Double Life

By teddybear0904

309 6 0

Callie is what you would call an average hard working 18year old girl, she recently moved in with her older b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Author's note

Chapter 59

1 0 0
By teddybear0904

Kai's POV
I quickly make my way outside, dropping the bags when I see Callie crying, as Grayson and Manny stand over her. Manny has a black eye and Grayson has a busted lip, I see Grayson try to grab Callie's arm and I don't snap that I move towards them quicker than he can put a pinkie on her.

I step between them and Callie, two inches away from Grayson's chest, I smack his hand away from her, "Callie get the bags" I say sternly, out of the corner of my eye I see her run off to get them. "Who the hell do you think you are Kai I let you in and this is how you repay me taking my sister away from me, making me the enemy" Grayson growls at me.

"You made yourself the enemy to your sister and I know that you didn't want me here, as a matter of fact, I know that you took to the last day to agree, and for who I think I am, I don't have to think because I know who I am, I am her boyfriend and I will make sure that I protect her even if it's from you," I declare standing my ground. "I don't care what you think about me Grayson and you know what why would I, you are only a part of my life because of Dylan and Callie, if it weren't for either of them me and you would always be going at each other's necks," I add as he stands there dumbfounded.

All of a sudden two cars race and park crazy and to no surprise, Dylan comes out of one car and Jakie and Jane come out of the other. They rush over to us "Come on guys don't do this since when do we let drama divide us" Jane says splitting me and Grayson apart, "Callie come on help us out here" Jackie says "No" she says stern "No I'm tired of it" she walks to us standing beside me

"I will not because I'm tired of me not being who I want because it doesn't please others" she says and I keep quiet as everyone's eyes are on her now. "I have been racing since you left for college I have so much money saved up that I could go on a year-long vacation and still have money and you know what else I don't plan on stopping, that's right I don't care if it's illegal, I enjoy it because when I felt dead it's the only thing that made me feel alive," she says and Grayson looks at her confused

"Oh yes that is right mom and dad covered up my little suicide attempt, what did you really believe that mom would just accidentally leave and iron on with what a control freak she is," Callie says looking dead in the eyes at Grayson, "Thats not true you would've told me," he says lowly "No actually I wouldn't have because, when I was trying to tell you, you said and I quote, Callie hurry this up, it's not like you're going to kill yourself and even if you are why would I want to know," she says and Grayson looks like he was just punched in the face. "Cal- I- I"

"I don't want to hear it, I'm done I don't want to talk to either of you, Dylan, Jackie, Jane, and Kai are the only people I want to hear from, we are done don't bother calling cause I won't answer," she says and gets in the car slamming the door. I hop in and she takes off back to the house leaving everyone there standing stunned.

We don't say a word on the ride back or even when we get in the house she just lays down and I lay down beside her. A few minutes pass by when she turns to me curls into a ball and snuggles next to me, once I put my arm around her she starts crying softly and quietly, that night it took long but she eventually fell asleep, tear stains on her face.

I couldn't sleep knowing that she went to sleep feeling so much pain, I wrapped my arms around her bringing her in close, and an hour passes by when I finally fall asleep.

Callie's POV
It is 7:00 am and I am in the kitchen just sitting there like I am in a wormhole of my own thoughts, "Callie" I feel someone tap my leg, and I jump startled "Jaden is being mean to me" Mandy says with tears in her eyes. I hear running coming from down the hall and Jaden slides in the room almost falling

"I only got mad because you kept coming in when I was trying to get ready" he says to Mandy "You yelled at me" she huffs. "Hey, both of you stop you guys are lucky to have each other there are some people who aren't talking to their siblings at all, now both of you apologize," I say sternly, they both apologize and I let them go get dressed. "Hey your up early," Kai says walking towards me, "Yeah I couldn't sleep much," I say slumping down.

"I know I'm sorry," he says hugging me and rubbing my back, "It's okay, I don't want to think about that asshole anymore I want to just have a good distraction today," I say and he smirks "Well today is the first day of school for the three youngers," he says and I look at him confused.

"What really I didn't know that damn, well do you want me to take someone," I ask and he thinks "How about you take the twins and I'll take Mandy," he says and I smile nodding.

~In the car ride to school~
"Hey Callie are you going to be living with us," Jack asks out of the blue "Umm... Yeah," I say slightly gripping the wheel, "Oh okay cool," he says and looks out the window. "Do you think you and Kai will eventually break up?" Jaden asks putting a sting in my heart, Jaden's question makes Jack also look at me.

"If I'm being honest I hope not, I have been fucked over so many times by so many people, guys, and girls, and eventually, I made a list of what I want in somebody that I love and yea I didn't follow that list sometimes but yet I found your brother who checked off all the list and added some things I didn't know that I wanted, so to answer your question I don't know if we will but I surely hope not" I say with misty eyes

"Don't worry Callie something is telling me you two will be together for a long time" Jaden says. I smile and focus back on the road.

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