Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

A visit to Larsa

363 5 0
By SithTrooperO9

A/N: just wanna re-clarify, Exegol and Byss (from the Dark Empire series) will be combined for this fic. It will be Exegol in name but the planet is Byss and located in the Deep Core.

Sith Eternal ranks and hierarchy based on power:
Supreme leader
Basic trooper

And the lowest of them, the slaves who work and build for the sith and look at them like deities.

''Aren't you adorable.'' Prisca said as she leaned in to get a good look at the wolf pup. The pup was drinking his bowl of warm milk and was put atop a table in the control room of the barge. ''What's his name, Sal?'' she asked.

''I think... Fenrir. I think that's a good name, Prisca.'' I replied. The pup barked as if in full agreement with his name. ''How'd you take the hunt, Prisca? Enjoyed it?''

''I... quite liked it, to be honest.'' she admitted. ''Though me and my family were never the military or hunting type.''

''I never did get to ask about your family, Prisca. How are they?''

''They're fine. My father, Everett Roth, is a wealthy business magnate on Chandrila. There's my mother Rebekah. She's a nice woman, Sal. And my sisters, Tamar and Abigail.''

''Are you the eldest in your family, Prisca?'' I asked.

''No. Tamar is my older sister and Abigail is my younger. I'm the middle child, Sal.'' she replied with a slight chuckle. ''Mom and dad have been growing quite concerned as of late.''

''Does it have to do with your planet's tradition, Prisca?'' I asked. Chandrila had a marriage tradition where children were to be married at age 14. Prisca was currently 16 years old, almost 17 actually like me. I was a bit concerned regarding her friend as she held a very special place in my heart. ''Sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's not my business and I don't have any right to take part in your family's affairs.''

''It's okay, Sal. I understand that you were just curious.''

''If you ever do need help, Prisca, I'm always here. You can count on me.'' I reassured her.

''Thank you, Sal.'' she gave me her gratitude and a trooper burst into the room.

''I'm sorry sir to disturb you sir but it seems that we ran into some trouble.'' the trooper told me and I quickly got out of the chair to check in on the problem. Prisca followed suit and we headed to the deck of the barge.

''What's the problem?'' I asked as I arrived at the deck.

''I think we hit some sort of a reef or large rock sir.'' one of the troopers answered me. ''The ship is damaged and one of the engines is in need of repairs.''

''Reef or rock?'' I asked in confusion. ''But reefs can't thrive in fresh water and the river this far can't be low enough for... ah shit.'' I cursed as realization came to me.

''What's wrong, Sal?'' Prisca asked me. ''Is it bad?''

''Ninghiszida.'' I replied. ''I'm afraid we woke up a slumbering river serpent, Prisca. All hands, to your battle stations!'' I shouted and all troops, both imperial and A.D.F, got their blasters ready. Raggal on the other hand, due to his extreme fear of snakes, retreated to the decks of the barge. And within seconds, a big, pale river serpent did indeed pop up out of the water.

'First spices, lizard people, a planet filled with dangerous wildlife, orbaks, an elephant beast and now a giant snake. This star system hates me.' Captain Gary Strave thought to himself. 'Just... why?'

''Nobody move.'' I told the others to stay still in hopes that the snake would leave but it didn't and roared fiercely. ''Okay you may fire!'' I shouted and the troopers shot their blasters but the snake's scales were too thick for blaster bolts. Then, it opened it's mouth and a blue light came to life. ''Everyone, find cover now!'' I shouted and the river serpent breathed out a dark blue sulphuric flame hotter than normal fire.

'And it breathes blue fire. Who the hell thought this place was good for human habitation!?' Gary asked in his mind and came out as the snake stopped it's fire. The snake came to envelop the barge and squeeze it. 'Oh heck no!' Gary then charged at the snake with an Akkadian hunting spear and managed to put himself in between the snake's mouth that was big enough to swallow a whole bantha. ''A little help please.''

''Hang on Gary.'' I called out to him with a thermal detonator in hand and jumped up. As the snake was shaking it's enormous body, I threw the grenade inside it's mouth and both me and Gary jumped down. Gary landed on top of me and the river serpent's body exploded. ''Yeah. We're saved.'' I muttered. ''Please get off of me, Gary.''

''Oops. Sorry sir.'' Gary gave me a hand and I was back on my feet. ''How bad is the engines?''

''We'll need to conduct repairs now but I doubt it'll be enough. We have sent distress signals for help. Luckily, they will have spare parts.'' the trooper said and the crew of the barge did their best to fix the barge.

''Is it safe? Is the snake gone?'' Raggal asked as his head popped out of the door.

''Yeah. We're safe, ya wuss.'' I replied and my cousin was beyond relieved at hearing the news. About fifteen minutes we waited till an Akkadian desert copter came down. The whirring insect like sounds of the copter alerted us and it was close. The craft belonged to the house of Nyx and among them was a friendly face. ''Kore?''

''Sal? I wasn't expecting to see you here of all places.'' Kore remarked. ''We picked up your distress signal. What happened?''

''An attack by a river serpent.'' I answered. ''We killed it and currently, the men are loading up the carcass that is still good enough. What were you doing in the desert copter, Kore?''

''On a business to check out my father's spice machines in the southern regions. After that, I was free and that thought maybe I'd spent the rest of the day in Larsa with Myranda.'' Kore answered me.

''To Larsa? That was we were headed before the river serpent attacked.'' I said. ''While they do the repairs, care to come inside for a chat, Kore?'' I offered.

''Oh I'd loved to.'' Kore replied and we entered the control room.

(sail barge control room)

''Never got to ask but what were you doing all the way out here, Sal? Certainly not to hunt fish. Myranda told me that you didn't like fish, fresh or sea.'' Kore asked me.

''My aunt thought that it'd be good if me and a few of my troops accompanied Raggal and his men to hunt down a pride of wild, man eating lions.'' I answered. ''We did just that and we were headed to Larsa for refueling.'' As I talked with Kore, Prisca shifted closer to me and so did my death trooper guard team leader, Anastasia. 'Huh. Odd.' I could simply think.

''If I recall correctly, Larsa was where you were born isn't it, Sal?'' Kore asked and this came as a revelation to both Prisca and Anastasia. ''It's been rebuilt after the tragic event nearly seven years back. I'm sorry to hear that your parents had to die in that event, Sal.''

''Most unfortunate indeed, Kore. When we do arrive at Larsa, I hope to visit the graves of my father and mother and pray for them.'' I said with my head slightly looking down at the table. Remembering that event, though I wasn't really there personally, always made me sad.

''You didn't hear, Sal?'' Kore asked.

''Hear what?''

''Your aunt has given money for Larsa. A memorial for the loved ones who perished that day.'' Kore answered. ''Larsa has not only re-built itself but made a memorial in the city. All the dead are collected there and it serves as a reminder of the dangers of piracy. It's a big pyramid like structure nearby the town.''

''I... see.'' was all that I could reply.

''Sir, we're set to go.'' a trooper came inside to inform me of that. I nodded and as the trooper left, the barge set sail for Larsa and the desert copter followed.

     -New Larsa, central marshlands-

''My old home... rebuilt.'' I muttered as I set out of the barge and saw New Larsa. ''It looks exactly as I remember it years back but... it doesn't feel the same.'' I commented and I did not know but in my nostalgic feeling, a tear fell down my cheek.

''Sir, are you... crying?'' Major Gren snapped me out of reality and I just realized that a tear was on my cheek.

I quickly wiped it from my face and looked at the major. ''No, major. Just... had a walk down memory lane. That's all.'' I replied.

''At least it's better than the polluted streets of Nineveh.'' remarked Captain Gary. ''But the smell of spice is still in the air.''

I chuckled at Gary's apparent dislike of the spice melange. ''Better get used to it, Gary. The entire planet smells of spice.'' I replied and went to check on Larsa. I remembered the market places where people complained about prices, the schools where went to study, the bakery down the street and the music of musicians playing under the hot sun. I remembered where I used to play with my friends, the few that I had, in the streets and where me and my mother would go in the parks. The walls where my father would tell me stories of yore and myth.

''Salazar Covraii, son of Andronicus, do my eyes decieve me?'' I heard the voice of an old woman and when I looked at the direction from which the voice came, I was suprised. ''It is you. At long last. A forgotten son of Larsa has returned.''

''Grandma Adorina?'' I did not expect to see her again. She wasn't my biological grandmother but she was a kind, respected woman and to many, she was like their own grandmother. ''It's so good to see you again.''

''If it isn't the most famous Larsite.'' a voice was heard from inside the manor and it was from an old acquiantance. Adad-Nirari, now apparently an advisor to the new town chief. ''Salazar. It does my soul good to see an old friend again. Heard of what you did in Mimban and Samovar. You could not believe how happy we were when he heard that it was an Akkadian, from among us no less, that won those wars.'' Adad-Nirari said and I chuckled slightly. ''Come in, Salazar. I would welcome you into my house as a friend like I did so long ago.''

''Thank you but currently, I wish to visit the graves of my parents and give my prayers.'' I replied. I had priorities first.

''Then I shall wait for your return. The Larsa memorial is just four kilometers to the north. It's busy everyday from the tourists who come to visit. It's not far if you get on a speeder or orbak.''

''Thank you, Adad-Nirari.'' I said my gratitude and went back to the barge to get an orbak and rode to the Larsa memorial. My escorts were on my tail and the people moved to the sides as we went to the memorial.

(the Larsa memorial necropolis)

It was about 120 feet in size and over 80 feet in width. There was something like an alter in the middle with six house like structures for the tombs of chiefts. It dawned upon me that the old Larsa necropolis, which had been neglected for years, was renovated and the memorial pyramid built near the chief tombs. The memorial pyramid stood upon a step called a mastaba and the pyramid stood at roughly 75 meters tall and there was an entrance. Inside were wall paintings of life in Larsa and it's past, detailing battles, everyday life, the clone occupation and the tragedy. As we entered deeper, there was a sign.

Never shall we forget was the sign written as you entered the tombs. There were people there, tourists, who came to visit. Others were relatives of those who died in the attack who came here to pay respects and pray. I searched for my the tombs of my father and mother and I eventually found them.

''Sir?'' Captain Kassus was kind enough to have brought a bouquet of flowers and he gave them to me.

''Thank you, captain.'' I said as I took the flowers and put them atop the grave. I clasped my hands, closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed for quite a long time, my escorts patiently waiting and not uttering a word. I was grateful that they understood how important this was for me. After I finished, I looked at them and said, ''I think we can all go now.''

(back in Larsa)

''Sal? I wasn't expecting you here.'' said Myranda Blûdwyne. ''Why didn't you tell me that he was here, Kore?'' she asked her friend in an authoritative tone.

''Cause I wanted to surprise you.'' Kore replied, much to Myranda's annoyance.

''I had come in to check on my family's property here in Larsa but I didn't expect to see you, Sal. What are you doing here?'' Myranda asked.

''A long story. I'll explain if you can follow me to one of my friend's home.'' I replied.

''Sure. I'm tired from all this walking in desert sun anyways.'' Myranda said and followed me.

''Same. I could go for a nice cup.'' Kore too followed me inside.

'How dare they take my Sal away from me.' a jealous, blue haired ISB agent soon followed behind.

We all sat down at Adad-Nirari's home to rest and enjoy an afternoon meal. ''You cannot believe what an effect the attack on Larsa had, Salazar.'' Adad-Nirari told me. ''Because of the pirate attack and deaths of so many people, many Akkadians have become radicalized, Salazar. It might be fine for those in Nineveh but not here in the open towns. Many have taken up blasters or slug throwers, buying orbaks and forging hover chariots... it was a terrifying time, Salazar.'' Adad-Nirari recounted the last six years and no doubt he was a bit scarred from everything that had happened. ''People are losing their faith in the House of Nobles. Now, they are trusting in other factors. Chief among them... your aunt.''

''What exactly is the purpose of this that which you are telling me, Adad-Nirari?'' I could not help but wonder the reason.

''Only as a way of saying, ''Larsa is on your side'', Salazar.'' Adad-Nirari explained. ''The attack has affected every town and everyone living in them. All of the Ashur star system. Tensions are rising up. A year, two, three, maybe even five... things will go downhill fast.''

''So, are you telling me that you want reassurance that I will support whichever faction you are in or maybe to not get involved?'' I asked back. ''It'll be difficult to not get involved if it'll be as serious as you claim it to be, Adad-Nirari. However, can there be a losing side for men like you and me in a conflict like this?''

''The elite maybe powerful in their own state but when an even stronger enemy is at the gates, they're just as vulnerable as everybody else. Who's to say that their own subordinates and underlings won't be the ones to kill them? It happened so much before and it will occur again many times over. The weapons of war may change, Salazar, from simple stones to bronze and iron to slug throwers and blasters and cannons to powerful warships but at the core, war never changes. Cities get sacked, people are massacred, women get raped, children are dashed to the walls and other brutal acts.''

''Spoken like someone who should write a book of wisdom sayings.'' I said and we laughed slightly. ''I get what you're saying. At least I like to think to do.'' I muttered that last part as I still had bits of doubt in me. ''With me being an imperial colonel and my aunt as the governor, should a conflict arisr in Akkadia, whatever side we choose to support will... be the victor.''

''Now you understand the position which you hold.'' Adad-Nirari drank his wine and dropped the business talk for now. ''Shall you stay for the night?''

''I'm afraid not. I have to return back to Nineveh before nightfall.''

''A shame but I understand. Be well, Salazar Covraii, and we shall pray for your bright future.'' Adad-Nirari told me and I exited his house.

(golden barley fields, Larsa)

I chuckled as I ran up the golden fields of barley. Prisca, Kore and Myranda were running up to catch me with my death trooper guard, Anastasia, just behind. I pretended to fall among the golden fields where Prisca caught up to me. ''Sal! Are you hurt?'' she asked. I just laughed as I pretended and she blushed red. ''Sal, how dare you trick me like that.'' I grabbed her by the waist and the other two girls caught up. It was just like the good old days when I used to run in the barley fields at autumn.

''They seem to be having fun.'' Major Gren commented.

''What is this crop, major? Do you know it?'' Captain Kassus asked his superior.

''They call it, barley, Captain Kassus. The bread we eat here in the Nineveh garrison is made from it.'' the major replied. ''Never seen such crops in my home planet.''

''We thank you for allowing us in your home and fixing up our ship, advisor Adad-Nirari.'' Captain Gary said gratitude on behalf on the unit.

''It is no problem, captain. Salazar is a native of Larsa and to see him return is a sight that made all of us happy.'' he replied. ''Far be it from me to speak so bluntly and casually, especially towards a mutual friend, but I have studied Mimban and Samovar with great interest. No doubt you think that your commander is brutal.''

''Yes. As brutal as they come.''

''Still nothing.'' Adad-Nirari muttered. ''Compared to the old Akkadian kings, even during the brief skirmishes with Seswenna, he's soft. His mother being an off-worlder is believed to have made Salazar... somewhat soft when compared to the others. But don't worry. Salazar will discover his true Akkadian self and the name of our people will echo in infamy and terror once more.'' Adad-Nirari told Captain Gary in an ominous voice like the saying of a prophet. ''Good day, captain, and hope that you'll visit some other time.''

'And to think that commander- no, Sal is already brutal enough. If it increases, might as well get ready to stand trial for war crimes.' Captain Gary thought with a slight sigh and went to his cousin, superior officer and looked at his best friend/ commander having fun with the girls in the golden barley fields. ''Wait, where's the colonel's cousin again?''

               -holy city of Nippur-

Nippur was the holiest site in all of Akkadian religion. In this city, no weapons were allowed and it was seat to many mysteries and secrets. Tourists too were not allowed to enter and only a select few soldiers guarded the city. Despite being a holy city, the decadant cults have made it filthy with their abominable practices. Dainah Covraii, governor of the planet, had tasked her nephew, Raggal Covraii, to scout the place and get a glimpse of it. Her plans involved the holy city afterall.

''Did you get what I asked you for, Raggal?'' Dainah Covraii asked over on the comms.

''Yes, aunt. The skematics of the city have been completed. I will bring them to you once I return back to Nineveh.'' Raggal replied.

''Good but... I have another task for you.''

''What is it, aunt? Say it and it will be done.''

''Try to get careful shots of the Society of Nabu. That damned cult. Try to get a shot of my long lost niece. From my sources, she will be wearing a black robe and she has glasses. She will be 21 years of age now.''

''Understood aunt.'' Raggal then moved his scope to the temple of Nabu and zoomed in. He saw many worshippers but the chief leaders were quite abusive. He saw a woman that best fit the image detailed by his aunt and took holo-pics. Just to be safe, he also took additional holo-pics of the temple and he packed his equipment. ''Time to go, time to go.'' Raggal muttered and got atop the orbak and rode to Larsa. Once he returned, the barge sailed back to Nineveh.

       -Khorsabad palace, Nineveh-

''This one, nephew, she is your long lost sister.'' my aunt told me and I looked at a holo-pic of my older sister taken by Raggal. ''Rachael Covraii now called Semiramis.''

''Sister.'' I could only mutter as I looked at her. So much like our mother. ''When can your plan start, aunt? When can our family be whole again?''

''The pieces are falling where I want them to be but we have to be patient.'' my aunt told me. ''Patience is the key to success, nephew. Remember that. If one is patient, it makes the rewards all the more sweeter. You must bare with me and remember, I am eliminating our enemies as well. They say, 'pride comes before the fall'. My targets will no doubt not suspect greater plans in motion and at play.''

''You always surprise me, aunt. You think five steps, maybe more, ahead of others. Truly, I aspire to be like you.'' I told her and my mind went to another matter. ''I... paid my respect to my parent's graves in the Larsa memorial pyramid and necropolis.''

''Ah yes. I forgot that you had to dock at Larsa. You like the pyramid, nephew?''

''Very much, aunt. It looks like the ziggurats and the pyramids on Mizraim. My compliments to the designer.'' I said and she was glad to hear. ''Aunt, I apologize if it is somewhat troublesome to you but... may I ask what became of my weapons projects?''

''I spoke with Tarkin and he says he'll consider the idea of an imperial factory in Nineveh. There's already enough space and cheap labour for that. Another moff, Ardus Kaine of the Brexant Sector, said that he'll be happy to be a partner of mine. A sign of gratitude for our help in putting down the Sartinaynian workers uprising... peacefully.''

''Ah, moff Kaine. I'm happy to hear that, aunt.'' I said and my aunt gave me a box. ''What's this?''

''A gift, nephew. I think you'll like it.'' my aunt told me and inside was a cape. Not just any ordinary cape but one made from the hide of a male Akkadian lion. It felt nice to touch it and the neck was the mane of the lion.

''Like it? I love it, aunt. Thank you.'' I said my gratitude and then I recieved a message from Prisca. ''Sorry to have to cut this conversation short, aunt, but I have urgent matters to attend.'' I said and exited her office to check in on Prisca.

(imperial barracks)

''Prisca, is everything alright?'' I asked and saw her packing her bags. ''You're... leaving?'' I was taken off guard by this.

''Sorry, Sal, but Colonel Yularen told me that I had important missions to deal with for now.'' Prisca answered. ''It's... quite the unfortunate timing as I enjoyed working with you and exploring your home. I do hope that we get to work closer in the future.''

''I hope so too, Prisca.'' I said and she hugged me. ''I'll miss you. Take care.''

''Goodbye Sal.'' she then left for an imperial shuttle and flew out of the garrison. I waved my hand as she flew away and hoped to one day meet her again.

(about half an hour later)

''I didn't expect you of all people to kill even one, Raggal.'' I remarked as me and my cousin ate special bread cooked with spice.

''Guess I'm just full of surprises like you, Salazar.'' Raggal replied. ''It's even more surprising you killed the alpha male considering that you aren't... well, built like me.''

''Tch, you and your little insecurities. At least I killed a river serpent while you cowered in fear.'' I said and chuckled. Our aunt was in the area and we quickly hid our lunch.

''Are you boys eating Mr.Khilji's special spice breads again?'' she asked.

''No, aunt.'' Raggal instantly answered.

''It was all Raggal's fault. I had nothing to do with it. He sold ammo to the slavemaster Umayya and used the money to buy it despite his stomach problems. It was him and only him aunt. I'm 100% innocent in all this.'' I took the time to snitch on Raggal. The troopers nearby and Raggal could only watch in silent shock.

My aunt rolled her eyes and though we couldn't see it given her sunglasses, it was obvious. She didn't need a good enough reason to be mad at Raggal because she liked being disappointed in everyone else. ''Why must you always disappoint me, Raggal?'' my aunt just casually muttered and walked away.

A few seconds passed and I ran with Raggal chasing me. ''Salazar you snitch of a cousin! Come back here!'' Raggal shouted as he gave chase and I ran to escape his clutches.

''Just a normal day in the imperial army of the Galactic Empire.'' remarked one Major Gren.

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