and shook at it, taking rodents and birds down from it. He removed his hands and pierced each of their bodies and shoveled them into his mouth, tearing them up with his fangs.

Besides him, a bolt of lightning shattered down and an man appeared besides him. He had sharp, shark-like teeth and a long outstretched tongue that took the shape of a hand. He looked almost identical to Y/N? in his other features except without the spider parts yet he looked older.

Shark-man: Gimmick: Spider, the boss wants to see you.

Y/N?: Gimmick: Shark. Always a pleasure. Come down from your throne on all your reads to interact with the common folk.

Shark: You and I both know, Spider, that when the writer wants a word with one of his Gimmicks it means business.

Spider: Fine. Volt me up there. Heh, that joke never gets old.

Spider was struck by a bolt of lightning and instantly teleported into a dark room where a throne sat infront of him. In the throne sat a towering man with a crooked crown ontop of his head and long hair.

Spider: Oh great writer, what have you summoned me for?

Writer: Have you made any progress in knowing the coordinates of your realm?

Spider: I have not, oh great one. I have, however been able to gain cracks in the mind of the anomaly.

The writer raised his hand and clenched his fist and Spider was immediately brought into his clenched fist. Spider spluttered as he lost his breath in the hand of the mighty one.

Writer: I told you to search for the coordinates! Those were your only orders! How else is Gimmick: Gekko going to open the portal for my armies of Y/N's to breach and eradicate his existence? You are the one who the Calamity Box split from his soul, you are the one more adapt to Amphibia. Find it and then you'll have your place here amongst my Gimmicks. I'll have Gekko searching each coordinate number by number until he finds your realm. And so help me, if he does I'll erase your story and turn you into one of the Deleted Ones! Away with you.

Spider: My lord, but I-

Another bolt of lightning struck him as he was teleported back into Amphibia. Shark had disappeared leaving only himself there. He snarled again and walked through the forest on his quest to find the coordinates.

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