Lemon Like Love

By Ipsitalali

333 137 0

Enter the captivating world of the fierce police officer Lenna Nightingale as she finds herself stuck in a w... More

The Deal
Dodging bullets
Abandoned Hospital
Glowing Red Hearts
When your family wants 'The Tea'
Hidden Camera
Operation Mole
Soaring Metal Tube
But I'm Innocent
Adrenaline-junkie partner in crime!
Mi Chiamo Jane!
Cafe Italiano
Something Like Lemons
Wedding Dresses
Best Dressed
Meh, I'll Figure It Out Someday
You Idiot
Mr. Tough Guy
Aurora Hart
Like Mother Like Daughter
I'm Not A Criminal.
Squirrel vs Cupboard
Head On A Silver Platter
Dead Survivors
Hot Coca
Traffic Lights
Only you
Head Over Heels
The Blame
Better Not Betray Me
Cinnamon role
017 and 041
Haha, Me Too
I'm Alive
Spill The Beans

Perfect Target

2 2 0
By Ipsitalali

~Lenna's pov~

I gazed around the restaurant to find my team. Atlas was dressed up as a waiter, blending in seamlessly with the staff as he discreetly kept an eye on our surroundings. His dedication to our mission was truly commendable. Across the room, I spotted Cal and Matteo, both posing as customers, engaged in what appeared to be a casual conversation. It amazed me how effortlessly they could adapt to any situation; their undercover skills were honed to perfection. While Kamari was laughing with Zuko and a few other patrons at the bar, her infectious smile lit up the room. It was clear that she had effortlessly integrated herself into the social fabric of the place, making it seem like she belonged there. As for myself, I played the role of a wealthy socialite, complete with an elegant gown and an air of confidence. Just then, my eyes landed on my target. It was a man in his forties, wearing a sleek black suit, and talking animatedly with a group of businessmen. 

He was the politician that I was forced to kill his friend, and tonight, I carefully orchestrated this elaborate masquerade ball as the perfect setting for my mission. The soft melodies of the orchestra floated through the grand hall, masking the underlying tension that hung in the air. With every step I took towards him, I could feel my heart pounding and the weight of my mission heavy on my shoulders. The man, oblivious to the danger that lurked nearby, laughed heartily as he raised his glass for a toast. It was now or never.

I tapped on his shoulder gently, catching his attention. As he turned towards me, I mustered a charming smile and lowered my voice, creating an intimate atmosphere amidst the crowded ballroom.

"Hi there," I said, my voice slightly husky. "I couldn't help but notice how captivating you look tonight. Mind if I join you for a moment?"

His eyes widened as he registered my words, his laughter fading away into a bemused smile. Intrigued, he gestured for me to take a seat next to him. Game on, I thought to myself, ready to play the flirtatious cards in this dangerous game of attraction.

His friends got busy among themselves, leaving him and me alone at the table. As I sat down, I could feel the electricity between us—a magnetic pull that seemed to defy the chaos of the surrounding crowd. The music continued to play, and laughter and chatter filled the air, but in that moment, it was as if we were in our own little world. I studied his face, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, and the way his lips curled into a smirk that hinted at a mischievous side. He was the key to this mission. I can't fuck it up.

"Is it really you Aurora?" He asked , his words slurring slightly as he leaned in closer. I could smell the hint of alcohol on his breath. My eyes widened as I heard him take my mother's name.

"Aurora?" I asked in confirmation. He suddenly cupped my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine for any trace of recognition. 

The intensity in his gaze matched the weight of his words as he whispered, "I've missed you so much, Aurora Hart."

"I said I was sorry.. I said I wouldn't do it again ," he slurred, his voice full of false remorse. "But you know how I get when I'm angry. It's not my fault that I can't control myself. You just stopped listening to me. You stopped giving me what I wanted, so I had to find it elsewhere." His words dripped with entitlement and manipulation.

That's when it hit me. He was my mother's ex and he mostly probably is drunk out of his mind mistaking me as my mom. The realization sent a shiver down my spine, as I recalled the stories my mother had shared about her tumultuous relationship with this man. The countless nights of arguments, the bruises that she had tried to hide, and the fear that had consumed her.

My blood started to boil. So this was the asshat that had hurt my mom huh? I couldn't believe my luck, or rather, my misfortune, in encountering him now. The anger within me surged, fueled by the memories of my mother's pain and suffering at his hands. I had always promised myself that if I ever came face to face with him, I would give him a piece of my mind. And now, as fate would have it, that moment had arrived. My fists clenched tightly, my heart racing with a mix of adrenaline and rage.

"You changed so much Baby.." He slurred. "You dyed your pretty brown hair to black and put on grey contact lens?"

I stood before him, my eyes blazing with fury as his drunken words slurred out.

Wow does he still not realize I'm not my mom?

"Yes.. I dyed my hair black and changed my eye color. What are you going to do about it?" I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. The room fell silent as the weight of my words hung in the air. He stared at me, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"You started to talk back now?" he stammered, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and anger.

I scoffed now completely forgetting the mission at hand.

" Oh please, talking back implies that I ever listened to you in the first place," I shot back, smirking at his flabbergasted expression.

"I guess you're here for my money then," he sneered, his tone dripping with bitterness. I raised an eyebrow, unbothered by his attempt at intimidation.

"Bitch please , I'm here for much more than your measly money. You should be worried about protecting your ego, because that's what I'm about to demolish first," I responded.

He suddenly cupped my face.

"Aurora why are you acting like this?" he pleaded, his eyes searching mine for answers.

I chuckled. My name was Lenna not Aurora.

"Well because I want revenge," I replied, pulling away from his touch. "And you, my dear, are the perfect target." His expression shifted from confusion to a mix of fear and realization.

"Is it because I supported Donovola and Lance in their quest for power?" he asked, his voice trembling. I smirked, enjoying the power I held over him in that moment. 

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously as I secretly switched on my microphone and began recording our conversation to let my teammates hear whatever he was saying.

"I helped Lance and Donovola get what they wanted."

"And what did they want?"

"You, Aurora. They wanted a taste of you." My heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, shattering the illusion of control I had carefully constructed.

D-Did they touch m-my mom?

"But don't worry none of us were successful ," he quickly added, sensing my panic. His words offered little comfort as a wave of anger and disgust washed over me. How could anyone think of using my mother in such a vile manner?

 I clenched my fists, feeling a surge of determination to bring justice to those responsible.

Suddenly someone spoke in my ear piece.

"Lenna, breath. Don't lose your composure now. We need you focused and level-headed if we're going to bring these perpetrators to justice," the voice said calmly.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart.

I looked at the pathetic man in front of me with a smirk.

"What would you do to get back with me?" I asked him. He gripped my hands.

"Anything for you, love" He whispered. I gagged inside my head at his words, feeling a wave of disgust wash over me.

"Then beg for my forgiveness," I replied, coldly staring into his desperate eyes.

"W-What?" He asked in shock. I smirked.

"If you want me, then beg. Beg like your life depends on it. Beg for my forgiveness with every ounce of your being. Prove to me that you're willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how humiliating or degrading. Beg like a desperate soul seeking redemption, because that's what you are now in my eyes. Beg, and maybe, just maybe, I might consider giving you another chance."

I was going to get revenge for my mom and complete this mission, kill two birds with one stone , but the satisfaction I felt in that moment was indescribable. The tables had turned, and now it was their turn to feel the desperation and pain that I had endured for so long. I could see the fear in his eyes as he hesitated, his pride warring with their desire to win me back. The twisted satisfaction of watching him scared. My old self, the destructive one that had been consumed by anger and resentment, was resurfacing. It was tempting to give in to that darkness and let it guide my actions.

I grabbed his jaw and made him face me.

" Hey there, Mr. Tough Guy," I taunted, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Feeling a little out of your element, are we?" 

I couldn't help but relish in the power shift, knowing that the tables had finally turned. His once confident expression was replaced by a flicker of fear as he realized he had underestimated me. As much as I wanted to give in to my old destructive ways, I restrained myself for now, content with teasing him and enjoying his discomfort. After all, revenge is best served with a side of humiliation.

He suddenly fell to his knees in front of me. His trembling hands reached out, begging for mercy. The sight of him, once so arrogant and superior, reduced to this pitiful state, brought a twisted satisfaction to my heart. Every ounce of his former dominance had crumbled, replaced by a desperate vulnerability that mirrored the torment he had once inflicted upon my mom. 

I relished in the irony, savoring the taste of his defeat. Yet, as tempting as it was to succumb to my darker instincts and unleash a torrent of pain upon him, I held back, a sadistic grin playing at the corners of my lips.

"Aww how cute ," I taunted, watching as his face contorted in anger and frustration. "You thought you were untouchable, didn't you? But look at you now, a mere shell of your former self." I took pleasure in seeing him squirm, knowing that he was finally getting a taste of his own medicine.

"Now tell me what relation did your friend have with Donovola ?"I asked. His eyes narrowed, his lips forming a tight line as he tried to maintain his composure. Sweat glistened on his forehead, evidence of the pressure I was applying. The power dynamic had shifted, and I reveled in the control I now possessed. As he hesitated, I leaned in closer, my voice dripping with venom.

"Don't make me repeat myself," I hissed, my patience wearing thin.

"He wanted money... He would do anything for money and fame. Even getting rid of innocent children if necessary," he continued, my words laced with a mix of disgust and disbelief.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Donovola not only had a son but also a daughter," he revealed, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and anger. My heart skipped a beat as I processed this new information.

"A daughter?" I repeated, my mind racing to connect the dots.

"Yes," he confirmed, his eyes filled with pain. "She was just a little girl, innocent and pure. Donovola used her as a pawn, manipulating her existence for his own gain. Until she couldn't take it anymore and was about to reveal it to the world."

My mind was spinning, trying to comprehend the magnitude of what he was saying. Donovola, the notorious criminal mastermind, had not only used his son but also his own daughter in his twisted games. The thought of an innocent child being manipulated and used for someone's selfish purposes sent chills down my spine. I leaned in closer, my curiosity overpowering any fear or hesitation.

"What happened to her?" I whispered, afraid of the answer I might receive. 

"Donovola ordered my friend to kill her or do whatever he wanted with her in exchange to more political power," he said.

I couldn't fathom the depths of his depravity, but I knew I had to uncover the truth, no matter how unsettling it may be. 

With a determined look in my eyes, I pressed further. "And your friend, did he...?"

"Yes, he did. He did as he was ordered," the man replied. I clenched my jaw.

"And did you help your friend in this?" I asked. His eyes widened, and he gulped.

"Y-Yes. I helped him do that to her," he confessed, his voice trembling.

Ok, fuck this shit.

 I ripped out my earpiece and chucked it away before grabbing his collar and slamming him against the wall. His body crumpled under the force, but I wasn't done yet. My fists connected with his face, each blow fueled by a mix of anger and justice. I couldn't let him get away with what he had done. With each strike, I felt a surge of power coursing through me, pushing me to go further to make him pay for his sins. The sound of bones breaking filled the room as I continued to beat him mercilessly, determined to extract every ounce of truth from his battered body.

My old self was back—the underground street fighter that I once was. The adrenaline rushed through my veins, reminding me of the thrill and intensity I used to crave. As I delivered blow after blow, my years of training and experience took over, guiding me with precision and instinct. The darkness inside me resurfaced, a side that had laid dormant for so long.

Oh how I missed this feeling...

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