Stuck With Them Pokemon Peeps

By PersonSayinStuff

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Welcome to do the crazy universe known as the Elemenoverse. Join Milani and the Pokémon Peeps in their crazy... More

The Intro
Out of Ideas
About the bet..
Eh em febeles
I woke up and...
Tomodachi Life
Tomodachi Life pt. 2
Tomodachi Life pt.3
Budew Wonder Trade Part 1
Tomodachi Life pt.4
The Pokeathlon! Human version. The Intro
Pokeathlon Human: The Final Pairings
Budew Wonder Trade Part 2
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1 result and start of Event 2
Shipping Names...
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 2. Start of Event 3.
Stuff About Nameshipping
Tomodachi Life pt.5
Drew and Gary Play the Crazy Pokemon Character Quiz
Ash and Paul join the fun (CPCQ)
Someone took the game a bit too seriously
Pokeathlon Human: Event 3 result. Start of Event 4.
More CPCQ Fun with the Boys!
Tomodachi Life pt.6
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 4 + Start of Event 5
Tomodachi Life pt.7
Boys play Would You Rather? (CPCQ)
Jace plays the rest of the game (CPCQ)
Pokeathlon Human: Finale
Gary's Petition
Response to Gary's Petition
Not So Exciting Round...(CPCQ)
Boys Play Would You Rather II (CPCQ)
Girls Try the 5SOP Horoscope
Budew Wonder Trade pt. 3
Guys Play Alone (CPCQ)
Pokemon Peeps Awards: NOMINEES
10 Questions
By the Power of Shuffle
Budew Wonder Trade Part 4
Tomodachi Life pt.8
Tomodachi Life pt.9
Tomodachi Life pt.9.5
Tomodachi Life pt.10
Touchy Feely things...
Tomodachi Life pt.11
Pokemon Peeps Awards: EVEN MORE NOMINEES
Tomodachi Life pt.12
Guys play as Wedding Planners (CPCQ)
Truth or Dare
Tomodachi Life pt.13
ARTWORK?!?! Eh...not really.
Some Get Extra Crazy (CPCQ)
Completing Sentences (CPCQ)
Pokemon Journey Challenge
Kanto Grand Festival
Completing Sentences: Song Edition (CPCQ)
Shipping Games (CPCQ)
Random Questions with the Pokemon Peeps
A Wild Betch Appeared!
Power Outage
Enemies (CPCQ)
Let It Go
A Messed Up Thing
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Emerald
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Gold
Fall (CPCQ)
Switchin' (CPCQ)
Milani has a Wattpad account?!
More Would You Rather (CPCQ)
LeafGreenShipping Day?!?!?!
Doing Requests (CPCQ)
Tomodachi Life pt. 14
Mafia: Yandere Edition
Tomodachi Life pt. 15
More Messed Up Things (CPCQ)
Mafia: Yandere Edition PART DOS
But It's Pokeshipping Day (CPCQ)
It's someone's birthday...
Uno Frozen Edition
More Requestos (CPCQ)
Mad Libs Part 1
Mad Libs Part 2
Two lies and a truth
The Derision Album
MASH with the guys
They were gonna play Pokemon Emerald but...
Hotline Bling (CPCQ)
Q&A once again
Palletshipping Musical??? (CPCQ)
Answering your questions!
Sea Looks So Perfect
Pokemon Horoscopes
Guys play Cards Against Humanity
Top 8 ships?
She's Kinda Cold
Introduction (Elemeno Winter Games)
Mario Kart Time! (EWG)
Some darn luck based card game (EWG)
Some Very Good Cooking! (EWG)
Fanfiction-ception (CPCQ)
Mario Party + Super Battles! (EWG)
EWG Finale Part 1
EWG Finale Part 2
Mad Libs part 3
Pokemon Dating Quiz
About time we did these dares....
Date, Marry, Kill (CPCQ)
Welcome back, Elemeno.
Please help
MASH with the girls! on 4/20
CPCQ Finale???
Matchmaking Weirdness
Matchmaking and some UNO Stacko
The Bet - 2016 Edition
Switch it up Switch it up!
Why not? (PACITS)
Q&A thingy
More Q&A
The Finals Bet Results! + Last of the Q&A
Gary Asks
Contestshipping Day!
Return of the Tomodachi
Tomodachi Life part Ruby Pendant
Really Romantic Mad Libs
Pokemon Peeps Preach and Rap
Bonus Chapter :]
Arceus' Turnwheel

Milani goes on a date???

592 24 189
By PersonSayinStuff

Milani: Yellow.

Drew: Orange.

Gary: *grumbles*

Milani: Aww...what's wong with Gaweee?

Gary: *grumbles*

Drew: The Warriors won the championship.

Milani: That means...we get to do the Cavaliershipping oneshot instead of the Milani one!

Drew: Well...I guess you could still do the Cavaliershipping thing, but don't be too heavy on it. And please...I know you are ready with the Milani oneshot.

Milani: I'm not. And...I'm planning something special for the Cavaliershipping one. It's a surprise! I'm sure the readers might like it.

Drew: We'll see.

Jace: *enters room* Hey Gary! Leaf is looking for you!

Gary: She is? Bye losers. My bae is looking for me. *leaves*

Jace: *snickers*

Milani: Leaf's not really looking for Gary, is she?

Jace: Nope.

Milani: So...why'd you made him leave?

Jace: Because there is something important that I want to tell you.

Drew: Should I leave too?

Jace: If you want to.

Drew: K bye.

Milani: Drew, stay...

Drew: I'm not a dog.

Jace: family got invited to an event...and they told me that I needed to bring someone with me there to keep me company because the event might bore me.

Milani: So? Don't you have your sibs?

Jace: My older brother, Bryce, can't make it on time. Deuce has a school project to finish. Alice is having a sleepover at her friend's house and she refuses to miss it out.

Milani:'re asking me and Drew to accompany you.

Jace: least one of you.

Drew: Wait...why'd you make Gary leave?

Jace: Because I have no plans to bring him to a family event where he can embarrass me.

Milani: I see.

Drew: True that. Unfortunately...

Milani: Drew, I'm sure you have no plans tonight.

Drew: Well...while you were out, I...asked May out on a date I can't come. Sorry, Jace.

Jace: It's alright. So...I guess I'm stuck with Melanie.

Milani: No you are not. Go bore yourself to death in that event.

Jace: Milani...please.

Milani: Promise me one thing.

Jace: I won't call you Melanie the whole night.

Milani: Wait...Drew? Can you and May come?

Drew: We can't. I want our date to be extra special...and just the two of us.

Milani: Fine. What time, Jace?

Jace: We'll pick you up at around 7.

Milani: What do I need to wear?

Jace: Something formal.

Milani: Great.

Jace: Don't you have something to wear?

Milani: I do. It's just that I hate wearing dresses.

Jace: don't need to...well...I guess you have to...

Milani: Whatever. I'll see you at 7.

Jace: Ok...see ya, Melanie.

Milani: That's it I'm not...

Jace: Just kidding, Milani. Thanks for doing this.

Milani: Make sure the food is great there.

Jace: We'll see. See ya! *leaves*

Milani: *looks at Drew*

Drew: *smirking*

Milani: What is up with you?

Drew: You've got a date tonight.

Milani: It's not a date you butthead. And don't have a date with...

May: *enters* Hi!

Milani: Hi, May.

Drew: Uh. Hi May. I...Iwaswonderingifyouwanttogooutwithmetonightonalovelypicnicdinner.

May: Um...what?

Drew: Do you want to have a picnic dinner with me tonight?

May: Sure, Drew! See ya laters! *leaves*

Milani: I guess you do have a date with her...okay...whatever.


6:55 PM

Jace: *enters* Melanie!!!

Milani: Gah. Don't shout I'm right here. *goes down from stairs* Sheesh. I hate wearing dresses.

Jace: look great, Milani.

Milani: *blinks in surprise* Thanks.

Jace: So...shall we go? My parents are waiting in the car.

Milani: Ok. DREW!!! I'll be going ahead!!! *leaves with Jace and into the parents' car*

Jace's mom: Oh hello dear. You must be Milani.

Milani: Hi...

Jace's dad: So...this is the Milani I've heard about. Well...good find you got there, son.

Jace: Well...she's not my girlfriend...

Jace's mom: If she's not your girlfriend, how come you brought her with you?

Jace: You told me to get some company, and she was the only one not doing anything tonight.

Jace's mom: Well...she's lovely. I don't get why you're not asking her out. Alice told me she's the perfect sister-in-law.

Milani: *silent due to the awkwardness*

Jace: MOM!

Jace's mom: Okay, dear. Your dad and I will shut up.

Jace: Ok.

*Jace's parents have a convo of their own*

Jace: *whispers* Hey...Milani, you alright?

Milani: I'm okay.

Jace: You sure? You seem tense.

Milani: Awkward is the proper term. Your parents are teasing us, and I hate wearing dresses.

Jace: look wonderful, okay.

Milani: Um...are you sure? I didn't put too much make-up.

Jace: don't need make up to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough.

Milani: Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you.

Jace: get it.

Milani: Yeah. We're singing What Makes You Beautiful.

Jace: Wait...what? I didn't mean to say that for the sake of quoting 1D. What I mean is that you don't too much make-up to make yourself beautiful. Your simplicity is what makes you beautiful.

Milani: you mean that?

Jace: don't know why I'm being extra nice...

Milani: See? It's because I'm wearing make-up and a dress.

Jace: No. It's just that I can't believe you're doing this for me. I thought you hated me.

Milani: I don't hate you. And...thanks.

Jace: cool then? Just enjoy the night, okay.

Milani: did bring me for the sake of having someone to talk to.

Jace: You'll see when we get there.


At the event...

*everyone is the table is talking while Jace and Milani just finished eating*

Jace: Hey, Mils. You okay?

Milani: Did you say something? *whispers to Jace* I couldn't you over their talking.

Jace: *pokes his mom* Mom, Milani and I are just going to the balcony, okay.

Jace's mom: Sure, son.

Jace: Let's go. *leaves with Milani following*

Milani: So...why are we leaving the table?

Jace: You couldn't hear me talking.

Milani: Sorry. I think I should clean my ears.

Jace: Or we just need a quiet place. *steps into balcony with Milani*

Milani: The view is wonderful!

Jace: Yeah. I'm sorry I let you come with me.

Milani: It's fine. I mean...I love their orange chicken and almond jelly.

Jace: Those were good. So...what do you call a fake pasta?

Milani: Seriously? Shiela asked that joke in a oneshot. It's an impasta.

Jace: come you hate wearing dresses? You carry it quite well.

Milani: I don't like skirts.

Jace: Well...okay. What do you think happened to Drew and May's date?

Milani: Eh. I told Gary to spy on them so that we can turn it into a oneshot.

Jace: Sneaky.

Milani: Well...Drew only asked May on a date after you left.

Jace: Oh. I see. do you feel about people shipping us?

Milani: Weird. I bet they're gonna love us right now for this night.

Jace: Yeah. But...are you cool with it?

Milani: Well...I'd rather ship you and me than Jonny and me.

Jace: But...isn't he your crush...I mean...ex-crush?

Milani: That's the point, Jace. I am cool with his relationship with Shana. I don't like Jonny in a crush-y way anymore. We're still friends, and that's the way I like it.

Jace: What about us? Do you consider us friends?

Milani: Well...I don't know.

Jace: Don't even answer that, Milani. You know...the fact that you agreed to come with me means that you can at least consider me as a friend.

Milani: Yeah. It's kinda getting you want to go back inside?

Jace: Nah. *removes his coat and puts it on Milani*

Milani: You're so cliché, Jace.

Jace: You said you were cold.

Milani: must be warm then and that is why you gave me your jacket.

Jace: I don't get it thought.

Milani: What?

Jace: It's summer. Why is it cold?

Milani: It's nighttime you dumb butt.

Jace: Well...duh. Why do you think I had the coat?

Milani:'re not cold?

Jace: I'm fine. How about you? Do you need a hug or something?

Milani: Wait...what?

Jace: I could bring you to a toy shop and you can hug the biggest teddy bear there.

Milani: Why would I need to go to a toy shop? I'm fine.

Jace: If you say so. *puts an arm around Milani's shoulders*

Milani: I said I'm fine.

Jace: *pulls Milani closer to give her a hug*

Milani: Who are you and what have you done to Jace?

Jace: *releases hug* I'm still me.

Milani: You're acting nicer than usual.

Jace: deserve a break from all the teasing I give you. And...I want to show you who I really am.

Milani: Well...I like you this way.

Jace: Thanks. And Milani...even if I'm not saying it all the time...I want you to know that you are amazing the way you are. You don't need to be classy and flirty. I find your usual nerdy and weird-in-a-good-way self really cute.

Milani: What?

Jace: Um...Milani...don't tell anyone about this...okay?

Milani: You're being too cheesy right now that I don't want anyone to know either.

Jace: Yeah.

Milani: And spite of you constantly calling me Melanie, I still find you awesome.

Jace: I get that a lot.

Milani: Butt head.

Jace: Melanie.

Milani: Jake.

Jace: Finn the Human.

Milani: Princess Bubblegum.

Jace: Ice King.

Milani: Marceline.

Jace: Beemo.

Milani: Lady Rainicorn.

Jace: If I'm Jake...then who is my Lady Rainicorn?

Milani: Uh...someone.

Jace: Yeah. A very special someone. A very dense special someone...or I think she's dense.

Milani: I'm not dense, you idiot. I mean...

Jace: Turns out she's not dense.

Milani: that your parents waiting for us?

Jace: Right. Let's go. *takes Milani's hand*


Back at the Milani place...

Jace: So...I'll be coming over again tomorrow, Milani. And I'm calling you Melanie again.

Milani: Yeah yeah. Um...I better go inside.

Jace: Right. Milani...thanks. Good night.

Milani: Good night, Jace.

Jace: Um...yeah. See ya.

Milani: See ya.

Jace: Wait...Milani...

Milani: Right...I still have your coat.

Jace: Well...that's not what I meant. I just want to tell you that we'll be back to normal again tomorrow.

Milani: Right.

Jace: So...good night.

Milani: *kisses Jace's cheek* Good night. *goes to her room*

Jace: *leaves with a smile on his face*

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