The Divit Brothers...Love Mak...

By grannydew

9.8K 1.4K 311

The surprise announcement from Paola had all but wrecked Efe's life...or so he thought. But Carolina walked a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirteen

262 40 7
By grannydew

      Kadir found Gabby standing under the canopy at the bus stop. He stopped a few feet back, not wanting to scare her off again. He removed his helmet, placed it on the seat of his bike, all without her noticing him. 

      She looked off in the other direction, watching for the bus to come her way. The thought of Kadir was still exploding in her mind, " The audacity of him."  She thought, " Did he think I was some delusional young girl, just waiting for him to verify that I existed.".... Her thoughts rambled on...

      But the fact is, she had always been attracted to Kadir Divit. She had always been that delusional girl, that stood front and center, wanting...almost begging for him to speak to her.....And when he did, he was always cordial and polite, but not what you would say,...interested....

      The presence of a person standing very close to her startled her, so she looked around quickly. "I'm not going away until you let me properly apologize. And besides, how do you know I only want to get information from you..... I happen to think you are a very attractive woman." He said, the words falling from his lips without a thought...

      A numbing, tingling feeling ran through her body, making her shudder. He was so close to her she could feel his breath on her face. " Kadir, what....why..why did you follow me. I told you I'm not going to tell you anything." She spoke breathlessly. 

      She forced herself to look away, not to let herself be drawn into his game. But he didn't leave, he stayed there, as if he was connected onto her body in some way. Her breathing was uneven and swallow, she wanted to turn his way, sink helplessly into his arms....and she even pictured them devouring each other with that long awaited kiss..... but she knew all he wanted was information about Paola.

      She snapped out of her fantasy daydream at the thought of Paola... "Ok, I'll let you apologize, buts that's it. No talking, no pressing me for information, and none of your charming acts of attraction toward me." She outlined, making very definite eye contract.

      Kadir wasn't sure what was going on. He seemed to be frozen in place, not able to move away from her. His heart was even pounding faster and harder than ever before as he watched her lips move. Her eyes danced with anger, but there was something else too....but he couldn't put his finger on it, but her intense glare had suddenly turned his world upside down..

      Efe and Carolina had decided to go to the rocks on the beach to read the doctors report on Paola's tests. That was the place they felt the closest to each other. Efe helped her from the car and held her hand as he led her down the rocky bank to the huge, flat rock that had become known as "their rock".

      He stared at the light brown envelope, hesitant to open up what may change his life forever, but in the same thought he knew it was something he had to do. He glanced at her, " Are you ready Carrie.. What ever this is, remember we are in this together.. remember that I love you and only you." He recited, as he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

      Efe took a deep breath, and slowly pulled the papers from the envelope, his heart pumping hard. A lot of it he couldn't understand, a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo, so he scanned over the paper just looking for a date.

      Carolina peered over his shoulder, reading the detailed report. The best she could decipher was Paola was 12 weeks pregnant. All of her bloodwork was normal and she was healthy, with the exception of a low iron count. 

      Her eyes filled with tears as she read. "Well there it was in black and white. Paola was 12 weeks pregnant with Efe's child."  The thought swirled around in her head making her dizzy and sick to her stomach.

      Efe read the sentence over at least three times, gestational age: 12 weeks.... She was pregnant....she was right.  And according to this, it was his. His body quivered inside as he came to terms with what he just read.

      He closed his eyes, thinking what a mess he had made of his life. Carolina had been silent. He heard nothing but her breathing, " Carrie are you ok. We will be ok,...this won't change a thing." He spoke quickly, as he turned to see the disappointment on her face.

      She jumped up and hurried off a few feet away, feeling her stomach churn. She couldn't hold came out with force and with a vengeance, as she heaved out all the contents of her stomach.

      Efe was right there with her, holding her gently from behind. " Carrie, Carrie....are you ok? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."  He mumbled as he held her steady on her feet. " Was it something you ate,.. or was it... Oh my god Carrie, I'm sorry. I have made a mess of everything." His voice barely audible..

      Carolina took several deep breaths before standing upright, " Efe, stop saying you're sorry. You are not to blame. I....I....was just so sure she was lying." Her thoughts circled like a vulture in her head. 

      Efe sprinted over to the car and grabbed the bottled water , " Here, drink. You look pale. I think we should go to the doctor." He spoke in a panic.

      She shook her head, " No, let's just go back to your house. I need to lay down for a bit." The words from the report still echoed in her head.

     Efe didn't argue, he just helped her along the rocky path to the car, opened the door of the car and helped her inside. She covered her face with her hands, shielding out the light that was streaming in though the window. She didn't know what was happening, she had felt so weird, weak, so not herself..

      The drive home was silent, with Efe holding on to her hand for dear life. As he turned and started down the winding driveway to the house, he glanced over at her. Her eyes were blank looking, but filled with tears. It broke his heart....

      Efe could hear the music from the kitchen and the laughter from his mom and dad as he opened the door for Carolina to get out. " Sorry my love, they always have the music on when they cook... I will have them turn it off." He whispered to her as he guided her toward the house.

      For some reason the music and their laughter made her smile. " It's ok Efe, I love to hear them  being so happy." She replied, as she felt her herself begin to feel normal again. She stopped, took a deep breath and smiled at Efe, " Nothing is going to change"..She repeated..before they entered the house.

      Sanem looked around as the door opened, " Oh, you're back. We were beginning to worry." She said. Then she took another look, " Carolina,... honey are you ok. Efe what happened.?" She blurted out frantically. 

     Carolina held up her hand, " I'm fine, really. I think the food may be too rich for my stomach. But I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She assured them. Efe tossed the large envelope on the table, " She needs to rest a bit, I'll take her to her room." He said, stroking her back gently as he lead her toward the bedroom.

      Both Can and Sanem's eyes fell on the envelope. They knew the news had not been what they expected. " Shall we open and see what it says?" Sanem asked, her eyes glued to the object.

      Efe pulled the covers back and eased her gently into the bed. " You just rest a bit. Do you want dinner,...I think you should eat just lost everything".....He babbled on, trying to make her feel better. 

      She grabbed his hand, " I'm fine Efe... and yes, I will eat dinner. But I want to close my eyes and rest for a few minutes. It's not your fault...and it won't change a thing." She told him...

      He went out, closing the door behind him. She had held on to the tears as long as she could, so when the door closed she let go. The disappointment, the fear, the all streamed down her face....

       One more thought entered her head..... " I still have to phone my dad.....  But she didn't want to think about that right now... All she could think about was not losing Efe to Paola and their baby....

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