Transformers: Rise of The All...

By PharaohsGirl2000

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In the distant reaches of the universe, on a planet called Cybertron, an epic war has raged for eons. Cybertr... More

Chapter 1: A Desperate Measure
Chapter 2. A Daring Rescue
Chapter 3. Optimus Prime
Chapter 4. Uncle Jackie
Chapter 6. She isn't Human
Chapter 7. definitely not human!
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: More than you realise
Chaper 10: Megatron
Chapter 11. Its Time
Special Announcement
Chapter 12. Getting around the bend
Chapter 13: Closer and Closer
Writers Block

Chapter 5. Not quite right...

192 8 5
By PharaohsGirl2000

Phase, accompanied by her uncle, navigated through her home, gradually turning on lights as she moved. With the sun slowly sinking lower behind the horizon, the house grew darker. Jack followed along, hands tucked away into his pockets as he kinda slumped back in a relaxed manner, observing the familiar surroundings and gazing at the old photographs adorning the walls. Reflecting on the unchanging nature of the house, he couldn't help but pause and stare at an old photo capturing the joyous moment of Anthony's wedding day, Phase's father. The memory of Anthony's happiness on that day remained etched in Jack's mind, just as he couldn't forget anything about his relationship with Anthony-from the fateful day he discovered him trapped in his car being harrassed by those little shits with their own shiny toys, to their final encounter before Anthony succumbed to his injuries. The intense suffering Anthony experienced during his final moments weighed heavily on Jack's heart, and he wished he could have alleviated that pain. However, Jack made a promise to himself not to dwell on the trauma caused by Anthony's death, despite the profound impact it had on him. Right now, it was evident that Phase needed him desperately, and Jack was determined to fulfil his role as her guardian.

"Are you hungry?" Phase inquired, finding respite from her own troubles as she placed her handbag on the end of the kitchen counter and opened the fridge to retrieve ingredients for a simple spaghetti dish. Cooking seemed like a way to distract her mind and right now? She needed a distraction. However, her uncle Jack interrupted her thoughts, calling her by her real name, "Crystal," and gently placing his hand on her shoulder, compelling her to meet his gaze. A wave of tension washed over her, aware that he only used her real name when he had something serious to talk about, and she knew the conversation she had been dreading was about to unfold. With utmost care in his tone, he urged her to open up. "Talk to me," he implored, emphasising his understanding of her true self. "I can sense that something ain't right with you. Share with me, kiddo. What's goin on?" As he took the packet of beef mince from her hand, he guided her physically, ensuring she faced him. In that vulnerable moment, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, Phase clung to him tightly, tears welling up in her eyes as she sought solace, burying her face in his chest. He reciprocated the embrace, holding her tightly in his arms, consumed by remorse for not having returned to see her sooner, burdened by the belief that he played a part in her current mental state.

Jack tenderly rubbed Phase's back, offering comfort as he listened to her uncontrollable sobs. She continued to withhold the truth. How could she possibly explain to her uncle that she was being pursued by towering 7-metre robots, with motives she couldn't even fathom? She knew they wanted to hurt her, but she couldn't even tell him that! It was an incomprehensible situation-one that seemed too fantastical to be believed. Even if she revealed the truth, she doubted that he would accept it. He probably wouldn't even entertain the idea that her car was a colossal alien robot capable of transforming to camouflage itself, even if she could provide evidence to support that claim. Moreover, what if disclosing this information put him in danger? What if revealing the truth resulted in Jack becoming a target as well? She couldn't bear the thought of jeopardising his safety. So, instead, she resorted to telling him something he already knew. "I've been having those nightmares again..." she whimpered, clutching tight to his now tear stained shirt. "They won't stop haunting me, and they're seeping into my waking life. I feel like I'm losing my mind, witnessing all these horrors. Every time, I'm either dragged into darkness or brutally murdered, and every night, I wake up drenched in sweat, struggling to breathe!" Her cries pierced the air, evoking a profound ache in Jack's heart for his beloved niece.

Jack realised that perhaps he had underestimated the lasting impact of Phase's nightmares. She had a history of concealing such matters from him, a fact that frustrated him. However, he acknowledged his own absence from her life. Though he had been protecting her in ways she may never fully comprehend, his physical presence had been limited. But now, something needs to change. Plus...he's not exactly forthcoming about his own issues. He came to this place to escape his own problems. He wanted to be his own boss and wanted to stick it to the man! Ya know? But now he's gotten himself tangled up among humans and is playing uncle for this sweet girl who he had a hand in raising, and now he can't seem to let her go. She reminded him of friends back home...

"Hey... let's forget about cooking tonight," Jack suggested with a warm smile, gently pulling away from their hug to meet her gaze directly. "How about we order some pizza and have a laid-back evening? You can tell me all about your latest race, and hey, I'll even let you paint my nails if you want... deal?" As he spoke, he lovingly kissed away her tears, leaning down to be at her eye level, captivated by her unique purple eyes. He adored his niece; she embodied the very essence of her father and was incredibly easy to love. Despite her occasional swearing, threats, and involvement in fights, she possessed the same kindness, intelligence, and charm that her dad once had. Phase was his daughter in his heart, regardless of their non-biological relationship, and he would forever treasure that bond.

However, Jack carried his own secrets, hidden even from Phase. He was aware of the weight they bore and the impact they might have on their relationship. Yet, in this moment, his focus was solely on providing solace and support for his niece, for he knew the importance of fostering an environment where she could feel safe and loved. Despite the deep affection Jack held for Phase, there was one aspect he could never fully comprehend: what was it about her that made it so easy to love her? There was an undeniable aura surrounding her that captivated him every time he laid eyes on her, drawing him in on a physical and emotional level. This profound connection compelled him to protect her with unwavering devotion, even more so than he felt for his dearest and closest friend. Jack had always been a solitary individual, even during Anthony's presence in his life. He had consciously tried to avoid forming attachments, though he admittedly grew attached to Anthony, which ultimately made his death all the more devastating.

However, the magnetic pull he felt towards Phase remained a puzzle. He couldn't pinpoint why he experienced such an intense desire to be around her to safeguard her at all costs. Yet, he understood that he had made a promise to Anthony, a promise to protect Phase with every ounce of his being. The knowledge of his eventual departure from her side pained him deeply. He knew that one day, he would have to leave her permanently. In the face of this reality, he clung to the hope that he would be present for the pivotal moments of her life. He yearned to meet the man who would cherish and stand by her side, to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day, to hold her children in his arms. Jack fervently hoped that he would be there for Phase when she truly needed him, praying that he would have the opportunity to witness and contribute to the greatest chapters of her life before he returned to his own reality.

Jack, known for not being sentimental, swiftly changed the atmosphere by playfully putting his arm around his niece's neck and ruffling her hair, creating a delightful mess. This gesture showcased his well-known smug side. He wasted no time and exclaimed, "Well, what're we standing around for, hm? I'll order us a pizza, and you can tell me all about how you kicked some ass! I wanna hear every detail, including how you sent those bastards running with their tails between their legs!" His enthusiastic remark earned him a playful punch on the arm from Phase, who laughed and attempted to free herself from his grip. Phase adored her uncle and appreciated his smug behaviour, even if it could be overwhelming at times. Responding with a grin, Phase agreed to share the details, "yeah yeah alright. But be prepared to have your mind blown old man!" Her mood improved rapidly as she handed him the phone to order their favourite pizza. While Jack placed the order, Phase decided to check on Smokescreen. She was just going to poke her head out but could hear voices through the wood of the door, assuming that Smokescreen was reporting back to base. However, just as she was about to touch the door handle, Smokescreen's car alarm suddenly blared loudly. It became evident that the Cybertronian intentionally made noise to grab Phase's attention and draw her outside for god knows what reason! Jack, noticing the sound of the car alarm and Phase's odd behaviour, looked back at her to ensure everything was alright. Feeling embarrassed and frantic, Phase swiftly raced outside to silence the robot's alarm.

"What are you doing?!" Phase shouted, her neighbours poking their heads out of their houses to see what was happening, thinking perhaps someone was trying to break into a car. As she opened the driver's door, the alarm turned off, and Smokescreen responded with a proud yet serious tone, "The boss wants you back at base. He needs to talk to you," his engine starting up, ready to take off with her without giving her a chance for anything else. Overwhelmed, Phase protested, "I can't go! My uncle is here!" She glanced back at the house, where her uncle paced back and forth while ordering their dinner. "I get that, I still don't trust him, by the way. But Prime wants you back at base, and if he's ordered you in, it's important." He countered, getting impatient with each passing second. Phase looked back at the house once more, feeling helpless. She cherished the time she could spend with her uncle and wasn't sure how long he would be around. It was a difficult choice to make. Resigned, she told Smokescreen, "Give me a sec, Smokes. Let me go and tell him a lie first... then we'll go..." With a sigh, feeling defeated, Phase closed the driver's door and headed back inside, preparing to face the challenging task of deceiving her uncle.

Phase paused just outside the front door, her mind racing with different scenarios of what to tell her uncle. She contemplated saying it was an emergency but then worried he might want to come along. Alternatively, she could have claimed it was personal but feared he would pry for more information. After all, he had a knack for sensing when something was off with her. Frustrated and overwhelmed by her thoughts, she let out a groan of frustration and struggled to gather her composure. Finally, she took a deep breath, opened the front door, and stepped back into the house. By then, her uncle had finished placing an order for pizza and was returning the phone to its charging station. "Pizza is on the way!" Jack announced cheerfully, his smile vanishing when he caught sight of Phase's defeated expression. Concern etched across his face, and he placed his hands on his hips and tilted his head to the side. "Hey, what's going on?" he asked, sensing something was amiss. "Is it that time?" he inquired, causing Phase's face to flush bright red as she immediately erupted in protest. Shouting in disbelief, she exclaimed, "WHAT?! GOD NO! THAT'S NOT YOUR BUSINESS! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT?!" Jack responded with a deep belly laugh, clearly enjoying embarrassing her, but he understood that her personal matters were not his concern. He just liked getting a rise out of her, watching her stumble over her words and change colours when she shouted at him. It was adorable! Regaining his composure and wiping away the tears that had formed in his eyes from laughing so much, he continued, "Alright, well, what's got you down, kid?" He attempted to adopt a serious tone, prepared to offer support if the situation was indeed serious, though admittedly failed as he just sounded amused and smug as usual.

Phase stumbled over her words, desperately trying to come up with a convincing explanation. "Uh... I... I just had an emergency come up at work. Someone got hurt, and I.....I need to go in to help with the legal matters," she lied, chastising herself internally for hesitating. Jack quickly poked a hole in her story, questioning, "but....isn't that the manager's job?" Her heart sank; she needed to escape quickly before he saw through her lies. "Yes! And I am the manager! That's why they need me..!" Her voice cracked on the last word, which didn't escape her uncle's notice. He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the other side, sensing her deception. "Are you lying to me, kiddo?" he asked, his tone now serious as he takes a step towards her. Phase found herself in a precarious situation. "No! Look, I'm sorry, but I can't stay here and debate this with you, Uncle. I have to go in... It's my job..." She sighed, despising the need to lie to him. "Please, I'll be back later, I promise. I should be back before the pizza arrives," she reassured him, giving him a tight hug. With that, she grabbed her handbag and, without hesitation, bolted out the door, determined to evade any further confrontation.

Phase sank into the leather seat of the vehicle, tossing her bag onto the passenger seat. Frustrated and overwhelmed by the inability to share the truth with her uncle, she impulsively struck the steering wheel, momentarily forgetting that the vehicle was sentient and aware. Startled, Smokescreen spoke up. "Hey... I'm... I'm sorry. I know you hate lying to him, but -" "No, you don't!" Phase shouted, cutting him off abruptly. Smokescreen fell silent, taking the verbal lashing without resistance. What else could he do? She has a right to pour out her frustrations. It's what he does when he can't take it anymore! "You know nothing! You don't know how much it hurts to hide this from him! You don't know that I wait each day for him to just show up so I'm not so alone, Smokescreen! My uncle has been there for me through everything, and I don't get to spend much time with him anymore because of his work! And now that I finally have a chance to be with him, you're pulling me away. How is that fair?!" Phase's voice trembled with the weight of her pain as she poured her emotions out. "Don't you dare tell me you understand how I feel because you don't! You were born into a life of fighting, but I wasn't! This is a war of your people, not mine! So why am I being dragged into it? Why?!" Desperation filled her voice as she desperately sought answers. She wanted the turmoil to end, and Smokescreen could sense her desperation. He wished he could provide her with the answers she sought, but he himself was unsure.

"You're right..." he whispered, surprising Phase. "I don't know how you feel. I can't possibly understand what you're going through after being thrust into this, Crystal. I was born into this war, having to fight every day just to survive, and I'm treated like a petulant child among my peers. I'm sorry you're in pain, but you can't take it out on me. I want to help you, but I can't if you keep lashing out at me..." Phase felt her heart shatter at his words. He was right; he wasn't to blame for her predicament. Taking a deep breath, she rested her head against the steering wheel. "I'm sorry," she responded, a single tear slipping down her cheek and onto the steering wheel. "It's okay..." Smokescreen replied softly. The engine revved to life, and the car slowly pulled out of the driveway. "Why don't I make it up to you tomorrow? How about a drive with you and your uncle? I reckon he'd love that," he offered, attempting to ease her emotions. Phase nodded sheepishly, feeling a glimmer of hope return. "Yeah... Yeah, that would be nice." She agreed, just looking out at the passing scenery.

Phase's voice cut through the air, her tone indicating that she had something to ask Smokescreen. "Smokescreen?" She called out, the young mech responding in a gentle, soothing tone to avoid upsetting her further, "What's up, gorgeous?" He was aware of her emotional state and wanted to approach the conversation with care, hoping to avoid triggering another breakdown. This could be a chance for them to better understand each other, and she seemed remorseful from her previous words. Curiosity mixed with sadness in Phase's voice as she continued on, hoping to better understand the young mech. They would be spending a lot of time together, so why not get to know him? "Were you... really born into the war?" She asked, pondering on the implications of being born into a world consumed by conflict, and guilt washed over her for her previous words. As the passing desert landscape blurred outside the vehicle, she felt remorseful for potentially causing him pain, for potentially bringing back bad memories and for belittling those memories....

Smokescreen's attention remained on the road, but his thoughts were focused on Phase as he became all too eager to help her understand him. He could sense her genuineness, and thought to feed into her curiosity. He sighed and admitted, "Yes... I was ... .Bumblebee and I were among the last Autobots created by the All Spark before it vanished, and from day one I was determined to fight for the Autobot cause. I actually enrolled in the Elite Guard Academy, hoping to establish myself as a soldier, make myself known among those that fought. But....By the time I joined, the academy had become more a boot camp that aimed to toughen its soldiers. And attitude might've, possibly clashed just a little with my environment at the time." He admitted, "I didn't even get a proper graduation ceremony. I kinda hope to celebrate once the war is over and we can return home. But I digress..." Smokescreen's sigh carried a mix of longing for the Cybertron he'd been told about. The Cybertron that was just and peaceful. Curiosity piqued, Phase continued her line of questioning, asking " did you end up here on Earth?" Smokescreen began recounting his story. It was a little blurry, since it all happened so long ago now, but he could still recount most of it. " started with my first assignment. I had been assigned to guard Alpha Trion Prime during the war's final days. Initially, I hated protecting an old rusty bot who spent most of his time secluded in his workshop. Seriously, the guy was a total hermit, it was rare I ever saw him! But ... .as time passed and I got to know him and his assistant? I really grew to like them both. They were true friends..." A smile tinged his voice as he spoke about their friendship, having very fond memories of the old prime and his helper.

Intrigued by the mention of Alpha Trion's assistant, Phase sought to learn more, as she had not heard of her prior. She asked, "His assistant?" And Smokescreen confirmed, "Yeah, a real tiny thing she was. But she was cute." A chuckle escaped him as he recalled sole of his memories of her. "She was a Pretender, a type of Transformer that faced A LOT of discrimination on Cybertron, simply because of her size." He described how she had to stay close to Alpha Trion for protection, as other guards would often chase her away when she was alone. However, Smokescreen's connection with her was different. "Sure she was different, but she was always so kind to me. She made me feel happy when my squadron treated me badly. Being a rookie, I wasn't exactly well liked, or respected for that matter." He sighed. He did not miss anyone from his squadron, they were all real jerks towards him, and to anyone for that matter that wasn't above them in the ranks.

Phase's curiosity deepened further, as it seemed to her that he shared a deep connection with this pretender he spoke of. He spoke so highly of her, and Smokescreen only ever spoke highly of the primes in their few conversations, and so she asked, "What was she like?" Eager to hear about Smokescreen's feelings for someone from his past on Cybertron. She never would have thought that he'd have fancied someone in the past. Thinking back, Smokescreen took a moment to reflect on his memories of her, "Hmm... Well, the best way I can put it? She was like you. Sure, she was quiet and preferred not to start trouble... but she was a real tough girl, that one. She could put anyone in their place if they pushed her buttons enough." As he spoke, a sense of joy and warmth filled his spark, evoking the cherished memories of his dear old friend. Phase cocked her head to the side, wondering what happened to the femme Smokescreen spoke so highly of. By how he was talking, it seemed like they had parted ways, unwilling or not. "What happened to her?" she asked, feeling a sense of unease about the forthcoming answer. She was aware that delving into this topic may hurt Smokescreen, but perhaps talking about it might be a reprieve for him, as she understood that sometimes the past can cling to a person for years to come, and there was no greater pain than the memories that clung to you from a traumatic event. Her uncle taught her that all too well.

"I'm not sure," Smokescreen admitted, his voice tinged with sadness as he recollected the past. "I lost contact with her. I never saw her again. Then, a few cycles later, I was knocked out by a Decepticon and held prisoner on their warship. To avoid being used as a punching bag, I knocked out the guard and stole a stasis pod. Well, I suppose it was more like a long-distance travel pod because the moment it launched, I was knocked into stasis. Then, I crash-landed here on Earth." He let out a sigh, part of him hoping his friend had gotten to safety among the chaos, but even he was having his doubts. "Prime and his team found me, or, well... I found them. They were being attacked by cons, and I slid into the fight hoping to get in on the action. I've been with Team Prime ever since," he concluded his tale, admitting that recounting it all was giving him a bit of a headache. "But part of me does hope she got here too, just hiding among the humans. She is a pretender after all. She's meant to look and act like native lifeforms like humans, so I have hope she's here, looking for me and others of the Autobots" he knew it was a stretch, but hope was what got him through hard times, so he would continue to hope, regardless of the odds. Smokescreen had experienced loss himself on Cybertron, losing friends along the way, unsure if maybe one or bith of them got here or were on some other planet. Phase couldn't help but think that the little assistant may have perished, but as for Alpha Trion, she couldn't even hazard a guess. He seemed capable of taking care of himself and surviving, but she couldn't be certain.

Speeding past the military base situated at the foot of the hilly, rocky terrain, the group approached a plateau where the rock suddenly shifted and split apart, revealing a hidden doorway. The tunnel beyond was dimly lit with warm white lights. As they entered the main bunker, Ratchet was engrossed in his work, typing away and meticulously sifting through the available data. He despised human technology, finding it primitive and simple compared to what he had on Cybertron, but it sufficed for the time being. Upon noticing their arrival, Ratchet turned his attention towards them and let out a sigh. "Hello, Crystal," he greeted, giving her a nod. He maintained a cordial demeanour with her, recognizing her decent intelligence and ability to engage in meaningful conversations. Smokescreen transformed, and before the old rust bucket could utter more than a "Smokescreen," he returned to his work, focusing on the task at hand.

"Ratchet, good to see you again," Phase greeted in return, her hands shifting from her hips to crossing over her chest as she surveyed the surroundings. The question that lingered on her lips was about Optimus. "Where's Optimus?" she asked, her stance subtly shifting to reflect her growing curiosity and concern. "I am right here" Optimus responded as he emerged through the ground bridge, a little scratched up but otherwise, in one piece. It seemed he had been in a fight. But Phase was more concerned with seeing him emerge from a vortex of light, just seemingly appearing out of nowhere! "Whoa..." she mutters, in total awe.

"Thank you for bringing her back Smokescreen" Optimus nods, offering his hand to Phase who, without issue, climbs up and sets herself in his palm, careful to not fall off, "no prob Prime, though we do gotta hurry this along" Smokescreen urged, knowing Phase wants to get back to her uncle. "Do you have somewhere important to be?" Rachet asks, figuring it's just Smokescreen being his typical teenage self. "My uncle is in town, and it's not often I see him thanks to his work. He's the only family I have so...I really wanna spend as much time with him as possible" Phase admitted, not wanting Smokes to get into trouble for rushing...whatever this was. Optimus nodded, acknowledging her words with deep consideration, "I understand. I apologise for pulling you away from family. This won't take long, as we just need to perform a check up on you and ensure your health is optimal, and try and perhaps figure out what the decepticons want-...." he suddenly went very quiet, optics shifting. Phase was confused. Why was he staring at her so intently?

Optimus cautiously addressed Phasefeather, his focus fixated on the glowing red stone. His tone carried a mix of concern and possibly anger as he pointed at it and asked, "Where did you get that?" Smokescreen, anticipating the question, stepped in, understanding the significance of the situation. Despite knowing it would be brought up eventually, he felt compelled to explain, crossing his arms and stating plainly, "Her uncle gave it to her." Phasefeather, perplexed by the tense reaction to her necklace, shared, "He works in the mines and doesn't often come across rubie very often, so he had it engraved in a necklace for me." Ratchet, the medic, emitted a growl upon scanning the small red gem and swiftly identified it, "That is not a ruby." An alert sounded, indicating a high energy reading far surpassing that of energon. Ratchet proceeded to explain the danger, his words laced with concern, "Red energon. Phasefeather, how did your uncle get his hands on this? Red energon is very volatile and extremely dangerous to humans." In response, Optimus carefully set her on a bench, distancing her from the ground. Confused, Phasefeather attempted to defend herself, insisting, "Red energon? I don't even know what that is, but this is just a ruby." Her hope was that they wouldn't take it away, but the botd just shared a look among themselves, "I'm sorry, Crystal." Shaking his head, Optimus firmly placed his hand beside her, emphasizing, "That is not a precious Earth stone. It is red energon."

Phase tightly clutched her necklace, holding it as if her life depended on it thinking they would take it from her. She passionately expressed her refusal to let anyone take it away, emphasizing its sentimental value from her uncle. "You may not understand the sentiment behind it" she started, keeping a firm, strong stance, "but every gift from my uncle means the world to me! You can't take this from me!" she insisted, determined to protect it, even if it killed her! Optimus recognized the significance it held for her and understood that he couldn't force her to hand it over. He nodded in acknowledgement, "Very well then, Crystal. We will not take the necklace off of you. But I advise you to question your uncle about this... red energon, as Ratchet stated, is dangerous, and even a small fllame will ignite it." Stepping back, he allowed the medic to assess her condition, but couldn't stress anymore the importance fof this matter. He needed to be sure she'd be safe, as no doubt a Decepticon would have no issue killing her to take it.

Ratchet, although unhappy about her keeping the necklace, recognized the constraints and proceeded with his examination. As he checked her physical well-being, he noticed something astonishing-there wasn't a single scar or even a scrape on her small, fragile body. This puzzled him, and he questioned Smokescreen, "I thought you said you faced Knockout?" Smokescreen, coming closer to examine his human partner, replied, "We did, and she did get thrown around a bit, I'll admit." This further intrigued Ratchet, and he couldn't help but express his annoyance, "Hey, wait a minute... don't humans bruise easily?" Smokescreen pressed on, irritating Ratchet even more. "Yes!" the medic exclaimed. Smokescreen continued, "If so, why doesn't she have any marks on her skin?" Ratchet looked damn near ready to snap Smokescreens head off its shoulders, and through a forced smile with clenched teeth asked; "really? Ya don't say". Sensing he may be pushing his luck, Smokescreen stood back, waiting for the examination to finish. Once it was was over however, he transformed back for Phase. He was going to get her back home as quickly as possible, he wanted her to be able to spend time with her uncle, he wanted to see her smile! And once Rachet helped her back to the ground she raced back to Smokescreen eager to get back. She wasn't sure how long she had been there, the check-up took slightly longer than she intended, but now that it was done she could go!

"I'm going to hold off disturbing you while your uncle is here" Rachet spoke. He knows this was important to her. He knows what that's have someone special you want to spend time with since they make you feel safe or happy. "But once he is gone, you need to report back at least every few I make myself clear?" He asked, earning a nod from the small human. "Thank you so much Rachet. I really appreciate it" she smiled, sinking into the car quietly before Smokescreen took off. Rachet...couldn't help but smile...seeing her so made him feel happy...why? He wasn't sure.

Phase and Smokescreem got home quickly. They got caught in some traffic coming back in, but they made it..and when she got inside her uncle was passed out cold om the couch, sleeping. She let out a quiet, resigned sigh....then smiled. She grabs a blanket off the edge of the couch, and carefully drapes it over him, kissing him on the forehead, the now cold pizza on the bench missing a few slices. Quietly, she grabbed herself a plate and fixed herself a few slices of pizza, and so she didnt disturb her uncle heads for her room. As she reached the hallway, ready to turn the light off she looked back at her uncle, smiled once more, and turned off the light switch, disappearing into her own room.

The moment her door shut....Jacks eyes shot open, glowing a bright, menacing shade of blue....

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