Better Than Before

By _insert_name_here_

799 253 593

Kelsey thought she left her seaside hometown behind her, along with the troubles of her ex boyfriend. Four ye... More

Dust Jacket Layout
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Four

19 4 35
By _insert_name_here_


Scarlett. That Scarlett. The same Scarlett that throughout their relationship Jake had sworn was just a friend. The very Scarlett that Kelsey had found photos and texts from on Jake's phone, revealing their whole affair. Yes, Kelsey remembers Scarlett.

  The chair next to hers creaked as Sean shifted in his seat, his fingers interlocking with Kelsey's, holding her hand tighter.

     "Why, yes...of course." Martha stammered, taken aback by the sudden interruption. Standing up from her chair she straightened her jacket and politely gestured to the table. "Please, join us."

  Jake sauntered down the path, Scarlett in tow carefully placing one foot in front of the other. Kelsey swallowed hard, her neck prickling as the emotions from that morning came flooding back to her.


       Ding, ding.

   Kelsey's eyes felt heavy as she blinked back the sleep. Her throat dry she fought back a yawn and tried to return to sleep, pulling the duvet up over her eyes.

      Ding, ding.

  Sleep was fading from her. The sounds of early morning birds sang outside the bedroom window. The light snoring of Jake laying next to her solidifying the fact she was definitely staying awake for now.

     Ding, ding.

  Throwing back the duvet. Kelsey stared at the ceiling above her.
      "What the fuck?" her voice was barely audible though the room that was blanketed in silence. Slowly sitting up she stretched her arms, her muscles straining. Jake stirred beside her, turning further away taking the duvet with him.

     Ding, ding.

    "Right." Kelsey huffed, swinging her legs over the side of the bed she bent down and grabbed her crumbled t-shirt off the floor. Putting it on she walked across the carpet, stepping over their clothes from the night before.

   Jake's phone laid face down on the windowsill. Reaching out for it Kelsey hesitated, a sense of dread filling her. What was she doing? She never felt this paranoid before, normally she'd think nothing off it. But lately things just weren't making sense; Jake ignoring her for hours at a time after football practice, extra sessions throughout the week, last minute excuses for not making it to her concerts. Kelsey just wanted straight answers, she was missing something vital. Deep down she knows what it is but she needs to see something solid to prove it. Otherwise this cycle of craziness will just keep on going.

   She let out a shaky breath, her fingertips brushing the back of the phone. Looking over her shoulder she took in the man spread across the bed, body entangled in the sheets, mouth hanging open as he slept peacefully. Anyone would be fooled by his appearance.

   Picking the phone up Kelsey clicked the home button and slid her finger up the screen to unlock it. Tapping in the code she tentatively slid downwards to reveal the notifications.

   All the notifications from Scarlett.

  The blood drained from Kelsey's face, her knees weak and hands shaking.
Clicking on the green box the conversation loaded before her. Saliva welled in the back of her throat as the nausea set in. Messages explicitly detailing what it was that Jake had been up scrolled onwards.

             Scarlett: Got a free house Thursday, come over?
            Jake: Can't. Kels has this concert thing I have to go to.
            Scarlett: You sure? This might change your mind.
                        -image attached-
            Scarlett: So how about now. You free on Thursday?
            Jake: See you at 8.

   Kelsey stared wide eyed. Her hand shaking in front of her mouth as the bile rose. Her eyes scanned the messages, each confirming what she'd feared. Jake was cheating. And by the looks of things he's been unfaithful for a while now.

  Dropping the phone to the floor, Kelsey fell into a daze. Her heart pounding in her ears as she stumbled backwards, her entire body now shaking in shock. Knocking into his desk, items tumbled to the ground clattering in a heap and waking Jake up in the process. He sat up suddenly, eyes wide and shoulders tensed.

      "Jesus Christ!" He rasped, clutching his chest. Blinking rapidly he took in the scene before him. Kelsey stood still, eyes blazing an inferno as she stared him down, her face pale and jaw taught.
      "Babe? You alright?"

      "Where were you yesterday before you met me for dinner?" Her voice was alien, cold and steady against the unrelenting pain coursing through her. Jake fidgeted with the corner of the duvet, his eyes panicked before he softened his face into his usual carefree smile. Kelsey looked past this illusion, she knew she had him on the ropes. Behind that grin she knew he was formulating his latest lie, finding anyway to turn this around on her. But now she had what she needed, there was no saving himself this time.

      "I already told you, babe. Coach had me stay for some extra training-"

  A dry laugh left Kelsey's lips taking Jake aback. She pushed away from the edge of the desk, her legs unsteady, crossing her arms across her chest to hold herself together she continued to stare. Jake's brow creased, a dry laugh leaving his own mouth as he scanned Kelsey's body language.

    "What's so funny?" He said, smile slowly starting to fade.
    "One last chance, Jake." Kelsey said. "What were you doing yesterday before we went for our anniversary dinner?"
    "I told you, I was at trai-"

    "Let me rephrase the question then." Kelsey cut him off. Her grip tightening on her forearms. "Who were you doing yesterday before our anniversary dinner?"

   Jake was stumped. His mouth open fumbling to find the words to say, his face growing red in frustration.
      "Kels, what the fuck. You're crazy!" He exclaimed laughing nervously, grabbing at his hair in fistfuls.

     "Don't." Kelsey spoke through gritted teeth. "Don't you dare start this crazy girlfriend narrative." She started gathering her clothing off the ground, concentrating on anything other than the male that was making her blood boil. "I've seen the messages, Jake. You can't deny it this time."

      "What messages?!"
      "Scarlett wants to know if you're free this evening. Say's she's got something special planned for you."

      "For goodness sake, Kelsey!" Jake yelled in frustration, standing suddenly from his laid back position in bed. His form now towering beside it in nothing but his black boxers. His face was beet red and a manic smile stretched across his face. "I've told you time and fucking time again! Scarlett is just a friend. She's probably just joking about something!" He walked towards her, tripping over miscellaneous items in the process. "Maybe she's learnt a new footie skill she wants to show me up on or something!"

      Kelsey nodded slowly, the rose coloured glasses cracking. The way he thrusted his hands in anger on the emphasis of his words, made him look quite ridiculous instead of intimidating.

     "Friends don't tend to send lingerie pics along with their joke messages." Kelsey said deadpanned, slipping her legs into her jeans and angrily pulling them up. Taking her hairband from around her wrist she grabbed her hair and twisted it up into a messy bun.

     "I'm done with this bullshit. I'm done with all of your bullshit." Kelsey scoffed going to walk past Jake to grab her bag that laid strewn across his gaming console. Jake's hand shot out, his grip holding Kelsey's wrist tight and preventing her from moving past him. He stared down at her, his eyes like molten rock burning deep with anger.

     "You're making this all up in your head." Jake insisted through gritted teeth.  Leaning in he held her gaze, his hand twisting her wrist in his iron grasp. Kelsey's breath hitched in the back of her throat, her heart hammering against her ribcage. She'd seen Jake angry before but never like this, he's face had morphed into that of a stranger. Eyes dark and veins pulsating across his forehead.

     "So stop." he hissed, saliva spitting back in her face.

     "Let go of my arm." Kelsey spoke meekly, tugging her arm in an attempt to get him to loosen his hold.

     "No." Jake snapped. "I need you to listen to me."  His eyes wide and wild. Kelsey tugged harder against him, her skin stretching thin beneath his fingers.

     "Let. Me. Go!" Kelsey panicked, pulling against him on each word. Like a haze clearing, Jake loosened his grip. The intense glare leaving his eyes, replaced with a look of panic. Kelsey pulled free, clutching her wrist in her other hand, rubbing the red, raw skin beneath her fingers. Tears welled in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.

     "Kelsey." Jake began, taking a testing step forward. Kelsey moved further away. Her back straight and head held high, taking a deep breath she calculated her words carefully.

      "I'm going to leave now." She responded coolly. "We're done, Jake."
      "This relationship is over."

   Jake let out a nervous laugh, raking his hands through his hair.
      "No." He spoke almost to himself, his head shaking in disbelief. "No we can't be over."

     "Yes we are." Kelsey responded, pulling her bag onto her shoulder, being careful not to scrape her sore wrist with the straps. "Goodbye Jake. All the best with your life." Her voice was cold, emotion void from the words. Turning away from him she pulled open his bedroom door and stepped out, leaving a stunned Jake stood in the centre of his room as she shut the door firmly behind her.

  As soon as the door shut tears flowed freely down her face, holding a shaking hand in front of her face she tried to contain the cries that wanted to pour out.

  Collecting herself she took her first step forward, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Her feet in autopilot she descended the stairs, reaching for her coat hanging limply on the bannister. Her eyes grazed passed the figure that stood beside the front door. Slipping her feet into her trainers she reached for the handle. Her eyes darting to the male to her left lingering on his face for just a second. Sean stood still with his eyes narrowed, sweat beading on his brow. The faint thump of bass beats escaping his earphones filled the silence between them. Unlatching the door, Kelsey stepped out into the fresh morning air. Willing every part of her body and brain to forget about the Henderson that broke her heart.


   Kelsey watched as Jake and Scarlett made their way over to the table. The brisk snap of wind caused Scarlett to shiver involuntarily as she stood awkwardly beside Jake.

      "Well look at the happy couple." Jake said, drunkenly swaying back and forth whilst he gestured towards Sean and Kelsey. He dragged the last remaining chair along the concrete slabs, an ear piercing noise ringing out. Slumping into it he brought the bottle up to his lips agin, taking a long swig. "Aren't you both just darling."

  Kelsey eyed Scarlett; she rocked back on her heels, arms wrapped around one another. Letting go of Sean's hand she stood up from her seat ignoring Jake's presence as she walked around, unwrapping the blanket from her own shoulders.

       "Here." She spoke softly, extending the blanket to Scarlett. "You look frozen."

   Scarlett took the blanket from her gently, giving a small smile of gratitude in response. Kelsey reciprocated the smile, realising now that she held no bad feelings towards this woman. In fact, she felt sympathy towards her. Here she was all those years later still hung up on Jakes beck and call. Stood behind him waiting for his attention to shift to her. Turning back she pulled her chair back out, positioning it closer to Jake's. She nodded down to it, Scarlett looking at her with no presence behind her eyes.

       "I insist." Kelsey smiled backing up towards Sean, his hand snaking up towards her own brushing her wrist with his thumb, her pulse raising beneath. Scarlett fumbled with the blanket unsure whether or not to take the seat offered to her before Jake kicked it with his foot nodding at her to take a seat. His eyes locked with Kelsey's once again, his emotions fluctuating in his gaze.

       "Aren't you just the kindest." He spoke through tight lips, bringing the bottle back up to his mouth, the amber liquid flowing freely down his throat.

      "Jake I think you need to put the bottle down." Sean spoke softly, his hand gently tugging Kelsey towards him pulling her down onto his lap and wrapping his arm around her waist, his other hand draping across her lap. Jake swallowed a few more mouthfuls before slamming the bottle on the table, smirking widely in Sean's direction he slouched back into his chair.

      "Whatever you say, big brother."

      "Jake, please not in front of company." Martha spoke sternly in a hushed tone. Jerry sat beside her staring down at his youngest son, his eyebrow twitching and fingers strumming a steady beat on the arm of the chair. Jake threw his head back in the direction of his mother, a fake look of innocence masking his face.

       "So sorry Mother dearest." He bit back the laughter before his attention returned to Sean and Kelsey. "So where were we?"

       "Jake." Sean warned, his hand trailing circles on Kelsey's waist as his jaw tightened. "Let's not do this."
       "Oh but I'm so fuelled." Jake laughed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
       "You're drunk." Sean retaliated. "Whatever you have to say you can rethink when you're sober."

  Jake laughed shaking his head.
      "I'm great, brother. Don't tell me what to think."
      "Now that's not what I meant."

      "Boys." Jerry said sharply, cutting the tension of hostility with a single word.
Silence fell between them all.  Martha shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, looking back and forth between her sons and eventually shooting sympathetic looks to the two ladies caught up in between.

      "So Scarlett." Martha began, forcing a smile onto her face. "How are things going for you nowadays?"

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