Our Little Secret || Pablo Ga...

By trickstarfutbolista

308K 5.5K 490

"My private life is my private life." ... In which two teenagers do something that changes their life. Facing... More

Our Little Secret
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4


3.6K 72 7
By trickstarfutbolista



Melissa opens her eyes at the sound of the front door opening then shutting.
She quickly checks that time on her phone to see that it's 4 in the morning.
Rubbing her eyes, she stands up from the couch and tiredly makes her way to the noise coming from the front of the house.
Turning on the lights, she spots a drunk Pablo trying to take off his shoes.
"It's 4 am" she says.
Pablo looks over at her, remembering the conversation him and Alejandro had just moments ago.
The blue eyed girl was mad. "What do you mean, so? You could've at least told me you were coming home this late"
Pablo pulls off his coat and hangs it up before walking passed her.
The smell of alcohol filling her nose as he does. "I don't have to tell you where I go" he says.
Melissa follows him. "we made a promise we would tell each other everything"
"Let's just go to bed" he sighs, grabbing a bottle of water.
Melissa crosses her arms over her chest wanting nothing more but to finishing the conversation right now but she knew it would be no use if he was drunk.
"You're not sleeping in our room" she mumbles before turning on her heel and walking away from him.
Pablo not completely comprehending what was going on, somehow made his drunk self upstairs shortly after her.
Trying to walk in to their room to be welcomed with a locked door.
He groans in annoyance before walking towards the guest bedroom and not hesitating go fall face first onto the sheets.

Melissa laid in her bed with Estela fast asleep right beside her as she tried to figure out what caused Pablo's attitude.
After maybe half an hour she sighs getting up from the bed and quietly slipping out the door before walking over to the guest bedroom that she assumed Pablo would be in.
She was upset with him but she felt guilty for not asking him if he was okay. If Pablo acts this way is because something is going on.
And maybe It's nothing but she sure wasn't going to wait to find out.

Quietly opened the door, she see a shadow instantly lift their head from the sheets.
"I threw up" the voice croaked.
Melissa gives him a sad look but she knew he couldn't see her.
Walking over to him she sits down right next to him, placing a hand on his bicep.
"You okay, mi amor?" She whispers.
He hums. "My head hurts and now my throat hurts".
Placing a hand on his cheek, she starts to softly rub her thumb on it to comfort him.
Pablo melts into her hand, closing his eyes at the feeling.
"Te amo" he whispers.
Moving her hand from his cheek and gently up the side of his face, she pushes his floppy hair away from his eyes.
"Yo más"
Pablo doesn't say anything else, he cuddles closer to his pillow and in just under a few seconds the room is filled with soft snores.
Waiting a few minutes before getting up, she walks out of the room, just deciding to talk to him whenever he wakes up.


"Mami, hungry" Estela whines walking into the kitchen from the living room.
Melissa looks down at her as she finishes mixing the pancake mix. Estela special requests to have breakfast for lunch.
"Food will be ready soon mi amor" she tells her, before walking to the fridge and pulling out a small bottle of yogurt, making a hole with a straw then handing it to her.
"for now"
Estela takes the yogurt before running off back to the living room.
Melissa hums to herself as she starts to dump the pancake batter on the pan.
Patiently waiting for it to cook.
3 pancakes done and maybe 4 more to go, Melissa hears heavy footsteps making their way down the stairs.
"Buenos Dias mi niña hermosa" the voice cheers.

A few moments later the boy appears at the entrance of the kitchen with the 2 year old in his arms. He only wore gray sweats and socks.
He walks over to his girlfriend tilting his head down and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Buenos días amor" he whispers.
Melissa chuckles and shakes her head at the boy. "son las 12 Pablo"
He grins at her before placing estela down on the floor.
"My head hurts" he says sitting down on the counter.
Melissa turns to looks at him, before opening the cabinet right next to her then pulling out the pain medication.
She hands him a pancake and the bottle then goes back to finishing the food.
"I need to talk to you" she tells him, nothing that Estela had once again left to the living room.
Pablo nods at her as he chugs a bottle of water with his medicine.
"What up?" He ask, getting off the counter to throw it away.

Melissa turns off the stove, finishing the last pancake.
"Is everything alright?"
Pablo chuckles at her question. He crosses his arms over his bare chest as he leaning against the counter.

Melissa eyes him suspiciously. "Why do you ask?" He questions.
"Because, the message you sent last night and you looked like you had something on your mind all day yesterday" she tells him as she sets the plate if pancake's on the table.
"I'm fine" he says walking over to the cabinet two pull out 3 cups for them.
"Pablo really?" She pushes.

Pablo rolls his eyes setting the cups down. "I'm fine" he lies again.
"Are you sure? Nothing happen at training? One of those boys said something- I'm fine!" He cuts her off.
Melissa freezes at his rough tone.
"deja de actuar como mi mamá todo el maldito tiempo, eres mi novia" he snaps.

Melissa's mouth drops slight at his words. "Because I'm your girlfriend I'm asking you if you're okay, amor"
She crosses her arms over her chest. From the corner of her eye she sees a small figure emerge from the living room and into the kitchen where the two parents stood.
"well I'm fine..it's non of your damn business" he says lowly, before hurrying out the kitchen. Ignoring the little girl who held out her arms for him as he passed her.
"Papa" she calls out as he walks away.
Melissa sighs in annoyances and confusion as the guys reaction.
Making her way at the confused girl who stood by the doorway, she swoops her up from the floor before walking over to the chairs, setting her down.
"Let's eat mi Vida" she tells her little one.

Estela looks up at her mom with big confused eyes at why her dad had ignored her like that but they instantly turn happy as her eyes made contact with the pile of pancakes infront of her.

A/n: slay? Anyways, laid in my bed last night and reread the first few chapters and there's a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes so I'm planning on editing all that after I finish this story! How do you guys like the story btw?

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