The Prodigy and the Band Girl...

By IWAEHypeMan

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Nagae Riku, heir apparent to the prestigious Nagae Family, what people don't know, he is one of the greatest... More

Bio(Update v2)
Gensokyo Girls Info Pt. 1
I - Return.......with the Boys and Promise
Gensokyo Girls Info Pt. 2
II - Offer and Gift
III - Start of School and Reunion
IV - Confirmation and Proposal
V - Gathering and Reveal
VI - CiRCLE and Answers
VII - Truth and Agreement
VIII - Response and Stand-in(Revised)
IX - Return and the New OG
X - Practice, Exams and Group Stage Begins
XI - Results, Plans and Secrets
XII - The 2nd day and a Very Close Call
XIII - Attack and The Girls Arrive at Stockholm!
XIV - The Future World Fes Begins! OG vs Team Spirit! A rematch on both sides!
XV - Riku's Day Off and Recovery
XVI - OG vs Thunder Awaken - Riku and Tenshi
XVIII - The Grand Finals and the Battle Awaits
XIX - Departure and the Long Way Home
XX - A New Problem and the New CiRCLE
XXI - To Each Others Feelings and a Night in the Pub
XXII - Project SEKAI and the Live Begins Now
XXIII - A Deal and a Childhood Outing
XXIV - Breakfast at Dawn and Riku's Challenge
XXV - Dragon vs Turtle, Danmaku Debut and the Meetup
XXVI - The Hotel Performance and the Return Home
XXVII - CiRCLE's New Members and Relationships Revealed
XXVIII - Riku and Kaguya - A Bond Rekindled
XXIX - The Engagement and the Celestial Family's Plan
XXX - Riku, Rinko and Miyu
XXXI - The Frog Goddess and the Black Cat

XVII - Hinanawi Tenshi and Roselia's Invitation

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By IWAEHypeMan

May 20, 2021 - Thursday - 9:00 A.M.

Hovet Arena - OG's Autograph Stand

3rd POV

Riku and the other boys have an autograph session set for today, along with Tundra and Team Spirit. They were in the process of preparing to set up when they noticed Riku yawning.

Miposhka: Hey Iku, are you alright? Didn't get enough sleep?

Riku: Let's just say..........a lot of things happened last night......

Nine: Which is?

Riku: Well.............

Flashback - Inside Riku's Mindscape (This is the events that happened in Riku's mindscape last night)

Riku's childhood friends can't believe what they're seeing: the girl they called their big sister, who died three years ago, is standing in front of them, hugging Kokoro tightly.

After Tenshi gave her a huge hug, she let go of her and faced her direction to the girls with Riku beside her.

Tenshi: Now then! I know that some of you have questions that needed to be answered. Lay it on me!!

Riku just smacked her head loud and the band girls flinched to how loud that smack was.

Tenshi: OW!!!!! What did you do that for?!

Riku: Be serious about this will you?

Tenshi, who was currently rubbing the back of her head, tried to say something, but Riku only glared at her and did not respond.

Tenshi: Alright alright. Sheesh, Can't take a joke today ain't ya? Well........Any questions?

Misaki raised her hand as she gives Tenshi a question that was in the back of the minds of the girls.

Misaki: Tenshi-san.........what's your relationship with Riku-san?

Tenshi: put it simply........Riku is my babysitter.

Everyone: Babysitter?

They looked at Riku waiting for him to give an answer. He just closed his eyes and sighed.

Riku: In the early days of the Celestial Families, the Nagae were a subordinate family to the Hinanawi. So we basically served them till the end of the Meiji period. But we do it as part of a tradition. However, due to Tenshi's "extreme" arrogance and pride, serving her may be an immense pain in the ass. This makes me more of a babysitter than a vassal.

Tenshi: HEY!!!

Sayo: What do you mean by that?

Riku: Tenshi was in charge of keeping a watch on Kokoro once, when she was just four years old. Tenshi was trying to throw and catch her in the air, and she may have gone too far.

Misaki: Taken it too far exactly?

Misaki being worried for what happened to her leader when she was a kid and Riku continued to explain.

Riku: She went overboard and tossed Kokoro 300 feet in the air.























Everyone(minus Gensokyo girls): SHE DID WHAT!?

They couldn't believe what they heard from Riku. Who in their right mind would toss someone 300 feet off the ground? Some of the older sisters turned livid and grabbed Tenshi by the neck.....mainly Tomoe.



Tenshi: HEY! I didn't know that a regular human can't take that level, at least Kokoro didn't get hurt.


Riku: That's enough Sayo-san, Tomoe-san. True that Tenshi did that to Kokoro, but she got an earful from her father for her actions.

The two big sisters looking convinced hearing that Tenshi was punished, and the other girls looked at Kokoro and they asked her if she was okay during that time.

Kanon: Were you okay at that time Kokoro-chan?

Kokoro: Don't worry, onii-chan managed to catch me in time and beat up onee-chan really hard when we got down.

The girls sweatdropped to Riku's actions after rescuing Kokoro. That is a side of Riku that they didn't know of.

Tenshi: Now........any more questions?

Tenshi asked this in a gloomy tone, and Saaya raised her hand.

Saaya: Yuyuko-san told us that Riku-kun is a youkai. If it isn't rude to ask Tenshi-san......are you a youkai too?

Tenshi: Hah? A youkai? Don't compare a Celestial like me to a mere youkai.

Hearing Tenshi claimed that youkai were a bit inferior to her made Riku and Satori twitch in annoyance.

Eve: What's a Celestial?

Yuyuko: Celestials are former humans who became immortal and ascended to heaven, or who obtained enlightenment and nirvana after death. Celestials can be carefree and accomplish almost anything without working.

Arisa: Does Tenshi-san have an ability like you guys?

Riku: Tenshi is capable of manipulating the Earth. She has the ability to control landslides, earthquakes, and other natural disasters at will. But she prefers to use her keystones.

The girls were in pure shock. The raw power that Tenshi can use, hearing that she can cause earthquakes by her will made them fear Tenshi.

Yuyuko: Don't worry, her power is so terrible that the Celestial Families unanimously decided not to let Tenshi to use her abilities unless absolutely necessary.


Tenshi who was screaming in protest seeing how it was unfair to her.

Satori: Which is a decision we did not regret. Do you realize how much collateral damage you caused in a single battle? We are required to report to the government on a regular basis.

Tenshi just continues to protest as Lisa asks Riku about her battle tendencies.

Lisa: Does she want to fight that much?

Riku: You have no idea. I mean she challenged Yuyuko-san, Yukari-san and Eirin-san in a danmaku battle......only to lose badly. Hell she even pissed off Reimu by destroying her shrine. And I tell you this.......the reason why she does's because she felt like it.

The fear the girls had for Tenshi only got worse when they heard that she did those things because she felt like it.

Yukina: Despite all those things that she did, you still stayed by her side.

Riku: Aside from her father, I am the only one who can restrain her. Aside from my childhood friends, I'm pretty much her best friend. Even with that attitude, no one can match her dedication to her family's well-being. Any other questions?

The girls were still afraid from the facts that were given to them, then Rei raised her hand and asked the one question that they want to hear.

Riku: Rei-san? What do you want to ask Tenshi?

Rei: It's about the song that Riku performed at the Future World Fes a few hours ago. Is it true that you were the one who wrote those songs?

Tenshi looked at Rei with curious eyes and just smiled at her.

Tenshi: Yeah. I composed those songs, and Riku assisted me in creating them, so it's essentially a collaboration. Normally, Riku cannot sing those songs without my father's consent, but I stated in my will that only Riku and others he deems worthy of his trust could use my songs. And I see Riku still calls some of you with -san on your names........guess it will be a while before he truly trusts you girls.

Maya: Now that you mentioned it, Riku-san has been calling Shirokane-san, Mitake-san, Tsurumaki-san, Kaoru-san and Chisato-san without honorifics. What's with that?

Tenshi: Riku will only drop the honorifics on you once he fully trusts you.

Sayo: So Riku-san still doesn't trust us?

Tenshi: Don't take it that way. Earning Riku's trust is like entrusting your life to each other. Examples include: Rinko, Ran, Kokoro, Kaoru, Chisato, and Chu². For Yuyuko and a few others, he used honorifics to show respect for someone older than him.

Hina: What made you write songs Tenshi-chan?

Tenshi: "Chan," huh? I like it! Anyway, because my danmaku fighting abilities were limited, I needed something to keep me entertained. So, I had an idea and dragged Riku along with it. I planned to write some songs and perform with him someday. I write the lyrics and he composes; I also taught him how to play the guitar so we can perform together, and one day we'll create a band and go big. That was my dream, but........

Yukina: Riku-san got to the top earlier than you right?

Tenshi just turned behind the girls and looked at the sky.

Tenshi: Yeah. And I'm not mad about it. Actually, I was proud of him. Despite his hectic schedule as a professional, he returns to Japan occasionally to play music with us......until that day.

The girls looked down as they already know what happened. Satori stepped up and asks Tenshi for further details.

Satori: Tenshi. I'm asking this not as the matriarch of the Komeiji, but as a detective. What happened to you at that time? Who was the one who took your life?

Yuyuko: Are you sure that this is the right place for you to say that question Satori? You know that the girls are here.

Riku: I'll take the girls in the palace while you do your thing.

Yuyuko, Satori, and Tenshi nodded as Riku led the girls to the dragon palace alongside Youmu and Flan, leaving Yuyuko, Satori, Tenshi, and Remilia behind.

Remilia: Now that they're gone, let's continue.

Tenshi: Right. What happened was that I took Riku on a road trip to cheer him up; it had been a week after his parents' deaths, and I needed to do something. There was progress until we were ambushed.

Satori: Who ambushed you?

Tenshi: I do not know. They were wearing black cloaks and white masks, so we can't see their faces. Riku and I did our best to fend them off without utilizing danmakus or any of our skills because we were in a public place.

Yuyuko: What happened next?

Tenshi: We beat several of them and are growing fatigued; even if I have ten times the strength of a typical person, I still have limits. We believed we had them all, but someone was targeting Riku from behind, and I shoved him.

Remilia: And you took the hit.

Tenshi: Yeah. And it was not just a regular was a danmaku, a laser type to say.

Yuyuko, Satori and Remilia's expressions turned very serious when Tenshi told them that she was killed by a danmaku. Something that only they and a few exceptions can use.

Satori: Did you manage to see who made the shot.

Tenshi: I did. It was only a quick glance but.........the only thing I noticed from the culprit had gold glowing eyes.......

Yuyuko: The same thing that happened to Shinomiya the one who is responsible......are the Black Fang.......

Tenshi: No. The Fang aren't getting involved. If they were involved, the members that Riku and I confronted should have had a mark on their necks, but we saw none when we knocked them out.

Remilia: This got very complicated very fast. If it ain't the Fang, who is it?

Satori: I can guess that a 3rd party has involved themselves on the matter. Thank you Tenshi for giving us this information.

Tenshi: No problem. Oh right. Can you tell the other heads to keep me being alive a secret?

Yuyuko: Oh yeah, about that. How are you still here?

Tenshi: Before I died in Riku's arms, I manage to take a fragment of my soul and placed it in the dragon palace. It was a small portion and it took me a long time to recover.

Remilia: How did you manage to pull it off? I've read some this kind of magic from Patchy that this magic comes great risk.

Tenshi: Yeah, and the gamble paid off. Thankfully, I borrowed a couple books from Marisa and stumbled into it. I felt this would be useful in the long term, but I didn't expect to utilize it this way.

Satori: Very well. We'll tell this only to the other family heads........what about your brother?

Tenshi: It's Riku's decision if he wanted to reveal it. If he does it or not, I'll respect it. I think you should go inside the palace, I'll stay here.

Yuyuko: Are you sure you're okay staying behind?

Tenshi: Well..............she kinda forbid me to enter the palace without her permission......

Yuyuko: Wait "her"? I thought the dragon god is a male?

Tenshi: The dragon god decided to take on an avatar that suits his tastes. And you would rather see it than me telling. Now run along now, I can tell that Satori's spell is nearly running out.

The three understood Tenshi and left her as they go inside the palace. Tenshi just stretched her arms and summoned a keystone and jumped on top of it and the keystone started to float.

Tenshi: Alright! Time to get to work!

Tenshi floated away to god knows where after she said that.

Meanwhile with Riku and the girls

Dragon Palace - Main Hall

Riku was showing the girls throughout the castle, and now they've arrived at the main hall, where the dragon god resides. While traveling through the halls, the girls observed numerous images, one of which resembled a female version of Riku.

Kasumi: Senpai! Who is this girl on the picture? She looks like a female version of you.

Arisa did a light chop on Kasumi's head in regards on her comment but Riku didn't mind it.

Riku: That Kasumi-san, is the very first Nagae and the first messenger of the dragon god. Nagae Iku.

The girls were shocked that the girl in the picture is the first Nagae. And they're even more shocked when they realize one thing.

Chiyu: Wait a minute! If your ancestors name was Iku.....then you're using her name as your stage name!?

Riku: Remember when I told you girls that I came up with the stage name Iku at random? Well, I kind of lied. The fact is, as I was thinking about what to call myself on stage, the dragon god appeared in my thoughts and informed me that I may use my ancestor's name..........I was ready to reconsider, but the dragon god insisted. So I used it, and ever since then, whenever I come on stage, I'm Iku.

Chiyu: So basically, "Iku" is kinda like a title or something?

Riku: More or less..........anyway......we're here.

Riku stopped as they're in front of a huge black door with 2 oarfish that is encircling each other in a yin-yang position while a long elongated dragon encircled both oarfish.

Rinko: that.....

Riku: This is the door to the dragon god.......I go here every once in a while whenever there is something bothering me. And I brought you all here so I can introduce you.

Tsugumi: Wait a second Riku-san! We're not ready to meet a real god yet!!

Riku: Don't worry Tsugumi-san, it'll be okay.

Misaki: But how are you going to open that door?

Riku remained still as lightning flashed from his hands and he placed his hands on the door. The oarfish began moving gently, as if following a pattern to unlock the door. The lightning began to strike every nook as the door slowly opened. After a few seconds, the door eventually opens, and Riku simply sighs.

Riku: Well, let's go.

Riku stepped inside, and the girls followed him; as they entered the room, they noticed a girl with violet hair wearing a white blouse and a black skirt seated at a Japanese table drinking tea. The girl set down her cup and opened her eyes, revealing stunning red ruby eyes.

Iku: Ara~ It seems you've brought a lot of guests, Riku.

Maya: R-Riku-san......that's-

Iku went to Maya as she put her fingers on Maya's chin, surprising her in the process.

Iku: You don't need to ask him who I am. I am Nagae Iku, the first Nagae. And at the same time, I am the dragon god.

The girls were shocked that the girl in front of them is the dragon god that is inside Riku.

Riku: You girls are wondering why the dragon god takes this form right? Reason for that, the dragon god is currently using Iku as an avatar to get around the palace.

Iku: Exactly like Riku said. It's kinda boring to stay in one place, and I want to move around like you. I know that you have some questions but........unfortunately your time here is running out.

When Iku mentioned that they're running out of time, Riku noticed his arm is slowly dissipating. The girls seemed to notice and they were starting to panic.

Riku: Calm down girls! It's just that Satori-san's spell is starting to lose its effect. We'll be back in the real world in a short moment.

Iku: I'm glad that I get to meet all of Riku's new friends. I would like to ask that you take care of him.

The girls nodded as they vanished from Riku's mindscape along with him and Iku returned to her seat as she continued to drink her tea.

Iku:................let's see how will everything will go from here.......

Back to reality

The girls that stayed behind noticed that some of them are starting to wake up. And the first one to wake up was Riku himself.

Eirin: Riku, you're awake.

Riku: Eirin-san. Did anything happen while we were out?

Eirin: None. You were all safe. What happened in your mind?

Riku: I'll share the details later. In the meantime, help the others. They're about to wake up in a moment.

Riku and the others started to help the girls as they wake up one by one. As all of them woke up, Riku began to share what happened in Riku's mindscape. Of course, some of them couldn't believe it but with Yuyuko, Satori and Remila as key witnesses, they decided to believe.

End of flashback

Riku POV

Yeah, like hell I'm gonna tell them that. I doubt that they'll believe that. They're looking at me as they wait for my know what, let's fib a little.

Riku: Just made some last adjustments on what we're gonna do for the finals, nothing big.

The boys believed the lies I told on the spot. While we were waiting for the autograph signing to begin, Rinko sent me a message. It appears she is inviting me to play NFO with Ako-chan later today. I informed her that I was available after the session and planned to play at 4.

After I replied to her, I received a call from Nitori and Takane informing me that the supplies I bought for my side project had arrived. I gave them the go-ahead to begin and report back to me once I returned to Japan. Hopefully, they won't go overboard.

After a few minutes of setting up for the signing session, several of the boys glanced through the line and noticed how long it was. Some of us swallowed, knowing that it was going to be a long day.

Once the clock struck at 10 A.M...........we prepare ourselves as the autograph session is under way.

Timeskip is brought to you by...................should we tell her about Gojo?

Hakugyoku Hotel Stockholm Branch – Gaming Room

4:00 P.M.

The signing session ended an hour ago, and it was taxing. We three bands didn't anticipate so many people to queue up for our autographs; most likely, they came for me because I'm simply a stand-in and this is their only chance to obtain an autograph from me.

My hands would have collapsed if it hadn't been for Eirin-san's medicine; I signed at least 7,000 signatures throughout the session, and we were able to finish everything on time.

As for the remaining matches......the results stand thus:

BetBoom 0-2 beastcoast

BetBoom was unexpectedly got swept by beastcoast. I believe BetBoom became comfortable after defeating Team Liquid. This means beastcoast will clash with Gaimin Gladiators.

TSM 2-0 Fnatic

TSM swept Fnatic in dominating fashion with a combo of Bryle and SabeRLighT-, they take a 2-0 win and will face Thunder Awaken.

Gaimin Gladiators 2-1 beastcoast

Gaimin defeated Beastcoast in three rounds to claim the third spot in the finals. Gaimin won the opening round, but beastcoast came back in the second. The third set was decided in a bass off between beastcoast's Wisper and Gaimin's Ace, and they agreed to make it an endurance battle, with the one who falls first losing, and Wisper gave up after his finger began to bleed 10 minutes into the match.

TSM 2-0 Thunder Awaken

TSM swept Thunder Awaken in 2 rounds. I guess they used the momentum that they got against Fnatic to beat them. But from the videos that we watched in their match, it seemed that TSM was holding back a bit.

Now the four finalists are three from Western Europe and one from North about a lot of pressure for TSM.

We received word from the event organizers that there had been a little change in plans. Instead of the typical five songs in the grand finals, they decided to cut them into three songs for each band because there are four bands competing. We have no issues with that and have decided to proceed with it.

Right now, I'm at the hotel's game room with Rinko and Ako-chan, and unexpectedly, the other Roselia girls are also playing. Ako-chan's eyes lit up when she found out I was also playing NFO, and she bombarded me with questions about my username, class, level, type of equipment, skill set, play style, and much more.

Luckily Rinko was there as I was overwhelmed by Ako-chan's questions. I also asked on what's Lisa-san and the other's playing level in NFO and Rinko said that they're above average at best.

I logged in my account as I play NFO with Rinko and Roselia

[OG.Iku is online]

I selected my avatar as it teleported to the starting town where Rinko and the others are.

The avatar I'm now using has a white suit with blue and black outlines, a black tie, and white pants. My avatar also wears white gloves and metallic boots that reach my knees. My violet hair is rather long and spiky in this game, so I had to tie it in a ponytail.

(A/N: Imagine Chung's hair is violet)

[Rin-Rin is online]

(A/N: I'm gonna put the game chat in Bold and at this part they're using their IGN except Sayo, Lisa and Yukina)

Rin-Rin: Riku! You're finally online! Where are you? I thought we were supposed to meet up here at the square?

OG.Iku: Oh......okay. I was transported at the other side. Wait for a moment will ya?

After sending the message to Rinko, I teleported to the town square where Rinko and the others are waiting.

OG.Iku: Sorry I made you girls wait.

I met the girls, and based on their gear, Lisa-san, Sayo-san, and Yukina-san are at least level 50. Ako-chan's set is at least level 90. Not terrible, but the level difference between Ako-chan, Rinko, and the rest is......bruh......

Lisa: Riku! You'

Lisa-san and the others were just stunned as they looked at me........probably the equipment that I'm might be........a bit overboard.......

Sayo: Shirokane-san........what's Riku-san's class?

RinRin: Um........Riku....can you show your status board?

Rinko invited me to the party where I can share my character info to the others. I accepted it and opened my status screen and showed it to them and this is what is shown............

Name: OG.Iku
Level: 100
Class: Centurion

Lisa: Level 100?!

Sayo: Centurion? Shirokane-san, what's a Centurion?

Demon Princess Ako: RIku-nii! Is that the limited edition Cyber Class Centurion?!

Ako-chan grabbed me and starts shaking me as she asked me this.

Lisa: Cyber Class?

Rin-Rin: Cyber Classes are one of the most sophisticated classes introduced in NFO five years ago. The highlight of Cyber Classes are their extremely long range attacks, strong AOE damage, and a very varied skill pool that can be utilized for both offense and defense, but how they are used is quite difficult. The reason there are few to no Cyber Class users is that the skill set required is extremely rigorous. Cyber Classes employ a gimmick that allows them to perform skills with minimal mana cost indefinitely, although this requires a set of skills to trigger. So yet, just eight players used a Cyber Class, and they are all at the top of the NFO leaderboards.

Sayo: Is it that hard? Then why did Riku-san chose a class with that much difficulty?

OG.Iku: I always like a good challenge. Picking this kind of class suits my style. And not just that, this also serves as training for my fingers.

They wanted to ask why I'm using this as training for my fingers, but Yukina-san understood it quickly.

Yukina: So you can train your fingers reflexes once you play the guitar or keyboard am I right?

I just nodded in Yukina-san's question as Rinko continues her detailed explanation about the Cyber Classes.

Rin-Rin: Riku's class is Centurion. Centurion is one of the 12 Cyber Classes that have been released, and it is mostly focused on bombardment and heavy artillery strikes. This class includes grenades, missiles, rockets, and anything else that may be used to blast a target from a distance. Although Centurions rely more on range, they are classified as tanks because of their enormous HP, similar to Hikawa-san.

OG.Iku: And this can be also used as a support. There are several support skills that can be used to reduce the damage that my party receives and recovery skills to make them last longer.

Sayo: I see. Then you'll be helping me in taking the front?

OG.Iku: No. I shall be the vanguard, while you will be on Yukina-san and Lisa-san's side. Both of them are support classes with little to no offensive capabilities; they require a bodyguard, and you suit the bill. Assist Ako-chan and Rinko whenever you can to ensure that their magic chants are not interrupted.

Sayo: Understood. By the way, why do you have OG on your name?

OG.Iku: Ah, that? Aside from music, OG is also involved in gaming, and I am one of the few responsible for the NFO content that OG produces. OG is also a guild in NFO, one of Western Europe's most prestigious guilds. I'll upload this after the Future World Fes.

Demon Princess Ako: By the way Riku-nii, is that your current equipment?

OG.Iku: Ah, what is this? This is only a costume set. It covers the usual equipment I am currently using. Those at the highest levels use this strategy to avoid unwanted attention. Hold on as I show you my real equipment.

I opened the menu and removed my costume to reveal my true equipment. Once I've shown them that, Ako-chan fell flat face first on the ground.


Rin-Rin: Ako-chan!!

Lisa: Ako!!

OG.Iku: I knew that this is gonna happen.

Yukina: You expected that to happen?

OG.Iku: Yup. I think this is the normal reaction of any NFO player when they see a full Phantasmal set.

Lisa: Phantasmal? Rinko, isn't Phantasmal the highest grade in the game?

Rin-Rin: Hai. The only way to obtain a Phantasmal grade set is to participate in a Phantasmal Raid, which occurs once every two months. But from what Riku is wearing right now, I can tell he's utilizing the Water Guardian's gear, which can be found in the Hall of the Water Oracle........I'm guessing it took him at least three years to collect it all.

OG.Iku: You really know your NFO stuff Rinko. I did get this set from the Hall of the Water Oracle. It was a team effort to clear it and the set was worth it. Are you okay now Ako-chan?

Ako-chan manages to get up from the shock. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes in just seeing my equipment made me thought of an idea. Rinko saw me and she didn't like it one bit.

Rin-Rin: Riku........what are you planning?

OG.Iku: Come now Rinko. Not every time I play, I'm planning something bad. I'm just thinking of giving your friends something that can help them in the long run.

Rin-Rin: And what's that?

Riku: Girls, open your trade window. I'm gonna give you something.

Sayo-san, Rinko and Ako-chan opened their trade windows and Lisa-san helped Yukina-san opened hers. I guess Yukina-san is not yet used in playing games.

Sayo: What are you going to give us Riku-san?

I didn't say anything as I sent them an item to their trade window. When Rinko and Ako-chan saw the item that was given to them, they went absolute livid.



Lisa: Ako, it bad?

Rin-Rin: It's not bad Imai-san, this is possibly one of the items that any player wanted to have. To guarantee yourself a very powerful weapon of your choice is like a dream come true........and Riku giving this to us like it's nothing......

Riku: Well......I'm already locked in my equipment and I don't know where to use it. But when I saw Ako-chan's eyes sparkling at my set......

I just scratched the side of my cheek as Rinko giggled as she knows that I have a soft side for kids.

Rin-Rin: Ufufufufu~ I know that you have a soft spot for children Riku. So you gave us this for Ako-chan?

Demon Princess Ako: Don't treat me like a child Riku-nii!! I'm already at high school remember?!?!

Riku: But to me, you're still a kid. Moving on though, let's see what you get on those tickets.

Rinko and Ako-chan used their tickets and they see a window showing 5 weapons of their selected classes.

Riku: The ticket you used is not just a regular Phantasmal Weapon ticket. This ticket will give you 5 options to choose from, and once you selected your choice, you will get it immediately and it will be +7 enhancement the moment you get it. So take your time and pick wisely.

Rinko POV

As Riku explained how to use these tickets, I was having difficulty deciding which staff to choose. Two of these are among the few weapons that I require. One is the [Staff of the Ancients], which has a 45% chance of using a skill used in the past 10 seconds with no mana cost, and the other is the [Octarine Scepter], a staff with a unique passive that reduces all mana cost and cooldown by 25%. Both are appealing, but when I look at the stat gain thoroughly, I notice something about the [Octarine Scepter].

[+7 Octarine Scepter]
Class: Phantasmal
Durability: 800/800
Req. Level: 0(92 – Current Level)
Physical Attack: 1,500(18,984)
Magical Attack: 3,800(26,452)
Physical Defense: 195(2,555)
Magical Defense: 360(4,147)
HP: 2,000(79,885)
MP: 3,500(102,665)

Unique Passive: Octarine Regenerator – Reduces all skill mana cost and cooldown by 25%(max: 45%). Grants [Brilliance Aura] that gives the user and party 10% mana regeneration. Increases Skill Amplification by 15%(+3% for every 10 levels).

Unique Skill: Arcane Refresh – By using 35% of the users max MP, all skill cooldowns are refreshed but skill cost is increased by 25%. (Cooldown: 360 Seconds)

Enhancement Bonuses:
+1: Critical Chance +10%
+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%
+3: Skill Life Steal +20%
+4: Skill Cooldown +15%
+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%
+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%
+7: Status Resistance +20%
+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%
+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%
+10: Mana Cost -15%
+11: Critical Damage +25%
+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

My eyes went wide eyes as I looked at the effects. I know that phantasmal grade items are considered game changing........but this.....this is broken......Riku mentioned that this staff is at +7 enhancement once I picked it. But seeing the benefits that it can do for my skills........I took a deep breath and selected it.

[Congratulations to Rin-Rin for claiming +7 Octarine Scepter!!]

Riku looked at me surprised and he just smiled at me as he know what weapon I picked.

OG.Iku: So you picked the [Octarine Scepter]? Not bad.

Rin-Rin: I was thinking of getting the [Staff of the Ancients] but the unique skill of this staff convinced me. But I gotta ask, does all Phantasmal items start at level 0?

OG.Iku: Yup, Phantasmal items scales to your level. That's why they have a very low drop rate and sought out. Once you got your hands on a phantasmal item, you'll have less worry on finding your next equipment......but you still have to worry about the repair costs though. Repairing phantasmal items won't come cheap.

Rin-Rin: I did you get 5 Phantasmal tickets?

Riku: My old raid team gave it to me. They decided to move on and continue their real life and gave me their tickets. I've been holding these tickets since then.........seems like they've picked their weapons.

[Congratulations to Demon Princess Ako for claiming +7 Pandaria's Grimoire!!]

[Congratulations to Lisa for claiming +7 Staff of the Last Saint!!]

[Congratulations to Sayo for claiming +7 Davion's Sword and Shield!!]

[Congratulations to Yukina for claiming +7 Lyre of the Wind Archon!!]

Me and Riku looked at Ako-chan and the others as they picked their weapon of choice. Ako-chan was very happy as she was holding the grimoire up high.

Rin-Rin: Ako-chan, why did you pick that? I thought that you want a demon summoning book?

Demon Princess Ako: I wanted to at first. But when I look at this grimoire's effects, I have to pick it. Take a look!!

I looked at the grimoire's effects and Ako-chan really made the right decision.

[+7 Pandaria's Grimoire]
Class: Phantasmal
Durability: 800/800
Req. Level: 0(90 – Current Level)
Physical Attack: 1,400(17,965)
Magical Attack: 3,600(26,023)
Physical Defense: 186(2,410)
Magical Defense: 360(4,147)
HP: 2,000(78,457)
MP: 3,500(100,420)

Unique Passive: Pandaren Element – The user can use 4 different pandaren elements (fire, storm, earth and void) and can be switched based on the grimoire element the user currently uses.

Fire Element: Grants critical chance and damage +10% and +15% attack speed.

Earth Element: Grants physical and magical defense +10%.

Storm Element: Grants evasion +15% and movement speed +5%.

Void Element: Grants status resistance +10% and all attacks grant +25% slow on enemies for 2.5 seconds.

Unique Skill: Primal Split – Summons 4 Pandarens (Fire, Earth, Storm and Void) to fight for you. Each pandaren has 3 different skills. Pandaren's stats are 70% of the user's stats. Pandaren's lasts for 180 seconds Pandaren's skill mana cost will be taken from the caster. (Cooldown: 300 Seconds)

Fire Pandaren skills:
Flame Barrier (Active Skill) – Creates a barrier of flames around the user equal to 30% of the users max HP. Lasts for 40 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 Seconds)
Immolation (Active Skill) – Inflicts additional 6% magical damage to the enemy. Constantly drains mana. Can be toggled on and off.
Flame Road (Active Skill) – Creates a road of fire, dealing continuous fire damage and high chance of burn. (Cooldown: 45 Seconds)

Storm Pandaren Skills:
Cyclone (Active Skill) – Traps an enemy in a cyclone, preventing from using any skills. Cannot be targeted by attacks and skills. Can be casted to self. Cyclone lasts for 18 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 Seconds)
Static Pull (Active Skill) – Pulls enemies in an area and drags them to the center for 6 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 Seconds)
Lightning Aura (Passive Skill) – Grants self and allies 8% movement and attack speed.

Earth Pandaren Skills:
Boulder Toss (Active Skill) – Hurls boulders at an area. Inflicts stun for 8 seconds. (Cooldown: 35 Seconds)
Guardian Aura (Passive Skill) – Grants user and allies 10% max HP and HP regeneration.
Solid Rock (Passive Skill) – Reduces damage by 15% to self and allies and increase physical and magical defense by 9%.

Void Pandaren Skills:
Aether Push (Active Skill) – Pushes a target to a specific location. Interrupts spells once activated. (Cooldown: 35 Seconds)
Aether Aura (Passive Skill) – Increases self and allies spell amplification by 15%.
Black Hole (Active Skill) – Pulls enemies into the center for 6 seconds. (Cooldown: 100 Seconds)

Enhancement Bonuses:
+1: Critical Chance +10%
+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%
+3: Skill Life Steal +20%
+4: Skill Cooldown +15%
+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%
+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%
+7: Status Resistance +20%
+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%
+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%
+10: Mana Cost -15%
+11: Critical Damage +25%
+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

Rin-Rin: With can at least play by yourself but.......if you use [Primal Split], you have to control 4 characters aside from your avatar. Are you sure you can handle it?

Demon Princess Ako: With these pandarens at my side, any battle can be won! Believe it!!

Rin-Rin: I believe in you Ako-chan! What about you girls?

Sayo: I picked this one. Looking at the Passive it provided, this would benefit me the most.

[+7 Davion's Sword and Shield]
Class: Phantasmal
Durability: 800/800
Req. Level: 0(55 – Current Level)
Physical Attack: 2,700(9,448)
Magical Attack: 1,900(6,544)
Physical Defense: 355(6,187)
Magical Defense: 355(6,054)
HP: 4,000(97,461)
MP: 2,500(50,660)

Unique Passive: Dragon's Blood: Increases HP regeneration by 10% and physical/magical defense by 15% (+5% for every 15% max HP loss). Grants the user [Dragon's Aura] which increases elemental resistance by 25%. When HP is below 30%, 25% chance to cast [Flare Burst] which inflicts AOE fire damage.

Unique Skill: Dragon Form: User takes the form of one of 4 powerful dragons (Dragons change per 25 levels: Green (Deals poison damage) – 25, Red (Deals fire damage) – 50, Blue (Deals ice damage) – 75, Black (Deals chaos damage) – 100) and granting additional stats and abilities. All attacks deal AOE damage and cannot be pushed nor interrupted. HP, physical and magical defense increases by 35% during this form. Elemental resistance and status resistance increases by 20%. Dragon Form lasts 100 Seconds. (Cooldown: 300 Seconds)

Enhancement Bonuses:
+1: Critical Chance +10%
+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%
+3: Skill Life Steal +20%
+4: Skill Cooldown +15%
+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%
+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%
+7: Status Resistance +20%
+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%
+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%
+10: Mana Cost -15%
+11: Critical Damage +25%
+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

OG.Iku: Quite a pick Sayo-san. You get tankier the lesser HP you have. Just need to stock up on some resistances, even some high level players that are in the 70's will have a hard time beating you.

Sayo: Thank you....Riku-san.

Riku turned his direction to Imai-san and Yukina-san as I see them holding the weapons of their choice.

OG.Iku: What about you two?

Lisa: Me and Yukina picked this one.

[+7 Staff of the Last Saint]
Class: Phantasmal
Durability: 800/800
Req. Level: 0(50 – Current Level)
Physical Attack: 1,400(6,874)
Magical Attack: 2,900(9,554)
Physical Defense: 170(1,455)
Magical Defense: 225(2,147)
HP: 3,000(45,352)
MP: 3,500(58,804)

Unique Passive: Aureola's Grace – Every time the user casts a support skill or healing skill, there is a 25% chance that all allies' physical and magical attacks increase by 8% for 5 seconds. This can be stacked (Max stack: 3). When users HP is at below 50%, all healing and support skill amplifications are increased by 35%. Effect will wear off once the user's HP is at 80% or above.

Unique Skill: Saint's Last Word – Negates all damage and healing of all allies for 10 seconds if HP is lower than 25%. Removes all debuffs and all negated healing are doubled to all once the duration ends. (Cooldown: 180 Seconds)

Enhancement Bonuses:
+1: Critical Chance +10%
+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%
+3: Skill Life Steal +20%
+4: Skill Cooldown +15%
+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%
+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%
+7: Status Resistance +20%
+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%
+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%
+10: Mana Cost -15%
+11: Critical Damage +25%
+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

[+7 Lyre of the Wind Archon]
Class: Phantasmal
Durability: 800/800
Req. Level: 0(45 – Current Level)
Physical Attack: 1,700(5,541)
Magical Attack: 2,100(6,587)
Physical Defense: 150(1,102)
Magical Defense: 205(2,058)
HP: 3,500(39,887)
MP: 2,500(47,493)

Unique Passive: Voice of Ventus – Everytime the user uses a sound based skill 3 times, all allies around the user receives 10% movement and attack speed for 8 seconds, HP and MP regeneration +15% for 10 seconds. Effects are doubled if the users HP are below 30%.

Unique Skill: Archon's Sonata – The user casts a song that disables all enemies around the user for 10 seconds. The targets cannot attack nor get attacked and all allies within the song radius receive 5% healing equal to their max HP per second for its duration. (Cooldown: 250 Seconds)

Enhancement Bonuses:
+1: Critical Chance +10%
+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%
+3: Skill Life Steal +20%
+4: Skill Cooldown +15%
+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%
+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%
+7: Status Resistance +20%
+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%
+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%
+10: Mana Cost -15%
+11: Critical Damage +25%
+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

OG.Iku: Very nice picks. And looking at the weapons that you girls chose for yourselves, all of them are heavy team fight effect weapons. Kinda fitting for you since you're in a band.

Demon Princess Ako: Riku-nii! Can we see your weapon? Please!!!!

Ako-chan was begging to Riku to show us his weapon. I can see on his face that he wanted to show but can't........but Ako-chan's puppy dog eyes was too effective for him.

OG.Iku: Alright, I'll show you.

Riku opened his status board again and showed us the details on his weapon.

[+12 Purified Water Guardians Cannon (Freeze III)]
Class: Phantasmal
Durability: 800/800
Req. Level: 0(100 – Current Level)
Physical Attack: 3,200(154,887)
Magical Attack: 3,200(168,944)
Physical Defense: 580(45,854)
Magical Defense: 575(45,763)
HP: 9,000(407,461)
MP: 7,500(257,660)

Elemental Enchantment: Freeze III – By attacking or using skills, there will be a 25% chance of inflicting freezing damage and 50% slow on enemies for 5 seconds. Reducing 35% physical and magical defense for 5 seconds. Can be stacked, debuff increases by 5% per stack (Max stack: 3)

Stat Enchantments: 4
Critical Chance +40%
Critical Damage +250%
Cooldown Reduction +30%
Elemental Resistance +40%

Unique Passive: Tidal Blessing – Every 9 attacks, there is a 15% chance to cast [Tidal Blessing] which heals 6% HP and MP to the user. When the user gets attacked, there is a 15% chance to apply [Super Armor] for 5 seconds.

Unique Skill: Torrential Storm – The user casts a visible torrent around the user in a wide area which deals magical damage and knocks up enemies in the air for 3 seconds. The torrent follows wherever the user goes. The torrent lasts for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 180 Seconds)

Set Bonus:
2 Set Piece – Attack/Movement Speed +12%
3 Set Piece – Skill Damage Amplification +10%
4 Set Piece – Physical/Magical Defense +10%
5 Set Piece – Physical/Magical Attack +10%
7 Set Piece – When attacking, 15% chance of casting [Tidal Shot], dealing magic damage in a straight path.

Equipment Sets:
Purified Water Guardian's Suit
Purified Water Guardian's Trousers
Purified Water Guardian's Gloves
Purified Water Guardian's Greaves
Purified Water Guardian's Cannon
Purified Water Guardian's Earrings
Purified Water Guardian's Ring

Enhancement Bonuses:
+1: Critical Chance +10%
+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%
+3: Skill Life Steal +20%
+4: Skill Cooldown +15%
+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%
+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%
+7: Status Resistance +20%
+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%
+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%
+10: Mana Cost -15%
+11: Critical Damage +25%
+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

Sayo: What are these stats...........

Rin-Rin: Why are your stats much higher than us Riku? I know that you're level 100 but......the stats don't add up.

OG.Iku: That's the perk of +12 enhancement. And the set bonuses also gave me additional stats. But anyway, how about we do a test run on your new weapons.

Me and Ako-chan were excited to try our new weapons as we head to the outside area to do a test run. Before we even go to the outside area, Riku stopped us midway.

OG.Iku: I've got an idea. How about you join my guild?

Me and the girls were silent. Riku offered us to join OG.....tempting as it is......

Rin-Rin: This is too much Riku. I don't think that we're capable enough to join your guild.....

OG.Iku: It's fine Rinko. The guild has no required level to join, you just need to clear some dungeons that you need to clear with some of the members. And don't worry for the approval, I'm the guild vice-captain.

Lisa: You're the vice-captain? Who's the captain?

OG.Iku: Well it's already obvious, it's Johan.

Yukina: Johan-san also plays this game?

OG.Iku: Yup. And not just him, all members of OG play NFO. Ceb, JeRax, Topson, hell even the new boys play the game as well. We play this game as a form of venting out. We use NFO to take off our stress, have fun, and beat some noobs. And it also deepens our bond not just as a bad, but as brothers in arms as well. Although we only play at least 3 hours of NFO.

Yukina-san looked at us then she stared back at Riku.

Yukina: If what you just said that his game can deepen our bond as a band is true.........I suppose I can play a bit longer.

Demon Princess Ako: Yukina-san! You mean it?!

Yukina: But we must prioritize our practice first. If we have free time, then we can play. Are you okay with this, Ako, Rinko?

Me and Ako-chan nodded with smiles on our faces. Imai-san and Hikawa-san just let out a small smile as the notice that Yukina-san is starting to open up to us even more.

Yukina: Riku-san, I know that some of us are on the weaker side.....your offer to invite us.....we accept.

Riku just blinked several times and just gave Yukina-san a smile. He opened his status board and he sent us an invite to his guild.

[OG.Iku has invited you to join the guild OG. Y/N]

Seeing the notification, I looked at the others and we nodded at each other and pressed yes.

[Congratulations Rin-Rin for joining the guild OG!!]

[Congratulations Demon Princess Ako for joining the guild OG!!]

[Congratulations Yukina for joining the guild OG!!]

[Congratulations Lisa for joining the guild OG!!]

[Congratulations Sayo for joining the guild OG!!]

OG.Iku: First and foremost, congratulations on becoming a member of OG. You may notice something on your avatar names right

I opened my status window and my name changed from RinRin to OG.Rin-Rin.

OG.Demon Princess Ako: Look at my name RinRin!! I'm a member of OG now!!

OG.Lisa: It feels....kinda weird.....

OG.Iku: Don't worry, you'll get used to it. From this moment on, you girls can consider yourselves members of OG both in game and in real life.

OG.Sayo: That's a lot of pressure......but I think Roselia can take that pressure on. Right Minato-san?

OG.Yukina: Yes, I suppose so..........Riku-san.....there's something that you haven't told us yet. What's the catch? I know that you didn't just invite us to your guild with no strings attached.

Riku looked at us and just let out a grin.

OG.Iku: You realized it quickly huh? Yes, there is one more thing for you girls to do before you become true members of OG.

OG.Lisa: And what's that one thing that we have to do? And why am I having a bad feeling about this?

Wait, one last thing? No.......if it is what I think it is.......

OG.Rin-Rin: can't be possibly be-

OG.Iku: You girls will have to face me in a PVP match.

My heart trembled when Riku told us we had to face him in a match. There's no way we can beat him! He's playing one of the game's most difficult cyber classes, and he possesses the entire phantasmal set. How will we beat that?

OG.Iku: Now, before you girls DC, the match will have a few conditions. The first rule is that all players' levels will be set to 50. For example, because Rinko, Ako-chan, and I are all over level 50, our levels will be automatically adjusted to 50. The second is that I am unable to use any skills that I obtained above level 75. I am limited to using the abilities that I have from level 70 and lower, however you girls may use your skills freely. The third is that if you can reduce my HP to less than 40%, you will win, or if you can endure 15 minutes against me. You have 10 minutes to prepare, I need to switch skills while you're at it.

Riku walked away leaving us as we think of a way to survive against Riku.

OG.Demon Princess Ako: What're we gonna do now!? How are we gonna beat Riku-nii!?

OG.Rin-Rin: Calm down Ako-chan.....I'm already thinking of a plan.......

OG.Lisa: Rinko, Is Riku that terrifying to face?

OG.Rin-Rin: Terrifying is an understatement, Imai-san. I watched how Riku played. He plays with his opponents, seeking for an opening to attack whenever the occasion arises. He does not stay in one area; instead, he moves from one location to another each time he shoots.

OG.Sayo: Then how are we going to stop that?

I know that what my plan can be considered risky....but I got to try.

OG.Rin-Rin: I'm going to use this.

I took out a blue card and showed it to the girls. Ako-chan grabbed me as she knows what item I just showed them.

OG.Demon Princess Ako: Rin-Rin! That's a SP All Reset Card!! Don't tell me you're gonna reset all your skill points!?

OG.Rin-Rin: I am aware that I will lose all of the skills that I gained over the years, but if it is against Riku, it is a risk that I must take. I need to switch from a DPS to a flexible mage. I need support skills to assist you, as well as skills that can impede Riku's movement. In addition to Riku's AOE skills, I'll need to utilize some defensive spells. I-

Right before I continue to tell them what needed to be done, Imai-san puts her hand on my shoulder.

OG.Lisa: Rinko, don't take things to yourself. We're here, your friends. Remember this is a 1v5. If we're together, then we might have a chance to beat Riku.

OG.Sayo: Shirokane-san, rely on us as we rely on you. Me, Imai-san and Minato-san had no idea how to play this game at first, until you taught us how to. Just guide us like you did the first time.

OG.Yukina:'s your choice, in this're the leader. You call the shots, and we follow. Keep calm and let us face this challenge together.

OG.Rin-Rin: Yukina-san.......everyone.........alright. Here's what we need to do. Hikawa-san will be in the front, receiving incoming blows from Riku's cannon. Ako-chan and I will be on the left and right wings, casting skills that will distract Riku in some manner, while Yukina-san will be in the middle casting support skills to help us. And Imai-san will be at the back, checking our HP while she heals and supports us. And, as for our weapon's unique skills, utilize it only when absolutely necessary.

The girls nodded as they know their roles, their formation and what they needed to do. We looked at Riku and it seems that he's finished preparing.

OK.Iku: It seems that you're all set. Are you girls ready?

We go into formation as we ready our weapons and Riku readies his cannon and his helmet closes and its eyes glowed.

OG.Iku: Good. I see the confidence in your eyes. Now...........Calamity will soon befall you.....I hope you've come prepared.

And at that moment.......this fight is Roselia's hardest battle. And we will persevere. We will survive.

This timeskip is brought to you by..............finally...........Loli Roselia comple- FBI OPEN UP!!!

Hovet Arena Backstage

May 21, 2021 – Friday – 7:30 A.M.

Riku POV

Today's the day. The Future World Fes finals are here, and we are more than prepared. If we win, OG will be guaranteed at TI. We simply need to focus on the task at hand, and this tournament is just as good as ours. I tried calling my grandfather in Japan to inform him that the finals are today, but it appears that he is not responding. Maybe he's busy right now.

I sent Aichi and Kaguya a link where they can watch the finals.....hopefully they can watch it in time.

Yesterday, Rinko and Roselia put up some work. I didn't anticipate them to use crowd control on me right away, but despite failing to reduce my HP below 40%, they survived the whole 15-minute fight. They used Lisa-san's healing abilities, Yukina-san's skill enhance abilities, and Sayo-san took the most of the damage. And it's safe to say that those goddamn pandas annoy me to no end. With them interfering with my flow, I can't even acquire a single stack of super armor...guess luck was on their side. Following the fight, I praised them and welcomed Roselia as an official member of OG.

After playing NFO, Johan and I made final preparations for the finals; we chose three of the five songs that we planned to use, and I opted to use my keyboards in the finals, so we had them checked out before the finals.

We are currently at the backstage of the Hovet Arena, along Tundra, TSM, and the Gaimin Gladiators. We were urged to arrive early so that everything could be prepared in advance. We've instructed the crew on how to set up the instruments and performed some last tune-ups while we're at it.

After we finished setting up our instruments, we received a message from the organizers that gave us the order in which the bands would perform.

Gaimin Gladiators




Riku: So we're performing me crazy.......I think this shit is rigged. I was expecting that we go first or something.

Johan: Well can't be helped. I think they will let the lower bracket bands perform first.

Riku: No rest for the weary then.

I looked at my phone and I see that I still have some time before the finals start.

Riku: I'll be at the entrance for a while. Call me when it's about to start.

I left Johan and everyone else as I go to the entrance to get some air.

Hovet Arena Entrance

8:30 A.M.

As I reached the entrance, I noticed Yuyuko-san and the other girls entering in the arena. I waved so that they might see me. Kokoro was the first to see me, running right up to me and hugging me.

Kokoro: Onii-chan!!!

Riku: Easy there Kokoro. I'm not going anywhere.

I pat Kokoro's head and she gave me a bright smile......just what I needed for today. The girls finally caught up as they gave me good luck in the finals.

Rinko: Riku......good luck.

Riku: Thanks. I did promise you that I will win right?

Rinko just nodded and went back with Roselia. Yuyuko-san approached me and gave me a hug.

Yuyuko: Good luck Riku-kun. I expect that you go out there and do your best okay?

Riku: Hai. By the way Yuyuko-san, what of my grandfather? He hasn't answered my calls or messages for a while?

Yuyuko: Well...........

Kyoya: That's because you don't need to call me. For I am here....Riku.

Behind Yuyuko-san was grandfather, wearing a dark violet suit and behind him is a girl that is near Rinko's age with violet hair and eyes.

Riku: Yuyuko-san, you know he was coming?

Yuyuko: No, I didn't even know that he was coming here.

Kyoya: Come now Riku. There's no chance that I'm going to miss my grandson performing in the finals.........this will be the first time that I get to watch you in person.

Riku: Right.........this is your first time watching me in person......I forgot.

I forgot that grandfather wasn't able to attend to any competition that I've been at. Sometimes it's just Yuyuko-san or her along with Kanako-san, Suwako-san or Sanae-san.

Kyoya: And I know that Miku and Richard are also watching I'm sure that they're proud of what you accomplished.

I tried to hold back my tears from my grandfather's words, I have to save this when we win the finals. But let's get that out of the way.

Riku: By the way grandfather......who's the girl behind you?

Grandfather looked at the girl and she just nodded at him.

Kyoya: Riku. When are you going to perform?

Riku: The organizers told us that OG will be performing last. Why?

Kyoya: Perfect. Ask the staff for a private room, what I'm about to tell you is something that is a secret of the Nagae, and I don't want anyone to know.

Riku: Very well. I'll ask the organizers to find us one. Let me call my band for a moment to tell them what's going on.

I called Johan and explained the issue, and they informed me there was a free room we could take. I told grandfather that, and he nodded. I asked the girls to go ahead and explained that I had something to do with my grandfather, which they understood.

When we arrived in the unoccupied room, grandfather instructed me to lock the door, which I did, and the three of us took a seat.

Riku: Grandfather I will ask again.........who is she? And why am I sensing a power that is similar to mine?

Kyoya: Not beating around the bush. Classic.........Riku.....she is Mafuyu.........and she's your half-sister.

























































































Riku: Ha?

Next Chapter: XVIII – The Grand Finals and the Battle Awaits

A/N: Ight, Imma post this one as and since TI is finally Gaimin Gladiators, LGD and Team Spirit, good luck to whoever wins this years TI. And this can be considered as the chapter for November. I'll upload the next chapter at Christmas.

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