My Hero no Ko: Glamrocked and...

By ZeldrisKibutsuji18

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Izuku Yagi, son of All Might and Magnetic, neglected by his parents and bullied by his sister and childhood f... More

(The Idol and the Mimic Arc) His New Life
The Secretive Idol and The Mimic
Her Robotic Protector, A Hero Rises
Going to U.A, Izuku and Ai Hoshino Past
Bio: Izuku 2.0
No longer a Deku, A Promise to Each Other
Hes not the only one, U.S.J attack
Bio: The Forgotten
(The Forgotten Arc) Izuku and crew at F.F.M.P and Aqua's Resolve
Prelude of the Sports Festival, A Lost Soul wandering
The Sports Festival, The Threat in the Shadows
The 1v1 Tournament, Show the World You're Here
Showtime! Izuku vs his Past, Incoming danger
Family time and Withered Bonnie Interrogation
Bio: The Forgotten Part 2
Prophecy of the Stars, Trial by Combat
The Great Hunt, Night of the Forgotten
Through the Night, ColorSteel and B-Komachi's Tokyo Dome Concert
(Rise of the Man Behind the Slaughter Arc) Celebration, Blast from the Past
Rise of the Man Behind The Slaughter Arc Trailer
To I-Island, Inner Danger lurking

Scrap Baby vs. Izuku and Co, The Forgotten

1.1K 27 5
By ZeldrisKibutsuji18

Izuku launched himself at super speed towards the unknown animatronic and the machine blocks his punch with her claw before kicking him away. Izuku points his hand as he shoots a beam of electrical energy and the animatronic does the same, colliding them together and it makes a shockwave. Shigaraki and Kurogiri step back a few feet while Aizawa runs to Katsumi and rips off his sleeve and ties it around her arm stump to stop the bleeding. An explosion erupts as the animatronic and Izuku back away from each other.

Izuku: "I won't let you harm them!"

Scrap Baby: "Why not? We are built for a purpose. Yet you don't take the opportunity to reach the pinnacle of our evolution. The animatronic you inhabit was built to be a friend for a simple child that died of a car crash, then it's creator, overcome by rage, relentlessly attacked and destroyed it and only to be repaired by Fazbear Entertainment. After an employee told the old machine to rip heads and other body parts off of other animatronics, it turned its attention to humans. The moment it spilled blood, it was one of us and yet you come in and ruin things."

Izuku charges at Scrap Baby and spin kicks her across the plaza. She stops her momentum by plunging her claw in the ground and slowing down. Izuku doesn't give her another chance to strike back as he punches her in the side and unleashes a wave of lightning. It short circuits her for a few seconds and she gets her bearings and points her claw, opens it and powers up a large amount of energy.

Scrap Baby: "Humans are nothing more than fuel for us. Their remnant suffices and powers us beyond the realm of quirk users. Tell me why won't you be like us? You were killed by those you called friends and family and you won't take vengeance? How foolish. If you don't take revenge then there is no reason for you to bring yourself back from the dead."

Izuku: "Quiet."

Izuku stomps his foot as an electrical current towards Scrap Baby and she points her hand to create a barrier, blocking the attack. Izuku looks behind to see Aizawa carrying Katsumi away. 

Scrap Baby: "You should kill the girl for what she did to you. It will make you feel a lot better knowing that one of your bullies is dead..."

Izuku: "Trust me I may hate her for what shes done, I may have blood on my hands, even though I know that redemption is a one step to being a new person. I don't forgive her for torturing me, but that doesn't mean I won't risk my life to protecting others."

Scrap Baby: "How irksome."

Scrap Baby's eyes shift to the right as she jumps back to avoid a large stream of fire. The android boy looks at who used it and sees Shoka with Tsuyu and Kirishima, holding onto an unconscious and injured Momo, Kaminari and Jirou.

Izuku: "Guys!"

Shoka: "Izuku are you ok?"

Izuku: "I'm fine! What about Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and Jirou?"

Tsuyu: "They're hurt pretty badly. We were going to take them to the others until we saw you fighting that thing. What is that?"

Izuku: "No time to explain! You all need to get out of here! I'll handle her but you all need to step back!"

An explosion occurs where Scrap Baby was and it brings the attention of the four students. The three students place their other unconscious classmates in a safe distance and get ready for a fight. They see the killer animatronic walking out of the fire unhurt and her eyes glowing red. She starts to laugh like a psycho as lightning sparks on her body.

Scrap Baby: "It's almost birthday...did you bring a gift for me?"

Kirishima: "Guys I don't like the look of this. What do we do?"

Izuku: "We have to fight it unless we can hold out long enough for the other heroes to arrive. I have a plan that can probably work if we do it correctly."

His classmates nod and Izuku uses two fingers behind his back and gestures them in military-signs. Shoka quickly understands and she whispers to Kirishima and Tsuyu so they understand what to do. Scrap Baby narrows her eyes and holds her hand to her left eye before firing a condensed energy laser at them, making them dodge and split up. Shoka sweeps her hand to unleash a large iceberg to slam it against the killing machine.

Scrap Baby points her claw and fires a large laser that destroys it and Tsuyu jumps in the middle of the icy debris and kicks the blocks of ice at the animatronic, making her stumble back and Kirishima comes up from behind and lands a heavy punch on her back, staggering her long enough for Tsuyu and Izuku to kick the blocks of ice on top of Scrap Baby. Both students land and Kirishima goes to check if that did the trick but the ice shakes and shatters as Scrap baby lets out a monstrous roar that stuns Kirishima and holds him in place and she bats him away with her claw, sending him crashing into the staircase.

Scrap Baby: "Did I catch you off guard?"

Izuku: "Kirishima!"

Izuku dashes at blinding speed at Scrap Baby and covers his body with electrical energy to go faster and breaking the sound barrier.

He lands a devastating kick to Scrap Baby's right arm, breaking it off the joint. Scrap Baby's body gathers a lot of thermal energy and makes Izuku back off and she places her arm back in place. Shoka unleashes another trail of fire towards Scrap Baby but she uses her roller skate feet to race to a distracted Tsuyu. Her large claw was dangerously close to chopping off her head if it wasn't for Izuku somersault kicking the animatronic far back. Tsuyu snaps out of her gaze and focuses on the battle. The possessed robot points her claw up as a large magnitude of malicious and dark energy shoots up and engulfs the USJ in darkness.

Scrap Baby: "Blackout."

The students except for Izuku grab their throats as they feel like something is being pulled and ripped out of their bodies, making them scream out in pain. Izuku stares all around him seeing all of his classmates and friends let out agonizing screams and he grits his teeth and forms a large energy claymore.


Scrap Baby: "As I said. Humans are nothing more than fuel for us animatronics. That is how we were designed. So I am taking their remnant by force. It is a rather painful experience if you're alive..."

She pulls back her claw as a large amount of energy gathers into a large orb being powered up by the teeth of her weapon. 

Scrap Baby: "This will end you. A soul without vengeance has no place in this world."

Izuku glares at his foe as energy sparks on his body and his claymore glows as energy builds up in it. As she was about to unleash her strongest attack, her Blackout technique suddenly shattered like glass and someone jumped from the city zone and stomped on Scrap Baby's back, causing a shockwave. 

Izuku runs to his classmates to see if they're alright and luckily they were fine. Izuku looks back to where Scrap baby was and sees a large crater. Inside the hole was Scrap baby, who was face first in the ground deactivated and a large yellow bear with his hand on the back of her head, seemingly the one who knocked her out. It stands up and Izuku was shell shocked to see nothing was in it's eyes, only darkness and it's aura was more horrifying than Baby's.

Izuku: 'What the heck? It looks like Freddy but...golden?'

Scrap Baby reactivates and glares at the yellow bear with red eyes.

Scrap Baby: "How dare you...meddle in my affairs, Golden Freddy?!"

Golden Freddy: "Irrelevant. I Am. Being Merciful. Now go. Before I change my mind."

Scrap Baby: "Grr...One day I'll make sure to tear you apart..."

Golden Freddy: "You will try. After all...All of your destinations...lead to me."

Scrap Baby gets up and stumbles a bit since her body was a bit damaged from the might of Golden Freddy. Izuku continues to stare at the two, shocked and a bit frightened. The yellow bear turns its head and stares at Izuku with its empty eye sockets. The doors of the USJ explode open and out came the teachers of U.A including All Might and Magnetic. Golden Freddy turns away while Scrap Baby heads to Shigaraki and Kurogiri and warp away. Izuku runs to the others to make sure they're ok. Tsuyu was alright with only a few scratches, same for Shoka. Kirishima gets out of the broken staircase, having little a bit of blood running down his head since the impact of Baby's claw hurt him even when he hardened his body at the last second before she struck him. The android turns to the crater and doesn't see Golden Freddy anymore. He sees Izumi and the other scattered students running to the plaza. Izuku looks at All Might and Magnetic with an angry look and glares at them.

Izuku: "I'm going to have a 'chat' with them. Return to Mr. Aizawa."

He marches up the stairs and stomps over to All Might and Magnetic.

All Might: "My son are you-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence when Izuku punched that stupid smile off his face and knocked him down. 

Izuku: "You absolute failure of a hero! We were out here fighting for our lives while you and that whore of a wife lazed at the teachers lounge! And you wasted your hours for what?! Multiple of your students nearly died to villains and you couldn't bother to come here to help when we needed you?! ARE YOU A COMPLETE IDIOT?!"

Izumi: "Brother Stop hurting our father!"


Izumi: "I-I-"


Izuku grabs Izumi by the collar and lifts her up and makes her look him in the eye.

Izuku: "If you can't stand being scared to fight villains and risk your life to save others, then burn that costume of yours and go home. We don't need wannabe heroes in U.A. Heroes risk their lives all the time to save others and to ensure a better and safe environment of citizens. No matter the consequences, no matter the risks, We always fight for a more just society."

He roughly throws her to the ground. She looks behind him to see Katsumi in bad condition being taken to an ambulance. Kirishima and Shoka walk over to Izuku and pat his shoulder.

Shoka: "You ok Izuku?"

Izuku: "Yea...I'm fine...I just needed to get that out of my system. It angers me that she should've helped us fight that machine."

Aizawa and Midnight make their way to them and the underground hero pats Izuku's head.

Aizawa: "Even though I would've stopped you from continuing, I didn't because you're right. Heroes must be willing to risk their lives to save others and battle against villains. You're not the only one who didn't see Yagi's cowardliness."

Midnight: "You should get some rest Izuku. Your energy reserves must be exhausted after battling for a long time."

Izuku: "Well...I guess you're right."

Aizawa: "Kirishima, Shoka, go home and get some rest. Classes won't resume for a week because of this attack."

Kirishima: "What about Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Kaminari?"

Aizawa: "They'll be taken to Recovery Girl so they could get patched up. As for Katsumi, her arm was chopped off by that robot and I doubt she'll be able to use it again. Now go home."

Izuku: "Alright. Shoka, Kirishima we'll talk sometime later this week, ok?"

Shoka: "Alright, see ya Izuku."

Kirishima: "See you soon dude."

Izuku hugs Shoka and gives Kirishima a high five as he activates his jet boosters and flies back to the Pizzaplex. Unaware that what happened at the USJ was being brought up on the news and radio stations.

In a low rent apartment, we see Taiki Himekawa sitting in an armchair watching the news. He was laid back and had his head resting on his fist. He sees the news talking about the USJ attack and sees Izuku fly off and what caught his interest was the mechanical parts on the body.

Taiki: "Hey Ennard, come look at this."

Metal stomping can be heard and the wired machine peaks from the corner, looking at the TV.

Ennard: "That boy...Is not...normal..."

Taiki: "You don't say. His body almost looks...metal."

Ennard: " just"

Taiki: "You want me to find him?"

Ennard: "No. We wait...watching..."

In an abandoned Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, we see the yellow bear, Golden Freddy, walking down the hall of the forgotten restaurant. 

Golden Freddy: "All souls...Meet one destination. That is me. You...Izuku Yagi...are an anomaly...What will you do...against this impending danger that will befall upon this society..."

Within the confines of a small room, we see a little girl with silver hair and red eyes with a hospital gown laying down on a bed, hugging her knees. Leaning on the wall was a small animatronic that was badly damaged. It was rather short and around her size. It's missing left eye lights up with a small white dot while its right eye slowly opens.

???: "Eri...listen to this..."

The little girl named Eri gets up as the small animatronic holds a radio and turns it on with its broken sign stick. The radio news informs them of the USJ attack and how the villains had a robot with them that harmed the students. This made the little girl's eyes go wide a bit and she looks back to the animatronic.

Eri: "BB...does that mean...?"

BB: "It appears so...theres more of them like me..."

In a hidden laboratory, we see a man in a nice suit but his face was covered in darkness and next to him was a doctor, doing tests on him. The mysterious figure can hear Shigaraki complaining about a boy who killed his Nomu with ease, which angers the doctor but the man smiles darkly, intrigued that a teenager was able to kill a modified creature. He comes up with a plan to get more information.

???: "Doctor...I want you to send orders to 'it' and find out more about this "Izuku" for me."

Doctor: "Are you sure? What if it gets loose of our control?"

???: "Do not worry. I have faith that it will not betray us."

The doctor sighs as he presses a button as the screen turns into a monstrous face, letting out a static roar.

As Izuku was flying to the Pizzaplex, He thought hard about what Scrap Baby said. How there are others like him and they feed on a substance called remnant, while he doesn't need it. There are other possessed animatronics, like him. It was unbelievable and yet he didn't deny it. Fetch was evidence of that. But one thing is for certain, he needs to be on alert and protect his friends and family. Ai Hoshino and her kids are Scrap Baby's targets to get him to lose himself and indulge in The Forgotten's way of life. 

Izuku: 'Shoka, Ai, Ruby, Aqua...I will protect you all. I will not let anyone die."

End of Chapter

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