The Prodigy and the Band Girl...

By IWAEHypeMan

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Nagae Riku, heir apparent to the prestigious Nagae Family, what people don't know, he is one of the greatest... More

Bio(Update v2)
Gensokyo Girls Info Pt. 1
I - Return.......with the Boys and Promise
Gensokyo Girls Info Pt. 2
II - Offer and Gift
III - Start of School and Reunion
IV - Confirmation and Proposal
V - Gathering and Reveal
VI - CiRCLE and Answers
VII - Truth and Agreement
VIII - Response and Stand-in(Revised)
IX - Return and the New OG
X - Practice, Exams and Group Stage Begins
XI - Results, Plans and Secrets
XII - The 2nd day and a Very Close Call
XIII - Attack and The Girls Arrive at Stockholm!
XIV - The Future World Fes Begins! OG vs Team Spirit! A rematch on both sides!
XV - Riku's Day Off and Recovery
XVI - OG vs Thunder Awaken - Riku and Tenshi
XVII - Hinanawi Tenshi and Roselia's Invitation
XIX - Departure and the Long Way Home
XX - A New Problem and the New CiRCLE
XXI - To Each Others Feelings and a Night in the Pub
XXII - Project SEKAI and the Live Begins Now
XXIII - A Deal and a Childhood Outing
XXIV - Breakfast at Dawn and Riku's Challenge
XXV - Dragon vs Turtle, Danmaku Debut and the Meetup
XXVI - The Hotel Performance and the Return Home
XXVII - CiRCLE's New Members and Relationships Revealed
XXVIII - Riku and Kaguya - A Bond Rekindled
XXIX - The Engagement and the Celestial Family's Plan
XXX - Riku, Rinko and Miyu
XXXI - The Frog Goddess and the Black Cat

XVIII - The Grand Finals and the Battle Awaits

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By IWAEHypeMan

Hovet Arena Private Room

May 21, 2021 - Friday - 8:45 A.M.

3rd POV

A/N: Let's continue where we left off.

Riku: Ha?

Riku briefly believed Kyoya was playing him. There is no way he will just announce Riku has a sister without providing any proof. Looking at his grandfather again, he realizes Kyoya was dead serious. Riku pulled himself together and took a long breath.

Riku: Let me call my team for a moment.

Riku pulled out his phone and contacted Johan, informing him that he would be out for a long time and that it was for Nagae Family business, which Johan understood, and he instructed Riku to return before Tundra began to play.

Riku: Now with that out of the way........I want the full story.

Kyoya nodded and activated a barrier to make sure no one eavesdrop their conversation.

Kyoya: Very well. Here's how it went down.

An hour and a half later

10:15 A.M.

After Kyoya finished telling the entire story, which took an hour and a half, Riku simply sat back on the couch he was sitting on, taking in all of the information his grandfather had given him about Mafuyu. He also showed Riku the DNA test that proved Mafuyu is a legitimate Nagae.

Riku: So mother got into a one night stand with one of her old friends back then, and she got pregnant as a result?

Kyoya: Yes.

Riku: How come I haven't heard any of this?

Kyoya: Your grandmother issued a decree requiring that anything relating to what happened that day be kept hidden. Even from you.

Riku: I see.....if it's grandmother who issued the order back then, then I'll comply. he aware of this?

Kyoya: Yes. He was aware. And not just your mother, he also had the same situation as Miku.

Riku: Say what now?

Kyoya: A matter for another time.

Riku: Fine.

Riku turned his attention to Mafuyu and Mafuyu was a bit tense as her brother was just staring at her.

Riku: First of all.....I want to apologize.

Mafuyu: Eh? What are you apologizing for?

Riku: For your family to get caught in the mess that I'm in. I didn't expect you to get involved with Oko's revenge against my family, which you had nothing to do with.

Mafuyu: Y-you don't need to apologize.......I know that they did that to protect dad said this before he died....."Go and find the Nagae, for they will protect you". That's what he said...

Riku and Kyoya looked at each other then they turned back to Mafuyu.

Riku: And, like your father said, we will protect you. You now have a family to rely on. I welcome you to the Nagae, my dear little sister. If you want any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.

Riku approached Mafuyu and patted her head. Mafuyu tried to hold back her tears, but she decided not to as she hugged her brother and cried in his arms until she fell asleep from crying, and she is currently sleeping on Riku's lap. Riku resumes his conversation with his grandfather while he caresses Mafuyu's hair.

Riku: I guess she's been through a lot.

Kyoya: You have no idea.

Riku looked at his grandfather with a questionable look as to what did he meant by that.

Riku: What do you mean by that?

Kyoya: When Honoka issued the order regarding Mafuyu, she also added to have some of our men report in her daily activities.

Riku: Isn't that similar to stalking? Wait a minute, you mean our family has been following her for nearly twenty years?!

Kyoya lets out a smirk.

Kyoya: It isn't stalking if you are caught in the act. Furthermore, the people in command of the operation are among the best we have in terms of information gathering.

Riku: I don't know if you can consider that an achievement or something to brag about..........what did your men find out about Mafuyu?

Kyoya just pulled out a tablet from his bag beside him and gave it to Riku. Riku took a look at the contents and his eyes went wide.

Riku: What in the........

Riku scrolled through the contents and he's starting to get concerned.

Riku: Grandfather.........all of these reports.......

Kyoya: Yes. All of them are true. Mafuyu may act like that, but there is more than just that.........

Riku: I know my mother is strict and does thing what's best for me but.......this is taking too far.....I feel bad for the girl.

Kyoya: That's why we're here, Riku. We're going to make sure she gets to live her life correctly and without worry. Speaking of pressure, she even attempted to finish the tasks you left behind before you and Youmu flew to Portugal. Fortunately, I was able to stop her.

Riku: It's for the's Mafuyu's aide?

Kyoya: I picked Nazuna for her. I think that she will be a perfect fit for Mafuyu.

Riku: Nazuna huh? Not a bad pick, pretty sure they'll get along very well in no time. And regards on her studies, where she will continue her high school?

Kyoya: She'll be attending Hanasakigawa as a second year. She'll start as soon as we head back to Japan.

Riku: I see, I hope Kasumi-san can help her along the way. By the way, I noticed her fingers....does she play piano by chance?

Kyoya: She is playing piano. In fact, she's in a music group and she's the lyricist and helps the composing.

Riku: I guess even she's as a half Nagae, her talent in music is there......what's the name of her group?

Kyoya: She told me it was 25-ji Nightcord de.

Riku looked at Mafuyu in a surprised expression and just smiled as he ruffled her hair.

Riku: So it was you..........

Kyoya: You know 25-ji Riku?

Riku: I encountered the group by coincidence last month. I was finishing up some files at the moment when I realized it was already 1 a.m. I came upon a music video featuring the group 25-ji Nightcord de and listened to it, and I have to say, they're fantastic. Although the songs they provided have some dark elements......I get the impression that, while their songs are dark and depressing, they also seek to inspire hope.

Kyoya: I didn't expect that you thought of their songs that far. I'm impressed.

Riku: Thank you, however... little sister huh...........for years, Kokoro was the closest thing I had to a little sister, and now I have a real one. I wonder how the girls will respond to this.

Kyoya: You'll never know.

Riku: Does the other Celestial Families know of this? Does this ever go public yet?

Kyoya: I have just notified the leaders about this. And not yet. For the time being, I have decided that Mafuyu will continue to use her old family name, "Asahina," until the "Gathering" occurs in August. With his majesty as witness, then we'll have no problems with it.

Riku: Hmmmm..............

Kyoya: What is it Riku?

Riku:'s only that I have a lot to do when I return to Japan. My side project, the classes I missed in school, the first event in CiRCLE, and now this. But don't worry, grandfather; I can manage it.

Kyoya: Very well. Since you said it yourself, then I trust you. But do tell us if you need help. we're here for you.

Riku: Thanks........

Riku and Kyoya can hear the cheer from the crowd all the way from their room and Riku just let out a smirk.

Riku: Looks like they've started. I'm glad that the crowd is getting hyped up.

Kyoya: Are you that confident that you'll win.

Riku: The result will show itself once me and my band finished performing.

Kyoya: Then you should head back to your team now. I can take care of-

Riku: No need. I'll stay here for a while. Mafuyu needs her brother to be by her side, and that's what I'll do........well at least until she wakes up.

Kyoya: Then you do that.........let's talk about your time here.

Riku: Sure.

This timeskip is brought to you careful what you wish for...........

4 and a half hours later

Hovet Arena - OG's Locker Room - 2:45 P.M.

Riku POV

Mafuyu woke after some time spent talking with my grandfather. She blushed when she realized she was sleeping on my lap, which I didn't mind. We realized we'd talked for too long and it was nearly noon, so we decided to get lunch before I returned with my band.

While Mafuyu, my grandfather, and I were eating lunch, the girls noticed us and asked if it was okay for them to join us, to which my grandfather agreed. Rinko was interested as to who Mafuyu was and why she was so close to me, and grandfather simply revealed Mafuyu as my half-sister, leaving all of the girls shocked. It took a while to calm them down since they were asking me questions left and right. After several minutes of filling them in on the circumstances, some of the girls were voicing their sympathies, notably Kokoro, who was overjoyed to have a big sister and held Mafuyu firmly, refusing to let go. It took Misaki-san, Hagumi-san, and myself to pull Kokoro off Mafuyu. She inquired whether this was usual for Kokoro, and I simply gave her the straightest expression I could and responded, "You get used to it."

After we finished our lunch, grandfather and Mafuyu chose to follow the others back to the VIP section, while I returned to my band. When I returned to the locker room, the guys asked what took me so long, and I just told them what had happened, and they went along with it. And bzm had the nerve to ask if Mafuyu was single, so I simply smacked him in the head as everyone laughed.

Right now, I'm relaxing in the locker room while focusing on Tundra, the next band to perform. I didn't see Gaimin and TSM perform, but they told me their performances were good enough to win the bulk of the votes. And Johan added that SabeRLight- tweeted "Time to smack some kids" and tagged us in it, which provoked bzm and Ammar. Well, as they say, "two can play that game."

In Riku's Mindscape

I'm back to my mindscape to meditate......however that meditation came to a short end when Tenshi crash landed in front of me.

Riku: I thought you already know how to land with that.

Tenshi: Been a long time since I've flew with my keystones at high speed.

Tenshi tidied her skirt as she sat beside me and just smirked that annoyed me.

Tenshi: I didn't know that you had a half-sister. If word comes out, pretty sure all hell will break loose.

Riku: True. Good thing that only the family leaders are informed of this. Pretty much that Mafuyu will be shown to the public as a Nagae at the gathering.

Tenshi: You'll be attending?

Riku: I have to. I'll attend on behalf of my grandfather. Of course Mafuyu will be coming with me.

Tenshi: you ready? For the finals I mean.

Riku: I'm more than ready. I'm just collecting my much happened for the past two weeks.........

Tenshi put her hand on my shoulder as she gave me some encouraging words.

Tenshi: Don't be concerned about the past or the future, Riku. Simply focus on what is in front of you and go for the win. I'll be watching you from here. Make me proud, and enjoy yourself. For the both of us.

Riku: Thanks. By the way.......are we still going with that plan?

Tenshi: Yes. And I plan to see this through.

Riku: *sigh* If you say's time. Gotta go.

I stood up as I start to fade away and I see Tenshi giving me a thumbs up with the brightest smile she ever had. I returned that thumbs up with a salute as I completely left Tenshi alone.

Now back to reality

3:30 P.M.

I woke up from my rest as I looked at the boys getting ready. I looked at my watch and it's already 3:30.

Riku: Is it time?

Johan: Get ready and head to the back. I'll be with you in a moment.

Johan left us as we headed backstage after Tundra completed performing. While the crew put up our instruments on stage, I glanced at the guys and gave them a final speech for the finals.

Riku: Are you ready boys?

Taiga: More than ready man.

Riku: Good. So it's Grand Finals time, and it's going to be hype. What I want you to think about now that this is not actually the grand finals, because it's just a regular live show. You've seen Gaimin play, you've seen Tundra play, they're playing at their absolute best. And TSM, they've went all out. But there is something that those three bands have in common. Is that they have a huge amount of pressure in their shoulders, especially TSM being the only NA band left. We may have reached the finals from the upper bracket but this time, it's fair game and we have nothing to lose at this point. If we lose, we least if we get second then it's good. But if we win, then that is better and you boys get to TI. As of right now, I can say that I am very proud of you boys for making it all the way here. I think that it's amazing that you have grown up so fast not just as a person but as a musician as well and you boys deserve this spot. So enjoy what we really worked hard for. Do it. Enjoy it for Misha. Imagine how much Misha would've dreamt of being here and playing alongside you guys. Imagine Chu. Enjoy it for them, don't miss it for them. That's all I'm asking. And as for thinking finals trophy or whatnot, trust me, don't think of that shit. It's just a bait you know. If we're gonna win, it's because we're in the moment, playing the best music we've played, having fun and not playing scared. And then maybe we will win. But if you're thinking on how will you win right now, I'm telling you, you've already lost. Enjoy yourself. This is the time to enjoy. The work we've done it before, now it's showtime. This is where shit gets real. Just enjoy everything okay? So let's do this together as a band and as brothers.

Seeing the boys get their morale up, I decided to something cringe.

Riku: Can we actually do a group fist bump?

Johan hearing that was on board with it as he readies himself for a fist bump. the others were hesitant at first but Taiga followed Johan then Yuragi. Then lastly bzm and Ammar joined in.

Riku: This is the first and only fist bump that this band ever has and I know it's very cringe but it's okay.

We bumped our fists and we stand in line as Slacks is bout to call us out.

SirActionSlacks: What would a Future World Fes be without the underdogs ready to claim it all. And this band's have done this so many times. That legacy live on now. Can anyone stop them? We're about to find out! BRING ME OUT OG!!!!!!!!!!

We arrived on stage as Slacks called us and waved to the audience. I looked around the VIP section and saw grandfather and Mafuyu, so I waved as I headed to my keyboard. And I observe that the instruments are placed fairly far apart. Well, we'll make do with what we have.

Meanwhile in the VIP area

3rd POV

We go to the VIP area where Kyoya, Mafuyu and the other band girls are cheering for Riku. Some of them however were very curious on Riku's band set up.

Sayo: Why is there an empty guitar stand beside Riku-san?

Lisa: Now that you think about it, why?

Yuyuko: According to Youmu, Riku-kun requested this from the staff last night, and to his surprise, it was allowed. I'm not sure what Riku-kun has planned with this, but we'll find out regardless.

Masuki: PAREO, isn't he using 3 keyboards like you do?

Reona; I mean, I learned how to play 3 keyboards thanks to Riku-sama.

Rokka: So you're basically his disciple?

Reona: You can say that. Riku-sama taught me how to play three keyboards if I want to be Chu²-sama's keyboardist. It took me at least 5 months to complete it, but I followed his instructions. Nevertheless, I still have a lot to learn.

While they were talking about Riku's set up, Mafuyu on the other hand was just covering her ears.

Kyoya: Are you alright Mafuyu?

Mafuyu: I'm okay grandfather, I just need to get used to the noise. I didn't expect that nii-san will get a lot of cheer from the crowd.

Kyoya: What could you expect, Riku is a fan favorite in this tournament. It's obvious that the majority here wants to cheer him on. And if something's wrong, just tell me okay?

Mafuyu nodded to her grandfather and suddenly his phone started to vibrate. He took out his phone and it was a message from Yukari.

Kyoya: From Yukari? What did she sent me this time?

The Four Fangs have gathered, I'll keep an eye on them on the other side. And I might force my hand, I sense something vile in the area. Tell this to no one.

Kyoya(mind): Yukari.........I hope you know what you're doing......

Meanwhile in Japan

Hinanawi Mansion – Aichi's Room

11:00 P.M.

We go to the Hinanawi mansion, where Aichi is now watching the Future World Fes Grand Finals. And he isn't watching it alone. He asked Kaguya to watch the finals beside him. Kaguya was first hesitant to leave Eientei because she hadn't done so in years. But she eventually had the guts to visit Aichi's residence. However, she dragged Mokou along with her, and the two almost killed one other on the road. Fortunately for the two, no one witnessed their fight.

Kaguya: So it's finally Riku's turn.......but what's with the guitar stand beside him?

Aichi: I don't know.......a strategy perhaps? Where's Mokou?

Kaguya: She borrowed the kitchen as she plans to cook us something to keep us awake. I didn't know that the schedule would be this late.

Aichi: And lucky for us tomorrow is a Saturday.

Kaguya: Good for you then........did you send this link to Keigo as well?

Aichi: I did. If it's him, he'll definitely watch this. I mean Keigo really admires Riku.

While the two were talking, the door opened and it was Mokou while she was bringing a trolley of food with her.

Mokou: I'm back. Did I make it in time?

Aichi: You're just in time. And this looks good.

Mokou: Thanks. Your father was the one who gave me the ingredients for this and I gotta thank him for that.

Aichi: I see.

Aichi just grabbed some of the food on the trolley as the three of them watch.

Now back to Stockholm

As Riku and the boys finished their final tuning on stage, Riku looked at Yuragi and gave him a nod.

Yuragi: The world is carrying off of you.........The Comet Train's Bell Rings.

The Comet Train's Bell Rings
(By: After the Rain – Soraru x mafumafu)

Bold: Yuragi
talic: Riku
Bold+Italic: Both

sayonara no serifu mo naku
saigo no page da
mou ressha no bell ga naru

kono yozora de kagayaita hoshi mo
seiten no sora de wa miotosu you ni

'shiawase' de wa 'shiawase da' to

sonna taai no nai hibi ga
kono yubi no sukima

shuuten mo nai you na
hateshi nai yami no mukou
suisei no ressha de
mou kimi wa kaeru
iku tte mo naku

ichi do myakuuttara
kono kimochi datte tomatte kure ya shinai no ni
iisobireta kotoba mo
ano natsu no sora no mukougawa

sekaijuu no hoshi wo atsumete mo
kasunde shimau kurai
kimi wa kirei da

hane no you ni nemuru you ni
neiki mo tatezu ni

'yuuhi ga ochiru made asobou?'
ashiato ga hitotsu tachidomatta

kimi wo mada suki shiteiru
ano natsu no mukou de nankai datte koi shiteiru
konna kodomojimi ta kimochi no mama da

'hai' mo 'iie' mo nai
demo otogibanashi mitai na wan frame wo
nozonde wa yamanai you na
yowamushi na boku de gomen ne

shizukesa wo tokashite
asayake mo mada minu sora ni
kane wa naru

'mou kaeranakya'
potsuri yume ga samete yuku
ikanaide yo

shuuten mo nai you na
hateshi nai yami no mukou
suisei no ressha de
mou kimi wa kaeru
iku tte mo naku

ichi do myakuuttara
kono kimochi datte tomatte kure ya shinai no ni
mou kono te wo hanashitara

suisei ga o wo hiitara
iisobireta kotoba mo
ano natsu no sora no mukougawa

After they finished the song, the arena fell silent. Then it started with a single individual applauding, followed by another, and so on, until the entire arena was clapping. This time, there was no cheering; instead, they clapped. But one thing is clear on everyone's face right now: the audience is crying. Not a lot, but they were crying.

Yukina: What was that........huh? Why are there....tears.....

Yukina looked to her bandmates and noticed Rinko holding her napkin and wiping her tears, as did Ako. Sayo was composed to say the least, yet there was a single tear on her cheek. Yukina glanced at Lisa and cried for a moment.

Yukina: Lisa........

Lisa: I'm alright Yukina. How can Riku sing a song with such emotion........

Chiyu: That son of a bitch. He used his eyes from the jump.

The girls took Chiyu's words to mind as they looked at Riku and they saw his eyes have a 6 star pattern on both of them.

Aya: He's doing what he shown us back at CiRCLE.

Chiyu: So you decided to go all out. Figured as much. Get ready girls.........I get the feeling that Riku will take us to a feels trip. PAREO! Get me some-

Before Chiyu finished her sentence, the crowd seemed to noticed that Riku and his band were just looking at each other. After a few second, they just nodded and started to move.

Arisa: Oi oi oi oi! Are they doing what I think they're doing?!

Saaya: I think they are Arisa.

Maya: The OG classic!!! 

The crowd went wild as they see the boys swapping roles. Riku grabbed Yuragi's guitar, Yuragi took bzm's bass, bzm on drums, Taiga on guitar and Ammar on Riku's keyboard.

Chiyu just smirked as she witness this.

Chiyu: It's kinda safe to say that OG has this in the bag.

Everybody agreed unanimously on Chiyu's take as they see RIku grabbed the mic as he hold the guitar.

Riku: Now for the second..........the world is dyed in the colors of the seasons......Swaying from Season to Season.

And as they began to play, the moment they hear the keyboard, they knew that this is going to be another emotional song.

Swaying from Season to Season
(By: After the Rain – Soraru x mafumafu)

Bold: Yuragi
Italic: Riku
Bold+Italic: Both

Minagami kara
Hana wa michi mo se ni
Komorebi ga ashi o tometara
Soko de owakare

Kuchi ni nokoru
Zutto suki deshita
Koi kogareteiru jikan nado
Boku ni nai no da

Machigatte mo Machigatte mo
"Kimi wa koishicha ikenai yo"
Bare nai you ni mimiuchi shita
Ano hi wa haruka no sora

Yozakura yo mae Odore Yume to
Utayomidori o nosete
Asunaki haru made yuke
Tatoe kimi ga wasurete shimatte mo

Suzukaze yo mae Odore Natsu to
Asebamu kimi no kami ga
Kumo ni kakurete mo Zutto mitoretai
Kisetsu no oriori ni te

Ayasu you ni
Togishite kureta yo wa
Sukue domo yubi no sukima o
Sururi toketeiku

Kimi ni furete
Yasashiku sarete kara
Machi nozondeita kisetsu ga
Itazura ni sugiru

Machigatta na Machigatta na
"Kimi ni koishite shimatta na"
Amai mono wa mou iranai kurai
Suki mitai desu

Akisame yo mae Odore
Hakutei to richi no shirabe
Hoho no shitamomiji
Amamoyoi UiKasa de yori sou riyuu ni

Kazahana yo mae Odore
Yoru no shijima o tsurete
Sono te hidari no pokke ni iretara Yori soou
Kisetsu no oriori ni te

Shiki oriori no kaze ga
Kimi o suteki ni kazaru
Tooi yume no mata yume e
Boku o tsurete itte yo

Haru to kurokami Natsu no asase
Akiiro no hoho Fuyu wa neoki no warui kimi mo
Boku wa Boku wa
Dore mo suki datta yo

Sanshi suimei Somaru kimi to
Hyakka ryouran no hibi yo
Kioku no kanata e

Zutto mitoretai
Zutto sawaritai

Sayonara Sayonara
Kisetsu no oriori ni te

There was no cheering after the song, as there had been previously. But it's apparent that the audience is still fighting back tears after hearing such a song. Meanwhile, in the VIP section, Rinko was most likely blushing since she understood what the song meant.

Rinko(thoughts): this is your true feelings.....all this time......I'm glad......

Ako: Rin-Rin, are you okay? You're beet red.

Rinko: I'm alright Ako-chan......

Kyoya just lets out a sigh and smiled after hearing the song.

Kyoya: To think that Riku had the guts to sing that song...........I guess he finally got it.

Yuyuko: Well that was quite fast. I was expecting him to get it for at least half a year.

Sayo: What do you mean by Riku-san got it Yuyuko-san?

Yuyuko looked at Kyoya to see if it was okay to tell them, and he just nodded.

Yuyuko: Well you girls know that Riku was sent to Hanasakigawa to experience in being a high school student right?

Rinko, Sayo, Chisato and Kanon nodded as they were Riku's classmates.

Yuyuko: Well, there was another reason he was brought there: to find something lacking in him. Chisato-chan and Kaoru-chan understand what I'm saying.

The girls turned to Chisato and Kaoru, waiting for them to speak, but with all eyes on them, Chisato feels uneasy as she attempts to find the perfect words. She stared at Kaoru and merely nodded.

Chisato: It's because Riku doesn't know how to express love.

Everyone was shocked, even Riku's childhood friends. with the exception of Rinko and Kaoru who knew of Riku's condition.

Lisa: think Riku has that kind of flaw.........

Ran: So that's why.........he only sees me as his little sister.......I understand now.....

Moca: Are you okay Ran?~

Ran: I'm fine.........

Tomoe: So RIku can't express love in general?

Yuyuko: Not exactly. He can express familial love but when it comes to love romantically............

Everyone let out an "Ah.........." as they immediately know what it means.

Kyoya: But there are other ways to express it. For Riku, he uses music as a way to express it.

Misaki: But why can't he even express love in the first place.

Kyoya: It's primarily our fault. You know, as soon as we discovered Riku's musical potential, his parents decided to do everything it took to ensure Riku's professional success. But this comes at a cost: his parents are rarely present for him, and he lacks the affection that he is supposed to have. Yuyuko and others were able to back it up, but it wasn't enough...until he met with you.

Kyoya pointed at Rinko and Rinko pointed at herself in surprise.

Rinko: Me? But why?

Kyoya: Riku told me that when he first saw you, he commented, "That girl with the black hair.....she's inexperienced.....but.....she's different from the others.....her music is....unique.....I like it." That's what he said to me. Ran, Kokoro, Kaoru, and Chisato are his closest friends as well, but he considers them to be his siblings, for whom he would go to any length. However, you stand out. When he was playing his piano, he suddenly began to space out, and I believe it has something to do with you.

Hina: So Riku-kun basically fell in love at first sight for Rinko!

Rinko blushed as red as a tomato when Hina said that.

Saaya: But what's the song that Riku-kun perform got to do with that Kyoya-san?

Kyoya: Well.....the song he just sung expresses his actual thoughts for her. He wrote the song two years after leaving to pursue his career. These are the feelings he failed to express to you due to his responsibilities and the career he intends to pursue. Rinko, remember the day he handed you his necklace?

Rinko: Hai......I have it right here.........I........promised Riku that if I become a better pianist than the last time we met....I'll return this to him but......I decided to confess to him once me and Roselia gets to perform at the Future World Fes.......and then.........

Rinko tires her best to speak up and she felt a hand on her shoulder and it was Yukina who just shook her head saying "You've said enough".

Kyoya: Let's talk about this later, Riku's band isn't done playing yet. They still have one more song to perform.

And to Kyoya's words, Riku and the boys moved once again. But this time it's only Ammar at the drums, bzm at the guitar and Taiga at the keyboard.

Rei: They've switched again.......

Riku looked at the empty guitar stand next to Taiga and just closed his eyes.

Kanon: Why did Riku-kun looked at the guitar stand?

Kyoya and Yuyuko just shrugged as they have no idea why Riku did that.

Meanwhile at the stage, Riku and Yuragi looked at each other as they begin to perform the last song of the tournament.

Riku: The world was half asleep and half awake............Dusk, Mistaking it for a Dream.

Dusk, Mistaking it for a Dream
(By: After the Rain - Soraru x mafumafu)

Bold: Yuragi
Italic: Riku
Bold+Italic: Both

honomeku kage ga yureru
itsu kara mihoreta darou
sayonara shiyou owakare shiyou
kimi ga furimuku sono mae ni

yohou doori no ame wa
moegi wo nurashite yuku
dokoka e yukou shigatsu no kobosu
tameiki ni nosete tooku made

hitotsu haru wo tagaeta toki ni wa
kitto surechigau ashita datta
are mo kore mo omohayui hibi datta
kono yo no itoshiku byoudou na
jikan ga kita mitai da

sakura (sakura) futari no yoru wo umeta madoromi deshita
meguriau omoi kishikata yukusue
tsudoi hitohira futahira irodoru

sore wa (sore wa) yume to mimagau hodo no itazura deshita
yagate yoru ga kuru mae ni tsutaenakucha

taguri yuwaita ibuki
nokosareta toki nante
ikubaku mo nai sore demo kowai
ne wo haru kokoro ga hagayui naa

kyoubi arifureta itomagoi
oshinabete aganau you ni
kuremadou hodo yowaku wa nai sa
kono yo wa hitoshiku tanjun na
sakeba chiru hana no you ni

sore wa (sore wa) imawa no kiwa wo koeta yubikiri deshita
yukuri naku mo yume no you na toki wo tadoru

kokoronokori datte nai wake nai kedo
tayutau yamiyo ni chuu wo mau
arigatou arigatou
ano koro yori mo mae wo muketa yo

During that small pause, something very unexpected happened. Everyone noticed a young girl with long blue hair wearing a white shirt, blue dress, and a hat with two peaches on it, carrying a guitar in the shape of a star, near Riku, who simply smiled and nodded at the girl.

Chisato: No way.............

Kokoro: Onee-chan? ONEE-CHAN!!!!

Kokoro tried to get up from her seat and run to the stage, but Misaki and Hagumi held her down.

Chiyu: Tenshi?! What is she doing there?!

Arisa: And that guitar! Kasumi!

Kasumi: It's the same as my Random Star!!

Kaoru: So that's why there was an empty guitar two planned all of this.......

Rinko: Tenshi..........even when you're still want to fulfill your dream.......

Meanwhile back in Japan

Kaguya and Aichi spit their drinks when they saw Tenshi appeared on the stage from out of nowhere.

Aichi: Nee-san!? But how!?

Kaguya: Tenshi.............Riku has a lot to answer once he gets back......

Aichi: Agreed..........I guess me and him are gonna meet sooner than expected.....

Back to Stockholm

sakura (sakura) kimi to deaeta koto ga shiawase deshita
meguriau omoi kishikata yukusue
tsudoi hitohira futahira irodoru

kimi to tadoru tsukiyo wo kobamu hodo no yarazu no ame
sore wa yume to mimagau you na
sore wa koi to mimagau you na toki deshita

As the song ended, Riku and Tenshi turned to each other and bowed. Tenshi smiled brightly at Riku before fading away. Riku simply closed his eyes, a single tear falling on his cheek. Yuragi placed his hand on Riku's shoulder to see if he was okay, and he just nodded.

The crowd clapped and cheered for OG's performance and some of the people started crying from the song.

Yuyuko: Ara~ I didn't expect Tenshi-chan to make an appearance.

Yuyuko said as she covered her mouth with her fan.

Remilia: Very unexpected indeed. kukuku........well played Riku.

Remilia said that as she was wiping the tears on her sister's eyes.

Yuyuko: However........with Tenshi-chan showing up like that, she had to use a lot of energy to project herself on stage......

Lisa: Then what happens to her?

Yuyuko: She'll probably need to sleep inside Riku-kun's mindscape for a while to recover the energy she used.

Kasumi: Why did Tenshi-san had my Random Star?

Arisa: Well, the Random Star was originally hers. After she died, her family handed us her guitar, which her father claims Riku-san gave her as a birthday present.

Kasumi began to consider if she deserved to play the guitar. She is even thinking about giving Riku her Random Star. However, it appears like Riku accepts Kasumi's use of Tenshi's instrument, so she abandons that notion. Instead, Kasumi is resolved to do her best with the instrument that has been given to her.

Kyoya: Well Mafuyu......what do you think?

Mafuyu was simply silent. She can't explain what she observed from her older brother. Everything was wonderful, as if it had been planned from the beginning. It scares her. Mafuyu felt a touch on her head and realized it was her grandfather rubbing her head.

As Riku and OG exited the stage. It's time to vote. SirActionSlacks appeared on stage and explained how to vote. The criteria are simple: everyone in the arena and at home will rate their favorite band from 1 to 4 (for example, TSM - First, OG - Second, Gaimin -  Third, Tundra - Fourth). They get one hour to cast their votes, and at the conclusion of the hour, the band with the most first-place votes is named the winner of the Future World Fes.

Meanwhile with the boys

Hovet Arena – OG's Locker Room

Riku POV

We've finally finished, and we deserve a well-earned rest, even if it's just for an hour. Johan had the idea to invite the other bands to join us and celebrate a job well done, and they all agreed because there was so much food and we couldn't eat it all on our own.

After waiting for a few minutes, the other bands showed up and brought some food too......oh boy......

The celebration lasted about an hour, and we made careful not to drink since we didn't want a lot of drunk boys when they announced the winner.

While the boys were chatting, I was sitting in a vacant chair, drinking juice, and watching the panelists on the room's TV.

Sheever: Now, before we declare the winner of the Future World Fes, we have one last item to show you. Please turn your attention to the screen as we showcase a special presentation.

I called the boys to quiet down and told them that they're showing a special presentation and if my guess is's time......

The video starts by showing 2011 and I know where this is going.......they're showing one of the best moments in TI.


"There you have it! Na'Vi!! Are your inaugural International Champions!"

The first clip showed Na'Vi winning the inaugural TI. Despite the fact that the venue was small at at first, it grew into something massive and forever changed the world of music.


"Standing ovation from the crowd!!! And that's it! Na'Vi are going to the Grand Finals for the second year in a row!!"

The second one showed one of the greatest plays in TI history or it's known as............"The Play".


"Alliance wins!!! They win TI3!! And Alliance just won 1.4 million dollars! They are your International Champions!!

The third clip shows Alliance lifting the Aegis as they win TI3 with Na'Vi on the side and hugging each other.


"Newbee are your TI4 Champions!! China's second championship in three years!!

The fourth clip is Newbee lifting the Aegis as China wins their second TI.


"And from UniVeRsE! IT'S A DISASTAH!!!"

The fifth clip is Evil Geniuses' UniVeRsE's 6 million dollar drum solo, which dashes CDEC's chances of winning China's third TI and EG's first TI for North America.



The sixth clip features TNC, a group of Filipinos that pulled off the largest upset in TI history. Beating OG 2-0 and completely eliminating them from TI.


"Team Liquid are the first band in TI history to whitewash a Grand Final!! 3-0 onto Newbee!!!"

The seventh clip shows Team Liquid doing the impossible, by sweeping Newbee 3-0 as the make their mark as the only band to sweep a finals in TI at that time.



The eighth clip showed Ceb's clutch piano solo to force the fifth set against PSG.LGD, and making OG's miraculous comeback.


"OG are your two time TI Champions they've done it Fogged!!"

The ninth clip showed OG. The first and only band to win two TI's in a row. Cementing themselves as the greatest band in TI history.


"Can Yatoro give the crowd another encore here at TI10? Absolutely! Yatoro!!!"

And the tenth clip showed Yatoro and Team Spirit giving the crowd their third encore at TI10, beating PSG.LGD and making it to the finals against OG.

And suddenly the screen goes black....and a few second.......there were few cherry blossom way....

"The stage is set.........for the first time......20 bands will be take battle in the Land of the Rising Sun."

The screen shows the Hakugyouku Arena......... and at the same showed....the Black Dragon Palace........but why.....

"The battle.........awaits."

The International 2021
Tokyo, Japan

After the video finished, we could hear the audience cheering all the way from here, and the guys glanced at me since I was the only Japanese in the room. Youmu was nowhere to be found since she left to visit Yuyuko-san.

Skitter: Iku, you know that TI will be at Japan?

I just shook my head as this is the first time I've heard it.

Riku: No. I thought that they were doing it in Singapore.

I started to think of things on why they decided to do TI in Japan and something clicked.

Riku: Of course......why didn't I think of it......

Sneyking: So you got an idea?

I just nodded and just tell them what Slacks told me back in April. Normally they have no right to know, but since I fully trust them, I decided to tell them.

Timado: So your country will be a new addition to the circuit?

Riku: Yup. If all goes well, you boys will have new competition and I will have more time behind the scenes to make sure no one screws it up.

Ace: That I can't wait.

Riku: Me too too. Let's clean up shall we? I'm having a feeling that they will call us on stage later.

We began to clean the room while we wait for the staff to call us.

A little longer than a few minutes later

After we cleaned up the room, one of the staff called us and tells us to head to the stage. As we got to the stage, ODPixel was already there holding a white envelope.

ODPixel: Ladies and gentlemen, the time is now. Voting has officially ended. And I have the results......right here.

Everyone was cheering as they can't wait to hear who wins he entire tournament.

ODPixel: Now.....this is how things will work out.......lights please!

Then all of a sudden the lights went out and 4 spotlights were directed at us and the other bands.

ODPixel: Thank you. Now this is very simple, when the bands spotlight turns off. That will be your placing in this tournament. The last band to have their spotlight still lit, will be the winner. fourth

OD snapped his fingers and right on his signal, Gaimin's spotlight dimmed off. And everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that Gaimin took fourth. Gaimin head back to their locker room as OD continues the announcement.

ODPixel: Now that leaves us with three bands left third

He snapped his fingers again and this time.......Tundra's spotlight dimmed off. And's just us and TSM..........

ODPixel: And now we're down to the last two...OG and TSM. The Western European juggernaut and North America's last hope. Both bands delivered great performances. But for one of you, this will be the first Future World Fes in North America, while for the other, it will be the seventh. The most wins in a single band. Good luck to both bands. The winner of the ESL One Future World Fes Stockholm is..............

As the atmosphere was getting intense from the waiting I close my eyes, held my breath as I wait for the name that will come out of OD's wasn't long..........and it happened.......

ODPixel: OG!!!!

When I heard our band's name, my knees gave out and I knelt on the ground as the crowd cheered. The boys began to pile up on me as they celebrated their first tournament victory. Taiga assisted me while Johan was chatting to Misha via video chat.

I looked at TSM and just went to where they are and gave them congratulations on taking second place. Afterwards I looked at the trophy and just looked at the boys and they know what to do.

Meanwhile in Japan - Eientei

3rd POV

Kaguya and Aichi were hugging each other as they cheer for Riku's win, Mokou was just sitting and puts out a smile as she close her eyes.

Kaguya: Riku won Aichi!

Aichi: Not just him Kaguya-san. It's him and nee-san who won.

Kaguya: You're right.......

Now back to Stockholm at the VIP area

While Riku and OG were celebrating their win on stage, the girls were celebrating on Riku's victory.

Kasumi: Senpai did it Arisa!! He won!!

Arisa: Kasumi!.......I'll let this one slide.

Kasumi was clinging on Arisa. While the latter tries to get her off, she decided to let it slide as this is a happy moment.

Saaya: Congratulations Riku-kun.

Tae and Rimi were clapping as the latter was crying while clapping.

Ran was just looking at Riku happily as Moca tried to tease her.

Moca: Like what you seeing Ran?~

Ran: I'm just happy to see nii-san smile, nothing more........I think I might have an idea on what our next song is gonna be.

Moca: Ho~~~~ can't wait for that one~

Kokoro and Hagumi were hugging each other as they were jumping up and down.

Hagumi: Kokoron! Rikkun won!!

Kokoro: HM! This calls for a celebration!!

Misaki: Don't do it here!!

Kaoru: Congratulations ani-sama!......what bothers you Chisato?

Chisato: Nothing......I'm just happy for Riku that's all.

Kaoru: You know this is the one time where you should show how you feel for him right?

Chisato:'s for the best. After all it's not just my style........

Kaoru just shrugged her shoulders and see Chisato pumping her fist knowing that she was happy. Kaoru just chuckled as Chisato was so obvious.

Hina: Riku-kun won onee-chan!!

Hina was hugging Sayo while Sayo is trying to get Hina off of her.

Sayo: Get off me Hina! Not in front of the public!

Flandre: Onee-sama! Onii-san won!! Can I go where he is right now?

Remilia: Let him have his moment Flan. You can do it once we go back to the hotel.

Chiyu: Iku is now one step ahead........alright girls! Once we get back to Japan, it's practice time! Iku gave us an opportunity to prove ourselves and we're not letting it go to waste! Am I clear on that?

RaS: HAI!!

Yukina: So that's how it feels to win a Future World Fes........

Lisa: Don't worry Yukina. One day, we'll be in the same spot as Riku.

Yukina: Yes......I guess you're right.

Ako: Girls!! Where's Rin-Rin?

The girls stopped their celebration as they try to look left and right for Rinko. Kyoya pointed the direction where Rinko is and they have an idea on what she's doing.

Back on the stage

Riku POV

After TSM left and we have finished talking with Misha via video message, we proceed to the trophy podium. But Slacks was there to interview us before we lifted the trophy. And just before we started the interview, I felt someone hug me from behind, which surprised both us on stage and the audience. I looked at the person who held me and saw Rinko, who had tears in her eyes and a blushed face.

Riku: Rinko.....why're you here?

Rinko: I just want to congratulate you kept your promise......I'm glad you kept it........

Riku: I told you, I keep my promises..........

Rinko simply hugged me, burying her face against my chest. It took me a bit to ponder, but I just embraced her back, and I can hear the audience cheering. I can even hear somebody whistling. Slacks is right next to me, having completed inteviewing the other four. I pat Rinko's back and break the embrace, holding her hand tightly to ensure she doesn't go.

SirActionSlacks: And finally Iku. You answered the call, you took the substitution, you did your thing yet again! And now, you're a five time Future World Fes Winner! How does it feel, to play once again in a stage like this?

Before I even begin talking, the crowd started cheering so loud, I can't hear what my band is saying. We waited till the crowd quieted down as I answer Slacks' question.

Riku: I mean, it's sort of unbelievable. I didn't expect to perform here, and it wasn't in my plan at all. I was enjoying my life as a high school student in Japan. But you know, whenever OG calls for help, I always answer the call. They are my brothers. And as for playing here. It felt wonderful. I'm grateful for the support we've received, and it's love you guys.

SirActionSlacks: And what about that young girl holding your hand. What is she to you?

Riku: She's someone very important to me....and the reason why I'm here. I promised her that I'll win this and I just did.

SirActionSlacks: Okay.....If you boys don't mind, look in front of you. The trophy is yours! Go get it!

When Slacks told me and the boys to proceed to the award podium, Rinko accompanied us, with Johan alongside her. The five of us surrounded the trophy and held it in our hands. And on my mark, we hoisted the trophy, and there was a lot of applause. I can say that the trophy weights about 15 kilograms, which is rather heavy for some. After I finished my turn hoisting the trophy, I approached Rinko and passed her something to say to the girls.

Riku: Rinko. Tell the others to go to the hotel ASAP.

Rinko: Eh? But why?

Riku: After this, our podcast will start once we get to the hotel. The seats in our podcast are limited so you better hurry.

Rinko nodded and went back to the VIP area as I wait for the boys to do their thing.

Riku: Alright boys! Now we're done here, let's head back to the hotel!

Timeskip is brought to you they say "If you don't work, you don't eat."

Hakugyoku Hotel Stockholm Branch - AVR

5:30 P.M.

3rd POV

After the Future World Fes, Riku and the boys packed their stuff and returned to the hotel as soon as possible because they were on a tight schedule and only had 30 minutes. Luckily, they discovered a shortcut on their way to the hotel, saving them time.

Right now they're at the back stage of the AVR waiting for the podcast to begin. While Riku was waiting, he got a message from Rinko and tells him that they're already inside. Riku puts his phone back and Juan, OG's CEO begins the podcast.

Juan: Welcome everyone to the Monkey Business Show! And this is the Future World Fes Aftershow! Let's get this started and greet our seven time Future World Fes Champions! OG!!

The boys made their way to the stage while Riku is holding the trophy and started waving to the people that attended the podcast as they started to cheer and chanting "OG". Riku puts the trophy on the pedestal in front of them and made their way to the seats that was behind them.

A long table with seven chairs. Juan is sitting on the middle and on his left was Yuragi, Taiga and Riku next to his left and on his right were Ammar, bzm and Johan next to his right.

Juan: First of all, congratulations guys! Job well done out there. How are you guys feeling today?

Riku: I feel good right now man. After wining it, it makes me feel so good. And I feel tired as well. Can't wait to get some rest after this.......

Juan: Okay. What about you Ammar? We haven't heard you talking a lot. How are you feeling right now?

Ammar: I'm feeling great, for sure. Feeling good for what happened today, and uh........there's not much to say.

Juan: Alright. Yuragi. On a scale of 1 to 10, how are you feeling right now.

Yuragi: 10. Absolute 10.

Juan: Tommy? What about you?

Taiga: I feel amazing man. I feel that my parents are very proud of me right now, winning this tournament. I felt like it took a weight off of my shoulders.

Juan: bzm my friend. How about you?

bzm: okayish?

Everyone just laughed at it as bzm just says it jokingly. The podcast continued for several minutes talking about the boys' experience on stage, then one topic stood out.

Juan: Riku. I know that there is something that you wanted to share.

Riku: Oh, that! Oh, how I want to tell this to everyone! Okay, this guy Ammar had the weirdest method, which he named the "Ammar Test". It was day three of the group stage, and we were preparing songs for the day. And he asked, "Did you perform this in public once?" I said, "Yes, I did," and he said, "Okay, we'll do it." And then I recommended him a song that I made two months before the tournament began, and he said, "Did you perform this in public as well?" I answered, "No, I just wrote the song," and he said, "Not happening."

Everyone laughed as they hear the conversation.

Riku: And I was like "Bruh!! I'm fucking confident that we can do this  with this song!!". And I'm not gonna lie, if we really used that song on the group stage, we could've gotten at least eight million votes tops. And don't worry, it's just a joke. Reason why Ammar was doing that is that we choose the songs that we are comfortable playing with. To make sure no one would be a burden. and that's one of the traits the I like with him. Caring for your band mates to make sure they don't take the whole blame.

The conversation continued for minutes until they get to the Q&A segment. Where they pick one of the audience and ask some questions to the boys. As the fans were raising their hands, Riku pointed someone and was given the mic so they can ask their question.

Riku: To the lucky person, tell us your name, your country and your question.

Todd: name is Todd, I'm from France. And I want to ask something to Iku. Coming to this tournament and winning it, do you consider coming out of retirement after the win?

Riku: I can't come out of retirement right now. I still have a lot on my plate back in Japan. I still remain in touch with the competitive scene, though. As I previously stated, I will always answer the phone, but this will be determined by my schedule. And I'll state it now: I'm not available from July to September. Many things needed to be done, including family concerns, but I will return in the near future as things calm down in Japan, either with OG, a band I formed, or as a producer for another band.

The fans were happy that Riku isn't retiring completely and plans to come back in the near future.

After that, the Q&A segment continued until it reached 7:00 and ended the podcast right at that time as it is time for dinner.

Meanwhile in an unknown location

We cut into a fortress that is located within the mountains and we see in a room there are 5 people in that room. And one of them was the commander of the Black Fang, Brendan Reed.

Brendan: Linus.

Brendan called a man with blonde hair with black eyes, wearing a black shirt, a maroon coat, brown pants, black boots and carrying a huge sword on his back. He is Linus Reed. Son of Brendan Reed, younger brother of Lloyd. Known as the "Mad Dog" for his savagery.

Brendan: Llyod.

Brendan called Lloyd as he nodded in response.

Brendan: Ursula.

Brendan called a woman with short indigo hair, wearing a dark violet one piece dress. She is Ursula. Known as the "Blue Crow".

Brendan: Jaffar.

Brendan called a man who was leaning on a pillar. He has red hair, red eyes, wearing a black tank top and black pants. He also has two knives on his waist. He is Jaffar or known as the "Angel of Death".

Brendan looked at the four people who are gathered in the room and sat on his chair.

Brendan: Good. Now that the Four Fangs have gathered...........let the meeting commence.

Meanwhile in between dimensions

In between dimensions, we encounter an adult woman with purple eyes and long blonde hair. She takes a pink lace parasol and a paper fan and travels a crimson carriage to an unknown location. She is dressed in a deep purple outfit, a pale pink mob hat with a thin red ribbon, and other tiny ribbons strung about her accessories and hair tips.

She is none other than Yakumo Yukari. The Yakumo Family's matriarch, the most powerful of the celestial families, and the Seven Sages' leader.

Reason why she's here is to observe the actions of the Black Fang in regards to Shinomiya Oko. She'll only act if things go south.

Yukari: It has begun........let's see what secrets they're hiding.....ufufufufufufufu~

Yukari was letting out a chuckle as she covers her mouth with her fan.

Next Chapter: XIX - Departure and the Long Way Home

Future World Fes Stockholm Results:

1st – OG – 680 PBC Points - $1,200,000
2nd – TSM – 610 PBC Points - $750,000
3rd – Tundra – 530 PBC Points - $550,000
4th – Gaimin Gladiators – 460 PBC Points - $350,000
5th-6th – Thunder Awaken/beastcoast – 385 PBC Points - $250,000
7th-8th – BetBoom/Fnatic – 285 PBC Points - $200,000
9th-12th – Team Spirit/Team Liquid/BOOM RIVALRY/T1 - $100,000
13th-14th – Evil Geniuses/Mind Games

Professional Band Circuit Standings (Post Future World Fes Stockholm):

1st – OG (Western Europe) – 1610 Points*
2nd – PSG.LGD (China) – 1400 Points*
3rd – Thunder Awaken (South America) – 1335 Points*
4th – TSM (North America) – 1030 Points
5th – Team Spirit (Eastern Europe) – 990 Points
6th – Fnatic (Southeast Asia) – 865 Points
7th – Tundra (Western Europe) – 800 Points
8th – Gaimin Gladiators (Western Europe) – 760 Points
9th – beastcoast (South America) – 745 Points
10th – BetBoom (Eastern Europe) – 685 Points
11th – Xtreme (China) – 540 Points
12th – Team Aster (China) – 540 Points

Bands with an (*) are qualified to The International in Tokyo. Minimum required points is 1,200. The top 12 bands that has the most points after the Future World Fes in Arlington will qualify to The International. Every member change throughout the season will be minus 30 PBC points for each member change on the band.

A/N: And with this, the Future World Fes Arc has come to an end. The next arc will be Riku's "Normal" Life Arc. I know I said that I'll put out a chapter at christmas, I'll put out another one at that time. As for Yukari's info, I'll update it once my laptop is fixed or I get a replacement for it cause doing everything in my phone is a big pain in the ass.

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