Forbidden Miss Foster

By Pages05

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Rosie Foster is a twenty seven year old teacher at Sumchester Secondary and Sixth Form. Haunted by a troubled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 32

121 9 3
By Pages05

Rosie's POV

I watch from my car as Kennedy walks up her to front door , still wearing the clothes i lent her. I smile at the sight of her turning around to wave goodbye , and I
flash my headlights twice in quick succession to reciprocate the gesture.

The second her door closes , I realise that I'm alone again , and I start to feel the weight of everything that's happened over the course of the last two hours begin to set in.

I just don't know what came over me. She kissed me , and not only did I let her kiss me , I kissed her back...several times. And the most significant part of it all is that I don't even regret it.

My career , my livelihood, everything for me is on the line , and yet I feel a sort of emptiness as I switch on the engine , knowing that the house will be empty when I get back. I wanted her to stay , and I'm pretty certain she wanted the same thing. However , Kennedy was the first to say it , and deep down I know she's right , that it would be best for her to stay at her own home this weekend.

Before she got out of the car we gave each other our phone numbers , so that I could text her on Sunday to let her know the best time for her to come over and grab her clothes that are currently sat in my washing machine.

Looking back , it was an undeniably stupid thing to do outside of the comfort of my own home , but when Kennedy unbuckled her seatbelt and went to step out of the car , I stopped her , and I kissed her...again. I think I caught her off guard , but soon enough she relaxed into me and kissed me back , more passionately than the first time.

It only lasted a few seconds before I eventually moved away , knowing that she needed to go. The truth is that I feel like some sort of lovesick teenager , and I'll miss her company around the house too.

Just as I'm about to move off , I hear my phone buzz and a text notification flash up on screen. I put the car back into neutral and pick up my phone , seeing a message from the number saved in my phone under the name "Blue Eyes". I smile at  Kennedy's text , which simply reads "drive safe :)".

Maintaining an amicable distance from her whilst in public might prove to be more difficult than I anticipated.



I wake up this morning with a slight spring in my step , which I've deduced is directly related to the fact Kennedy is stopping over here today to grab her things.

I went out shopping with Chris yesterday , and despite there being a multitude of opportunities to do so , I never told her about what happened between Kennedy and I on Friday night.

At face value it was just a kiss , a (not so) harmless kiss. But I was so absorbed in the moment that I admitted to Kennedy how I felt about her , that I even felt anything about her at all. And as much as it pained me to keep this a secret from my sister , I'm content with keeping such intimate information solely between Kennedy and I for now , at least until we navigate what logistics of what any of this even fucking means.

I toddle off downstairs to the kitchen , feeling the chill of the October air as I enter the kitchen and feel the cold tiles against the bottoms of my feet. I take a seat on one of the stools at my breakfast bar , feeling engulfed by the silence in this house. I don't like this , it's too quiet.

I need something to occupy my mind. I look over to the huge pile of papers sat on the dining room table that need to be marked , and decide that maybe being productive will set me right.


Kennedy's POV

I hardly slept last night. It was as if I was on some sort of caffeinated high that i just couldn't come down from.

Laying in my bed , trying to force my brain to switch off for the night, all I could think about was the fact that only a couple of hours prior I was straddled on top of my history teacher in her living room.

I'm still dumbfounded that she didn't oppose to me kissing her ; if anything , she wanted it too. What caught me even MORE off guard was that whilst we were in her car last night, SHE was the one who instigated another kiss.

None of this feels real. I've been trying my hardest to concentrate on my homework since I woke up this morning, but I can't shake the fact that Rosie said she had feelings for me too. Well...she didn't exactly say that , her exact words were "I really like you too" , which in my mind basically means the same thing.

I got in at around 9pm last night. The house was ice-cold and pitch black after I switched the electricity off a few days ago. After turning it back on , I had the fun task of emptying out all of the expired food from the fridge , before eventually crashing in my bed upstairs.

Sitting in my living room now , Coraline (one of the best autumn-vibe movies to ever exist) playing on the TV , I find myself staring at the family photos dotted around the room.

The oldest ones are hanging on the wall , ; one of them is so old that it hasn't moved from the spot my dad hung it up in before he died. The picture shows my mum , my dad and I at the pebble beach about a 20 minute drive from my house. I was only 2 when the picture was taken , and I'm holding a Mr Whippy icecream cone that my dad presumably bought be , half of the icecream having melted and dripped all over my hand.

He died about 6 months after that picture was taken. I never knew him , and it upset mum too much to talk about him when I was growing up , so I never felt like I had any sort of close connection with him either. Needless to say I don't miss him , because I don't think you can really miss something you feel as though you never had. The only evidence to prove that our relationship ever even existed is through family photos.

This is the only house I've ever known , yet just doesn't feel like home anymore.

I have to physically peel my eyes away from the wall , as the more I look at those pictures, the more guilty I feel for not having visited mum in 3 days. I think seeing her almost completely unresponsive the last time i was there made me feel like she was already gone. I just don't have the courage to go back yet.

It's now 2pm and I'm just about to reach the good part of the movie , the bit where Coraline starts realising how fucked up her other mother and other father are. I've seen this movie hundreds of times but it never gets old , and it's only when I hear my phone ping from the other side of the sofa that I look away from the TV screen. 

I smile to myself, seeing the text I've been excited to get all weekend. It's from Rosie and it says , "I'm free anytime after 4 , wanna join me for dinner?"

I feel myself abruptly suck in a breath. I expected the text to read as though she was regretting the events of last night, that she wants to give me my things and send me on my way as if nothing ever happened. But from what I can tell , Rosie isn't regretful or reluctant to talk to me , rather she wants me to spend the next couple of hours at her house for dinner. Needless to say , I'll be straight out of my front door the second the clock strikes four o'clock.

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