Banshee (Klaus Hargreeves Fan...

By scorpiofromhell

14.3K 265 4

On the 1st of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. Althought none of these women had been preg... More

Cast info
Season 2


163 4 0
By scorpiofromhell

,,You think th--" Diego asked.

,,I know it's her."

,,We need to get to safety outside the Academy." Pogo said. More explosions echoed where Vanya was making her way.
Klaus grabbed my hand and together with Diego we ran away.

,,Don't forget mom!" Luther shouted at us.

,,Yeah." We all said.

As we ran, I heard more whispers and resonating sounds. It was hard to ignore at the moment, but I had to because the whole house was falling apart. We ran upstairs but we didn't saw mom.

,,Where is she?"
,,Mom? Come on!"

The ceiling began to collapse and pieces fell on us. When I opened my eyes, I saw Klaus slowly getting up. I groaned in pain and Klaus was coughing. Diego was unconscious. Another piece of the ceiling began to collapse and it was clear that this one would kill us all. We tried to wake Diego up, but nothing. Suddenly, Diego and Klaus were pulled aside and then I felt something around my hands. I was pulled aside before the ceiling fell to where we were lying.

,,Ben? That was Ben?" I asked. Klaus just nodded and I lay back down for a second. Diego grunted in pain as he started to wake up. We all got to our feet and supported each other as we ran away.
We were at the door when a great pain shot through me. I stopped and gasped. Tears welled up in my eyes. The boys had to drag me out.

,,Hey, you saved my live, man." I heard Diego. I saw how he hugged Klaus who just shrugged as he looked at Ben. I felt another wave of pain.  I had to lean against the wall. Klaus was with me in a second.

,,Rory? What is it?" He asked. I let out a piercing scream.
The boys covered their ears even though it was useless. Everything around went quiet when I stopped. I looked up with tears in my eyes. Right to the window where mom was standing and smiling at us.

,,Shit. Mom. Mom!" Diego shouted as they followed my gaze.
,,Mom! Get out of there! Now!" We all yelled at her.
,,I'm coming after you!" Diego shouted. But Klaus grabbed his arm. We both caught him to keep him from going back inside.

,,No, Diego!"
,,You won't make it back in time. You won't even get to her."

,,Please! Mom!"

,,Stop, Diego! Please!"

,,Get back!" Klaus yelled as the whole house went down. We had to hide so we wouldn't get swept away. After the house fell, we stayed and searched for mom. Well, Diego was. I knew she was dead. Just like Pogo.

Klaus, Rory, come here. Help me search."

I looked at Klaus and we both thought the same thing.

,,Diego." I said gently. We both slowly approached him. Klaus grabbed him.

,,Just stop it. Stop."

,,No, what.. what are you--Let me go! What are you doing?"

,,Diego! Stop. Stop." We both dragged him up on his feet.

,,She's gone. She's gone, okay? She's..."

,,What do you wanna do? You wanna..wanna..walk away from this?"
Diego stuttered.

,,No." Klaus whispered.

,,What about Pogo?" Diego asked.

,,Pogo is dead." I said.

,,She's right. He didn't make it." Luther came out of nowhere. Allison followed him. At least they got out.

,,What?" Diego looked at us.

,,Vanya killed him." Luther sighed.

,,But Vanya wouldn't--"

,,No, I saw it. Just before we got out."

,,Mom. Now Pogo." Diego gasped and sat down.

,,Guys!" We heard Five.

,,This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today."

,,You don't say." I replied to him. ,,I think I owe you one big fat 'I told you so'. Enjoy."

,,Yes, yes. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I should have listened to you. But now we have bigger problem."

,,I thought you said it was over." Luther said.

,,I said I was wrong. This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed."

,,No, that doesn't mean anything. The time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning."

,,You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece, but not the Academy."

,,I'm confused." Klaus snatched the newspaper out of Five's hands.

,,Then listen to me, you idiot!"

,,It's because Vanya destroyes the Academy...before the apocalypse." I spoke up and everyone looked at me. Five nodded because that was exactly what he had in mind. But the others looked confused, so I continued.

,,Because Harold Jenkins wasn't the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb."

,,Vanya causes the apocalypse." Five finished.

,,We have to find her." Luther said quietly.
A helicopter flew over our heads and sirens could be heard in the distance.

,,We gotta go, now." Diego said.

,,Regroup at the Super Star. Go!" Luther shouted before we all ran off in a different direction.


,,Look, I hate to be the one to say this, bit everyone needs to prepare." Luther spoke first. We were sitting here for a while but we were all quiet. It was pretty crowded here today.

,,For what?" Diego asked.

,,To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya."
Luther replied. Allison punched him and I snorted.

,,We may not have a choice, Allison."

,,Bullshit. There's always options." Diego said.

,,Yeah, like what?" Five asked.

,,I don't know."

,,Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere." Luther said.

,," Klaus replied. He was reading a newspaper from Five and found an article about her concert. He showed all of us.

,,That's right. Her concert is tonight."

,,Hello." Some girl interrupted us. Considering the clothes she was wearing, she worked here. ,,I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave." She said a left.

,,Whose turn is it?" Diego asked.

,,Oh, for.." Luther took the bowling ball and threw it into the lane. I hid my face in my hands in embarrassment.

Allison wrote another note on a piece of paper and showed it to Luther.

'She's our sister'

,,We're the only ones capable of stopping this."

,,You mean after you caused it." I said to him.

,,What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

,,Well, think about it. Vanya came to you. She needed help. She needed her brother. And instead of helping her or letting one of us help her, you locked her up and left her there. She lost it because of you. You didn't want to help her, and now we may have to kill her."

,,Hey--" Luther wanted say something back but I didn't let him.

,,What? What are you gonna do to me? You're gonna put me in a soundproof cell? Oh, too bad Vanya destroyed it after you locked her in it." I mocked him. He stayed silent. He was looking at me with that guilt in his eyes again. He remained silent until he cleared his throat and decided to move on.

,,As I was saying..we're the only ones who can stop her. We have a responsibility to dad."

,,Dad?!" Me and Diego yelled at the same time.

,,No, I've heard enough about--"

,,He sacrificed everything to bring us back together."

,,I'm with Luther on this one." Five joined. ,,We can't give her a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to save just one."

,,Hey, you know, guys, maybe I could help." Klaus said shyly.

,,Now is not the time." Luther shook him off.

,,Luther. Shut up before I make you. You're gonna sit here and listen to whatever Klaus has to say. Because if he thinks he can help or if he has an idea, you'll let him talk. Because we all know you don't have a plan. And that goes for you, too, Five. Remember the last time you wouldn't listen."

,,Yeah, let him finish. He saved my life today." Diego joined me in defending Klaus. Which made me smile a little.

,,Is that true?" Luther asked Klaus.

,,Yeah, yeah, I did...take credit for it. In fact, the real hero...was Ben." Klaus admitted. I have to admit, I was proud that he told the truth. But the joy didn't last long. Because everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

,,Today..listen. Today, he punched me in the face. And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life, not me."

,,You're unbelievable, Klaus." Luther said.

,,You want proof, is that it? All right. I'll give you proof." Klaus took the bowling ball and prepared to throw it. ,,It's showtime, baby. Catch!" But when he throw it, it just hits the ground. Klaus put his hands behind his head and waited for the insults.

,,Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be center of attention?" Luther started.

,,You're the one to talk, Mr.'I'm number one'. He's telling the truth okay? Ben saved Diego. And remember, dead people are kind of his thing."

,,I don't think you should support him in everything he thinks up just because you're sleeping together." Luther said to me. My jaw dropped because how dare he say that.

,,You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid." Klaus told him in anger. Almost choked trying to suppress a laugh. At least I snorted and covered my mouth. My gaze fell on Allison who gave Luther a questioning look. As  soon as Klaus realized what he said, he tried to fix it.

,,Which was a wasn't his fault, 'cause he was ridiculously high, right?"
I snorted again because Luther's face was priceless.
,,And-and the girl, she thought he was a furry.."
Diego couldn't take it anymore and started to giggle too.

,,Stop!" Luther yelled at him.
,,Okay" Klaus said and looked away.

Allison picked up her notebook, threw Luther an angry look, and left.

,,Allison, wait." Luther called for her. When she didn't stop he followed her.

,,Well, I called that karma." I laughed again.

,,Excuse me, it's my son Kenny's birthday today, and...Uh.. wouldn't your son be happier playing with the kids his own age? Assuming its okay with your two dads." The big lady asked. She came to us with her son and then waited for an answer. She looked directly at Diego and Klaus who were sitting next to each other. The look they both threw her was pretty funny.

,,I would rather chew off my own foot." Five replied. She looked at him in horror. I laughed quietly, but the lady didn't miss it.

,,Oh. Are you his mother?" She asked me. I've slowly made my way to Klaus.

,,No. I'm his sister. We're all siblings here." I said with straight face as I sat on Klaus' lap. She almost fainted when she realized I was serious. I felt Klaus hide his face and smile into my shoulder.

,,Let's go, Kenny." She said and walked away.

,,Was that necessary?" Diego asked me.  ,,No, but it was fun. The world's gonna end in a few hours, so what."

Five got up and walked a little ways away from us.
I got up and got a bowling ball to make it look like we were playing before we got kicked out. And strike.

,,If I was going to date a man, you'd be tha last man I would date." Diego said. 

,,You'd be lucky to get me." Replied Klaus before he joined me and picked up a bowling ball.

,,Absolutely." I smirked and played again.

After a while, Allison and Luther returned.

,,All right, where's Five?" Luther asked.

,,He left."

,,Oh, for the love of...Where's he go?"

,,Didn't tell us."

,,Well, we're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in 30 minutes."

,,All right, so what's the plan?"

,,Well, I think that, uh...We go to the Icarus Theater."

,,That's a location, not a plan." Diego told him.

,,Wow. Is that all you got?" I asked.

,,Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we're all over the place." Diego said.

,,You're right. We need a plan."

I didn't listen to the rest because I heard one bowling ball hit the ground. It was bouncing off the ground and getting louder and louder. Everything got quiet around me. I heard footsteps, and gunshots. The whispers were loud and clear. I came back to reality.

,,Get down." I warned them.


,,Get down!" I shouted.


Before I could answer, people came in wearing masks and carrying guns. The others noticed them too, and we all took cover before they started shooting.

,,Who the hell are these guys?" Diego asked.

,,Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus shouted, covering his ear with one hand and shielding me with the rest of his body.

,,No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther shouted.

,,You think?!" I yelled back.

Diego quickly stood up and threw a dagger at one of them. When he hit him, he must have fallen on the light switch. It was just neon blue and the music started playing.

Luther threw bowling balls at them. And Klaus threw Kenny's birthday cake at them.

I took a deep breath, stood up, and then let out a scream. The closest one was unlucky, his head exploded. The others in range were thrown backwards.
That gave us time to get away. We ran down the bowling lanes. They started shooting at us again, but as luck would have it, they didn't hit anybody. We crawled through the area behind the bowling alley.

After we escaped, we ran to Icarus theatre where Vanya was performing.
She was already playing. 

The closer we got to her, the more I felt her. It was like every cell inside my body was dying. I've never experienced anything like it. I felt death with every note Vanya played.

Allison and I stopped the boys. We exchanged glances before I told them our plan.

,,We need to go alone." I said firmly.

,,I can't let you do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning." Luther replied.

,,You hear the music? It started." Diego shouted behind us.

,,Do you honestly thinking she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther asked. Allison just looked at him with determination in her eyes.

,,I don't know. But we have to try. One more time. Please, Luther." I confirmed our decision.

,,We don't have time for this." Klaus said, looking around nervously.

Luther looked at us for a moment and then agreed. Allison immediately ran to Vanya. But I measured Luther with my eyes.

,,You're lucky there's no time for me to find out why you agreed so quickly." I said before running after Allison.

I caught up with her and together we made it to the front of the stage. Vanya was playing right in the middle and she was so good. She has a solo. She looked so focused. And if her music hadn't been tearing me up inside, I would have enjoyed it. Vanya looked at us and her eyes shone bright blue. When she saw us she smiled at us. I think deep down she was glad to see us. We smiled back.

And that was the end of our attempt because Luther rushed her from one side of the stage and Diego from the other. But Vanya spotted them before they got to her and used her violin bow to send them flying.
The audience around got scared and started screaming. They all stood up and started running away. The people playing with Vanya wanted to run away too but she made them sit down and play again with her next burst.

,,Move! Go, go, go, go!" Diego yelled on people around.
Vanya sent another blast. Either to scare these people or to knock them down. But soon after, they were all gone. Diego, Luther and  I hid behind the seats on one side and Allison on the other.

,,So this was your plan, huh?" I asked them. Luther. Luther threw me a stupid innocent look like he hadn't done anything.

,,She's stronger than expected."
,,And what did you expect? That she'd wait until one of you ran up to her? Morons."

Allison threw a purse at Luther that someone had left behind. And from the look on her face, she had the same opinion I did.

,,Yeah. We're fine, thanks for asking. Both of you." Luther gave us an annoyed look. But all I could think about was where Klaus was.

,,Look, I almost lost you once, all right? I wasn't about to lose you again." Luther explained Allison. Allison just shook her head and looked away.

,,Well, so much for the element of surprise. What else you got?" Diego asked Luther.

Allison slammed into the seat to get our attention and started imitating the violin.

,,No, shit, Allison. Tell us something we don't already know." Diego told her.

,,She's talking about the violin. It's her lightning rod." Luther said. We all looked at Vanya. She played and completely ignored us.

,,If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot."

,,Let me do it. I can use my voice. My scream." I said. However, I did not get an answer. There was gunfire and we all had to duck. It was the same people who came after us at the bowling alley.
Vanya ignored them as well, but the rest of the orchestra screamed and ran away.

,,Wait. Guys? Where the hell is Klaus?!" I asked because I didn't like the shooters and his absence in one. I didn't even feel them coming which could be explained by how close Vanya is.

,,He's supposed to be on lookout. What the hell happened?" Diego replied.

,,Yeah, you surprised?" Luther asked back.

,,Shut up, Luther! But really? You put him on lookout?!" I didn't like Luther's tone, but in this case he wasn't entirely wrong. It was clear that if they put him on watch, he'd get bored and lose focus. I love him, but it's a fact. Plus, we need him here.

,,What's with all the lollygagging?" Five appeared put of nowhere.

,,Thank God! Five, get down!" I yelled.

Five gasped and hid behind the seats before they could shot him.

,,Five, what the.. I thought you bailed on us!" Luther yelled.

,,I had an errand to run." Five looked everywhere to see where the shooters were. ,,This is not good."

,,You know these guys?"

,,Yeah, I do."


,,Well.. we're screwed."

Diego threw his daggers and hit two of them. Suddenly we heard Klaus. He didn't even notice the gunshots going off.

,,Guys, it's Cha-Cha!" He yelled.

,,It's Cha-Cha, she's..."

,,Klaus! Get down!"

A couple of those shooters targeted Klaus. Five took advantage of it. He teleported and jumped on the back of one of them. He began to turn around and shoot those around him. I didn't wait and got to my feet. I targeted another group. I started screaming and used my hands to direct the screaming.
Two of their heads exploded. Others started writhing on the ground screaming or just dropped dead.
The others started shooting at me and I jumped back on the ground.

When Klaus saw this, he had fear in his eyes, but also anger. And he took advantage of it. His hands began to glow blue. Like the day he rescued me with others. He spread his arms and let his powers work. A blue figure appeared in front of Klaus. And if I say everyone's mouth dropped, I'm not gonna lie. It was Ben. Klaus materialized him, and because of him, Ben was able to use his ability. Tentacles sprouted from his body as he yelled. He started catching all the shooters around him. He either crushed them or threw them away.
Cha-Cha flashed down the corridor and Diego ran after her.
Soon there was no one left. Ben disappeared again and the others just stared. I smirked because I'm proud of what he did. And also because now Klaus owes them one big 'I told you so'.

,,Now who's the lookout?" Klaus laughed. I couldn't help it but smiled.

I wanted to called out for Diego, but a huge force in my body stopped me. Instead, I turned to the source. Vanya was still playing the violin. Her black suit was turning white and so did her violin. She was getting stronger and closer to the end. I could feel it. The whole building started shaking. And we stood there not knowing what to do.

,,Oh, Welcome back. Where were you?" Luther suddenly asked.

,,Honoring a memory." Diego replied and stood next to me. Icould see in his eyes that he hadn't killed Cha-Cha. He decided to honor the memory the way Patch would have wanted. I squeezed his shoulder gently.

,,So, how do you wanna end this thing?"

,, I can get as close as I can. I can use my scream to get her away from the violin." I suggested again.

,,That's not a good idea. She can turn sound into destructive force. What do you think she'll do with your sound?What if your yelling just gives her energy. What if it causes an explosion? You might just speed things up." Five stopped me.

,,Okay. It's a no. I get it. So how do we do it?"

,,We surround her. All right? We come at her from all angles."

,,So it's a suicide mission."

,,Yeah, but one of us could get throught. It's the only chance we got."

,,Are we all in?"

,,All right."

,,Allison?" Allison nodded.

,,Stage left. Stage right. You guys take the front." Luther told us. Five, Klaus and I took the front.
We waited for the others to get into position.
The ceiling began to crumble. Vanya formed a sort of aura around her, which slowly grew larger. I was in more pain by the second. I had to grab the seat and instinctively hold my stomach with my other hand. I gritted my teeth at the rush of pain that shot through me.
I didn't want to hurt her but there was no time left.

,,Now!" Luther gave the signal.

We all ran to Vanya. We were close. But she just swung her bow and hit us all with one blast. She lifted them all into the air and started sucking the life out of them. Except me. I stayed in the same spot. Her power had no effect on me. Vanya looked at me without any reaction. I haven't had time to think about how that's possible. I took a step closer to Vanya but no further. My legs started to buckle. The more life she pulled out of the boys, the more I felt it.

,,Vanya. Please. You have to stop." I begged her. Tears were falling down my face. She tilted her head a little and kept looking at me.

I begged her again. And I tried to keep her attention so she wouldn't notice Allison standing behind her with a gun in her hand. Tears rolled down Allison's cheeks as she pointed the gun at Vanya's head.

I looked at Allison and waited. She looked at me and then back at Vanya. And it's like she figured something out. She put the gun next to Vanya's ear and fired. The loud bang disconnected Vanya and knocked her out. The blast she was using to kill the boys flew out of her chest. It hit the skylight and continued on into the sky. The boys fell to the ground and recovered quickly. We all ran to Allison who grabbed Vanya.

,,Is she alive?" Luther asked.

,,She is. I hear it." I said when I listened her heartbeat.

,,She is? Yeah?" Luther sounded almost happy. Which was very surprising.

,,Oh, thank God." Klaus sighed in relief.

,,We did it. We...." Luther said but I didn't hear the rest. The feeling of death that should have passed did not pass. The whispers made me turn and look up at the Moon.
I was a little bit aware of the people around me. I sensed that Klaus had turned his attention on me. He stood next to me and followed my gaze. Vanya hit the moon. And now it was crumbling to pieces. This was our death.

,,Uhh...guys?" Klaus said, pointing his finger upwards.

,,You see that big Moon rock coming towards us?" He asked. The others stood around and watched too.

,,That's not good." Luther said.

,,No. It's death." I snapped out of my trance.

,,So, this is it, huh? So much for..saving the world." Klaus said.

He grabbed my hand. He kissed me one last time. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine.
,,I love you." He said gently.
,,I love you, too." I looked at him.

,,If only Sir Reginal could see us right now, huh?" Diego said. I pulled away from Klaus a little to turn to Diego. I grabbed his hand, too. He gave her a gentle squeeze in return as thanks.

,,The Umbrella Academy. A total failure." He added. I sighed and rested my head on Klaus's shoulder.

,,At least we're together at the end. As a family." Luther said. And he was right.

,,This doesn't have to be the end." Five replied. We all turned to him with questioning looks.

,,What do you mean?"

,,I think I have a way outta here. But you gotta trust me on this."

,,Yeah, I don't think so."
,,I'm in." My yes was the only one.

Before Five could continue I started gasping for air. Klaus and Diego held me so I wouldn't fall. A thousand deaths passed through me. Future and present. The pain was so bad I thought I was going to die on the spot. I couldn't keep it inside. I screamed and the walls around us started to crumble again. The others tried to cover their ears.
When I stopped I was a little relieved but I could already feel another wave coming through me soon.

,,Five. Speak. Now." I said through gritted teeth.

,,If you don't see this as a wake-up call." He pointed at me. ,,We might as well accept our fate, because in less than a minute, we're gonna be vaporized." 

,,What's your idea, then?"

,,We use my ability to time travel. But this time, I take you with me."

,,You can do that?"

,,I don't know. I've never tried before."

,,What's the worst that can happen?"

,,You lookin' at it. A 58-year-old man inside a child's body, so there's that."

,,Like I said. I'm in." I said.

,,Yeah, I can live with that."

,,Oh, what the hel? I'm in."

,,Yeah, whatever. Me too. Allison?"

We looked at her and she nodded. She was still holding Vanya.

,,What about Ben?"

,,Great, yeah, he's in."

,,Okay, great. Luther, grab Vanya." Five commanded. ,,Diego, Klaus, you're gonna hold Rory." He added. I was grateful to him because I can't hold on much longer.

,,Wait. Should we be taking her?" Luther asked as he took Vanya in his arms. ,,I mean, if she's the cause of the apocalypse. Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?"

,,The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause, unless we take her with us and fix her."
Five explained. We all nodded.
I held on tight to Klaus and Diego before I almost fell to the ground. I cried out in pain.

,,You need to hurry, Five. We don't have time." I cried out.
We all joined hands and Five started to concentrate.

Electricity started crackling around us. Soon a portal began to form above us.

,,Hold on! It's gonna get messy!" Five yelled. When I looked up from the portal I saw us as children. Which would be fascinating if I hadn't just felt the biggest piece of the Moon hit the ground.
I was in so much pain that I fell to my knees, but Klaus and Diego still held me. You could see that Five was a little distracted by it, but he got back to focusing. I felt everyone who was burned by the impact of the rock.
I cried and screamed until Fives portal pulled us in.

We were screaming as we fell straight through the portal to the ground. I grunted in pain. It was still better than what I felt a moment ago. Klaus was also in pain from the fall.
I looked around and there was no one here but the two of us. The portal above us was still open. Klaus figured it out too because he quickly got up and started calling into the portal with me.

,,Five! Five!"
,,Diego! Allison!"
It was no use. The portal closed behind us.

,,No, no, no."
,,Where is everybody?"
,,Oh, they're gone."

,,Five will find us. Don't worry." I said even though I didn't know if I believed it.
We're slowly making our way out of that alleyway.

,,Where the hell are we?"
We walked down the street a bit. People were looking weird and staring at us weird, too.

,,Are hats back?" Klaus asked when he saw two men. I was checking out a woman who just walked by us. Her clothes, her hair. And then it hit me.

,,I think the question is, "When are we?"

,,You too, hm?" Klaus looked at me.

,,What?" I asked but he ran towards a man.

,,Hey! Hey. Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Could you tell me what year this is, or what day?" He asked but the guy ignored him. I tried to ask another woman who was walking by and she looked at me like I was crazy.

,,Rude." Klaus and I said at the same time. Klaus then turned around.

,,Yeah?" He asked. He grabbed my hand and he led me towards a phone booth.
There was a trash can right next to it. Klaus reached right on top for a magazine.

,,Yeah, I mean, he's pretty my type, but I have this beautiful thing right next to me." He replied to the air. I rolled my eyes and smirked until I saw the date.

,,The date." I said, eyes wide open.

,,Oh yeah... February 11, 1960."


We both looked at each other. I put my hands behind my head and turned around. I tried to breathe.

,,Shit." We all said.
I froze on the spot. Because it wasn't just me and Klaus who said it. There was someone else. I slowly turned around and my expression was even more shocked than before. My hands were still behind my head.

,,What?" Klaus looked at me in confusion while I looked at Ben. He was standing in front of me, looking at me.
I stood there like that for about a minute before reached out and tried to touch Ben. But my hand just ran over his chest and I quickly pulled my hand away and took a step back.

,,You can see me?" Ben asked in shock.
,,Uh huh."
,,You see him?" Klaus asked right after him.
,,Uh huh."

All three of us stared at each other because none of us understood what was going on.

,,Shit." We all said.

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