The Divit Brothers...Love Mak...

By grannydew

10.6K 1.5K 315

The surprise announcement from Paola had all but wrecked Efe's life...or so he thought. But Carolina walked a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Fourteen

261 45 5
By grannydew

      Adam tossed his reading glasses on the desk and rubbed his eyes. His whole body ached as he stretched and moved in the chair. " What time is it?" He asked himself out loud, turning over his phone to view the time. 

      He was shocked to see that it was 10:30 in the morning. He had been at his computer for hours, searching all there was to know about the famous Divit family. He pushed himself away from the his desk and forced his legs to move. 

      After sitting at his computer for the past 5 hours his legs had turned to mush, but he hobbled his way to the kitchen. He wasn't sure of what day it was or even when he had eaten last, so he grabbed a glass and filled it with water as he searched in the fridge for something to eat.

      The family history of the Divit family had been a very fascinating read, and he wasn't sure if he had even read it all yet, but what he had read was very enlightening. He popped the container of leftover fried rice in the microwave and hit the button for one minute. 

      He took the water and the warmed up rice to the back deck and sat down. All the information that he had just read about Can Divit and his brother Emre had left even more questions in his mind. But in all fairness, the acts of an uncle shouldn't taint the character of Efe Divit, but as far as he was concerned, it did.

      He shoveled the fried rice into his mouth, not realizing how hungry he was. Adam wondered how his little girl was doing. It made his heart ache to think she had chosen a man like Efe over the safety of her home. He sat the bowl down on the table, unable to finish, as the lump of emotion in his throat grew bigger. 

     Why hadn't she called?  Why didn't she let him  know she was ok? Why didn't she just come home with him? All these questions bombarded his head  making it throb and explode with anger. 

      He downed the last of the water and went inside. The sadness of being alone was too much to handle sometimes, as he reached for the bottle of vodka. "Just one drink, just enough to make it not hurt so much." He told himself, as he positioned himself in front of the computer again, with a glass and the bottle.

      " How long do I wait for her to call me......before I make the decision to call."  He wondered. He swigged down the last of vodka from his glass and poured more in...." I may not wait very long... 

      Gabby stepped away from Kadir, giving him a strange look, " What's wrong with you." She snapped, " I said you could apologize, what are you waiting for." She demanded, putting her hands on her hips. 

      Kadir blinked his eyes as if he was coming out of a trance, " Oh, ok.... but I don't want to do it out here on the street. Let me take you to dinner." He said quickly, but instantly wished he hadn't.. He shifted his eyes from her, as he tried to figure out why he was saying those things. 

      Gabriela's mouth flew open in disbelief, " Dinner? You want to take me to dinner? Kadir, I don't think you really mean that, and besides, you don't have to. Just say you're sorry and walk's that simple." She said sarcastically. 

      He cleared his throat, trying to make a reasonable thought, " Ok, I do mean it, and I do want too. Nothing fancy and no obligations, just dinner. Then I will take you home." He added, once again surprised at what he was saying. The words still seemed to be coming from an another person. 

      Gabby glared at him, definitely not taking him seriously. " Oh, and now you want to take me home....well this just keeps getting better and better."  She said with a laugh.. 

      Kadir felt his face getting warm and he was sure it was turning red with embarrassment.  But much to his own amazement, he was serious. " Yes Gabby, dinner and a ride home, and maybe even a good conversation." He said. He stood there, confident, waiting for her answer. 

      For a split second she thought, he might really want to take her to dinner, maybe get to know her better. Those decisions you make in a split second of weakness, just might be the best decisions of your life.

      " can take me to dinner, and take me home." She answered. Her heart jumped straight up into her throat, as she spoke those words. A slight smile crept across her face, "What a fool you are Gabby..... but it's too late to back out now."  She thought as she followed him to his motorcycle. " Who are you kidding, there's no way you're backing out....This is Kadir Divit we're talking about"....

      He helped her as she straddled the seat. A strange, almost foreign feeling began to creep up inside him as he held her hand to steady her as she got positioned on the bike. He reached for his helmet and then handed it to her, " Here, put this on. Better to be safe than sorry." He told her, as he shoved the helmet into her hands.

      Gabby looked at him, raising her eyebrows, " And what are you going to be wearing. Don't you have an extra helmet for me to wear?" She asked, hesitant to accept the helmet. He smiled, "No, I don't, but I'd rather you have the helmet than me... I wouldn't want anything to happen to you while you were on my bike." He explained, as he began to place the helmet on her head. 

      She moved back, " Ok, I got it. But I can do it myself." She said reaching for the helmet. " We have wasted 5 minutes sitting here arguing about a helmet." She mumbled hatefully under her breath. 

      Kadir waited until she had the helmet securely on her head before he threw his leg over and sat down in front of her. He had had other people on his bike with him before, but for some reason the closeness of her body next to his had completely shaken him. 

      He felt as if his lungs could not get enough air, so he took a long deep breath and exhaled slowly, as he put on his sunglasses. " Are you ready, do you feel ok back there?" He asked before starting the bike...

      Gabby wasn't sure what to do,...did she put her arms around him, did she lean down against his body, or did she just keep her hands to herself. " Yes, I'm fine." She answered. 

      " Ok then, here we go." Kadir said, revving up the motor on the bike. " You might want to hang on to me, you know,...just to be safe."  He shouted back over his shoulder to her.

      She felt the vibration from the engine and the anticipation of being so physically close to Kadir, making it hard for her to speak..... But she did as he said. Slowly she slid her arms around his body, and leaned in closer to him. Her arms were quivering, but she wasn't sure if it was from the engine or from the thoughts in her head...

      Kadir revved up the motor a couple of times before kicking it into gear and speeding off down the street. 

      He felt her arms tighten slightly around his body as they sped off......It felt good, felt like nothing he had ever felt before... It made his heart skip a couple of beats.... And that was something he hadn't expected...

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