Insanity (Mhaxmalechildreader)

By SheerPath1

26.7K 722 340

The day a child gets there Quirk, for most it's one of the best days of their life. For Y/N. It was the worst... More

Insanity. (Introduction Chapter)
Eri and Y/N, The Cursed Children.
Meeting Are Heroes
Save Us!
Objective Number 1: Locate Y/N and Eri
(Not a chapter) Which do you want?
(Again not a chapter) Why Have I stopped posting?
The Battle Has Started
(Not A Chapter AGAIN)
Suneater vrs 3 Depressed Dudes
Kirishima and Fatgum vrs A Spear and Sheild
Mimic's Attack And The League's Assistance
Filler (sorry for not posting)
Lemillion, The Hero That Never Gives Up!
Y/N's Suppressed Anger, And Last Hopes
Im Sorry & I Did A Bad Thing
The Future Of The Book
How Did It Get This Many Reads?!?
Schools Have Too Much Power (✨StOrYtImE✨) 😁😭
The Final Fight, Y/N's True Quirk (pt 1 😏)
The Final Fight, Y/N's True Quirk (Part 2 😏)
Y/N's True Quirk Explanation (SPOLIER, READ IN ORDER)
Aizawa Has A Coffee Addiction, Fatherly Feelings
💥Y/N And Eri's Dorm Visit💥
💥Eri & Y/N's Dorm Visit (part 2)💥
✨SIDE STORY✨ (part 1)

Actually Meeting Are Heroes

742 28 19
By SheerPath1

Y/N: My head hurts....

Y/N opens his eyes to see he's on a bed. An IV in his arm, he sees needles beside him and he freaks out. He leaps out of the bed and backs towards the curtain.

Y/N: Are they experimenting on me?!?! But they seemed so nice! I shouldn't have trusted them! Overhaul was right, I shouldn't trust strangers!

Y/N is having an panic attack and his Quirk starts to go haywire as he feels someone put there hand on his shoulder and the hallucinations stop.

???: Relax kid. You're in a hospital. Were not gonna hurt you.

Y/N turns around to see a Hobo.

Y/N: This guy looks like a kidnapper, is he homeless?

Suddenly the door busts open as a boy with broccoli hair and a blonde haired guy runs in, along with a doctor.

Izuku: YoU'rE oKaY!!!!

Izuku goes to hug Y/N, but he stops himself. Y/N is very confused. When he looks down at his arms he notices that their are bandages over his arms and around his head covering his right eye as well.

Mirio: You were asleep for awhile! Were happy your okay!

Mirio then does a cool pose as Y/N can only think one thing at this moment.

Y/N: This guy is like a living cartoon...

The silence was starting to get awkward. Y/N was used the feeling to he just continued to stand there.

Y/N: Am I supposed to say something?

Aizawa: Well... you could say thank you I guess.

Y/N: Thank you?

He asked that question hesitantly, he said it like a question. He wasn't really familiar with the word that much, after all, who was he supposed to thank when he was being tortured?

Aizawa: Not to me. To Mirio, the loud blonde one.

Y/N: There are a lot of those.

Y/N: Thank you.

It was again awkward. When Y/N's brain finally started working.

Y/N: Where's Eri!?!?

Everyone's silent soooo, Y/N jumps out the window!


He runs threw the door into the hallway, everyone stands there for as minute until there brain finally computes and they run after him.

Aizawa POV:

I heard a loud thumping noise from the curtain beside me.

Aizawa: Thats where Y/N is.

I open it up to see Y/N having a panic attack, and his Quirk starting to go haywire. So I use my Quirk. I then put my hand on his shoulder.

Aizawa: Relax kid. You're in a hospital. Were not gonna hurt you.

He turns around to look at me as he stares at me with a questioning look.

Aizawa: Whats that face for?

Suddenly the two idiots bust into the room which I notice startles Y/N. I wasn't really listening to the conversation, if you count that as a conversation. Until Y/N said something.

Y/N: Where's Eri?

We immediately could tell how close they were from the moment they woke up, when Eri first woke up the very first question she asked was where Y/N was. She looked really worried. We ended up telling her that he's just asleep and she'll see him soon. She calmed down, but she's always been a little nervous since she's not been with him.

Then, when I look up the kid is gone. Instant,y everyone runs after him.

Aizawa: Wait kid!

First off, he could have another panic attack from seeing needles. He could loose control of his Quirk, again. And he'll probably disturb a lot of people who need time to heal.

Aizawa: Just great. The one time I leave my damn scarf.

Aizawa never goes anywhere without his scarf, but they wouldn't let him wear it when he was 'recovering', Aizawa still holds a grudge. You know when your healing and you have a pet that cuddles you to make you feel better? Aizawa's cats are demons so that's never gonna happen, so Aizawa's emotional support is his scarf. Idiots couldn't understand that.

For a 6 year old who's injured, he's very quick, I'm injured too so it's even harder, normally I'd have caught up to him by now.

Aizawa: Midoriya. I give you permission to use your Quirk as long as you don't damage anything.

Izuku: Wont we get in trouble?

Aizawa: Ill worry about that. Just do it or I give extra homework.

That shut up Izuku pretty quick. He activated his Quirk and ran for Y/N. Izuku then grabbed Y/N as he stops. Y/N not talking, and looking annoyed.

Nurse: What are you doing?

A nurse appears from behind the curtain and looks at the trio. The other two finally caught up.

Aizawa: Sorry miss, the kid just decided to try and find his friend. We'll be going back to our rooms now.

Nurse: What little kid?

Everyone stares at her confused. When suddenly Y/N smiles as he looks at them, and he disappears into a puff of smoke. It was a hallucination.

Aizawa: Oh that little shi-

With Y/N:

Y/N: I thought they were supposed to be pro's? Heroes in training? Maybe I should try and break into UA next...

Y/N then runs past a room as he sees a sign that says... something.

Y/N stops to try and read the sign, Y/N does know how to read a bit as he would read books to him and Eri when they were with Overhaul.

Y/N: Re-rec-res-recep, reseptinist? Repinist? Repinimist? Reponimist? What's that? I know that says office. Reponimist office? Might as well check it out.

Y/N then slowly opens the door as he starts to walk in, he hears voices getting closer so he hides behind a plant. The lady's go behind the desk as they start looking threw files.

Nurse: That raid the heroes did sure brought in a lot of injured people.

Nurse 2: It's crazy, we never get any credit. If it wasn't for us there wouldn't be an heroes left!

Nurse: My daughter calls me her hero. She's so sweet.

Nurse 2: My daughter says All Might's cooler. She also said I'm always grumpy, and heroes are never grumpy.

Nurse: Haha! I see she gets her attitude form her mother.

Nurse 2: Hey!

The nurses start to walk away as my Quirk reads my mind and a Person Hallucination appears behind me.

Y/N:  an you find Eri's file?

The hallucination moves forward as I try and control my Quirk, I couldn't manage much but I managed to make one of the hands real. It opened up the drawer and started looking threw it to find a file with Eri on it. A nurse walks in as it's rummaging threw the drawers.

Nurse 3: G-g-g-ghost!!!!!

The lady runs in fear as I find a file with Eri on it. The hallucination disappears as I grab it and start trying to make my way there. It's a pretty big hospital, being the main one for heroes, of course there were people curios as to why a kid was running around. But it's not like they could stop to check, people are dying and they need to help them.

Y/N: Floor three? I have to go into an elevator! Noooo whyyyyyy. Overhaul was enough torture!

Y/N ran to find an elevator, he finally found an empty one as he went to close it. He's very short being 6 so him trying to tap the third button was difficult so he had to jump. When he finally hit it he waited for the doors to close.

Then an old lady started walking towards it.

Old Lady: Wait up sunny! I just need to get to floor 4, can you keep it open please?

Y/N froze, it started to close, he panicked and he put his foot in-front to stop it from closing. Luckily his foot wasn't chopped off.

Old Lady: Thank you dear.

The Old Lady walked into the elevator as Y/N moved his foot. She tapped the button to floor 4 as the elevator closed. As it started moving it was becoming awkward. The nice old lady was around only twice Y/N's height, he thought it was funny. People from the Hassaikai were all pretty much the same, young and dumb. Or crazy. Kindness is still a new concept to Y/N.

Old Lady: What are you doing all alone dear? Are your parents here?

That hurt more than Y/N thought it would. He wanted to say "no actually they're dead." But he stopped himself. It would still be a lie, because for all he knows his mother is still alive. Maybe even has a new family. A new son.

The old lady noticed Y/N's change in mood at the mention of his parents.

Old Lady: You alright dear?

Y/N nodded, he didn't know what to say, he spoke before he could think.

Y/N: My fathers a hero, he's injured from a villain attack. I don't have a mom.

What he just said was true, he was attacked by a villain, or more accurately his mother. He doesn't have a mother, to him, she's just the person who gave birth to him, but he would never refer to her as his mother.

Old Lady: Oh I'm very sorry dear. That must be hard especially for someone so young.

Y/N: Yeah...

The elevator beeps as the sign says 'Floor 3' Y/N runs threw towards Eri. But he stops and turns around to look at the lady.

Y/N: It was... nice talking to you.

Old Lady: You too dear.

The old lady gave a warm smile as the elevator shut and it started to go down. Y/N stood there for a second.

Y/N: What's this warm feeling in my chest? It's different from when they saved me. It feels... comforting?

Y/N snapped himself out of it as he ran towards Eri's direction. But when he turns the corner he sees the hero and the two kids from before.

Y/N: Just great.

Aizawa POV:

Aizawa: I just got tricked. By a 6 year old kid. This does explain how he managed to escape from Overhaul that one time though. It seems he has more control over his Quirk than he did before, what happened during the raid?

Aizawa is turning corners with the two students. Trying to look for Y/N.

???: GHOST!

Aizawa stops, the students stop with him as they all look towards that direction.

Aizawa, Izuku, and Mirio: Thats Y/N.

They all run towards that direction.

Aizawa: How did he get to the other side of the hospital so fast?

As they run, they eventually spotted him, then lost him again.

Aizawa: The screaming came from the receptionists office, which means... he knows where Eri is! He's heading for an elevator!

AIzawa: Follow me!

Izuku: Where are we going?

Aizawa: He knows where Eri is. And he's smart enough to know he needs to go up a couple floors.

Mirio: Oh so he's going to an elevator!

Aizawa: Exactly.

As they run towards the elevator. They don't make it in time. They see Y/N in it, but it closes before they can get to him, it looks like he didnt notice them though.

Izuku: What do we do now?

Aizawa looks over to the side to see a set of stairs leading up. He smirks as he runs up them towards the third floor, the others follow.

Aizawa: Sorry kid. But this is checkmate.

(Nezu: I taught him that 🤭)

As the doors open, Y/N steps out, but he turns around to say by to that lady. It restored a bit of my faith in humanity. However it quickly disappeared when I remembered he tricked me. When he walks over we stand there and he's visibly confused.

Mirio: We... took the stairs.

Mirio says nervously as Y/N looks over to the stairs sending death glares. To an animate object. Kids can be so weird sometimes.

Aizawa: Alright kid, we gotta go back.

Y/N: But I-

Eri: Who's there?

Eri suddenly opens the door to a room on the side, she steps out of it and sees Y/N. She looks at the bandages and starts to tear up, she ends up running towards him and giving him a big hug. Y/N fell on the ground from the hug Eri gave as he hugs her back, and they both start crying.

Them both being out here together, knowing they both made it, they're both free. Makes them even happier then knowing just themselves are free. They might not be siblings by blood, but that doesn't ammeter to them. To each other, there the only thing that matters right now.

Izuku: ItS sO bEaTuIfUl!!!

Izuku starts using his 'Waterworks' power as it makes a huge puddle of tears on the floor. That phrase go cry a river, I'm pretty sure he can do it. What a bizarre trait to have.

Its so sweet. I really just wanted to write his sassy side today lol, hope y'all are doing good and I already have some ideas, if at any time you have a recommendation feel free to say your idea, I wont turn any down unless they are 1. Weird, 2. Inappropriate, and 3. Would completely alter the story.

I have a specific vision in mind for the story, its more a slice of life that still goes with the original plot. Ya feel me peeps?

I'm spoiling y'all with all these chapters lol 🤭

Anywho, hope you have a good day 👍

Have a Halloween Themed Cookie ✨🍪✨

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