Really, I'm Yours - Fremione...

By kylodriverfan

6.7K 107 15

Bunch of Fremione one shots - a list of short stories about Fremione. Contains sm scenes (marked in chapters)... More

Soul spell I
Soul Spell II
Soul spell III
Soul Spell IV
Soul Spell V
Soul Spell VI
Soul Spell VII
Letters from Fred
Spin the Bottle
The Yule Ball
First Times (M)
The Wrong Girl (part 1)
The Wrong Girl (part 2)
The Wrong Girl (part 3)
Away (Part 1)
Away (part 2)
She Needs You (Part 1)
She Needs You (Part 2)
Bonus Chapter

New Year's

333 7 0
By kylodriverfan

"Give the twin a spin, Granger." Winked Fred.

Hermione giggled and twirled in her dress. "D'you think it looks okay?" She asked.

"You look brilliant." Smirked Fred.

She smiled. She was trying on a purple floaty dress for the New Year's party at the burrow.

"And what are you wearing tonight, may I ask?" She asked.

"Nothing but lacy underwear" he winked and bit his lip.

She laughed.

"Seriously, Granger. That's the one." He said.

Hermione liked to have somebody like Fred. They were there for each other, he made her laugh and he was great for advice. He was her best friend. Sometimes, she felt closer to Fred than she did with Ron and Harry.

"You really think so?" She asked.

"I mean shift your hair about a bit and lose the strong aroma of books and nerdiness and you'll be perfect." He teased.

She hugged Fred. "Right I'm getting changed now." She said.

Fred turned away and averted his eyes. She trusted him not to look round at her while she was changing, so she was okay with him being in the same room.

"Right, it's safe." She said. She was changed back into her normal clothes.

"Aw now you look like your boring, plain self." He grinned.

She chucked a pillow at his head.

There was a knock at the door.

"Enter." fred said, looking Hermione .

"If you dare." Finished Hermione.

"Honestly you two." Said Ginny. "We'll be calling you George, Hermione if you guys spend much more time together."

"Hi George Hermione." Smiled Fred, turning to Hermione.

Hermione giggled.

"I got told to tell you to come downstairs and be more social." Huffed Ginny. She went downstairs.

"Honestly how those two have not realised how in love they are is sickening." She said to the others as she got downstairs.

Harry, Ron, Neville, George and Angelina were all sitting at the table at the Weasley's. Molly and Arthur had gone to Charlie's in Romania for new year's, so it was just them.

"Is it time we intervened?" Asked George, mischievously.

"Honestly, I think we should just put ourselves all out of our misery." Said Ginny.

"I'm in if you guys are." Shrugged harry.

"I'm going to talk to her, I physically can't take all the flirting. And I don't even think they realise they're doing it." Said Ginny, shaking her head.

"I'll talk to Fred." Said George.

"We just need to actually separate the two of them." Said Harry.

They all heard Hermione and Fred snickering upstairs. He came running down the stairs giving Hermione a piggyback.

"Fred this is dangerous on so many levels." She squealed.

"Well technically only two." He said. "I won't drop you Granger, you know I won't."

"You'd better not or you'll be in real trouble." She whispered.

"Freddie if I might have a word." Smiled George.

"Oh yeah sure." He said, shoving Hermione off his back.

"Hey!" She said, shoving him back.

He followed George into the kitchen.

"What's up, brother of mine?" Fred smiled.

"Give over, Freddie." Said George. Fred looked confused. "The crush on Granger? We're all noticing it, you need to do something about it."

"What? Pfft no, Granger no." Fred said. "She's just a really good friend."

"Yeah who you've been sharing a bed with for the past week." He said.

"Well it's not like we're....naked...or doing anything. It's just sleeping." Said Fred. "We're just good friends, George."

"Yeah, you're good friends who just happen to have huge crushes on each other."

"Come off it, Hermione doesn't have a crush on me, she'd never see me that way." Said Fred.

George took a deep breath. "Look Fred, I'm being honest with you here. Granger has the hots for you and I know you like her as more than just a 'good friend' too so just for all our sakes do something about it."

"Right what could possess you to think that?"

"Okay. You two have been flirting for months, when you say something vaguely flirty towards her, she blushes and gets flustered. She plays with her hair a lot when she's around you and she even told Ginny the other day that she finds you attractive. Literally, go and flirt with her now, I guarantee you that she will blush and or giggle. You on the other hand, always light up when she's around, you always look at her with these big soft eyes and you always talk about her and whenever I try and confront you about it, you deny everything."

"No I'm just...there for her and she's there for me. We have a great friendship and I wouldn't want to ruin anything with her by taking anything further. You've got it all wrong, Georgie." Fred said.

"Right tonight, I'm going to physically prove it to you. By the new year, you will believe me, I promise."

"Alright. I still don't believe you but fine." Said Fred.

"Just go in there and flirt with her, you'll see what I mean." George said.

"I'm not flirting with my best friend to prove a point, George."

"C'mon I'll be your wingman as usual." Said George, nudging him.

"I don't need a wingman."

"Ah so you're confident enough to try on your own." George smiled.

"Well no I just...right let's go back out and or whatever." Said Fred, awkwardly.

They got back out and all eyes were on Fred and Hermione.

"Right okay. Who's up for games, anyone?" Asked Harry.

"Sure, I'm in." Shrugged Hermione.

George looked at Fred who glared back at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah me too." Fred said awkwardly .

George shook his head at his twin.

"Right, we need shot glasses and vodka." Said George with a glint in his eye.

"Fred, Hermione why don't you go and get them? We'll clear the living room." said Harry.

"C'mon Granger." Said Fred, nodding for her to join her in the kitchen.

"I don't want to get too drunk tonight, I don't want to be hung over for tomorrow." Said Hermione.

"Nah you're just scared you're gonna get so drunk you suddenly find me wildly attractive and pounce on me." Fred winked.

Hermione blushed and giggled. "Yeah you wish."

Fred paused. He realised George was right. She did blush when he flirted with her. He felt a sort of skip in his chest. He shook it off and and they carried the shot glasses and vodka to the living room where everyone was sitting in a circle.

"The name of the game is truth or dare. Players will be asked to do a dare or answer a personal question. If they do not wish to answer the question or do the dare, they must take a shot." Announced George, smiling. "As host, I shall begin."

"Freddie. Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Dare, any day." Fred smiled.

"I dare you to play the rest of the game shirtless."

"Done." Fred smiled, removing his shirt.

Hermione turned red. She felt bad for looking but she was amazed at what years of being a quidditch player had done to Fred's body. He was all sort of...toned and well built. She'd never seen him shirtless before. He caught her looking at him and she looked away immediately.

"Okay, Harry Potter. Truth or dare?" Fred asked.

"Dare." Harry said.

"I dare you to let one of us cut your hair blindfold."

"I've already got one scar on my head, I'll take the shot." He said, tossing the shot of vodka down his throat.

"Hermione. Truth or dare?"

"" she would usually go for a truth, but she was feeling daring today. "Dare." She said.

"I dare you to sit on Fred's lap for the rest of the game."

She looked at Fred, slightly flustered.

"Fine." She said. She shifted onto Fred's lap and he put her arms around her. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Okay, Neville. Truth or dare?"

"Truth, any day." He said.

"Who would you rather snog? Professor McGonagall or Professor Sprout?" She asked. "And it has to be with tongue"

"I don't particularly want to kiss either of them if I'm honest but McGonagall can be quite scary so I'd have to go with Sprout."

The whole group grimaced.

"Ron, truth or dare?" Neville asked.

"Truth." He replied.

"If you had to sleep with any hogwarts professor, who would it be?

Ron said nothing, he just took a shot.

"George, truth or dare?"


"Kiss the prettiest girl in the circle."

George walked over to Angelina and kissed her.

"Granger, truth or dare?"


"This is an easy one. Out of everyone in this circle, who would you marry and why?"

Hermione said nothing, she just took a shot.

"Ginny truth or dare?"


"You can choose to couple up any two people in the circle. Who would you pick?"

"You and Fred, obviously." She said.

Hermione went silent. She fidgeted on Fred's lap. Fred squeezed her to let her know it was okay.

"Fred, truth or dare?" Asked Ginny

Fred wanted to pick dare, but was worried she'd ask him to do something else with Hermione.


"Do you agree with me? That you and Hermione would be a good couple."

Fred took a shot.

George looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

Another half an hour later, Hermione's head was starting to hurt from all the shots she'd taken. All of her questions and dares were about Fred. She was slightly drunk when she was picked on by Ginny again.

"Hermione. I dare you to kiss Fred for 10 seconds straight."

Hermione was too drunk to worry about anything, so she looked at Fred.

"Hey you don't have to do anything you don't want to." Said Fred gently. "I can do a shot on your behalf."

"No it's okay." She mumbled.

And she planted her lips on Fred's. Fred was slightly shocked, even drunk she was a good kisser. And then they went slightly over the 10 second marker and they just kept kissing.

When they'd stopped, everyone was silent.

"I don't really want to play this game anymore." She said. "I don't feel very well." She said, losing her balance a little.

"Okay, do you want to go to bed, 'mione?" Fred asked, trying to stop her falling off his lap. She was definitely too drunk to carry on now.


"Alright, let's get you out of here." He said, warmly.

"Okay I think we're gonna duck out of this one, goodnight everyone." Fred said to the group.

"Night." Mumbled Hermione.

He helped Hermione up.

"You kids go have fun." Winked Ginny.

"Shuddup Ginny." Slurred Hermione.

Fred helped her upstairs and into his bed. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Just need to get to pyjamas." She said.

"Want me to find them?"

"Mmm." She said sleepily. He found her pyjamas for her. He gave them to her and then turned his back as he always did. He heard her undressing.

"Fred?" She said.


"Can't figure out..." she said.

He looked round, thinking she was decent. She had her pyjama shorts on the wrong way round but she was just standing in those and her bra.

"Oh! God! I'm sorry." He said, turning back round.

"No I need you to help me, not quite to..." she said.

"I mean I don't feel right...looking at you...when you're not...and you're..." he said.

"No it's fine, I trust you." She said, yawning.

"Okay you really want me to help out? And you're alright?" He said, trying his best to be respectful.

"Yeah." She said.

"Alright." He said. He took the top from her and tried not to look at her chest while he turned the top the right way round and put it over her head, feeling awkward because he was still shirtless.

He tucked her up in his bed. "Freddie?"


"Can you stay with me?"

"Of course. I'd rather be here than playing that game anymore." He said.

"Come lie here with me, Fred." Hermione said. She'd really had a few.

"Okay let me just find a shirt."

"No. I like you without." She said, rolling over.

"I don't think morning Hermione will appreciate you saying that." Fred laughed. "I'm flattered though."

He put on a shirt and then crept into bed beside her.

"I didn't much care for that game." She mumbled.

"Nah me neither." He laughed.

"I didn't mind the kissing you bit though." She said with a smile.

"You didn't?" Asked Fred.

"No it was nice." She said. "I'd do it again if you asked."

"Why if I asked?" He chuckled.

"Just would." She said. Her words were getting away from her.

Fred began to wonder if what George had said was actually true.

"Hermione?" He said.

"Yeah?" She said.

And then no more words from him were said, just movement. He kissed her again, cherishing her with his lips. She smiled and cherished his, massaging them with her own.

They stayed at it for a while. Both of them wanting nothing else in the world. When they finally broke contact, Fred looked into her eyes and stroked her hair gently.

"You're so beautiful, Granger." He said.

"Well you're one to talk, where've you been hiding that body?" She said. It was his turn to blush now. "You know, this would be a lot more fun if your shirt wasn't in the way."

"I think that might be the vodka talking." Fred said, stroking her hair softly. "Let's just get some rest now."

"Kiss a little, then sleep?" She asked.

He chuckled at how cute she was when she was drunk.

They kissed again and with each movement he realised that this was the girl he was meant to be kissing. Everything about her felt so right, even if they were both a little drunk and the night was slipping away from them. Nothing else mattered except them. He realised in that moment that George was right. He did seriously like her.

When they'd finished, Hermione nestled into Fred. He had his arms around her and he never wanted to let her go. Her head moved with the rise and fall of his chest as he pulled her closer.


Hermione groaned into Fred's chest when she woke up. Fred was already awake but he daren't move for fear of waking her. Plus, he liked holding her.

Fred took a deep breath in. "Morning."'he said, his voice slightly hoarse with the morning. "How's your head, princess?" He asked with a smile.

"Not good." She said into his chest.

"Right. Stay there. I'll get you some water." He chuckled.

She groaned.

He went downstairs and filled up a glass.

"Morning Fred." Said Ginny. "How'd it go with Hermione?"

"What?" Asked Fred, sleepily.

"Y'know after last night's little game." Smirked George.

"Is that what the game last night was all about?" Asked Fred.

"Yeah, so are you guys a thing now or..?' Asked Ginny with a wink.

"No we aren't. And I don't approve of that either, guys. She didnt even want to drink last night because she didn't want to spoil today, she told me but people made her so uncomfortable with those questions and the dares that shes lying upstairs with a hangover because she'd rather have gotten drunk than answer any uncomfortable questions. If anything was ever meant to happen between us, it would happen on its own, so please don't pull anything else like that." Fred said, protectively.

"Okay we're sorry aren't we, Gin?" Said George.

"Yeah. It's sweet you care so much about her." Said Ginny with a very exaggerated smile. "You did get to kiss her though." She said.

"Yeah I know but I'd rather her be sober when she does it and her do it of her own accord."

"So you do want her to kiss you." Sad Ginny.

" fine, yes. I do like her but it's not like anything could ever happen or ever will. She's my best friend but that's more than good enough for me." He said and then he exited the room with the glass of water in his hand.

He gave it to Hermione and stroked her hair softly.

"How are you not hungover?" She asked.

"Well I didn't have quite as much to drink as you and I can handle my alcohol a lot better than you can." Fred smiled.

"Oh god I think I'm dying." She groaned.

"You aren't dying, Granger." He laughed. I'll make you some toast in a minute then you can get a bit more sleep." He said. "It'll take a lot more than a few shots to get rid of you."

"Mmmm hold me." She said, sounding emotional.

"What?" He chuckled.

"I need moral support, Fred I'm going through a rough time." She said. "I need you to hug me and tell me everything's okay because I think any second my head's going to explode and I don't want to be alone when that happens." She  whispered. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"What the hell am I gonna do with you, Granger?" Fred said shaking his head. He climbed into bed next to her and she curled up into him. "Everything will be okay, I promise."

"Do you hate me?" She asked, talking into his chest.

"No of course not, why would you think that, Granger."

"Because I got all drunk and now I'm hungover and everything else that happened."

"Hey I don't mind any of that stuff. I could never hate you, Granger. Remember that." He said. "Just out of interest...what do you remember?"

"Oh um...everything." She said shyly. "I'm sorry for the errr shirtless comments." She blushed.

"Don't apologise, I..I don't mind." He said. " I know it was the vodka talking."

"I really don't feel very good, Fred." She mumbled. "I'm not sure if I'll be okay for tonight."

"It's okay, drink the rest of your water and I'll make you some toast to soak up the alcohol."

"No." She said, holding him tighter.

"Hmm?" He laughed.

"No Fred I want you to stay here."

"Look I'll be back in a minute I promise." he chuckled. "It's my job to look after you, Granger. I'll always come back for you."

She sighed and let him go. Fred passed Ginny on the stairs. She went into Fred's room to talk to Hermione.

"Fred?" Said Hermione sleepily.

"God Hermione, you look rough." Said Ginny.

Hermione sat up with messy hair and a confused look on her face.

"Look I just came to apologise for last night's game. I wasn't thinking about what was best for you and it got a bit out of hand." Ginny said. "I'm sorry I got you so drunk."

"I don't know what you're on about." Hermione said sleepily.

"The whole game was set up by me and George so that you and Fred would realise your feelings for each other." Ginny said.

"What? Fred and I..? No." She mumbled.

"He told me and George in the kitchen when he got you water that he has a thing for you but he doesn't want to tell you because he's scared of ruining the friendship."

"That's ridiculous." Said Hermione.

"It's true, I swear and I know you like him too Did you feel nothing when you kissed him?"

"I don't know, I was drunk." She shrugged.

"You obviously like him and he likes a lot."

"He doesn't. No Ginny, you have this all wrong." Hermione protested.

"He does! He even stood up to me in the kitchen for getting you like this. He's making you breakfast in bed and looking after you, you two are more than friendly with each other and he always looks at you differently to everyone else like he can't get his mind off of you but he doesn't care because you're all he wants to think about. He'll do anything for you and I know for a fact, Hermione granger that you love him too."

"Look, Gin I'm tired and my head hurts, okay? Can we pick this up later?" Hermione groaned.

"Alright, but just think about what I've said." Ginny said, exiting the room.

Fred walked in with a plate of buttery toast for her a few moments later. He put the plate down on her lap and then got back into bed with her. "Don't expect this every day, Granger. I'm doing this purely because I feel sorry for you." He teased.

"Thanks Fred." She blushed.

"That's alright, I hope it helps, Granger." Fred said with that soft eyed expression Ginny was talking about. Hermione couldn't pull her eyes off him. How had she never seen this before? Maybe she just chose not to, but that was the moment her whole perception of him changed. Fred smirked a little.

"You okay, Granger? You seem a little lost in thought." He said, completely aware that she was staring at him.

She put her plate of toast down, leant over to him, grabbed his face and kissed him. He was definitely not expecting it, but he kissed her back and he did it passionately. They had their arms around each other and Hermione's leg was draped over Fred's middle.

"Ginny spoke to you then." Said Fred quietly.

"Yeah." Hermione smiled. "She said you stood up for me earlier. You must have guts to cross her."

"I'll always stand up for you. Now eat your toast before it gets cold." He said, shoving a slice of toast in her face. "And don't get crumbs in my bed either." He took a slice as well as he smiled at her.

He really hadn't been expecting her to kiss him, but he realised that his brother was right. How could he not be with the way she'd just kissed him.

After they finished the rest of their breakfast, she looked at Fred and smiled. "I think I need some sleep, Fred."

"I think that'd be best. You'll be ready to rock that beautiful dress tonight." He said.

"I think your might need to stay in bed here too. Just to make sure I'm okay and my head doesn't explode." She smiled.

"I'll stay." He smiled.

They both rested their eyes and soon fell asleep, their hearts beating in unison.


"Hey, wake up." Whispered Fred to Hermione who was still curled up asleep.

"Mmmm five more minutes."

"Mione, we're supposed to be at the party." He said, kissing her forehead.


She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She sat in front of the full length mirror in Fred's room and put some makeup on. He left the room to get changed into his suit and put some gel in his hair and desperately tried to re arrange it so it looked presentable.

Fred walked back into his room. Hermione was getting changed, so Fred immediately turned away.

"Fred." She said. "I don't mind you looking now."

" you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've seen you shirtless."'she shrugged.

He turned around to see her in a strapless bra and pants. He blushed at the sight of her.

"Awe Freddie, you all embarassed?" She laughed.

"No, no're just so...beautiful." He said.

Hermione smiled. She put on the dress. "Oh can you zip me up?" She asked.

"Oh, sure." He said. He swept her hair over her shoulder away from her neck. He put one hand on her waist and pulled the zip slowly up her back. He left a few kisses along her shoulder and collarbone "You're absolutely stunning." He whispered, working his lips up her neck.

She was getting breathless. She turned around to kiss him fully on the lips. He looked so handsome dressed up. They were about to kiss when Ginny burst in.

"Come on, you two! You're gonna miss the countdown!"

Fred took Hermione's hand and led her downstairs.

"Hermione?" He said, taking both her hands into his.




"Ginny was right. I do have feelings for you."



"And I think I have done for a very long time."



"It's okay if you don't feel the same, but I think what I'm trying to say is..."




"I love you too, Fred." She smiled. They kissed as the seconds ran into the new year.

"I love you so much." He whispered between kisses."

Ginny elbowed George and pointed at Hermione and Fred whose faces were practically glued to each other.

"Finally." She squealed.

"Finally." George said.

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