Quirk Cultivation

Door anonjack4

273K 5.2K 2.4K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... Meer

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Babymakers (lemon)
Rest and Regroup
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Gone Hunting
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
Lovely Anxiety
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells
Best Served Spicy (Lemon)

Predator and Prey

3.1K 81 25
Door anonjack4

Izuku stood frozen with fear as he stared down at the slowly dissipating cloud of green smoke at his feet with wide eyes.

The memory of Toru snapping his double's neck after figuring out it wasn't the real Izuku, still fresh in his mind as he tried to rub away the phantom pain.

She had been so fast that even Danger Sense hadn't been fast enough to warn him. At least not when it was diminished within the weaker duplicate.

"I had no idea she could be so terrifying..." Izuku muttered with dread as he realized just how broken her mind must be and how dangerous she was when not held back by timidity and shyness.

And yet she was somehow even harder to find then before...

A fact that was only affirmed by Toru cutting the power to the building, causing Izuku to squeak as he was left in darkness as the shutters blocked out all sunlight and the red emergency lights only worked in a few places that only made the atmosphere even creepier.

"Scary" Izuku thought as he tried to use Augmented Vision to find Toru, only to despair when his vision was filled with multiple red splotches that made it nearly impossible to see.

"Hay Ninth, we got a problem" Shinomori spoke in Izuku's mind from the link to the duplicate body he was possessing.

Izuku whimpered slightly as he switched over to using Neko for the limited night vision.

"Toru?" he asked mentality, having already guessed who it was.

"Yah, looks like she snuck into one of the storerooms where the support department dumps their excess gadgets and grabbed a bunch of stuff" Shinomori replied just as something went off in the air vents and Izuku's ear twitched.

Before he could do anything else though he coughed and pinched his sensitive nose.

The damage was already done though, and his eyes began to water as something like a cross between a stink bomb and pepper spray was released, forcing Izuku to revert back to normal so his enhanced sense wouldn't overwhelm him.

Even then it still stung his eyes and made him feel like retching.

Izuku quickly focused and activated another one of his quirks. His skin turned lime green and partially transparent as his eyes turned pure yellow and his hair melded into a dark green blob of slime in roughly the same shape as normal, only more jiggly.

Izuku blinked his eyes a few times until they stopped stinging and coughed a few times before shaking his head and making it wobble like jello.

His body now immune to the gas, Izuku gave a sigh of relief but yelped as his slime body wobbled and he nearly collapsed into a green puddle before fixing himself.

Izuku then gave something between a relived sigh and a whine. He still didn't actually have any practice with most of the quirks he'd made, so not only would it be difficult getting around in this form, but he would be very limited in which quirks he could activate while like this.

"I wish I had Momo's encyclopedia. Then I could make a gas mask with her quirk" Izuku muttered. Making fabrics and blocks of metal was one thing, but a gas mask was a bit too complex for him without time to study and memorize every element like Momo did.

Izuku shook off his frustrations though as he began running as quietly as he could but winced as his feet went splat with each step and he stumbled like a toddler learning to walk as his legs wobbled.

He needed to keep moving though. He needed to find Toru fast before she found Mina.

And for that he was thankful he had Search v2.

Unfortunately he had near zero practice with it, like nearly every other quirk he'd made so far, and he could only narrow down Toru's location to a general direction and area for the time being.

So Izuku focused really hard and made another duplicate, which nearly made his body fall into a puddle.

He was pushing it, since his body was already in a semi-liquid state and he still had a double with Mina, keeping her safe and helping to calm her down. But Izuku was determined to break through his limits as he sent the new double down another hallway while he continued down his current path through the dark corridors.


Meanwhile, back with Mina.

The pink girl had calmed down thanks to Izuku and was now sitting in his, still normal, double's lap, as he stroked her hair and let her lay her tear stained and sad face against his shoulder as she clung to Izuku for support.

Both of them rubbed her belly as Izuku helped keep Mina calm.

He'd also already blocked the vents with acidic slime and the door was still sealed, so no gas was seeping in to mess with them.

Mina made a choked sound in the back of her throat and Izuku was already cooing sweet nothings in her ear before she could start crying again.

"It's ok... Toru will be ok and she won't hate you once this is over..." Izuku promised but Mina shook her head in his chest.

"You don't know what it's like though Izuku... and us doing it like that in front of her TWICE..." Mina trailed off as fresh tears leaked out.

"Toru already has issues with people not being able to see or notice her... what we did may have really broken her..." Mina whimpered and Izuku pulled her closer against him.

"I promise you everything will be ok... you know she's stronger then that and she would never hate you" Izuku assured Mina as he rested his head on top of her's while trying to ignore the splitting headache he was getting.

There was a moment of silence that followed as Mina just rested in Izuku's arms. Eventually she sighed though and lifted her head up as her pregnancy hormones kicked in and her mood shifted back to calm.

"Well, can we at least do something to ditch the creepy lighting" she moaned lightly as she glanced up at the red emergency light.

She was surprised when the room immediately filled with a green and blue glow and she turned her attention back to a bashful Izuku as his skin and eyes glowed in bioluminescence patterns.

Mina blinked in confusion while Izuku laughed nervously.

"A lot of amphibians and minerals can glow under UV light and Nejire's quirk is really bright, so I actually have quite a few options to pick from" Izuku explained with a light wince at the mental load he was putting on himself.

Mina just stared for a moment before she started to choke up. Then she started bawling as she buried her face in Izuku's chest.

Izuku immediately started panicking as she squeezed him tightly.

"M-M-Mina! I-I'm sorry! I didn't-muff!?" Izuku was cut off by Mina kissing him deeply.

"No, I'm sorry! I'm... just so happy you're the one who knocked me up!" Mina cried as tears continued to flow.

"I'm so happy to have you and so many babies, but I also want gummy bears dipped in sour cream, which is gross but I just want it so badly!" Mina cried out as she looped her arms around Izuku's back and hugged him tightly, causing the confused and scared father-to-be, to choke for air that his double didn't actually need.

"Ah...pregnancy cravings and mood swings..." Izuku realized as he let Mina crush him while rubbing her back.

Izuku suddenly froze up though and Mina noticed as she pulled back with a sniffle, only to see Izuku's eyes wide with shock and fear as his free hand clutched his throat.

"Izuku?" Mina asked as she wiped away her tears.

Izuku just gulped in response before his eyes darted around the room.

"We need to fortify this place a little more" he spoke hollowly. Much to Mina's confusion.


A few seconds prior, with the other double running down the hallway to where Search v2 told him Toru was.

Izuku grimaced as he squinted and tried to use Augmented Vision again, but his current slimy form was hard enough to control without adding another quirk to the mix and Toru had put up too many of those decoys she'd plundered for Izuku to just use Augmented Vision from his double with Mina.

Izuku skidded, or rather slid, to a halt as Search blared in his head that Toru was close and he gulped as everything around him seamed to creek, hiss or squeak in the darkness.

"Come on..." Izuku grunted with effort and groaned in frustration before holding his breath and deactivating the slime quirk.

Izuku's eyes immediately started burning but he resisted the urge to hiss in pain or suck in air, lest he make things even harder. At least his doubles didn't actually need to breath, but it still felt uncomfortable when they didn't.

Izuku immediately focused on his now enhanced vision and glanced around as his cheeks puffed up in an instinctually reaction, as if he were actually holding his breath.

He made his way into a smaller side corridor and looked left and right but didn't see anything close.


Izuku went ramrod straight as he heard someone exhale above him and he gulped before looking up.

His eyes nearly bugged out as he saw Toru, close enough to see partially through her refractive quirk and get an outline of her doing a split between the walls above him.

And that would be the last thing Izuku would see, as his brain froze up from the angle he was seeing Toru at and knowing she was naked, even if he couldn't fully see her.

And that gave her the opportunity to fall down on Izuku and pin him to the ground.

She took a moment to examine Izuku before giving a feral growl.


The weakened Danger Sense just barely had the chance to buzz in Izuku's shorted out mind, before Toru grabbed his head.

"Fake!" she spat before snapping the duplicate's neck.


Now the real Izuku was hyperventilating as he came back to his senses. His gooey body having partly fallen into a puddle with just his head and right arm from the elbow up still distinguishable.

"Mina was right... Toru's lost it!" Izuku muttered with dread as he informed the vestiges to keep the other girls away from this part of the building, no matter what.

Fortunately the gas would help with that. Probably part of Toru's plan. Although the fact Toru could be that forward thinking and stealthy, even while ravenous and broken to the point of KILLING his doubles, only terrified Izuku all the more.

So, with his brain finally finished rebooting, Izuku decided to go on the offensive, rather then wait for Toru to do something horrible.

Izuku pulled his body back together and clenched his fists and grunted as he focused really hard.

It was time to break past his limits.

And suddenly there was a burst of green smoke that quickly condensed into two more clones.

Izuku's face contorted in pain and he was sure he'd have a nosebleed if he currently had blood. He pushed past the brain melting pain and the feeling of his mind and senses being stretched too thin and sent the duplicates out to do their part as he prepared to set his new plan in motion.


Izuku made no effort to be discreet or hide his duplicates' movements or action. In fact he made them as loud as possible to cover up his real body's movements.

He still yelped and cried out every time something moved or made noise in the dark though.

Be it the sudden squealing of a steam valve, or Toru's nails scraping over the wall.

At one point he was sure he heard her laughing and singing "la la la, lala laaa" maniacally.


The double with Mina suddenly began adding extra fortifications to the door and vents and searching for any weak spots in the walls.


One Izuku ran into a class room where he heard some pattering and scraping. Sweat would have rolled down his face if his current body were capable of it. He breathed heavily in fear while looking around the room but all he saw were desks and a cardboard box sitting next to the door.

Izuku quickly waved an arm out and it expanded into a wave of slime that passed over everything before retracting and becoming an arm once again.

Izuku gave a sigh that was a combination of relief and frustration as he didn't feel his target.


Izuku's eyes shot open and he spun around to see the box popped open, and that was the last thing he saw before something heavy impacted his head.


Had it been his real body he would have simply reformed his head, but the duplicate didn't have that luxury, and poofed out of existence.

The sensation of death rolled over Izuku but he didn't freeze up this time.

This was exactly what he was waiting for.

"Found you" Izuku and his doubles all muttered at the same time as they converged on where the other one died. All of them stretching their arms out and creating a net of slime that would catch Toru if she got too close.

Not that Izuku expected that to work. That wasn't what he was planning anyway though. This was just to drive Toru in the direction he wanted and Izuku smirked as he heard Toru's feet running down the hall briefly.

The doubles were coming up on a T intersection in the hallways with a door at the end and Toru grabbed some kind of gadget she'd hidden somewhere in the hallway. It was shaped like a satellite dish hooked to a rifle and fired a sort of sonic blast that fried the weapon and splattered one of his doubles.

That only freed up Izuku's mind to better control the remaining ones and they were close enough to the intersection that double extended his whole body to block both paths and he felt Toru bounce off his chest.

That left only one place to go, but rather then take the chance Toru might find another way, the lost double spread his whole body out as he jumped forwards and when he felt Toru, he wrapped around her as tightly as he could.

"Agh! Let go you no good fakes!" Toru screamed as she tried to claw at the slime completely enveloping her.

The other double quickly shrunk down and grabbed the bound Toru and kicked open the door at the intersection and was met with a face full of steam before tossing them in and closing the door.

He then reverted back to normal and sealed the door with adhesive slime before vanishing in a puff of green smoke.


Inside, the air was free of the gas that permeated the rest of this area of the school.

Toru thrashed as the other duplicate held her tightly and felt a pice of metal over her mouth, which he pulled off and the rebreather became visible as sparks leaked from exposed wires on the prototype. His job done, the duplicate then poofed as well, freeing Toru who quickly stood back up as warm water fell on her.

She was in another one of the showers.

"What!? But I turned off all the water after Mina used the showers to catch me!" Toru yelled in frustration as the steam and water ran over her body. Making every curve and crevasse visible.

Her cute round face and long hair. Her slender and toned arms and legs and curvy figure.

Toru then yelped as Izuku suddenly appeared behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Toru screamed and clawed at Izuku as incoherent rage and madness overwhelmed her, but she stopped as soon as her back hit the tiled wall and Izuku planted his lips on her.

Toru froze up for a moment before her limbs went limp and she moaned into the kiss before Izuku broke it.

"I'm sorry Toru... I promise me and Mina will make it up to you once this is all over" Izuku said as he reached up and caressed Toru's face, causing her to shutter and moan at the contact.

"You... can see me..." she moaned between breaths as if Izuku were already inside her as she snaked her arms around Izuku, who gulped.

He just hoped she wouldn't be as hard to satisfy as Mirko after what she'd been through.


—————- Mina - 15

Slime Form

"Can transform their body into slime. Slime can be acidic or not. Can regenerate and shape shift to a limited degree while in this form. Cannot project or spray slime unless they separate the part of their body it constitutes.


—————- Tsu - 14

Hoppin' Mad

"Can generate bioluminescent light in a variety of patterns and colors. Can also produce hallucinogenic toxins and gasses from their skin. Combining the lights and toxins let's the user trigger various types of hallucinations in others"

11 - ?


A/N - Happy Halloween everyone. I hope I was able to make this chapter somewhat spooky. Two scenes in particular were inspired by two different stealth games. I really wanted to reveal a Halloween themed quirk I've been holding onto for a while but I forgot about it until the chapter was already written.

Also, a lot of people suggested Goop from Ben 10 as a quirk idea, and this is the result of my own version of it.

Hoppin' Mad I came up with in my own and was partially inspired by the Mad Hatter and I originally wanted one of Mirko's kids to have it, but it just made more sense with Tsu, giving how it works.

Again, thanks to everyone who reviews.

Also, sorry if I haven't been responding to messages. FF isn't sending emails anymore for some reason.

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