The regrets of Katherine Barn...

By blanket-of-moss

13.5K 510 232

Katherine Barnes was a talkative 13 year old girl. She was obsessed with Marvel, The Maze Runner, Harry Potte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51

Chapter 50

132 4 11
By blanket-of-moss

Chapter 50!! One chapter left!


"So, um what happened here," Peter asks looking at Ren on the ground with Clint pinning her down and Loki standing with his hands behind his back. Ren pushes Clint off her.

"I'll tell you later," Ren says quietly to Peter as she walks past him out the door to see how it went.

She steps out of the dark tent into the bright blinding sunshine. Ren's eyes adjust quickly and search for the hero's. She sees many going into the 'med bay' (the med tent). Ren grips Peter's hand and starts to rush over.

Her hand pulls the large curtain aside to reveal many injured and on the beds. As she walks down to find out what happened she sees many ex-agents near death with multiple people trying to nurse them with the limited supplies they have.

She looks for the Avengers to see how it went, but she can't find them. Her eyes trail to Peter Quill laying on the bed pushing Gamora and a few nurses away.

"I'm fine," He lies as his hand is on his side. It's not bleeding to heavily, but enough to have it seep through.

"Peter! You got grazed with a bullet," Gamora fusses, "You are not fine." She pushes him back down and let's the nurses sew him up.

Ren walks up to the bed to see him being sewn.

"Ew, nope can't deal with people being sewn," Ren says turning around, "That's disgusting and ew ew ew no!"

"Hey your back to talking," Peter says through gritted teeth, "Ow! Don't you have something to numb the pain!"

"Peter stop your whining," Rocket says.

"Okay," Ren says turning around after a few deep breaths. The nurses leave Peter to go take care of the others. Gamora, Drax, Groot, and Rocket all sit on the other cots around Peter, all very tired. "What happened? Where's the Avengers?"

"After they dropped you off and we went to fight," Peter explains sitting up a little (earning a glare from Gamora), "We went to the tower. Fought through a bunch of guards. Made it to the throne room and it was empty, but we raided the place and found a bunch of jewels and gold that we can sell-" Gamora elbows him.

"I'm joking! God. . .anyways it looked like he left for good. Checked the the whole tower out. Not a single thing left worth keeping, except you know the gold. So it's safe to say, he left. He probably left Earth, but we'll keep a look out. "

"And the Avengers?" Ren asks, once again.

"Oh right, they're just clearing out the place of people that were imprisoned and stuff." He finishes.

Ren just nods her head and walks out, unsure on what to do. She still has so many questions, yet she's doesn't want to be anywhere near the person who can give her answers. Out of nervous habit Ren starts to fiddle with the cube on the necklace that was her 'mother's'.

She starts to aimlessly walk around the camp while her fingers brush over the small patterned shapes on the cube. Little did she know, the shapes and lines start to glow a faint purple. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Loki running after her.

Next thing she knows she's pinned to the ground with Loki on top of her panting slightly.

"Are you mad?!" He yells at her.


"You nearly opened a portal!" Loki says with immense worry, "Who knows where the other side could've been! You could've opened the gates of hell!"

"What are you yelling about," Ren yells back, a bit mockingly.

Loki sighs annoyed, "That cube on the necklace opens portals! It's how your mother's race traveled. So, I suggest to not mess with it."

"Get off me," Ren hisses at him. She uses all her strength to push him off. He rolls to the side while she sits up. "I get it. I won't mess with it, but please. . .leave me alone. Father or not, I don't want you near me."

He sighs, "If that is what you wish, then let me give you this." He pulls a beat up leather book out from his attire. It's packed with extra papers sticking out from the book. On the cover written in gold says The Journal of Julian Barnes.

"Your mother," Loki says giving it to Ren. "Wanted you to have this."

"Thanks," Ren says with no emotion. She looks at the book and brushes her hand over the leathery surface. Her finger traces the smooth gold writing. She looks up from the book to ask him a question, only to see him walking away back to his 'cell'.

Ren stares at the cover while she's walking over to her tent, well, it used to be her's and Newt's. While Ren looks at the cover she starts humming the Gravity Falls theme song.

She carefully opens the cover to see in beautiful cursive a letter.

"Why are all these things written in frickin cursive. Write it in print for once god..." Ren mutters to herself as she starts to read it.

Dear Katherine,

When you are ready your father, Loki Odinson if you didn't already know, will give you this book. Do not worry about breaking it, scratching it, incinerating it, etc. after a few times of almost losing it I finally took it to a witch to put a protection spell on it. And if you're anything like me, you will most likely almost get it destroyed quite a few times. Anyways, this book will guide you for the rest of your life. Sadly I do not think I'll be able to make it. But to give you a brief outline of what you need to do. . .think of Dr.Who. I've been to Earth quite a number of times and that show always caught my attention. I'm rambling now and the barricade isn't going to last for ever.

I will always love you,
Your Mother Julien Barnes Odinson

Ren huffs when she reads the word Odinson. She didn't know yet, she guesses nor did Loki. It's wasn't Julien Barnes Odinson, it was Lauyfison [please correct if I spelled that wrong, to lazy to check].

"I see you got your mother's journal," Thor's booming voice says as he comes up behind her. He looks battered up, yet, he still has the twinkle of joy in his eyes.

"I should feel angry that you all have kept this hidden from me," Ren states with a straight face turning around towards the group of Avengers walking up. "But, this is all to much for me at the moment. I just. . .no words. For the first time in a while, just, no words."

"Well, you should be joyful," Thor says clapping a hand on her shoulder, "The battle is one, you're reunited with your family. "

"I feel like Thorin Oakenshield after the battle with the orcs where he lost his grand-father and father. I feel like the lost is to great to celebrate. " Ren honestly says with a low voice.

"Don't be a downer kid," Tony speaks up landing neck to her. His face mask lifts up to his normal smirk.

"Lighten up Ren," Clint adds in coming up and shakes her shoulders in a comforting way. "It's time to celebrate!" He cheers coming in front of Ren. "Four year war is over!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

Everyone cheers, but Ren can't help to feel like something is wrong. Maybe it's the fact that Newt's not here with her celebrating. Or maybe it's because Riley's gone. Maybe it's because she feels that's the war is not over quite yet.

She shrugs it off as it's time to celebrate with everyone.


Okay so no it's not the last chapter (two chapters left at most!) be prepared.

QOTD: who will actually read the third book?Because if no one comments...i might not do it. Seriously.

No I'm joking.


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