Forbidden Miss Foster

By Pages05

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Rosie Foster is a twenty seven year old teacher at Sumchester Secondary and Sixth Form. Haunted by a troubled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

83 9 5
By Pages05

A:N - to anyone who has made it this far , thank you for reading , I really appreciate your support! This is the chapter I'm sure you've been waiting for ;)

Rosie's POV

I should be concentrating on what's being said at the head of this meeting table , yet I can't help my gaze which is fixated on the window to my left. It's absolutely pissing it down outside, and I know Kennedy is most likely still out there walking back to my house in it. Poor thing , maybe suggesting that she walk back there wasn't the wisest idea in early October.


I look to Henry , Henry Brooks the head master , whose voice is so distinct that even without looking in his direction I still know it was him who said my name.

"Care to add anything?" he says , fiddling with a ballpoint pen in his hands.

"I.." I concede, knowing fuck all about what they were just discussing , "Sorry.."

Henry doesn't seem too bothered that I wasn't paying attention, but sneaking out every night during my teenage years taught me to lie on the spot , and I will always capitalise on the opportunity to put my skills into practice.

"I think I left the window open in my car , I have paperwork on the passenger's seat and I'm worried it's getting drenched." I lie straight through my teeth.

Henry's expression instantly softens , which leads me to believe it's had the intended effect on him too.

"Oh crap.." he looks down at his wrist watch , "You know what , we've been here an hour and a half already, I don't need to keep you all here any longer."

I glance around the table , noting the poor attempts of my colleagues to hide their relief that this dull meeting is finally over with. My ability to plausibly bullshit my boss has sent them all home early , they don't know it yet but they all owe me.

Henry stands up to dismiss the meeting , smiling despite our having achieved absolutely nothing.

"I'll see you all on Monday , have a good weekend."

He didn't need to tell me twice. Quickly , but not too quickly, I gather my things from the office , pull on my jacket and run frantically through the rain to the safety of my car.

I was only outside for a matter of seconds , yet the moment I pull the driver's-side door closed , I realise that my clothes are completely soaked through.

Luckily for me , the roads are relatively quiet tonight and so it only takes me 10 minutes to get home. As I grow nearer and nearer to my house , I squint my eyes in attempt to see past the rapidly falling rain and notice that my garage door wide open. What the fuck?

I pull into my driveway and switch off the engine. Reluctantly, I step back out into the rain to inspect the garage situation.

Ducking under the metal door , I see Kennedy sat on the concrete floor of the garage playing a game or something on her phone. She's completely sodden , there's a puddle forming around where she's sat as the rain water drips off of her.

"Kennedy what are you doing out here?" I say , completely and utterly confused , "It's freezing and you're soaked?"

Kennedy puts her phone down and looks up at me , "How was your meeting?"

I laugh , "Never mind the meeting , what happened?"

She smiles , holding up the set of keys I gave her a couple of hours ago. "Your house key isn't on here , although I only realised that once I stepped up to your front door. Your garage key is on here though, so I've been sat under here to get out of the rain. It's not as dramatic as it looks."

I furrow my brows , "What? The key should be on there?"

Kennedy smiles ; how is she smiling right now? If I were her I'd be on the verge of tears.

"Look at what you're holding." she states.

I look at the car keys in my right hand , feeling my heart sink when I realise that the key to the front door is attached to this set of keys...and not the ones I gave Kennedy.

My eyes reluctantly meet Kennedy's, "Kenn I am so sorry , how come you never went home? I could've dropped off your things later."

Kennedy stands up , and I have to resist the urge to cringe at the squelching noise she makes in the process.

"I mean would have , but my keys are one of the things I left in your house." she says.

I bring my hands up to cover my face , feeling nothing shy of awful. I hear Kennedy chuckle , and feel her hands wrap around my forearms to gently pull them away.

"Rosie stop , I'm completely fine" she says , her blue eyes looking into mine with such genuineness that I almost believe her.

"You've been sat out here for literal hours , Kenn." I say , watching the smile on her face grow wider with every word.

"I'm completely fine" she reaffirms , nodding her head.

It's moments later when I realise she's still holding my arms , despite them having fallen to my sides. I think she's realised too , as she slowly loosens her grip and eventually lets them go. The absence of warmth she leaves behind makes me internally shudder.

"If I can just go inside and get my things , I'll walk home and be out of your hair." she says.

I step back , "There's no way I'm letting you walk back while the weather is still like this , plus you're soaked and knowing you you haven't eaten anything in hours either."

She smiles , "Not true , I had a golden valley bar about 20 minutes ago."

I shake my head , "That doesn't count. Please , even if just until the rain calms down , come inside:"

A short silence emerges , and I can see Kennedy actively considering the offer I just proposed to her. If nothing else , the least I can do is let her shower , get some dry clothes and make sure she eats. I want those things too , and the truth is , I really enjoy her company.

"I don't want to be in the way." she says.

"You're not in the way." I tell her , "Please come in.

Her expression softens , and I know I've won.

"Thank you." she says , and then takes my bag out of my hands and walks up to the front door.

I follow her , inserting the correct key into the lock.

She smiles as the door swings open , "After you." 

I smile , "You're very sweet."

I step inside and she follows after me , "Yes I am" she replies cockily , shutting the door behind her.

"Shut up" I retort , earning a chuckle.

Greeting Evie at the door as I always do , I look to Kennedy as she walks past me and into the living room to set my bag down for me.

"Dump those wherever and feel free to go upstairs and take a shower. You know where my clothes are , pick anything you like to change into." I tell her , hoisting Evie up off of the floor.

She turns to face me , "You're soaked too , I'm more than happy to wait until after you've showered."

I shake my head , "I was in the rain for less than 30 seconds , you're shivering Kennedy."

She opens her mouth , presumably in an attempt to protest. "Don't argue." I cut her off.

Kennedy smiles , "Yes Miss."

I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment , I'm not used to hearing her refer to me as her superior outside of school.

"Go." I say , and she does.


Kennedy's POV

Having showered and picked out a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt from Rosie's closet , I make my way into the guest bedroom and begin to change.

Sat on the end of the bed , where I've slept the last few nights , I assume Rosie heard me finish up in the bathroom , as I can now hear the door shut once again and the shower turn back on.

I'm wearing the same hoodie Rosie gave me the first night I was here , the one with Cambridge written across the chest. It may be 4 or 5 years old , but it's still least I take comfort out of wearing it.

Having sorted my hair , sticking it up in a loose bun to keep it off of my face , I saunter back down Rosie's stairs and into the kitchen.

It's weird how comfortable I've grown to feel in her home after only a couple of days. The first time I was here , I didn't even lean back into the couch fully. Now , I'm making both Rosie and I a cup of tea out of my own desire for one , knowing that she doesn't care in the slightest.

It's roughly ten minutes later that I hear footsteps descending the stairs from the hallway. I place my hot mug on the coffee table in front of me , being careful not to wake a sleeping Evie sprawled out next to me.

As Rosie turns the corner and enters the living room , I instantly feel heat flood my cheeks.

I know I shouldn't be looking at her this way , especially after how kind she's been to me , but I can't help it. I'm no better than a straight man.

"Is this for me?" she says , pointing at the cup of tea sat next to mine , still steaming hot.

I nod my head , subtly scanning my eyes over her. She's wearing plaid pyjama shorts and a hoodie , the most casual outfit a person could put together. Even still , I can't seem to look away. Her hair is wet and there's not an ounce of makeup left on her slim face. She's so naturally beautiful.

"Thank you for this" she says , wrapping her hands around the mug in search of its warmth.

I shake my head , "No , thank you. I would've been an irredeemable mess this week if it weren't for you."

Rosie chuckles, "I've come to learn that some of the most interesting people in life are secretly a mess."

"You think I'm interesting?" I tease , and she rolls her eyes , taking a long sip of her tea.

The lights in here are dim , the TV is on but the volume is low , and it's warm but not too warm. I feel comfortable here , I'd even go as far as to say I feel genuinely happy here.

"What are you thinking about?"

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Rosie's question. I turn to face her as if I'm about to say something, but as words filter through my mind , I can't find a single one to answer her.

Concern washes over her expression , and she sets down her cup of tea in order to turn all of her attention over to me. She leans forward slightly ; I follow her lead and do the same.

I can feel my heartbeat thudding frantically, so hard that I can almost hear the rhythm pounding against my ear drums. I don't know what to say.


I hear her voice but I can't formulate a reply. I just continue to look at her , studying every minor detail of her iris' , admiring the variation of colour within them. Prior to this moment , brown eyes were just...brown. I don't think I'll ever view brown eyes the same way.


She says my name again , but her tone has changed. It's softer , whispered loud enough for only her and I to hear. It isn't a question this time either. She knows.

I lean further forward , now just centimetres away from her. She doesn't move away , if anything, she edges closer. I glance down at her lips , they're ever so slightly parted ; I want to kiss her. Even with the Tv on in the background, the only sound I hear is our breathing , her's slightly heavier than mine.

As if not even my own , I feel my body close into the distance between us. My lips press gently against her's , any remaining tension disappearing the second I feel her kiss me back.

Her hands snake gradually around my waist , pulling me down with her as she leans back against the arm of the sofa. I smile against her lips , gently cupping the side of her face as she grazes her tongue across my bottom lip.

I pull back ever so slightly, slowly, leaving just enough space for me to be able to speak.

"Is this okay?" I whisper , tucking a loose , damp curl behind her ear.

Her eyes flicker upwards to meet mine , her are pupils blown ; she gently nods her head. "Mhm" she whispers back.

I grin , kissing her once again.

I feel myself revel in her touch , the heat of her breath and the occasional brush of her tongue against mine sending me into a frenzy. This is really happening.

My fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of her neck , causing her to let out a soft , low moan. Any kind of rational thought dissipated long ago, and in this moment , it's as if the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Several minutes go by before either one of us makes an attempt to move away from the other. It's only when Evie begins whining, this time of the evening usually being when Rosie feeds her , that we both mentally return to the room.

Rosie pulls back first. She takes her time , almost as if she's uncertain of whether she really wants to. I follow her lead and do the same , her lips still only inches from mine when I open my eyes again.

"We shouldn't have done that.." she says , but with a small smile on her lips which indicates to me that she doesn't care what we should or shouldn't have done.

"You didn't want it?" I ask, still laying on top of her.

She shakes her head , "That's not what I

I pause momentarily , mustering up the courage to say what I've been wanting to say for a while , but haven't been brave enough to.

"I really like you, Rosie." I tell her , feeling my heart-rate simultaneously quicken.

Her eyes dart indecisively between my lips and my eyes. "I really like you too."

I smile , "I never expected that answer."

"I never expected to tell you." she replies.

I lean into her once again , and she makes no attempt to stop me. After only a minute or so , I reluctantly pull away and rest my forehead gently against hers.

"I think your dog is hungry." I say , smiling at the disheartened face she pulls when my lips lift from hers.

Rosie huffs , sitting up slowly from where we're currently laying. I move carefully off of her , sitting back on the side of the couch I originally occupied.

"Join me in the kitchen?" she says.

I nod my head , a feeling of euphoria rushing through me after everything that just happened.

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