His Infatuation - Slashers x...

By CamsterHale

248K 12.7K 4.4K

"No...You're not telling me..." "YOU two were the ones stalking me ALL along...!?" This time (Y/n) deals with... More

-Quick Note-
[Chapter 1: Psychopathic Reveal]
[Chapter 2: Evil Ending...?]
[Chapter 3: FIND HER]
[Chapter 4: Party Crasher]
[Chapter 5: Calming Things Down]
[Chapter 6: Needing Assistance]
[Chapter 7: Serious Help]
[Chapter 8: Interesting Proposal]
[Chapter 9: Social Distancing]
[Chapter 10: Tuesday Morning]
[Chapter 11: Private Discussion]
[Chapter 12: Library Conversation]
[Chapter 13: Ghostface's Irritations]
[Chapter 14: Lack of Tact]
[Chapter 15: Stupid Squabble]
[Chapter 16: Continuing Alone]
[Chapter 17: Camp Crystal Lake]
[Chapter 18: Take The Blame]
[Chapter 19: Michael Vs Jason Round 2...?]
[Chapter 20: Obsessive Flashback]
[Chapter 21: Visiting The Lake]
[Chapter 22: Surprise Visit...!?]
[Chapter 23: Stressful Snap]
[Chapter 24: Traumatic Truth]
[Chapter 25: Number of Events]
[Chapter 26: Returning Home]
[Chapter 27: So Much For That]
[Chapter 28: Your Secret's Safe]
[Chapter 29: Free Pass]
[Chapter 30: Morning Jumpscare]
[Chapter 31: Walking Together]
[Chapter 32: One Hell Of A Coincidence]
[Chapter 33: Losing Interest...?]
[Chapter 34: The Good Guy Dolls]
[Chapter 35: Friday Night Recycling]
[Chapter 36: Free-time Fun]
[Chapter 37: I'm Switzerland]
[Chapter 38: Soul Power]
[Chapter 39: Peeping Tom]
[Chapter 40: Bitter Betrayal]
[Chapter 41: The Blame Game]
[Chapter 42: Morning Mischief]
[Chapter 43: Saturday Exhaustion]
[Chapter 44: Nine O'Clock News]
[Chapter 45: Pointing Fingers]
[Chapter 46: Afternoon Visit]
[Chapter 47: Hanging Out]
[Chapter 48: Evening Accusations]
[Chapter 49: Intense Information]
[Chapter 50: Comforting Assistance]
[Chapter 51: Dramatic Dining]
[Chapter 52: False Allegations]
[Chapter 53: Stretching Sincerity]
[Chapter 54: Wanna Play...?]
[Chapter 55: The Lakeshore Strangler]
[Chapter 56: A Good Guy...Fighting?]
[Chapter 57: Sorry Excuses]
[Chapter 58: Reason & Request]
[Chapter 59: Proving Innocence]
[Chapter 60: Sorrowful Apology]
[Chapter 61: Friendly Forgiveness]
[Chapter 62: Increasing Insanity]
[Chapter 63: Derry & IT's MAINE Problem]
[Chapter 64: Fearless Feeding]
[Chapter 65: Giving Yourself Away]
[Chapter 66: Restoring Balance]
[Chapter 67: Fixing His Conditions]
[Chapter 68: Deathly Destruction]
[Chapter 69: Babysitting Tradeout]
[Chapter 70: The Start Of A Shit-Show]
[Chapter 71: No Way You've Could've Known]
[Chapter 73: Sunday Night]
[Chapter 74: Morning Departure]
[Chapter 75: Meeting The Heelshires]
[Chapter 76: Following Instructions]
[Chapter 77: Third Person View]
[Chapter 78: The Heelshire's "Vacation"]
[Chapter 79: Calling Rose]
[Chapter 80: "I Promise I'll Be Good"]
[Chapter 81: Truthful Regret]
[Chapter 82: Another Time]
[Chapter 83: Growing Startled]
[Chapter 84: Bedtime Battling]
[Chapter 85: Childish Tantrum]
[Chapter 86: The Heelshires' History]
[Chapter 87: Thursday Alarm]
[Chapter 88: Unannounced Guests]
[Chapter 89: Sharing & Showing]
[Chapter 90: GET OUT]
❤️-Quick Announcement-❤️

[Chapter 72: Seven Days]

1.6K 95 59
By CamsterHale

"How...!?" You retorted sharply, your cheeks glowing a deep scarlet as your humiliation expanded exponentially. "How do you even know that...!?"

"That's a secret~" Hannibal mischievously hummed, pressing his lips against yours a moment later and teasing you during the time being. "I just do."

"Okay, okay...! Let's just leave it at that and finish explaining to everybody...!" You exclaimed with even further embarrassment, breaking apart from his tender hold and trying to avoid his gaze also.

"Of course." He agreed softly, taking both of your hands in his as to give them a gentle squeeze right here and there. "Wouldn't want to keep anyone else waiting, now would we...?"

"Exactly...!" You nervously replied, shyness flooding your face while you tried hastily brush off your words with nothing more than a simple laugh. "So I'll be going back inside my bedroom now. Seeing as you already know where I'll be going tomorrow, I'll just leave you be, and—"

"Ah, ah, ah, I never said that I was okay with you leaving tomorrow, mio fiorellino~" The psychiatrist pointed out with dark amusement; your boyfriend placing your fingertips lightly against his lips and giving you an extremely gentlemanlike kiss.

"Well, whilst I appreciate the love and affection, I um, would really rather get to explaining - and just get it over with." You told him truthfully, hiding your faintly-blushing facial features once he'd acted so charmingly.

"G...Get to e-explaining...? E-Explain what exactly...?" Norman piped up in an innocent tone, not understanding what you meant or where your response was heading.

"So why the FUCK is everybody up here again?" Chucky questioned uncaringly, joining all of you in your bedroom and causing you to feel even more awkward. "It's kinda boring being left alone downstairs, doing absolutely nothing apart from watching the TV in the living room, y'know? Spill the mother-fucking beans already, why don't'cha?"

"Because I needed to tell everybody why I was leaving for a week, without anyone flipping out." You stressfully sighed, your next comment forcing Billy, Stu, Michael, Norman and Chucky to grow strangely surprised. Hannibal - obviously - wasn't, but that was because he already knew...somehow.

"You're leaving for a week...? The fuck...? Why...?" Chucky demanded to know coldly, glaring before drawing out his weapon and holding it out. "Why are you leaving me behind with these freaks...!?"

"Oh my, seems as though you don't want (Y/n) here to leave." Hannibal angelically cooed, purposely toying with the red-haired doll and trying to rile him up. "How...cute."

"God, I hate you." Chucky muttered under his breath moodily, his sulky attitude starting to show while he did his best to ignore the patronising slasher standing directly to the left of him.

"I think we'd all like to know why you're leaving for a week, tomorrow." Billy cut in with a sour expression, Stu nodding in agreement and adding fuel to the fire. "After all, you never actually gave us a motive. Or a real reason."

"Well, I was about to - before you two exploded - and then Norman took things the wrong way." You firmly stated, standing in the middle of your bedroom and facing everyone with false courage. "But alright, alright. The actual reason I'm...leaving tomorrow morning - for a week - is because I have to...fill-in for a friend. I have to...babysit a kid...for seven days. Somewhere in the U.K."

"Y-You're just...b...baby...s-sitting...?" Norman repeated with surprised glance, his eyes widening after he'd listened to what you'd cautiously told them all. "B...Babysitting...f-for somebody...in t-the...U.K.? F-For a...a friend...?"

"You're leaving...to babysit someone else's kid...?" Billy clarified bitterly, feeling betrayed and resentful both at the same time.

"Careful, Billy. Remember what we talked about." Stu comfortingly jumped in, giving him a hug and speaking to him all at once.

"But THIS isn't fair...!"
"I know it isn't—"
"We're being left behind AGAIN...!"
"Well, not exactly—"

"It's not like I'm a professional babysitter or anything..." You unhappily mumbled, Billy's reaction not making you feel any better about the whole situation. "I'll be stepping in for a friend, for seven whole days, and then I'll be returning straight back home. Okay...? That's all. It's just to take care of a kid. Nothing more, nothing less."

Scribbling his thoughts down on his notepad furiously, Michael passed his response over to your hands with a selfish and angry stare; his piece of paper causing you to release another sigh of dejection and pass it back to him irritably. "ᗩᗷᔕOᒪᑌTEY OT. YO'E OT GOIG ᗩᑎYᗯᕼEE ᗯᕼEE I ᑕᗩᑎ'T EE YO." [A/N: "ABSOLUTELY NOT. YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE WHERE I CAN'T SEE YOU."]

"How upsetting can seven days possibly be to you guys...!? It's just me...! I'm nothing special...!" You impatiently retaliated, huffing shortly afterwards before rolling your eyes.

"N...Nothing s-special...?" Norman stuttered with a tearful tone, his adoring attitude of you dancing into play the moment you doubted yourself. "Y-You...You really t...think that...y-you're nothing s-special...?"

"Well, I mean...While I'm grateful for the kind words...I just meant, I don't think I'm this important, y'know...? It's only seven days after all, and—"

"I, personally, think that you're of exceedingly high importance, mi amore." Hannibal disagreed with your words sympathetically, wrapping his arm around your waist and wanting to be as soothing as possible towards you.

"Of course you'd say that." You mentioned in a sarcastic fashion, raising your eyebrows and knowing that this wasn't going to end well. "You always act like you're some sort of charming, princely character, one who's been written to say things like that just to pacify somebody else."

"Careful, you sound like you're about to break the fourth wall or something." He taunted jokingly, his reply causing you to release a sigh and wonder how the others would react.

"ᑭᒪEᗩᔕE O'T GO. I ᑕᗩᑎ'T KEE Y EYE O YO I YO GO ᗩᑎᗪ ᗷᗩᗷYIT OE ᖇᗩᑎᗪO KI I ᗷᖇITI. I' EGGIG YO EE." [A/N: "PLEASE DON'T GO. I CAN'T KEEP MY EYE ON YOU IF YOU GO AND BABYSIT SOME RANDOM KID IN BRITAIN. I'M BEGGING YOU HERE."] Michael wrote to you in a pleading scrawl, showing you his notepad a second or two after you'd previously finished your conversation with the psychiatrist.

"Michael..." You sighed his name in a troubled tone of despair, giving him his notepad back before moving back down and sitting on your bed. "I don't have a choice. I promised my friend. I'm not going to go back on my word."

"Eh, I don't give a shit. Do whatever the fuck you want." Chucky shrugged it off uninterestedly, turning around and heading back into the living room to switch on the television like usual.

"B-But why...!?" Norman dramatically wailed, flinging his arms around you from the side so he could hug you tightly. "W...Why would y-you agree t-to such a...such a t-thing...!?"

"Because it's just what friends do for each other." You taught Norman strictly, hugging him back so he didn't go overboard and emotionally break down.

"I mean we could just take Rose out and be done with it." You heard Billy murmur under his breath darkly, glaring at the floor and losing control like he did before.

"Billy, that's not a good idea. That's not what (Y/n) would want, now is it—"

"Nice going, dick...!"
"What the FUCK did I do...!?"
"It's about what you DIDN'T do...!"
"Are you STILL pissed-off about that time I fucking hit you with the phone...!?"
"Slightly. But if you hadn't reminded her—!"
"I obviously didn't MEAN to...!"

"If you had ANY ounce of brain-power, you'd realise that what I was going for was called TACT, you FUCK-RAG."
"What, are you serious...?" "Where the HELL was the TACT there...!? You made us lose her AGAIN, idiot...!"

"Hurt Rose and I will literally hit you both with a phone." You threatened icily, your fury flaring up like before while you flashed a glare straight back at them. "You understand me? Because you'd better."

"How do you even know about that...? You'd left by then...!" Stu spoke in puzzled surprise, remembering the library discussion the three of you had conversed in and frowning from confusion.

"That's a secret~" You copied Hannibal's words from the past cunningly, behaving casual whilst also holding your hands together. "I just do."

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