Lost In Ice (Various x Fem. R...

By rainydoesnothing

130K 4.8K 1.8K

Y/n awoke in a bed made of ice that was covered in blankets. Now she's the daughter of a crazed wizard who ki... More

Melted Disaster/Prisoners of Love
Y/n's Profile
Tree Trunks
The Enchiridion
The Jiggler
Ricardio the Heart Guy
Business Time
My Three Favorite People
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
City of Theives
The Witch's Garden
What Is Life?
Ocean of Fear
When Wedding Bells Thaw
Birthday Chapter
The Duke
Freak City
Stranger in the Ice
What Have You Done
Their Hero
Gut Grinder(s)
Y/n's Profile (Season 2)
It Came From The Nightosphere
The Eyes
Blood Under the Skin
Loyalty to the King
Slow Love
Crystals Have Powers
To Cut a Woman's Hair
The Soft Chewed
Her Parents
The Real You
Death in Bloom
Susan Strong
Mama's Cookin'
Mystery Train
Go With Me
The Limit
This Mortal Folly
Mortal Recoil
Adventure #1
Adventure #2
Morituri Te Salutamus
Memory of a Memory
Too Young
Just A Pause
Wizard Battle
Adventures with M/N The Warrior

The Other Tarts

1.2K 70 12
By rainydoesnothing

~In the Kingdom of Ooo, there is a galaxy of flavors, but only one taste sensation is amazing enough to kill for—the Royal tart. Royal tarts are very rare. They are only eaten at the most sacred gathering in Ooo—the annual Back-Rubbing Ceremony. The tart is so legendary that countless thieves will risk their lives for just one bite~

Princess Bubblegum gestures a hand chopping across her neck. "Our heads will be decapitated if the tarts don't make it to the ceremony. I only trust one guy to deliver them... the Royal Tart Toter." She then presented a small picture of a tall Gingerbread man.

"Whoa!" The three heroes gasped while they stared at the photo.

Jake covered his mouth in awe. "He's magnificent!" He commented.

Bubblegum sighed while shaking her head. "He used to be, but he's gone mad and old. So he can't deliver the tarts anymore. Cinnamon Bun offered to fill the position, but he's kind of..." She looked around before leaning forward to whisper. "Half-baked."

Cinnamon Bun, one of Y/n's favorite candy citizens, was about to stand on his head. "Hey, Princess! Here I go!" He started to grunt while doing a headstand before moving his arms around. "I'm stuck."

"Princess, let us deliver the tarts." Finn offered.

Bubblegum raised a brow. "Are you sure Finn? This is really important." She emphasized her words to show how important these tarts being transported was.

Finn grabbed her hand and suddenly got down on one knee. "Princess, I have never been more sure of anything in my whole life!" He started rubbing her on his face.

Y/n's face dropped while she tried not to laugh. She turned away and tried helping Cinna-Bun get up. "I'll do anything it takes to keep you alive and safe. We won't let you down."

She slowly pulled her hand away from his grip. "Well... I accept your offer." She was hesitant with her words which made Y/n raise a brow.

Bubblegum led them to the factory where multiple tarts were being looked over by Jelly Bean workers. "Welcome to the Tartorium!"

The boys gasped while getting closer to the glassed walls. "Wow. They're so beautiful."

Prince Gumball suddenly appeared and pushed their wandering hands away from the glass. "Those are the reject tarts, full of imperfections." He snapped quickly. He looked absolutely exhausted. His usually perfect hair was spilt and it looked melted. Dark bags appeared under his eyes.

"These are the perfect tarts..." He pulled up a safety bag that held floating tarts that practically glimmered. "Safely packed into one of our anti-gravity tote chambers." He kissed the container in a way that made Y/n touch his shoulder. He flinched and hugged the capsule tighter.

Y/n pulled her hand away before fixing his hair. "Yo, Bubba, you don't look so good..." She then cupped his face. "What's up?"

He avoided her eye contact nervously. "Sorry, sorry. I just... stayed up this entire week to make the perfect tarts..." His words slurred around while his body was almost giving out.

"You poor thing..." Y/n pouted her lip gently before she took the chamber out of his arms. "Give it up, Bub, we got this." He failed to grab after the chamber and instead slouched over. "Get some rest, the celebration won't be happening for a few hours."

Finn saw that Y/n successfully got the chamber in her hands. "Tote sweet!" He cheered while she handed it over to Finn to hold.

"Now, I want you to tote those tarts through that tunnel." Bubblegum pulled out a pink holo-pendant which showed a map of the path. "The Royal Tart Path takes you directly to the Royal Congressional Hall in the Bad Lands. The path is really safe and well-protected, but keep your eyes open for any sign of danger, okay?" She warned them sternly.

Finn just nodded his head while humming. "Mmm hmm."


Y/n just gave her a thumbs-up while Bubblegum smiled. "Good. Now here's your map." She gave Y/n the holo-pendant, which the girl put around her neck instantly.

Finn started to look at his side where he saw different bottles and beakers of chemicals. Bubblegum was about to leave with Gumball when he picked one up. "Hey Princess, what are all these bubbling chemicals all over the place?" He asked while looking closely at the yellow liquid.

"That's paralyzing potion, Finn! Don't touch it. It'll paralyze you forever!" She giggled nervously while Finn quickly put the potion down. "Thank you all." She clasped her hands together while both she and Gumball stepped inside the elevator. "And remember, our heads are on the line!"

Her head was sticking out before she pulled it in last minute so it wouldn't get caught in the doors. Gumball looked shocked and completely awake, but his words were cut out when the door closed and they started going up in the elevator.

Jake rubbed his hands eagerly. "All right, let's hit it." He turns on his heel and starts to move towards the tunnel.

"Wait. I got a sick plan!" Finn put out his hand to make Jake stop. He then took an empty anti-gravity chamber while whistling. He filled it with some of the reject charts and then poured the yellow paralyzing potion on them. He turned away for a moment before putting one of the packs on Cinnamon Bun's back.

"Go!" He pats Cinna-Bun's shoulder to make him go down the tunnel.

Cinna-Bun just shrugged with a dopey grin on his face. " Okay. Bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye!" He waved at them, his voice getting louder before he disappeared around a corner.

"Bye Cinna-Bun! See you there." Y/n waved at him with a smile on her face.

Jake chuckled. "Heh, that was fun, but why'd you do it?" He asked Finn.

Finn smirked while putting the chamber on his back. "Look, everyone expects the tarts to go on that Royal Tart Path. Cinnamon Bun will be our decoy while we take the one path no thief expects a tart toter to take the Desert of Doom!"

Y/n blinked while following behind the boys. "The Desert of Doom?" She questioned, but they didn't respond to her questioning tone.

The three stood at the edge of the Candy Kingdom. Y/n stared out at the desert land, her lips pressed together. "This... this is the Desert of Doom?" She questioned. It didn't look like what she expected at all.

"Huh, not as scary as I thought it'd be." Finn hummed.

Jake just shrugged. "Yeah, man, mostly just looks empty. I mean, what thief would ever hang out here? There's nothing to steal!" Y/n looked around and all she saw was sand, giant bones, and crumbled buildings that were left behind.

They started to walk through the sand. Y/n immediately felt a sweat form from the sudden heat. "You know, I think my plan might be kinda brilliant. I mean, I'm not saying I'm brilliant, but it's a pretty brilliant plan, I think." Finn spoke while walking. Y/n rolled her eyes at his self-talk and how he was clearly trying to gain compliments.

"True, true. This place is perfect for toting tarts." Jake nodded.

Finn then pointed at a pair of mountains in the distance. "Yeah, and the Back-Rubbing Ceremony is right over those mountains. This tart tote is gonna be a total tart walk."

Jake chuckled. "Heheheh, yeah." Jake suddenly stopped and held a hand over Finn to keep him back. "Ohh, wait! Hold up!"

Finn froze while looking around. "What is it?"

"Shh." Jake hushed him before sniffing around. "It's a campfire—close by."

Y/n looked up and saw the smoke. "Stay back, I'll check it out." She stalked over to where the fire was and she pulled herself up against a giant rock. She glanced over and saw three hobos roasting a sausage on the end of a stick. "D-d-don't burn it now, Grimby." One of them stuttered. They all looked like they were starving.

"Hush. I ain't gon' burn it." Grimby spoke before blowing on the meat.

Finn and Jake were right behind Y/n. She dropped down and she quickly held a hand over her heart since they startled her. "Good Glob! I told you to stay back!" She scolded them.

"Crud! I was sure we'd be safe in the Desert of Doom!" Finn nervously bit at his fingers.

"What? Whatcha sayin'?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

Finn paced around. "Those are dirty tart burglars!"

Y/n sighed while wiping her head. "I think they're just dirty, starving hobos."

Finn grabbed her by the shoulders. "No, man, they are cold-blooded tart destroyers and we have to get them before they get us."


"They're gonna kill Princess Bubblegum by stealin' our tarts!" Finn's hands gripped into her shoulders before she easily pried them off of her.

Jake just frowned at the thought of. "Oh, yeah."

"And Gumball." Y/n cut in, realizing Finn only mentioned the Princess.

With the hobos, one of them sighed while staring at his friend who was now holding the stick. "But how come JJ gets to hold it, Grimby?" He asked. Before Grimby could reply, Jake had transformed into a monster and roared at the hobos.

The three cowered back and trembled in fear. He hit one hobo before Finn appeared. One of them tried to eat some beans, but Finn smacked the can out of his hands. Jake then kicked one away.

"Yeah, go on, get! We'll mash you up crazy!" He then points at Grimby. "You! Listen up and tell your friends: the next time you wanna steal one of our tarts—!" Jake was cut off by Grimby gasping.

"You got tarts?" He eagerly asked his mouth watering at the mention of said sweet.

Finn accusingly pointed at him. "You know we do! And the next time you want to steal one you picture this guy right here chewin' on your brain!" He pointed right at Jake, not noticing that JJ was going through the tart pack. An alarm went off making him try to steal as many as he could.

"That thing's gettin' the tarts!" Finn yelled.

Y/n appeared out of nowhere and smacked his hands. He only dropped two, but he still had three in his hands. He jet-packed away before she could beat him up.

"Son of a—." Finn gripped his head angrily while JJ landed in the distance. The other two hobos ran after him, laughing as they saw the tarts he stole. They then grabbed onto him and they flew away.

Jake looked at the tart-meter. "Uh-oh, man, he got, like, five or six!" He gasped. Y/n put the two others inside before closing it.

"Nuh-uh, he only got three." She then put the pack on her back. "Maybe it's best I hold onto these."

Finn started to stutter. "But... my brilliant plan."

Y/n shook her head at him, knowing that it was better she took the lead. "Incoming transmission from Princess Bubblegum." The holo-pendant glowed brightly against her neck.

"What the—?" A sudden hologram of Princess Bubblegum appeared.

"Hey, Y/n." Bubblegum greeted her. Finn shrieked and fell on his back. "I'm just checking in using the holo-pendant. How are my tarts doing?" She asked

Y/n wiped her head once again while giving her a strained smile. "Hey Peebs, the tarts are doing spectacular." She tried to smile. Jake appeared over her shoulder

"They're radical! No tart problems here!" He added on.

Finn started to stutter badly. "Uhh, yeah! Right! Everything's, uh—bazoobs!" He got face to face with Y/n before putting the holo-crystal inside of his hat. "Oh, look, something is eclipsing the sun. It's so dark now." His chest pressed close against Y/n while he nervously hid the pendant.

"Finn? Finn! Oh, well, I'll see you soon enough!" Bubblegum sighed before ending the call. "Transmission complete." The crystal made a sound signifying that the call was over.

Finn let out a sigh of relief before Y/n pulled away from him, her cheeks heatened from how close he was. She sighed while putting the crystal down the front of her shirt.

"I think the plan went awry," Jake stated.

Finn shook his head desperately. "No! All this was just some freak bad luck, but we still got some tarts and everyone is still safe." He slowly calmed himself down.

"Oh, yeah, and who knows what kind of freaky things would have happened if we took the Royal Tart Path?" Jake wrapped a lone arm around Y/n while they walked. "Hehe, old Cinnamon Bun's probably got his hands full." He joked.

Finn sighed before looking up confidently. "You know what? Even though it totally wasn't our fault, it's probably for the best that we lost those tarts." He started before they found themselves in front of a giant animal skull.

Y/n stopped while the boys went inside it. "Huh? How?" She asked.

"Well, it's like a reminder to really stay sharp and play it extra safe," Finn explained, his voice echoing while they walked inside the skull. Y/n walked around and she met up with them on the other side while they exited through the eye sockets.

They then walked forward until they stopped in front of a dark and long cave. "For instance, take this scary cavern, here. No sane person would ever bring a tart down there. So..."

Y/n stared blankly at Finn, not knowing where he was going with the idea before Jake gasped. "So no thieves!"

"Exactly." Finn hummed while nodding.

"You are on a roll today, buddy!" Finn proudly took the compliment.

The boys started to go through the cave without Y/n. She pondered for a moment before huffing and marching inside. "Can't... handle this... heat." She muttered quietly before finding the boys.

"P.U.!" Finn complained.

Jake tried to cover his nose. "Yeah, P.U.!"

Y/n scrunched her nose before she felt something caress her side. "Yuck...hey, did one of you just touch my side?"

"Just now?" Finn questioned.


"Uh... no?" His voice was filled with confusion.

A deep sniff sound echoed in the cavern. "Jake?"


Finn tried to look around nervously. "Hey, man, did you just, like, sniff my butt?"

Y/n groaned. "Oh Jake, I thought you were over that phase."

"Uh, just now?"

"Yeah." Finn tried to nod his head, forgetting that no one could see him.

Jake hummed. "No."

Finn nodded his head again while huffing. "Huh. Alright." He shrugged while continuing to walk.

To ruin the silence, Jake started to hum. Y/n whistled along with him before he stopped abruptly. "Hmm. Hey, guys?" He asked.

"Wassup?" Y/n responded. She too stopped.

"Did any of you just, uh, lick me—all the way up my arm?" He stuttered.

Both Y/n and Fin let out a hum. "No."

"Hmm. Strange." Jake scrunched his nose.

Y/n started to make grabbing hands at Jake. "Jake, let me see some matches." She commanded. She felt the box in her hand and she quickly lit one.

Once she did the cave lit up revealing a bunch of wrinkly Chuds that surrounded them. Y/n's eyes went wide before they all let out an ear-piercing scream.

The match flickered out and before they knew it the Chuds hissed and started to attack them.

Y/n made it out first and she panted while resting her hands on her knees. Her face was all roughed up and the tart pack beeped annoyingly.

"Uh-oh! Man, we got got! There's only two left!" Jake gasped when he finally got out.

Finn walked over and gripped the pack, staring at the now two tarts. "What?!" He shrieked.

"Incoming transmission from Princess Bubblegum." The pendant went off again. With her quick thinking, Y/n tore the pendant off and chucked it far away.

When she did that, Princess Bubblegum's face briefly appeared. "Hello?" Her voice faded away.

"We blew it, man! My plan sucked—it sucked all along—but I was blinded by my hubris! Now PB and PG are gonna get got, and it's all my fault!" Finn gripped his hat while pacing around.

Jake gripped Finn's shoulders and made him stop. "Whoa, whoa, take it easy, buddy. We've still got two whole tarts left. They are gonna be fine." He tried to reassure him.

Y/n face-planted on the ground, the tart pack finally stopped beeping. "You really think so?" Finn asked while Jake started to mess with his cheeks.

"Yeah, why not?" Jake gave him a reassuring smile. He then started to walk over to Y/n hoping to pick her up, but he froze when a voice yelled at him.

"Hey! Keep off them tarts!"

Y/n barely lifted her head at the sound of a random voice. "Huh?" She muttered, her cheeks covered in sand specks.

"I said back off of them tarts! Are you an imbecile?!" The voice cried out again. On top of the tart pack was a butterfly with a glare over their face.

Finn stepped forward. "But I—" He instantly raised his hands when they pulled out a laser gun.

The laser gun made a high-pitched sound as it started to turn on. "Right the bazoobs now!" They yelled while pointing at the boys. Y/n stayed still while her arms were planted on the sand.

"Finn, he's got a laser gun!" Jake stuttered.

The butterfly shot at them and the boys dodged it. The butterfly then grabbed the pack and started to fly away with it, Y/n included. She quickly undid the straps and fell down to the ground, a cloud of dust spread out where she had landed.

"Yeah! That's it. Alright, now I gotta book it to Nana's for brunch! See youse later!" The butterfly called out before laughing evilly.

Finn gripped his hat once again. "It's over. They're gonna get croaked." He cried out.

Y/n stood up and brushed herself off. "No, they ain't. Not on my watch." She glared at the ground before wiping her head from sweat for what felt like the hundredth time. "We are gonna march up there and stop that bozo Congress from chopping their heads."

Finn sniffed before nodding his head. "You're right! Let's go save them, together!" He cheered

Y/n through open the doors after finally making it to the top of the mountain. "Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!" The crowd chanted. Bubblegum had her face near the table while the Backrubber raised his axe in the air. Finn's eyes widened as the axe was brought down. "NOOOOO!!!!" He screamed.

He went to scream again before Y/n covered his mouth. "Wait." She commanded. The axe lifted to reveal a chopped tart.

"Another perfectly chopped tart!" Gumball cheered happily before taking a picture of his sister and the tart. "Let the annual Back-Rubbing Ceremony begin!" He called out, a huge smile on his face.

Y/n let out a long sigh of relief. "Thank Glob, they were just slicing tarts!" She removed her hand from Finn's face.

Jake then pointed at the corner. "And there's Cinnamon Bun over there!"

Cinna-Bun waved at them. "Hey!" He then did a flip into a punch bowl.

Y/n flinched at his sudden landing. "Ooh... I'll be back." She then rushed over to the puffy guy and tried to help him out of the punch bowl.

"He must have delivered the decoys..." Finn hummed while nodding. He then paused before he and Jake let out a loud gasp. "The ones we poisoned!"

Bubblegum was slowly bringing a tart to her mouth before Finn ran over and slapped it out of her hands. "Nooo! Princess, don't eat that tart!"

Bubblegum huffed at his action. "Okay! Jeez, Finn, I won't eat that tart. I'll eat this other tart instead!" She then picked up another tart and stuffed it in her mouth

"No, Princess, no!" Bubblegum started to freeze and her eyes went wide. "The princess has been paralyzed!" Finn gripped his face in fear.

Bubblegum started to move again, but her eyes were still wide. "I'm not paralyzed! I'm gripped with the flavor!" Her body twitched before Gumball also ate a tart. He had the same reaction as his sister.

"That means we must have been carrying the poisoned tarts all along! "Yep! All part of my master plan." Finn placed his hands on his hips while nodding.

Jake scoffed. "Psht! Whatever, man. Heh heh."

Bubblegum angrily crossed her arms while stepping forward. "Excuse me! What is this about poisoned tarts and alternate plans?" She glared at the two before looking over at Y/n. She froze, mid-bite with a tart partially stuffed in her mouth.

"What?" Her voice was muffled. "Don't look at me?" She shrugged her shoulders to get Bubblegum's eyes off of her.

"I-I—alright, here it comes." Finn looked down while sighing, a bright blush forming on his face. "I had a brilliant plan to tote the tarts along a dangerous path, but I mucked it up. You oughtta give this toter job to Cinnamon Bun. He's the real hero."

Cinna-Bun started laughing again. "Yeah!" He then did another flip into the punch bowl. Y/n wiped her face while sighing.

"Not again..."

"I'm sorry for not following your instructions and for lying to you about it." Finn apologized while sighing.

Bubblegum shook her head while sighing too. "Oh, Finn, I forgive you—'cause I lied to you, too! They weren't going to decapitate us; I just said that so you guys wouldn't eat the tarts!" She explained.

Gumball also walked forward. "I apologize for that, I had no idea she was doing that." He then slipped back into the crowd to avoid his sister's look.

"Oh!" Finn's eyes lit up.

"So I guess we're even." She shrugged before giving Finn a hug. He blushed brightly at her contact.

"Uhh, yeah, I guess so." Finn smiled in the hug. He glanced over Bubblegum's shoulder to see Y/n giving him a wink and a thumbs-up.

The doors suddenly slammed open to reveal the original Royal Tart Toter. He stood tall while holding a squirrel and a hen. "Ladies and gentlemen! The Royal Tarts have arrived." He exclaimed before bowing. The crowd gasped at the sight of the older candy man.

"The old Tart Toter!" Gumball gasped. "Nobody move! He can't see or hear, but he can feel your movement." He warned everyone while whispering.

The Royal Tart Toter glanced around while swinging the hen and squirrel around. "Hello? Eat my tarts? This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow, to high-five you yesterday, my friends. Peace." His gaze stayed on one spot and he just stared into the void.

Y/n felt a shiver run up her spine. "Sheesh!" She cringed.

Guys, I saw my dress for musical and it's so pretty! I also wanted to say that I have a Tumblr now so if you want to request some things then follow me at 'rainydayz-nstuff'. I have two Finn x reader imagines on there and I am okay with posting... other types of stuff there.

Thank you for reading, and love you all!!!

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