In The Next Life - Theodore N...

By hogwartslover20

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Recently leaving Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Florence Holloway is ready to start her new journey at Hogwart... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 32

93 5 0
By hogwartslover20

I almost couldn't believe last night's events. Theo and I had finally kissed. I knew there was something there between us, but I wasn't sure if I was feeling it too. But, last night changed everything.

"I don't want to go back to school," I complained, as I wrapped my hand around his arm and leaned my head on his shoulder.

I was glad nothing was awkward between us. After our kiss, we had spent most of the night talking and laughing with one another, until we were both so tired we could hardly keep our eyes open. In the morning, we both met up for breakfast in the kitchen, and for the rest of the day, we had been by each other's side either reading, taking pictures, or sipping tea in the living room by the tree.

"At least it's Hogwarts you're going back to," he smiled, as he placed a kiss on top of my head. I just sighed, as I nodded in agreement.

Earlier that morning, my parents had finally made the decision to send me back to Hogwarts with some precautions. I was to be send a letter at least once a week, updating them on any nightmares or news, and I was to abide by the curfew, which I knew was going to be impossible for me.

"Have you thought about what everyone will think?" I asked, as I turned and looked up at him. I watched as he set the book down he was reading, and furrowed his brows at me. "Florence, everyone knows how I feel about you," he smiled, and I just offered him a puzzled expression.

"Wait, really?" I asked, and he just began to laugh. "Yes. You were the only one who couldn't get the memo," he joked, and I just nudged his side playfully.

"Apparently so," I smiled, as I grabbed his book and set it aside. "I won't make that mistake again," I offered and he just smiled, before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you, Flo," he smiled, breaking away for just a moment.

"And I love you, Theo," I smiled, before returning my lips back to his.

But this time, I knew it wasn't the type of love I felt for him all those years as a friend. It was true, genuine love. The kind I never expected to feel for him. It was almost like I was introduced to a different world, and I never wanted to leave.

Except, I would. And no one would have ever seen it coming.


"Do you have everything you need?" my mother asked, as I pulled the suitcase behind me. "Yes, mother. For the one hundredth time, I do," I laughed, as I pushed my way through the crowd of excited students and frantic parents.

"There you are," Theo smiled, as he offered me a kiss on my cheek. "I'll find a room on the train before it gets filled," he offered, before he took my luggage and said goodbye to my mother. Watching him leave, I quickly turned back towards her to see her smiling from ear to ear.

"What?" I blushed, as I began to walk towards the train. "I knew there was something special between you two. I just never knew when it would begin," she admitted, as she pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"We're taking things slow for now," I added, as I offered a farewell hug. "Be good, Florence. We'll see you soon," she sighed, as she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I couldn't help but feel like something was off by her words, and as I stepped back to say goodbye, I noticed her eyes had grown watery.

"Go. Before you miss your train," she said, as she plastered on a fake smile. Shrugging the feeling off, I quickly made my way into the train to find Theo. As I walked through the long corridor of the train, I suddenly began to hear familiar voices and laughter. Looking in one of the rooms, I watched as Hermione and Harry laughed over at Ron, who seemed to be embarrassed by something.

"Honestly Ron. I don't know why you wouldn't want to wear it," I heard Hermione laugh, as I slid open the door. "Florence!" Harry shouted, as he embraced me with a warm hug.

"Hi guys," I smiled, as I embraced the others as well. "It's not funny, Mione. Tell them it's not funny, Flo," Ron groaned, as he slumped back in his seat. I noticed the vest he was wearing, and I immediately knew his mother had made it for him.

"I'm sure you'll get lots of dates now," I joked, making the group laugh harder, while he just rolled his eyes. "At least your present is fine. How come she always makes yours the best?" he whined, as he pointed over at a box next to Fred.

"Because I'm her favorite," I teased, as I lifted the top off and pulled out a gorgeous, hand knitted sweater. "It's beautiful," I sighed, as I held it up for everyone to see, before I folded it back up.

"Florence," Harry said, before motioning for me to come towards him. "Are you still fine with our meetings?" he asked, and I just shook my head yes. "Okay, good. Our first one this term is next week. I'll give you more details later," he explained, and I just shook my head in understandment.

"Well, I should get going. I'm sure Theo's wondering where I am," I explained, and I watched as all of their faces fell flat. "Don't look so sad. I'll see you all when we get there," I laughed, before heading out the door.

Continuing on, I finally found Theo in a room all by himself. "I'm sorry. I got held up," I started, as I closed the door behind me and settled in. "Let me guess. Potter and the others?" he asked, clearly unamused, and I just shook my head yes.

"Try not to look too happy," I smiled, as I placed my coat on the open chair in front of him, before sitting beside him. "Well, I'm glad you're here now," he offered, as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Have you seen the others?" I asked, as I looked out the window, and I could feel his head shake side to side. "No, but I'm sure they're here somewhere."

As the train slowly pulled out of the station, I couldn't help but grow anxious. If I was being honest, I was nervous about what people were going to say once they found out about Theo and I. I knew I needed to tell the others as soon as possible, especially Mattheo. I was hoping he wouldn't be too upset, considering I haven't heard from him in a while.

But what I was more anxious for, was the gut feeling that something was coming. I suspected it had something to do with Voldemort, along with my nightmares, but I had no clue as to why. For a second, I thought I was somehow connected to all of this, but I knew it couldn't be true.

Shaking off the feeling of dread, I began to make conversation with Theo, hoping it would put my mind at ease.


The journey to Hogwarts was always a tiring adventure. Between the 9 to 10 hour train ride, including the time it takes to gather your luggage and find a carriage, you were always exhausted by the end of it.

"Finally," I sighed, closing the door, as I placed my suitcase on my bedroom floor and threw myself onto my bed. "It feels good to be back," Pansy expressed, as she opened my bedroom door and plopped herself next to me, and I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

I was happy to see my friends of course, but I was too tired to even think; I just wanted to curl up and sleep for as long as my body would allow me.

"I'm not so sure about that," Draco scoffed, as him and Blaise walked into my room as well. "Especially since Umbridge is still up and running," Blaise added, as he threw himself into one of my chairs and I couldn't help but groan.

"Well, I'm sure Florence is glad to be back," Pansy put forth and I just offered her a nod. "Although, I am very tired and in desperate need of some sleep," I hinted, hoping they would get the message. To my luck, she quickly understood and left with the boys following after her. Sighing, I forced myself to get out of bed and clean my room up a little; I couldn't stand a messy area.

Just as I began to fold my clothes and place them in my wardrobe, I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist and pull me into them. "Are you going to dinner?" I heard Theo ask, causing me to jump a little, but I instantly relaxed again.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I'm not very hungry," I smiled, as I began to fold the sweater that Mrs. Weasley made. "And who's is this?" he laughed, as he swiftly ripped the sweater out of my hands and held it up to examine it.

"That's mine, you asshole!" I yelled, as I began to grab at it, but he kept moving it higher and higher so I couldn't reach it. "It looks huge, Flo," he pointed out, but I just kept reaching for it.

"Give it back, Theo! Mrs. Weasley made that for me," I laughed, leaning into him more and more, now inches away from his face; I couldn't help but blush once I saw how close we were.

Before I knew it, he leaned in even closer and placed a warm kiss onto my lips, and I instantly melted into him. He was so perfect and sweet; I couldn't believe how long it took for me to figure that out. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him away from the wardrobe and into the middle of the room.

Just as we pulled away for a second, I heard someone scoff, causing me to jump back. "I fucking knew it," Mattheo yelled, and I instantly froze. I had wanted to find him earlier on the train to discuss everything going on, but I coudn't find him for some reason; it was like he never rode back to Hogwarts on the train.

"Mattheo, I can--" I began, but he swiftly turned around and ran down the stairs. "Mattheo!" I called out, but as I tried to run after him, Theo had caught my arm. "Just leave him. He'll be fine," he sighed, as he tried to offer me a kiss, but I just slowly pulled away from him.

"I can't do that to him, Theo, and you know that. I need to speak with him," I explained, but his grip began to grow tighter around my arm. "He doesn't need shit, Flo. He's nothing," he said, his voice rising in anger, as well as his gaze darkening.

"What have I told you about putting your hands on me?" I yelled out, as I forcefully freed myself from him, and I watched as his gaze softened, once he realized what he was doing. "Flo, I'm sor-" he tried, but I quickly ran out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and out the common room door before he could follow after me.

Once I made it out of the dugeons, I began to look frantically all over the castle for Mattheo. I was so out of breath from looking down various corridors and rooms, before I finally got the idea of where he could be. Turning towards the opposite side of the castle, I began to run towards the highest tower.

"Mattheo?" I called out, as I slowly pushed open the door to the Astronomy Tower, but there was no response. As I quietly closed the door, I began to hear someone mumbling, as well as the sound of sniffling.

As I rounded the corner, I noticed him sitting on the couch we had spent our first night together, his hands running back and forth through his hair. "Mattheo?" I whispered, and his head instantly shot up.

"Get the fuck out!" he shouted, as he quickly got up and walked over towards the railing.

"We need to talk," I tried, but he just turned around, as he began to briskly walk towards me. "Talk? Why would I need to fucking talk to you? You've done nothing but cause chaos around here," he cried out, as he pointed his finger at me, causing me to back away slowly.

"Matt-" I tried, but he quickly cut me off.

"Everyone was right about you; my father, the Malfoy's, even fucking Nott," he laughed, and I just grew a confused look on my face, as my back hit against the wall. As he towered over me, I could see the rage that was flooding his eyes, and I couldn't help but grow frightened. "You deserve everything that comes your way, Holloway," he shouted, just before he backed away and walked out of the tower, slamming the door on the way out.

I quickly let out the breath I had been holding, as I fell to the ground. I no longer knew what to do, and his words kept replaying over and over in my head. What was it that everyone said about me, especially Theo?

I quickly pulled myself together, before I walked out of the tower and down back to dungeons. Luckily, he wasn't there, and Theo and the others had gone to dinner. I tried to distract myself for the night by cleaning, as well as reading a few chapters for class, but nothing seemed to ease my mind. My brain was clouded with thoughts of all kinds, and I began to grow a headache.

As night grew, I finally gave up and decided to shower, hoping a hot shower would help my head. But as I hopped in, I began to grow chills all across my arms and legs, as if my body was telling me something was here, but I couldn't move.

All I could do, was crouch down on the ground and hug my knees, while the hot water hit my head. I couldn't drown out the voices, or clear any thoughts, so I just stayed there, hoping it would all be over soon.


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