Transformers: Rise of The All...

By PharaohsGirl2000

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In the distant reaches of the universe, on a planet called Cybertron, an epic war has raged for eons. Cybertr... More

Chapter 1: A Desperate Measure
Chapter 2. A Daring Rescue
Chapter 3. Optimus Prime
Chapter 4. Uncle Jackie
Chapter 5. Not quite right...
Chapter 7. definitely not human!
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: More than you realise
Chaper 10: Megatron
Chapter 11. Its Time
Special Announcement
Chapter 12. Getting around the bend
Chapter 13: Closer and Closer
Writers Block

Chapter 6. She isn't Human

235 9 10
By PharaohsGirl2000

Phase found herself once again trapped in the clutches of a haunting dream. This time, the setting differed from her previous nightmares. She was enveloped in complete solitude, surrounded by an oppressive darkness that seemed to taunt her with whispers. In a cautious attempt to break the silence, Phase called out a desperate "hello?" hoping for any form of response. Strangely, the whispers ceased, leaving behind an unsettling and eerie silence that intensified her unease.

Suddenly, two immense eyes materialised, piercing the darkness with their blinding radiance. Phase shielded her eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the being behind the blinding light, when a hand emerged from the darkness, firmly holding her in place within the shadows. Another hand joined the first, forming a clenched fist with a single finger ominously pointing in her direction. Panic surged through her as she futilely tried to escape the grip of the hand beneath her, which held her tightly, rendering her immobile. Overwhelmed by fear and desperation, Phase screamed and wept, pleading for the torment to cease, "PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! LET GO, SOMEONE HELP!". The finger pressed against her forehead, causing excruciating pain to ripple through her body. Her anguished cries filled the void, accompanied by a plea to make it all stop. In a nightmarish twist, metallic edges sliced through her delicate skin, replacing her flesh with cold, unyielding metal plating. The transformation continued relentlessly, spreading until her entire body was encased in the unfeeling armour.

In the midst of her final cry, Phase abruptly woke up from the tormenting nightmare, unleashing an ear-piercing scream that jolted her uncle Jack from his slumber in the living room. As he rushed to her room, his footsteps resonating with concern, Phase's surroundings revealed the aftermath of her nightmarish ordeal. Claw marks marred the mattress and now adorned her trembling arms, yet curiously, there was no trace of blood. Instead, an enigmatic blue substance stained her sheets, further accentuating the surreal nature of her experience.

"Crystal?! Is everything okay?!" Jack's voice reverberated with worry as he approached her door. Sensing the urgency, Phase hastily threw the blanket over herself, attempting to conceal the horrifying scene etched onto her arms. She knew that hiding the devastation in her room would be futile, and as the door swung open, Jack beheld the extent of the damage. Claw marks scarred the walls and floor, the mattress lay torn asunder, and the pillows were reduced to shreds. Alarmed by the sight that greeted him, Jack's concern escalated. "Crystal?! What happened?! Are you alright, kid?!" he exclaimed, rushing to her bed in an attempt to assess her well-being. However, Phase adamantly refused to reveal herself, clutching the blanket tightly as she hid beneath its protective cover. With determination, Jack gently tried to pry the blanket from her, hoping to offer solace and support in the face of her distressing ordeal.

Phase tightly clutched the blanket, desperately trying to conceal the mess on her arms from her uncle, Jack. Concerned, he tried speaking to her, "Crystal, talk to me kiddo what's going on? Why is your room destroyed? What happened?" He knew that Phase often kept her troubles to herself, but he couldn't let this go. Placing a hand on her back, Jack felt her tremble and quickly withdrew his touch. He understood that she wasn't scared of him but rather afraid to confront him, yet witnessing her flinch still hurt him deeply. Determined to soothe her, he placed his palm on her back again, reassuring her with that soothing southern accent , "kid….I know you're scared. It's ok…even I've been scared before. But you can't keep hiding shit that happens to ya. It could seriously kill you someday if you get injured and don't tell me. " Kneeling by her bed, Jack rubbed his thumb back and forth on her back, providing comfort and support. Meanwhile, Phase contemplated sharing her nightmare and revealing the marks on her arms, realising that Jack could assist her. He had experience in first aid, and, most importantly, he was always there for her, ready to guide her through difficult times. With a sigh, she mustered the courage to lower the blanket and nervously expose her arms to Jack. However, his response was unexpected—confusion. "Kiddo? Do…you want a hug?" He asks, leaving her perplexed. As Phase looked at her arms, she discovered that the claw marks had vanished as if they were never there in the first place. Caught off guard, she struggled to find an explanation but could only nod in response. She then buried her face in Jack's chest, hugging him tightly, possibly even risking hurting him. Jack held his niece close, doing his best to offer comfort and reassurance. Still embracing her, he asked; "you gonna tell me what happened in here?" causing her to tense up. Realising she couldn't bring herself to disclose the truth, Phase remained silent. Jack sighed, accepting her decision, and continued to hold her, providing the comfort she desperately needed.

It took some time, but Phase managed to calm down enough to confide in her uncle Jack about the unsettling dream she had. As she spoke, she noticed a change in his expression, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, but it definitely seemed odd. Jack's intense expression of concern sent a shiver down her spine, "Your skin turned to metal?" He asked, a hitch in his voice only scared her further. She could only nod in response, trying to decipher his expression and understand why he reacted this way. Why was he so scared? Wss he scared? He was hard to read sometimes, but this was ridiculous! However, as quickly as the peculiar expression appeared, it vanished, replaced by Jack's usual smug smile.

Mockingly, Jack questioned; "now since when did horror movies start scaring you of all people?", seemingly dismissing her nightmare. Phase, feeling a mix of frustration but also relief to his words, crossed her arms and indignantly claimed, "horror movies do not scare me! They never have, and they never will!" She played along with the lie, not wanting to worry Jack further, even though she knew deep down that her nightmares weren't caused by a mere movie. Jack, satisfied with her response, stood up, acknowledging his ageing knees, and suggested they should start their day. "Alright, alright. It's 8:45, so we should probably-", suddenly, Phase's panic took hold as she realised she was running late. Frantically searching for her uniform, she shouted in total panic: "I'M LATE FOR WORK!", disregarding the need for a shower, even if she'd have liked to have a shower that moment.

Jack, understanding her urgency, left the room to give her privacy, assuring her that he would be waiting outside. As he closed the door, and he was no longer in her field of view, his smile faded, revealing a serious expression. Something about Phase's recent behaviour and the nature of her dream troubled him deeply. Ever since he arrived, she had been acting odd! Distant, sometimes cold. He had heard about her dreams before but never something quite like this. It almost sounded like... no, it couldn't be possible. How could she be anything other than human? He had watched her grow up, and there had never been any indication that she was anything but human. She ate, she grew, and she changed like a normal person. Sure, Cybertronians also experienced growth, but their lifecycle was vastly different from that of a human. Nonetheless, Jack couldn't shake off his concerns, especially after considering Phase's new "car" that had been bothering him since yesterday. His radar had detected energon nearby, assuming at first it was the red energon crystal he carried, but now? He wasn't so sure.

Phase clumsily hopped on one foot, struggling to put on her shoes without losing her balance. After successfully getting both boots on, she grabbed her handbag from the counter, hastily tied her hair back in a messy ponytail, and rushed past her uncle. Remembering he was there, she stopped abruptly before reaching the door, turned back, and tightly embraced her uncle Jack. With a grateful smile, she expressed her heartfelt appreciation; "thanks for being there for me uncle… I don't know what I'd do with you…", acknowledging how much she relied on him. Her words had a profound effect on Jack, almost bringing tears to his eyes. He held her tightly, cherishing the moment and the bond they shared as he retorted a light hearted: "you'd probably be in the mad house, losing your mind without your most amazing, most brilliant dear uncle!" Which earned a hearty laugh from the smaller female. A part of him yearned to reveal the truth about his identity, about who (and what) he really was. However, fear gripped him, worrying that the revelation might drive her away or put her in danger. He couldn't bear the thought of his enemies targeting her to hurt him. So, for now, he decided against telling her, opting to protect her from the truth.

Releasing the hug, Jack grinned and playfully, "I want a rematch on the track, young lady. And I expect you to teach me that Tokyo drift trick you pulled off yesterday, " he playfully demanded, placing a hand on his hip in an animated manner. Phase pretended to contemplate his request, teasingly hemming and hawing before responding with a mischievous grin, "alright, alright, a rematch you will get! But you will learn none of my secrets, old man! For I refuse to let you take my crown!" She agreed, once again taking a swipe at his old age, which always seemed to tick him off in just the right way. She playfully shook her shoulders in a see-saw fashion, as if dancing, before breaking away from the hug. "Alright, I gotta go! Catch you later, Uncle!" she called out, disappearing through the open door and into Smokescreen's alt mode.

As Phase entered Smokescreen, the car teased her about her tardiness with a laugh, "Finally! I thought you would never wake up!" relishing the opportunity to tease her. Smokescreen, being young, eager, and occasionally foolish, didn't always exercise the best judgement. Phase flicked the steering wheel in response, causing the engine to rev in surprise as Smokescreen groaned in pain. "Ow! Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" he quickly retorted, getting into gear as she buckled up. Smokescreen pulled out of the driveway, completely unaware that Jack was silently watching them, his expression a mixture of concern and curiosity.

As Smokescreen accelerated down the road, his engine humming with a thunderous roar, he couldn't shake off his concern for Phase. He had witnessed firsthand the unpleasant behaviour of her boss and knew she was in trouble. He wanted to understand her situation, to understand why she tolerated such behaviour, so he couldn't help but voice his questions. "Hey Phase," he called out, his focus divided between the road and their conversation. "Why do you continue working for someone who treats you like a rookie? You're amazing at what you do! Why do you let him scream at you?" Phase, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery, pondered Smokescreen's words before responding, considering her answer very carefully. "Smokescreen," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and resignation. "I work in a field dominated by men, where women are still struggling to be fully accepted. Times are changing, but not as rapidly as we'd like. My boss knows I'm talented, but he thinks he can talk down to me because he believes I don't have the balls to go anywhere else. Little does he know that I not only have a business permit, but I am also qualified to run my own shop. Most, if not all, of my customers would follow me, except for a few stubborn jackasses who believe that women like me belong only in the kitchen. So believe me, if he continues to treat me like this, I am going to quit," she assured Smokescreen, her voice filled with determination. "I just can't find the right words to confront him."

Smokescreen absorbed her words, his optics narrowing in thought. Earth was certainly…prejudiced. Cybertron had issues, but never anything surrounding gender. "Back on Cybertron," he mused, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Femmes were welcomed and respected in any field. I knew a few female elite guards. All of them were pretty nice but really freakin tough. They could be a bit cold at times, but their hard work carried their teams. And do you remember my friend I told you about? She was brilliant! Almost on par with Trion with intelligence, although I guess intelligence doesn't always mean wisdom... or does it?" he contemplated, seeking Phase's perspective. Phase, appreciating the conversation, gently corrected him. "I think you mean experience," she interjected. "Intelligence doesn't necessarily guarantee experience, just as wisdom doesn't always imply maturity. They are distinct qualities that complement each other but can exist independently."

Smokescreen nodded, understanding her point. "Ah, yeah, that makes sense," he acknowledged. "My friend was really wise, but she also had a playful side. She enjoyed cracking jokes and making others laugh. Sometimes, she could be a bit naive, too. But if anyone even tried to give her a hard time, she wouldn't hesitate to stand up for herself. I'll never forget the time she even slapped Ultra Magnus!" Smokescreen exclaimed, laughter filling his voice as he reminisced. "Oh, the look on his face before Trion intervened and took her away. He never got the chance to confront her!" He laughs. He missed his friend greatly…no one made him smile like she did.

"Smokescreen ... .How did you meet your friend on Cybertron?" Phase asked, hoping she wasn't touching on a sore subject for him. sure he missed his friend, but if she had somehow landed here on Earth somewhere, he could easily introduce her and Phase! they could all potentially be friends! sure it sounded naive, but he had hope. " happened quite a while ago. I was on duty outside of the major archive where Alpha Trion worked"


Smokescreen stood outside the Iacon archives, feeling utterly bored. Despite the raging war across the planet, the silence around him was deafening. His longing to join the fight, to prove himself as a warrior and immerse himself in the action, burned within him. He was young, bold, and filled with an insatiable passion to kick ass and take names. But fate had confined him to the duty of guarding an old bot, Alpha Trion, who rarely ventured outside the archives. He couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh of frustration.

Suddenly, his attention snapped to the sound of approaching footsteps. Reacting swiftly, his arm transformed into a cannon, ready to confront any potential Decepticon threat targeting Alpha Trion Prime. To his surprise, however, a tiny pretender-type bot emerged from the shadows. Her beauty was undeniable, with deep violet-coloured armour and a night sky grey protoform. Her big purple eyes gleamed with curiosity, while her wings were neatly tucked away, out of harm's reach. Sky-blue and turquoise mist cascaded from the top of her head, resembling flowing hair. Smokescreen couldn't help but draw a connection to another bot with a similar design, albeit with fiery hair. The bot before him was simply exquisite.

Raising her hands in surrender, she reassured Smokescreen, "I don't mean any harm. I'm Alpha Trion's assistant. He needed me to retrieve some things for him!" Worried about being shot, she was aware of the disdain towards pretenders, especially in Iacon. They were despised for their small size and considered useless, despite possessing equal, if not greater, destructive capabilities compared to their larger Autobot and Decepticon counterparts.

Smokescreen's weapon transformed back into his arm, and a helpless smile formed on his face. "It's alright. I believe Prime mentioned your arrival. Though I must admit…I wasn't expecting a…" He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head nervously, not wanting to offend her. However, she understood what he meant. "Pretender?" she finished his sentence, sighing softly. "Yes, I know. It's hard to believe... but truly, I'm here for Alpha Trion. He requires my presence now. Are you going to turn me away?" Her voice carried a hint of helplessness and desperation, which tugged at Smokescreen's spark. He shook his helm and stepped aside, gesturing for her to enter. "No, please, go inside. He's waiting for you. Although, I suggest you watch your step. Ultra Magnus is inside speaking with him, and he might accidentally step on you if he doesn't notice you," he warned her as the doors snapped open. Her surprise was evident, as elite guards were typically cruel to her due to her species. This experience was entirely new.

"Thank you!" she beamed, ready to step inside. However, just as she was about to enter, a blue Autobot, resembling Optimus Prime, emerged from the archives. Startled, the small pretender jumped back, accidentally hitting Smokescreen's leg with an audible thud. Concerned, he knelt down to ensure she was unharmed. Ultra Magnus growled at the sight of a pretender in the archives. "No pretenders in the archives!" he barked sternly. "And you, stand back up! You're on the job, rookie!" His attention momentarily shifted to Smokescreen before refocusing on the smaller bot. "Did you hear me? Leave!" he repeated.

"But I-" the poor girl began to defend herself before Smokescreen intervened, hovering a protective hand in front of her. "With all due respect, sir...she won't be going anywhere. She is a government official who works for Alpha Trion Prime. He is expecting her presence as we speak, and I am allowing her inside," Smokescreen respectfully rebutted, maintaining his deference to his commander. Ultra Magnus glared at Smokescreen and then at the pretender he was defending. "Fine. She may go in. But if Alpha Trion says otherwise, I will throw you both out and take you back to the academy for correction," he warned before turning away and walking off. "T…thank you, " the femme responded, feeling her spark flutter from her 'knight in shining armour'. Never before had someone actually stood up for her…well except for Alpha Trion, perhaps. "Hey, no need to thank me," Smokescreen responded, helping her to stand back on her feet.

From inside, she heard her master call her name, though Smokescreen had missed it entirely as she made her way inside. "Oh! I'm Smokescreen, by the way!" He quickly spoke, hoping to get her name before she left. She smiled up at him, standing inside the door frame as the door began to close, "it's a pleasure to meet you Smokescreen…." And before she could finish her sentence, the door closed. Not wanting to disturb Alpha Trion or cause more of a ruckus than had already occurred, he sighed and simply stood back in his position.

End of flashback

Phase listened intently as Smokescreen recounted his first encounter with his first friend. The way he spoke of her conveyed a deep fondness, and it was evident that he held her in high regard. Amused by his affection, Phase smiled and playfully remarked, "You seem to have a strong liking for her." Their laughter filled the air as they shared a moment of camaraderie. In a matter of minutes, they arrived outside the garage, and Phase could already spot her boss approaching. With a sigh and a deep breath, she mentally prepared herself for what awaited her. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Phase let out a laugh and half-jokingly pleaded, "Wish me luck." As she stepped out of the vehicle, Smokescreen could hear her being scolded almost instantly. Reflecting on the situation, Smokescreen muttered, "Boy, am I glad Prime isn't like that." He spent the rest of the day simply relaxing, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, yet also feeling a sense of frustration at his own limitations in not being able to transform and stretch.

As the day dragged on, Smokescreen grew increasingly impatient, eagerly awaiting Phase to finish her work. Being stuck in vehicle mode for such a long time was starting to wear on him, and he longed to transform into his bot mode and stretch out. However, his concerns shifted when he spotted a looming threat. Two figures emerged on the scene—Knockout and Breakdown. Knockout, having repaired his hand, pulled into the parking lot with a purpose. Smokescreen's rearview mirror shifted, revealing the Audi V8's reflection as the vehicle slowly came to a stop. "What are you up to?" Smokescreen muttered, his attention drawn to the vehicle behind Knockout. It was Breakdown, the medic's partner, known for his wrecking tendencies and penchant for trouble. Without warning, Knockout hit the gas pedal, forcefully ramming into Smokescreen's tailpipe. The young mech groaned in pain, but as soon as Knockout backed off, Smokescreen swiftly shifted his gear into reverse, flooring it and colliding with the medic at full force. "Nice paint job! Hate for it to get scratched!" he growled, determined to lead the Decepticons away from Phase. Once Knockout was momentarily incapacitated, Smokescreen reversed out of there, with the two cons relentlessly pursuing him, their primary objective being to take him out. Meanwhile, Phase, alarmed by the commotion, rushed out of the garage, her voice laced with worry as she called out for Smokescreen.

"FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" she exclaimed, retrieving her phone from her pocket. Unable to contact Ratchet or the Autobots directly, she dialled the next best option—her uncle Jack. As the phone rang, Phase sprinted down the street, desperately hoping to locate Smokescreen and provide assistance. "Hello?" Jack answered, a little surprised she was calling him in the middle of the work day, "UNCLE JACKIE!" Phase screamed into the phone, the sound of Smokescreen's pained screams and groans echoing in the background. "Kid? What happened?! Where are you?!" Jack's heart sank imto his stomach. He hears the panic in his niece's voice and he felt his blood boil. "I'm down by the shop on Crescent Street! Please, I need your help! A friend of mine is getting attacked!" Phase cried out, her words jumbled amidst her frantic screams and gasps for breath. Jack struggled to comprehend the situation. "What's going on?! Crystal, I'm coming. I just need you to explain!" he urged, but Phase knew time was of the essence. "No, I can't explain right now! PLEASE, JUST GET HERE!" With that, she abruptly ended the call.

Phase arrived at the same alleyway where Knockout had initially cornered her, racing through the now demolished walkway. Emerging out the other side, she witnessed Smokescreen being mercilessly slammed to the ground, resembling a helpless test dummy. "SMOKESCREEN!" she cried out in sheer terror, her heart pounding with fear for her partner's safety. As Smokescreen endured the brutal assault from Knockout and Breakdown, Phase watched helplessly, feeling a surge of desperation. Determined to intervene, she seized a random pole from the nearby trash and charged at Knockout, striking at his leg with all her might. The force of the hit was surprisingly strong, and it sent shakes up his leg and to his knee, causing him to growl in pain. Knockout glanced down at the human, a wicked grin spreading across his face. With a swift motion, he brought his foot down forcefully, causing Phase to lose her balance and fall to the ground. "Well, well, well... if it isn't the little nuisance," Knockout taunted as he knelt down, his talons wrapping tightly around Phase, effectively restraining her. She pounded her fists against his grip, kicking and screaming, desperately pleading for her freedom. "Let me go! Stop it! You're going to hurt him! SMOKESCREEN!" she cried out, her voice filled with anguish. Meanwhile, Breakdown threw Smokescreen aside, preparing to inflict further harm upon the young mech. "He's not going to help you, human. He's not feeling well. But don't fret, it's nothing a little surgery won't fix," Knockout sneered, his sadistic intentions clear.

Just as Breakdown was about to unleash his fury upon Smokescreen, a familiar white Lancia with red and green stripes skidded onto the scene, transforming into a formidable titan-like figure similar to the three mechs surrounding him. He swiftly knocked Breakdown to the ground, drawing two katanas from their sheaths on his back and wielding them with expert precision, reminiscent of a skilled samurai in battle. The newcomer's eyes locked onto Phase, who was still trapped in Knockout's clutches. Fueled by anger, he delivered a powerful kick to Breakdown's chest and aimed his blades directly at the Decepticon's spark chamber. "Drop the girl now!" the newcomer warned, his voice resonating with a distinct southern accent. Knockout initially challenged the threat, but his bravado quickly waned as he witnessed the blades inching closer to Breakdown's vital core. "Or else what?!" he barked back, his tone laced with fear. The newcomer replied sternly, "Or else I snuff his spark," his words a clear threat to Breakdown's life. Driven by the desire to protect the one he loved, Knockout reluctantly released Phase, stepping away from Smokescreen and rushing to his husband's side. Meanwhile, the newcomer hurried over to ensure Phase's well-being.

"Kid? Kid, are you alright?! Did he hurt you?! Oh, if he hurt you, I'm gonna neuter him!" the concerned voice of the newcomer filled Phase's ears. It was a voice she recognized, one that felt familiar. As she took in the accent and the colors of the mech before her, a realization dawned upon her. She knew the make and model of the car before it transformed. There was no denying it. "Uncle Jackie?" Phase questioned, causing Jack's expression to immediately falter. He had been recognized, and now he realized he should have thought through his actions more carefully. Smokescreen coughed up energon, clutching his abdomen tight as it hurt. He had deep wounds inflicted to his body, causing him to bleed. "SMOKESCREEN!" Phase cried out, bringing her hands to his face, and stared into those sky blue optics….now she's pissed.

Phase's anger reached its boiling point, fueling an unprecedented surge of power within her. Rising to her feet, she turned her attention towards the two Decepticons behind her. Knockout, who had been checking on Breakdown, quickly stood up, towering over Phase, and attempted to assert his authority. "What?! I've released you both! Leave while you can!" he ordered, his tone dripping with arrogance. However, none of the four mechs anticipated the extraordinary turn of events that followed.

A crackling static filled the air, causing Phases' hair to float and drift as if caught in a strong gust of wind. Her eyes gleamed with a brilliant blue light, and her voice reverberated with a newfound intensity. "How dare you... HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed, her words laced with fury. Electricity surged and crackled around her, branching out in a magnificent display of raw power. The bolts of electricity struck out at Knockout, who found himself the target of Phase's wrath. Even when Breakdown attempted to intervene and come to Knockout's aid, he, too, was struck by the electrifying force. The impact of the hits was almost core-shattering, and it felt as if Phase could burn through them if she so desired. Jack and Smokescreen stood in awe, their disbelief mounting. There was no way she was human. Humans couldn't generate, let alone conduct, electricity.

"Crystal?" Jack called out, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and fear. The expression he received from Phase sent a shiver down his spine, causing him to physically jolt back. Her anger was so palpable, so intense, that the electricity struck violently at Knockout and Breakdown, inflicting upon them the pain and suffering they had inflicted upon Smokescreen. Realizing the extent of Phase's abilities, Smokescreen quickly activated his comm link, urgently trying to establish contact with the Autobot base. "Ground bridge... ground bridge!" he urged, his voice desperate. Slowly, he rose to his feet, extending a trembling hand towards Phase. "P-Phase... Phase, please... stop!" he pleaded, doing his best to catch her attention amidst the overwhelming rage. As she caught sight of him reaching out, her expression softened, and the electricity gradually came to a halt, leaving the two Decepticons on the ground, writhing in pain.

As a ground bridge opened for the three, Phase felt her whole body go numb and almost fell. Jack luckily caught her in his hand, sighing in relief…. "Kid…you got so much to explain," he chuckled, eyeing Knockout and Breakdown nervously, before he wrapped his other arm around Smokescreen, and helped them both into ground bridge, before it closes….

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