Jenlisa Oneshots

Von rudejenlisa

82.6K 1.5K 215

(mostly) adaptation stories about jenlisa ©️ stories are not mine. credits to all the wonderful authors. Mehr

kitten season
i got faith in you and i (so put your pretty little hand in mine)
don't be a stranger
took you long enough
strangers to lovers to enemies
merlot on the tongue
the right place
paper-thin walls
are we still fighting (or am i in your bed instead)
ocean blue eyes, lookin' in mine
how do you make dangerous look so beautiful?
too young to remember
and i know she'll be the death of me
high on you
raspberry kisses
light years
one round, on the house
this was a mistake
as long as i have you, i'm home (part 1)
as long as i have you, i'm home (part 2)
as long as i have you, i'm home (part 3)
not quite enemies, not quite allies
do you think i'm cool too (or am i too into you)
new beginnings, new experiences
make me yours
about that...
familiar and yours
for real?
if i'm honest, it felt like love
she got me up all night (all i'm singin' is love songs)
future tense
be mine
breathe into my lips the life i do not have
melting stars
"strawberry isn't my favorite."
what you need
just got home
a ritual turned good
latte digits
the art of chess strategy
i like my women how i like my coffee (inside me)
'cause you're too fucking beautiful (and everybody wants a taste)
chocolate, raspberry, cinnamon
between the stacks
you're one of the few things (that i'm sure of)
kids have no filter (and neither do we)

bathroom break

1.7K 33 6
Von rudejenlisa

"There's sweat dripping from my boobs and down to my ass," Jisoo announces as she nervously fiddles with the fabric of her favorite overalls.

"Okay, that's literally biologically impossible," Lisa says. She practically drags her best friend into the stands; Jisoo would do this one way or another, no matter how much sweat her boobs produced. "The sweat would go into your vagina at best."

"Fine, Lisa, so my vagina is sweating!" Jisoo's shout attracts a few curious looks from people around them but Jisoo doesn't care. "My vagina is sweating, are you happy?"

"There's nothing to be nervous about, it's just Rosé. You didn't even like her three days ago."

"Three days ago I hadn't stuck my tongue inside her mouth and liked it."

Lisa gulps and is suddenly glad she wasn't there to witness the moment her friend tried to dehydrate Park Chaeyoung.


They finally reach the stands and can see in the distance a little white dot with blonde hair eating some grapes. It's Rosé, no argument. Lisa senses that Jisoo feels like running away, so she grabs her by the shirt.

"Why are you nervous? You've done much worse things."

"It's different!"

Lisa doesn't want to hear the rest, she walks behind Jisoo practically pushing her. She smiles discreetly, because in 99% of situations their roles were reversed, so it was fun to make Jisoo suffer a bit too. Finally Rosé, who is sitting next to Somi, looks at them.

"Hi, guys!" Rosé cracks a smile, but looks a little embarrassed at Jisoo. Lisa thinks how completely crazy this sounds, when a few days ago they were practically killing each other.

"Rosé, Jisoo wants to ask you something."

Chaeyoung's brown eyes focus on Jisoo's completely frightened face, just waiting for something to happen.

"R-dog! Ro-sé!" These are the words that come out of Jisoo's mouth, much to Lisa's dismay. She looks at her friend completely shocked. "Listen," Jisoo puts her right leg up on the bench next to where Rosé is sitting, perhaps to try and look cool, but she momentarily loses her balance. "Do you... like... food?"

Rosé looks at her genuinely confused with her eyes squinted this time.

"Yes," she replies, showing Jisoo her little pot of grapes.

"Haha that's great." Jisoo smiles and doesn't say anything else, everyone present looks at each other.

"Jisoo, are you okay? Are you having a stroke?"

Somi looks at Jisoo once again.

"I think she's trying to ask you out."

Chaeyoung's eyes widen and it's clear when her face turns slightly pink, probably from embarrassment.

"Are you?" The anticipation in her tone makes Jisoo even more nervous, but she seems frozen. She only says yes when Lisa nudges her hip. Rosé smiles at her and Jisoo does the same.

Jisoo walks around Lisa's room in circles while she's lying on her bed with Jennie resting on her lap. Jennie is wearing Lisa's gray sweatshirt, but everyone there knows it wasn't even cold. But Jennie didn't care.

"How do I flirt with her? It's Park Chaeyoung for God's sake!" She shouts, flustered, but neither of them pays any attention to her.

"Aw, babe, it smells like you," Jennie giggles as she reaches up to kiss Lisa's cheek.

"And now it's going to smell like you," Lisa replies just as excitedly and the two kiss, being watched by a very annoyed Jisoo.

"I really hate you. You're even making me homophobic."

"Jisoo, if you're so nervous, why did you ask her out?" Lisa slowly interlaces her fingers with Jennie's.

"Because!" The two continue to wait for an answer. "I liked kissing her! And she's not that boring!"

Jennie seems to ponder for a few seconds.

"Okay, Lisa and I will go with you."

Lisa looks at her shocked and confused.

"We will?"

"It'll be fun!" Jennie looks at her with those bewildered eyes and Lisa has no choice but to accept.

"Okay, I have a reason to be nervous, now, why are you nervous, Lisa?"

Lisa looks at Jisoo as if she can't see the obvious, she feels like punching her in the face one more time.

"Because it's the first time Jennie and I are going on a real date."

Jisoo stops putting on make-up to stare at her friend in the mirror.

"You literally fucked her, you saw her naked."

"Okay and?"

But Jisoo had already locked her gaze on something else.

"Oh my God, what if Rosé wants to have sex with me in the bathroom?"

Lisa blinks a few times and looks at her friend to make sure she heard correctly, but it was Jisoo too, it wouldn't be that surprising coming from her.

"Jisoo, she's not gonna want to have sex with you in the bathroom." She feels like she's explaining 2+2 to a child.

"But what if she does, Lisa?!" She shouts.

"Okay, we're doing this," Lisa grumbles as she watches Jisoo go from one side of the room to the other.

"I don't know how to do anything! How do I make someone have an orgasm?"

"You always talk about jacking off! It's the same thing, but it's only someone else's vagina!" But Jisoo isn't convinced that this solves her problems.

"You're going to have to show it to me." She says, determined.

Lisa looks at her completely horrified.

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"Didn't you and Jennie have sex? You have to show me, I can't go there without knowing what to do, Rosé will hate me and run away." Lisa continues to stare at her in shock.

"But I don't know anything either! I blacked out there."

"You didn't do anything, Lisa? Did you only bottom? Like a pillow princess?"

"No!" Now Lisa feels offended. "I did things too, we changed... shifts."

"Shifts? Like a fucking restaurant?"

"Yes," Lisa replies confidently. "And I'm not going to show you anything, it would practically be incest."

Jisoo snorts angrily as if she's tired of the fact that Lisa isn't following her train of thought.

"I don't want you to do it on me!" She says again, frustrated, and leaves the room.

Lisa is still trying to wrap her head around the situation when Jisoo returns with half an orange and puts it in her friend's hands.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Do to the orange what you did to Jennie, and provide details, please." She stands up and picks up her notebook and a pen.

"I'm not going to fuck up an orange for you."

"God, you're killing me, Lisa!"

"Jisoo, she's as inexperienced as you are, it'll all work out. And, I can't emphasize this enough, you're not going to fuck in the restaurant bathroom."

Jisoo snorts.

"If she wants to have sex and I don't know anything, I'll kill myself in front of you."

They finally manage to leave Lisa's house after Jisoo has said for the fourteenth time that she'll kill herself if anything goes wrong, and deep down Lisa shared the same sentiment because until now she couldn't believe she'd gotten her dream girl. She had even asked Jennie to pinch her arm once to make sure it was real.

Jisoo begged them to stop at a candy store on the way and Lisa couldn't understand why, but then again Jisoo wasn't the most normal person on earth so she was used to just going with the flow.

She left the store with a cotton candy in her hand without saying anything, although Lisa looked at her for an explanation.

When they finally arrive at the restaurant Jennie had suggested, Rosé and Jennie are already outside waiting for them. Jennie is as beautiful as ever, wearing a red dress that matches her lipstick and makes Lisa's legs tremble, while Rosé is wearing a floral button-down shirt that Jisoo finds strangely attractive.

It's only after Lisa greets Jennie with a kiss on the cheek that she notices a flower Jennie is holding and promptly hands it to her.

"For me?" Lisa asks shocked. In contrast, Jisoo and Rosé look at each other in embarrassment and Jisoo simply puts the cotton candy on the other girl's face.

"I bought it for you, to replace the one I stole."

Rosé is genuinely surprised and accepts the cotton candy, Lisa and Jennie's attentive eyes watching them as if they were two puppies they had found in the street.

"I really like your outfit," Rosé says suddenly. "Your shins are nice."

Jisoo looks down to check.

"Thanks, I like... your elbows."

"Oh my God..." Jennie whispers in Lisa's ear, which makes her feel goosebumps all over her body. "They're much worse than us."

Jisoo makes an exaggerated curtsy to show the way to the restaurant that Rosé already knew and was only a few meters away from, while Lisa has the sudden sensation of Jennie's hand meeting hers.

Gestures like this were trivial, perhaps, for Jennie who had just come out of a long relationship and was also clearly more experienced than her, but every little gesture really frightened her and made her heart race. Just the touch of Jennie's skin on hers made Lisa's world spin and she almost lost her way when she felt Jennie's fingers intertwine with her own.

The four of them walked over to one of the tables near the window, with two sofa-like chairs on either side. Jisoo practically throws herself down on the right side while Jennie does the same on the left, then she follows Jennie and leaves Rosé next to Jisoo.

As soon as they sit down, a waitress appears to offer menus and when she leaves, an awkward silence hangs in the air. Someone had to think, quickly, of a way to break the ice. And of course it would be Jisoo. Of course.

"So..." She stretches out the 'O' for a few seconds. "What's everyone's favorite childhood trauma?"

The three pairs of eyes stare at her, but Rosé doesn't even look flustered, as if they ask her that every Tuesday.

"Mine was when a Santa elf ran after me in the mall."

Jennie remains silent, trying to reason out the information.

"Wh-why? Why did he do that?"

"I still don't know, to this day." She takes a bite of the cotton candy Jisoo had brought her. "But it was scary."

"You're so brave, Rosé," Jisoo says, her tone of voice totally different from what she usually speaks and once again her eyes turn to her.

"Jisoo, are you okay? I'm getting a bit worried."

"I'm fine!" She tries again to sit down in a cool way and ends up falling off the chair. Jennie and Rosé try to help her up, but Jisoo is already standing as if nothing had happened.

Thank God the waitress comes back and they can focus on something else. They all order almost the same thing with a few differences, but the three of them are shocked when Jennie practically orders two hamburgers and a large potato for herself.

"What?" she asks when the waitress leaves and they're all still staring at her in horror. "Can't cheerleaders eat?"

"No! I think it's sexy!" Lisa defends herself, waving her arms and the lily Jennie had given her effusively. "Nothing's more attractive than a woman eating, right, guys?"

Jisoo and Rosé nod quickly.

Lisa thinks back to when she called Jennie skinny several times that night at the fair, but prefers to remain silent.

And finally, the conversation between the four of them begins to flow more naturally, the subject changing to who had been their gay awakening to more childhood traumas that Jisoo was so interested in for some reason.

"Hey, something I don't know," Jennie steals a fry from Lisa who simply doesn't care. "What does JK stand for?"

"Jisoo Kim," Rosé answers for her and makes Jisoo flinch.

"How the fuck do you know that?"

Rosé gets a confused look on her face.

"Jisoo, we've known each other for 11 years."

"But that's confidential information!"

"It's your name! Of course I know your name."

As they start arguing, Lisa almost jumps when she feels Jennie's hand slowly touch her thigh under the table. She looks at her face in shock, but what's more shocking is the fact that Jennie expresses literally no reaction, nothing. When Jennie's hand starts to move too much, Lisa simply panics.

"Jisoo! I need to go to the bathroom!" She screams, her squeaky voice sounding like a choking cat.

"Okay..." Jisoo answers with a clear question mark on her face, as if to say 'just go then,' but Lisa continues to stare with despair on her face.

"Jisoo." She repeats emphatically. "I need to go to the bathroom."

Again, Jisoo doesn't understand.

"It's on the right, over there by the kitchen."

Lisa widens her eyes and looks at the knife on the table in front of her, contemplating throwing it in Jisoo's face if she once again doesn't understand what the fuck she wants.

"Oh..." Finally the light dawns on Jisoo. "Me too."

They hear Rosé in the distance commenting 'they're not very subtle' as they walk in a hurry to the bathroom. The door has barely closed behind them when Lisa screams.

"Jennie's trying to eat me!"

"Oh, okay? I'm having trouble finding the problem here."

"Jisoo! She's making me nervous!"

"You've seen her naked!" Jisoo shouts back.

Unexpectedly a flushing noise echoes throughout the restroom and a lady comes out of the cubicle, looking at them as if they had a plague, and gets out of there as quickly as possible.

"We should have checked for someone."

"Yep," Jisoo whispers in agreement.

"I'm terrified, okay? I'm not used to this."

"Okay, dude, but you're going to have to get used to it, because she likes you. Let it happen naturally, if you want to come into the bathroom and have sex with her, I won't mind." Jisoo says, as if she were Mother Teresa.

"Thank you, Kim, you're so kind."

Jisoo flinches again on hearing her surname.

"Don't call me that!"

"Oh I can't say it, but your girlfriend Rosé can."

"Yeah, how the fuck does she know my name?"

Lisa looks at her in disbelief.

"Because she likes you, you moron."

"She does?"

Now she's really convinced that Jisoo is the dumbest person she's ever had the pleasure of meeting.

"Well, she agreed to go on a date with you after you called her mother a skank, not exactly rocket science, is it?"

"She started to like me after the kiss," Jisoo tries to convince herself, once again proving her stupidity.

"No, she didn't."

Jisoo marches out of the bathroom towards the table and Lisa is terrified by the various possibilities of what she is about to do. And it turns out to be the worst of all when Jisoo simply puts her hands on the table and looks at Rosé as if she were in a police interrogation.

"Park!" Rosé is startled and drops a fry on the floor. "Do you have a crush on me?"

"Well, yes."

"Since when?" She shouts again. Strangely, no one in the restaurant seems to care, as if such a bizarre thing happens every half hour.

"A very long time."


Jisoo sits down next to Rosé, now questioning her whole life.

"I told you." Lisa speaks proudly, but her moment of glory soon ends when Jennie turns to her.

"And you? For how long have you liked me?"

"Oh, that's not important," she laughs and starts playing with a napkin that's lying around.

"Please, I want to know..." Lisa refuses to look at Isabel so as not to give in to her eyes, which could pull anything out of her.

"Go on, Lisa, she wants to know!" Jisoo says and gets a deadly look from Lisa.

"Just a few..." She whispers.

"Few what? Weeks?"

"More like a few months... Grouped in dozens..."

"Is that not just years?" Rosé asks Jisoo who nods.

"Years?!" Jennie looks at Lisa in shock. "Lisa, why didn't you ever say anything? My God!"

"Lisa, listen! You were very busy!"

"Okay, that's true."

"The important thing is that we're all gay and we like each other, don't we?" Jisoo says, sitting down a little closer to Rosé who still seems shocked by the whole thing.

Lisa and Jisoo stared at each other for the rest of the night, unable to believe that this was finally happening, that the moment they had dreamed about could actually become real. They were there with two girls who really liked them for the first time in their lives, which again might be trivial for some, but it definitely wasn't for them.

During the rest of dinner, Lisa takes Jennie's hand under the table and Jisoo seems to enjoy it and tries to do the same with Rosé, who is obviously startled by Jisoo's sudden move, which causes her arm to deflect and hit the large glass of soda in front of them.

They are drenched in soda.

Jisoo takes Chaeyoung's hand and drags her into the bathroom to clean up, and Lisa knows that Jisoo is holding back from making a joke like 'ugh, that's not the kind of wet I wanted to be today'.

"It's nice to see Jisoo falling for Rosé," Jennie says when they're both out of sight.

"It is, she needed it. And Rosé too."

"Just like I needed you," Jennie flashes her cutest smile, once again ending up with Lisa's knees going soft once more.

"Okay, what do you say we get out of here and go to my house?" Lisa asks in a sudden surge of adrenaline and confidence.

"Oh, I'd love to." Lisa touches Jennie's face with extreme delicacy and slowly moves closer to leave a tender kiss on her mouth and she almost loses her way again when she feels Jennie's lips against hers forming a smile. She almost feels the urge to deepen the kiss, but remembers that they are still in public.

They sit there for a long time being gay with each other, but after twenty minutes they start to worry about Rosé and Jisoo.

Jennie and Lisa go hand in hand to the bathroom and the last thing they expect to find when they open the door is the same old lady running away, once again, from what looked like a war scene with such dread on her face, but they understand the lady somehow when they finally see Jisoo, sitting on the disgusting bathroom sink, her legs wrapped around Chaeyoung's hips as they kiss frantically. Rosé is more specifically kissing Jisoo's neck looking like a vampire who hadn't consumed blood for 400 years while Jisoo's hands are clearly inside Chaeyoung's shirt.

"Damn." Lisa says and they finally stop, their mouths completely pink. "Okay, I was wrong, she might fuck you in the bathroom after all."


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