Every Kind of Way

By poeticjustice040607

139K 5K 2.1K

East is a well know drug dealer and ladies man but he has never met a woman that can handle both of his world... More

East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora's P.O.V
East. P.O.V
Aurora's P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora's P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.OV
Aurora's P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora's P.O.V
East P.O.V
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Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora P.O.V
East P.O.V
Aurora's P.O.V
East P.O.V

Aurora P.O.V

1.6K 81 101
By poeticjustice040607

Atlanta, Georgia
December 2020

I'm in the bathroom taking a hot bubble bath before getting my day started when the bathroom door opens and Omari walks in.

"Hey baby." I say cutting off the water.

"Hey, you okay?" He ask me.

"Omari I told you stop asking me that." I say looking up at him.

"I know but..."

"No buts, it's been two weeks I'm fine. Nothing happened, I woke up in time before he could do anything. I was just in shock because I've never been in a situation like that before." I say to him.

"P, I'm sorry I wasn't here." He says.

"Omari please stop aplogizing, you did nothing wrong by going there. You and Alexis have a child together, you're going to be around each other whether I like it or not. I wish you would've told me before going and I'm not okay with her kissing you but I'm glad you pulled away." I say to him seriously.

Two days after the situation and me fully getting back to myself he sat me down and told me everything that happened between him and Alexis and the text messages from Scar.

"Is there some room in there for me?" He ask.

"Of course." I say.

He takes his shirt off and I look at him biting my lip.

"Don't start Penelope." He says shaking his head while taking off his shorts and boxer briefs.

Ever since that night Omari hasn't touched me intimately. He gives me sensual kisses but it doesn't go past that.

"Scoot up." He says.

I move up and he steps inside the tub behind me, he sits down then pulls me onto his lap.

"How's the hunt going?" I ask.

"We haven't been able to find him yet. We went to see if Bones could maybe try to trace the number but he wasn't at da spot he been stayin at." He says.

"You still think he's the rat?" I ask.

"I never did, all the evidence is dere but my gut is tellin me it ain't him." He says.

"What do the guys think?" I ask.

"Toosii ready to catch and kill, Chris head ain't really in da game. You should try talkin to him." He says.

"I call him everyday, he either tells Cammy to tell me he's busy or he just ignores my call." I say.

"He's punishing himself." He says.

"It's no ones fault, the fact that Scar knew when to strike just lets me know he's been watching us for a while. It would've happened regardless." I say.

"You should try talkin to him today." He says.

"I will." I say kissing his shoulder.

He wraps his arms around me more putting his hand on my stomach and I hurry up and remove it.

"Why you move my hand?" He ask.

"I was about to give you my loafa so you can wash me." I say.

"You ain't gotta lie P, I already know." He says.

I look at him not being able to say anything.

"I notice da change in your body a couple of days ago." He says.

"Omari I..."

"It's fine P, it's not a big deal." He says.

"What?" I ask him feeling myself get upset.

"Baby I don't care if you're gaining weight, I love you no matter wat size you are or how much you weigh. I'm in love with your heart and personality not just your body." He says.

I start feeling my eyes get watery and he looks at me worried.

"Why are you cryin?" He ask.

"You're just so sweet."I say to him.

"I love you." He says laughing.

"I know and I love you too." I say smilind turning around in his arms kissing him passionately.

I pull up to the building, get out of the car and walk inside noticing the front desk receptionist gone. I bump into someone apologizing while swiping their badge. I walk straight to the elevator, tap the card then push number four. I get off walking up the receptionist.

"Is he in?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll let him no that you're here." She says reaching for the phone.

"Oh please don't, I want to surprise him." I say stopping her while showing her the food bag in my hand.

"Oh okay, he skipped lunch so he'll be very excited to see you." She says smiling.

"Don you mind taking an early lunch?, it's been a minute since we've had time to ourselves since he's been working all of these crazy hours." I say.

"Of course not, just let Mr. Wright know I'll be back in fifteen." She says walking to the elevator.

"Might wanna make that twenty." I say to her.

"Yes ma'am." She says walking on the elevator.

I wait for the elevator doors to close then walk to his office walking right in to see him balls deep in some brunette.

"And here I thought I was your one and only."

Him and the one jumps up and I notice it's the first floor receptionist.

"Oh my god." She says trying to cover up.

"Baby I can explain." He says pulling up his pants.

"You out." I say looking at the receptionist.

She looks from me to Michael.

"Bitch are you deaf, Get.Out!" I say yelling.

She grabs her clothes running out of the office and I close the door behind her then turn back to Michael.

"Aurora, it's not what it looks like." He says.

"Save it, I don't care." I say to him.

"You don't?" He ask confused.

"Not at all, the way I see it you can finally leave me alone since you have her." I say.

"I don't want her, you are the one I want." He says.

"Didn't look that way to me." I say.

"She doesn't mean anything to me it just sec with her. You are the one that I want and I'll do anything I have to to make sure that I have you." He says seriously.

"See I was hoping that we could go the easy route but I see you can never do that , so here." I say taking out some papers out of my purse onto his desk.

"What's this?" He ask picking them up.

"Evidence of you taking money from clients that are investing into real estate and using that money on cars, house, suits and so much more." I say to him smirking.

"Where did you get this?" He ask throwing the papers back onto the desk.

"Doesn't matter just know that if you don't want these papers turned into the IRS and FBi than stay away from me and Omari. Leave me alone and you won't have to worry about your life crumbling down." I say.

"And if I don't then what?" He ask.

"Then I turn these passers in." I say.

"Do you really think this is going to stop me?" He asked smirking.

"If this won't then a bullet definitely will." I say.

"I'm not scared of your little this boy toy Aurora." He says.

"I wasn't talking about him, I wasn't talking about me." I say.

"Oh come on Penny, you and I both know that you would never kill me." He says coming closer to me.

I reach into my purse grabbing my gun, I cock it back then pulling out my gun pointing it to his face and he puts his hands up in surrender while backing up.

"Woo woo, Aurora." He says.

"Listen to me very carefully, you're going to call it a day, go home pack up your shit and leave Atlanta. I'm going to give you forty eight hours to get the fuck out of Atlanta or you will die." I say to him still holding my gun.

"I just moved here from Tennessee. Where the fuck am I suppose to go?" He ask.

"Don't know, don't care. As long as it's far away from me." I say walking to the door.

I open the door and go to walk out but turn back to him instead.

"One more thing, how did you get Omari's DNA for that test?" I ask him curiously.

He doesn't say anything he just stares at me like he wants to do something. I go in my purse adding my silencer to my gun as he looks at me confused then I shoot him in his leg.

"Fuck." He says falling to the floor.

"Do you wanna answer my question or should I just keep shooting body parts?" I ask him.

"I got it from the gum that he spit on my car the day I popped up outside his club." He says really fast.

"Goodbye Michael." I say walking out and slamming the door.

I walk into the hospital saying hello to everyone then I walk to the nurses station seeing Sabrina.

"Hello baby mama." I say to her smiling.

"What are you doing here?, you're off today." She says hugging me.

"I am but I have an appointment today." I say.

"Are you okay?" She ask concerned.

"I'm fine it's just my annual check up." I say.

"I thought you had that done back in February." She says confused.

"Nope, how's my god baby?" I ask her changing the subject.

"He's fine but I'm ready for his exit." She says pouting.

"He's only two day over due." I say.

"Two days too long, it's time to exit sir." She says looking Tom me to her belly.

"He'll come when he's ready." I say to her while laughing.

"I can't wait until our rolls are reversed then you'll feel my pain." She says fixing some files.

"You ain't going have to wait long." I say lowly while scratching my head.

"Did you say something?" She ask looking up at me.

"I said I should get going so Dr. Reed doesn't wait long, see ya." I say walking off.

I get to the elevator and push the button for the OB floor. The elevator opens and Mama king walks on.

"Hey Baby." She says smiling.

"Hi." I say trying to block the buttons.

"Can you push four for me?" She ask.

"Sure." I say turning around hitting the button.

"I thought you were off today?" She ask.

"I am, I just wanted to check on a few patients." I say.

"Is that why you're going to OB floor?" She ask nodding to the buttons.

"Yes, one of them was have Braxton hicks contractions and she's on twenty four weeks." I say.

She looks at me for awhile then he pager starts to go off. She looks at it and the elevator door stops on her floor.

"I hope everything goes well with your patient." She says walking off.

"Thanks, see ya later." I say as the elevator door closes.

The elevator stops on the OB floor and I walk off going the reception desk.

"Hi, I have a twelve o'clock appointment with Dr. April Reese.

"Name?" He ask.

"Aurora Pierce." I say.

"Oh yes, you can have a seat and someone will be out for you." She says smiling.

"Thank you." I say.

I walk over to a chair sitting down and my phone rings. I pull it out of my purse and look to see Omari calling.

"Hi." I say answering the call.

"Hey, you good?" He ask.

"Omari we just talked about this." I say to him sighing.

"Im not asking because of that, I'm asking because you're at the hospital and it's your day off." He says.

I move the phone from my ear and start looking around not seeing anyone then put the phone back to my ear.

"And how do you know that?" I ask.

"That's not important." He says.

"Yes it is, did Mama King say something?" I ask.

"No, I didn't even know she saw you. I ain't talk to her today." He says.

"Then how do you know?" I ask again.

"Why are you at the hospital?" He ask ignoring my question.

"I'm meeting with a doctor about a patient." I say not completely telling a lie.

"When you goin be home?" He ask.

"Soon, why?" I ask.

I hear cursing and then a loud beeping sound.

"What is that?" I ask.


"Get da damn fire extinguisher, you had one damn job!" I hear Toosii yell.

" a hundred one Dalmatian sitting right on da couch why she ain't start barking!" I hear Breeze yell.

"Imma set your ass on fire!" Toosii yells.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"I minor set back." He says.

"Omari." I say.

"Breeze might've just burnt the baked macaroni and cheese." He says.

"Along wit da damn baked beans!" Toosii yells.

"Do I look like chef Boyardee to you mother fuckers!" Breeze yells.

"Get out of my kitchen." I say to him.

"No baby I got it we can fix it." He says.

"No, out of my kitchen, now." I say.

"Okay, I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say.

"Your ass done got me in trouble." I hear Omari say.

I hang up the phone shaking my head.

"Aurora Pierce?"

"Yes." I say walking up to a nurse.

"Right this way." She says.

We walk to the back and she walks me into a room.

"Dr. Reese will be with you shortly." She says walking out.

She walks out and I get a text to my phone from B.

"When are you coming home?
We ain't going have no damn Christmas dinner messin wit Curly, Larry and Moe.

"I'll be there soon."

Everyone decided to have Christmas at Omari and I's place since we already did thanksgiving there and next year where going to spent the holidays at either Brooklyn and Nau'Jour's or Cammy and Chris's.

As soon as I hit send the door opens and the doctor walks in.


"Hi." I say to her.

"I was surprised seeing you on my patient list." She says.

"Trust me I'm just as surprised as you are." I say to her.

"So you took a pregnancy test at home and it was positive?" She ask.

"Yes but then I went and got about nine more and they all said the same thing." I say to her.

"I see that you was her about two
Weeks ago also for STD and STI checkup." She says.

"Yes, I came in contact with someone else's blood and I wanted to make sure that I was completely good." I say.

"Okay it said that everything came back negative. I see that they also tested your blood for a pregnancy test as well as your urine." She  says looking over her notes.

"So I am pregnant?" I ask anxiously.

"You are indeed pregnant, congratulations." She says looking at me smiling.

I shake my head smiling with tears running down my face.

"We can listen to the baby's heartbeat today if you like." She says.

"Am I far enough along for that?" I ask.

"According to the test you are five weeks and six days, you'll be exactly six weeks tomorrow." She says.

"Why am I just now starting to have symptoms if I'm that far?" I ask her.

"A lot of woman don't tend to have symptoms until there about two months or sometimes three months which is around the time there first trimester is over." She says.

"Shall we?" She ask grabbing the gel.

I lay back pulling up my shirt and unbuttoning my pants.

"This is going to be a little cold." She says.

She squeezes the gel on to my stomach then grabs the monitor putting it on my stomach. She moves it around for a while trying to find a beat and I become nervous.

"Is everything alright?" I ask concerned.

"I can't seem to fin.... There it is." She says cutting off her own sentence.

The room goes completely silent and I hear it.

"Congratulations mommy, you have a healthy baby." She says smiling at me.

All I can do is sit there silently crying happy tears hearing my baby's heartbeat.

I walk in the house seeing everyone there laughing and having fun.

"Hello everyone." I say getting everyone attention.

Everyone says they're hi's and Merry Christmas then I make my way to the kitchen seeing the disaster. I shake my head and start cleaning up while also getting the ingredients out to restart the macaroni and chews along with the baked beans.

"What the hell happened here?" I hear Mama King ask.

"Your sons called themselves trying to help and almost burned down my kitchen." I say looking up at her.

"What do you need me to do?" She ask walking over to me.

"Can you start on the pies?"
I ask her.

"Of course and while I'm doing that you can tell me the real reason you were at the hospital today." She says walking over standing beside me.

"I told you, I was there checking on a patient.." I say to her.

"Aurora I was born a day not yesterday." She says.

"I'm pregnant." I say whispering to her.

She looks at me smiling with her eyes filling with tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you guys." She says hugging me.

"Thank you." I say to her smiling.

"I'm going to kill that boy for not telling me." She says while pulling back from the hug.

"He doesn't know." I say.

"Aurora." She says to me sternly.

"I'm going to tell him, I just want to make sure I'm out of the woods first. I'll be six weeks tomorrow but I'm not safe from a miscarriage until I'm fourteen to twenty weeks." I say.

"Aurora baby I know you're scared with everything that that told you about you ever getting pregnant but you can't keep this pregnancy from him for that long." She says.

"What if I miscarry?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"If that happens then he needs to be by your side. You shouldn't go through that alone again. Whatever happens you guys need to go through it together." She says.

"I'll tell him."I say letting the tears fall.

"Here baby." She says handing me a napkin.

"Damn hormones." I say laughing while wiping my tears.

"This is only the beginning." She says laughing.

We get started on making everything and Cammy and B walks into the kitchen.

"Im going kill your bestfriend if I stay by him any longer so what can I help with?" Cammy ask.

"You can get started on the yams." I say.

"What y'all want me to
Do?" B ask.

"To go sit down." I say to her shaking my head.

"I told you." Cammy says laughing.

"I'm so bored." She says whining.

"Girl if you don't sit ya ass down, look like your ass about to pop any minute." Mama King says.

"I told her I think she's having twins." I say.

"The hell I am, I just eat a lot so he's going to be a big baby." She says sittin down in a chair.

"He going come out big looking just like Chris." Cammy says.

"Do not wish dat on me and my baby." She says rubbing her stomach.

"Y'all argue so much I wouldn't be surprised." Mama King says.

"I would have a whole excersism for her if that happens." She says shaking her head.

"I heard that big bird." Chris says walking into the kitchen pinching her arm.

B picks up a spoon about to throw it at her when mama King stops her.

"You betta not, the boys already done messed up da damn kitchen." She says to her.

"Stop picking wit her." Mama king says hitting Chris with a spoon.

"Yes ma'am." He says going to the fridge while rubbing his back.

"Can we talk?" I ask walking over to him.

"I gotta get back to da game." He says.

"Boy bring ya ass up stairs." I say walking towards da kitchen entrance.

I walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs with Chris following behind me. We get in the room and I close the door.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I ask getting to the point.

"I'm not I just been busy."
He says.

"Chris don't play with me, tell me what the fuck is your problem before I beat it the fuck out of you." I say to him.

"You got hurt and I wasn't her to stop it." He says finally looking at me.

"Chris I..."

"Nah let me finish, you can say that it ain't nobodies fault all you want but I know for a fact that if I was with you dat night dat shyt wouldnt have happened to you." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Nothing happened to me." I say to him.

"Ro we saw the blood on your legs and the way you killed him, you blacked out." He says.

"He didn't touch me, I slit his throat before he was able to do anything to me." I say.

"You serious?, you ain't just tellin me dis shyt to shut me up?" He ask.

"Yes and you would know of that if you answered ya damn phone." I say muggin him.

"I love you Ro." He says walking up to me hugging me right.

"I love you too." I say hugging him back.

"And I love you too." He says bending down to my stomach.

"I'm n..."

"Don't even, just cause East ass dumb don't mean I am." He says standing up straight.

"When did you find out?" I ask him curiously.

"As soon as he got sick, East never gets sick." He says.

"I'm wanna tell him when the time is right." I say to him.

"I got you." He says smiling.

"Babe come here real quick!" Omari yells.

"Boy stop yelling in this damn house!" Mama King yells.

"No cursin in my house!" He yells to her.

"Shut the fuck up Omari!" She yells back.

We walk down the hall and down the steps to see my parents.

"What are you guys doing here?, I thought you guys couldn't make it because of the weather." I say hugging them.

"We've been here for four days, we just wanted to surprise you." My mom says.

"And ya mama been driving my ass crazy for them whole four days. Now what food is done because I'm hungry." He says.

"No, I'll bring you a beer and some cheese and crackers until the food is done." I say to him.

"Do I look like a damn mouse to you?, messing wit you and ya damn mama Imma die of starvation." He says.

"Go sit ya ass down somewhere Quintin, I'm going to the kitchen to help with the food." She says as her and my daddy go there separate ways.

"Aye ya mama and Pops funny as shyt." Chris says laughing.

"Imma beat your ass Christopher!" Mama yells.

He just shakes his head and walks off to the living room with everyone else.

"Is this everyone or should I be expecting more people?" I ask looking at everyone through the house.

"Alexis haven't stopped by yet." He says.

He asked me the other day how would I feel about Josiah stopping by for Christmas. I told him that he doesn't have to ask about seeing his child. So the next day he called Alexis with me beside him and she agreed to let him stay for a few hours.

"Do you wanna call to make sure he's still coming?" I ask him.

"I don't want her think I'm sweatin her." He says.

I shake my head in understanding and he looks at me concerned.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? He ask.

"Omari, he's apart of you. No matter how I feel about his mother, he a child and he deserves to have you in his life." I say to him seriously.
It's been about two hours and everyone has eaten and we've even played a few family games after. Everyone just finished opening their presents from their significant others while the kids opened their presents. Alexis not too long ago dropped of Josiah and him and Kelvon which is Toosii son with Keisha has been joined at the hip since.

"You like your present?" Brooklyn ask looking at Kelvon try on the new Jordan's that just dropped.

"Yes, thank you." He says looking at her smiling.

"You guys can go up to my room and play the ps5." Cam says to them.

"Come on." Josiah says to Kelvon.

They walk out of the living room holding the controllers and games while going up the steps.

"Damn ain't no denying that boy." Chris says looking at Nau'Jour.

"Wat you mean?" Nau'Jour ask him.

"Y'all both got them ballon lips." Tre says.

"Forget the lips, I'm talkin bout them satellite dishes y'all call ears." Chris says.

Everyone busts out laughing while Nau'Jour throws a pillow at Chris.

"Did anyone check on Royalty and Aubrey?" Mama King ask.

"Yea, they're good." London says.

The door bell goes off and I get up to get it.

"I got it." London says getting up.

"Karmen this Upside down pineapple cake is delicious." My mama says while eating.

"Thank you." Mama King says.

"Yea baby why don't you goin head in the kitchen and get me another slice." My dad says to my mama.

"The hell I will, your ass got two feet and besides one slice is enough for you anyway." She says to him.

"Last time I check I was a grown ass man." He says.

"Merry Christmas Everyone." Omar says standing beside London.

The room goes completely silent and everyone looks from him to Omari.

"Grab a seat, you want a beer?" Omari ask looking at him.

"Yea, sorry I'm late. I got held up at work." He says sitting down.

"You ain't miss much." Omari says passing him a beer.

Omar sits down beside Omari and Mama King.

"I gotta stop eating shrooms." Chris says shaking his head looking at Omari and Omar.

"When did this happen?" Mama Karmen ask looking between the two of them.

"The same day you and I talked." Omari says to her

" I see you for ya family back." My dad says to Omar.

"Thanks to you." He says to him.

"It's the least I could with all the legal trouble you helped
Me with." My dad says.

Omar shakes his head in understanding then turns his attention to Mama King.

"I got you something." Omar says pulling out a box from his pocket.

He hands it to her and she takes it smiling then opens it gasping.

"Oh my god." She says with tears in her eyes.

"What is it?" London ask excitedly.

"It's my mom's Diamond earrings that she gave me before she died. How did you find them?, we sold these to help pay off your law school fees." She says looking at him.

"Quintin helped me out." He says.

"Thank you." Mama King says looking at my dad.

"You're welcome." My dad says smiling.

"Is that all the presents?" Cammy ask looking at everyone.

"I got some for B." Chris says taking an envelope out handing it to her.

"Awww Breeze." She says taking it ripping it open while smiling.

"Imma whoop your ass." B says leaning over trying to hit him.

"Brooklyn sit ya ass down before your water break." Mama King says.

I take the envelope looking at it then start hitting him with it.

"Stop being an ass." I say to him while he laughs trying to avoid my hits.

"What is it?" Omari ask me curiously.

"A gift card to pets mart." I say hitting Chris again.

Omari busts out laughing along with the rest of the guy while Nau'Jour tries to calm B down.

"You told me that we were getting that for your friend's bull dog." Destiny says laughing.

"Alright y'all help me clean all this trash up." I say getting up walking over to the tree.

"Wait a minute there's one more present." My mama says pointing to the bottom of the tree.

I look and see a small box, I grab it opening it up.

"It's empty." I say closing it.

"Turn around!" Everyone yells.

I turn around to see Omari down on one knee with everyone recording.

"Omari." I say with tears in my eyes.

"I know that I ain't perfect and you could do a hell of a lot better than me but I promise if you let me I'll become the man that I know I can be for you. I never thought that I would find someone that's my equal in every way. You are my soul, my heart, you're every breath that I take and know I want you to be my wife. So Aurora Penelope Pierce, will you marry me?" He ask holding the ring up.

"Yes." I say shaking my head crying.

Everyone starts yelling and Omari pulls me in for a hug.

"I love you." He says putting his hands on my face kissing me passionately.

"I love you too." I say as we pull apart.

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𝙇𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙩 4 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣', 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 '𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚.