Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Dia...

By VeGirl

162K 5.1K 539

This is the third and last part of a story that starts with "Living my Dream" and "Unfolding Dreams", when Em... More

Out of Dodge
In the dark forests of Europe
Going Home
Back together
Life or death
Run away
Northern Adventure
Family affairs
Coming out
New Year and a New Life
Going out
Saint Emma
The cure
Breaking and entering
He's back
Dinner party
Dirty Dancing
Witch help

The Afterlife

3.6K 135 4
By VeGirl

Written 2013 by VeGirl

Anna stayed for a while, but then she wanted to go back to Sweden. I knew I would miss her like crazy, but all our recent research told us that as long as we didn't go near any weird humming rocks at the wrong time in some ancient calendar, we would be able to contact each other with a simple phone-call. We both knew that we would miss each other, but the truth was that we didn't want the same things any more.

I had my life by Damon's side for as long as life's circumstances would allow us, and she wanted to go back to her earlier life, with family and friends. She had also made quite a few new friends in the witch community and was looking forward to continue her training as a witch.

Stefan and Elena were doing their best to pull through their rough time which gave Damon and me some well needed time to our selves, hiding in our private paradise in the woods.

"How are you doing?" I asked considerate as I once again found him on the back porch, staring unseeingly out over the small lake.

"Fine." He said, giving me a smile to cover up the thoughtful expression.

"No, you're not!" I was stubborn. "You don't have to hide things from me."

He watched me intense.

"Are you getting tired of me?" I knew this would get a reaction.

"No, of course not." He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. "We've just been going through so much." He whispered against my hair.

"You can say that again!" It was attempted as a joke, but it didn't really pay out.

He pushed me away to look at me with those intense almost grey eyes smouldering with emotions. "I saw you dead. I sat by your side, not knowing if I'd never see you again."

I wrapped my arms around him. "Yeah baby, I'm sorry."

"You're sorry; you're apologizing for dying?" It wasn't really clear if his expression was amused or bitter again. "I mean I sat next to Elena when she was dead, but this was so much worse." He took a deep breath and I stayed silent. "I couldn't think clear when Elena came back without you and we had to get out on a search party, and when I found you lying in a pool of blood it totally slipped my mind that I had fed you my blood that morning. I was certain that you were gone forever."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, darling." My heart bled for the man in front of me. "But I'm here now, immortal and not so easy to get rid of." I did my best to enlighten the mood.

"We're not immortal." He said soft and I could finally see a weak smile. "But we can plan far ahead..."

I giggled. 

"I love that sound." He said soft.

"What?" I kept giggling and he kissed me.

"The sound of you giggling is the sweetest sound in the world."

I smiled in awe of this man. "That is so sweet of you."

"I'm not sweet, I'm mean and I like it!" he got that wicked grin again, the one that took my breath away.

"Yeah, I like that too... My prince of darkness." I smirked.

I was suddenly thrown over his shoulder and in no time we were in his room. Softly he lifted my tee off of me and he unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it on the floor. My eyes wandered to the treasure trail of dark hairs leading downwards from his navel and desire filled me.

Will I ever get tired of this gorgeous man?

   * * * * *   

A few days after, I was out walking alone in town, after sunset. I was on my way home when I walked past a family; I didn't really see the mother, but the father spoke to his sons about some race he had participated in, long ago. The two boys were around ten and six years old and they were excited and bounced around a lot.

As I passed them I got a feeling that something was off, but I couldn't tell what it was; I couldn't put my finger on it.

The father stopped to talk to the bigger boy, and the minor one bounced along next to me, curious and with a sparkly personality. Even though I had a jacket on, the boy had only a short-sleeved tee and I thought it looked a little too cold.

I decided to tease the little one, so when I was sure that the others were around a corner and unable to see me, I started to run. The forest was close by and the boy ran along with me, clearly taking my new tempo as a challenge, but I ran faster and faster and soon I shifted to vamp-speed and just disappeared into the forest.

From a branch I was able to watch them when the boy yelled to his father that I was fast, and the father was immediately alert, straining his eyes into the forest that was about hundred and fifty yards from them.

I admit I was gloating a bit when they didn't find me, but I had the right to brag and show off a little, didn't I?

Silently I jumped down and started to run home, but I didn't get far when I heard sounds behind me, making me pick up the tempo further. I wanted to look back, but that is what makes every girl on film to fall on her face and the murderer to catch up. A smile formed on my face as I sped through the dense forest, but suddenly I felt a presence really close and had to turn my head, despite my inner warning.

A dog was on my tail, a big grey dog was suddenly snapping a tear in my jeans and I realised the danger was not some imaginary murderer on film, but the danger was worse. Was this a wolf, a werewolf?

I managed to shake the dog off and was relieved when I saw the big brown house towering before me. Quickly I took the closest door and didn't exhale until I was leaning my back against the inside of the door.

What the eff was that?

"What's the rush?" Stefan asked as he passed the back door on his way to the kitchen.

I exhaled half a laugh. "I was stupid, showing of and got chased." I chuckled.

"I didn't know you were a show-off, Emma." Stefan teased with a smile on his face..

I joined him in the kitchen. "Really? Haven't you paid attention at all?" I sassed him back. "I was cocky as a human, and everything is magnified when you get turned, right?" I chuckled.

He watched me intensely and then shrugged his eyebrows and that was when Damon joined us.

"Did you have a good run, Sweetie?" He gave me a chaste kiss when I picked a bottle of water from the refrigerator and he took the bottle of MacAllan whiskey I bought him from the pantry.

Suddenly he stopped and watched me with puckered eyebrows. "What happened?" He asked and looked me over to find the tear in my jeans. "You're bleeding!"

I lifted my foot backwards and noted a little scratch. "Yeah, I was cocky and got chased." I chuckled.

"Chased by whom?" He demanded to know and I told him about the family and how I had been teasing the boy.

"Apparently they had a dog that I didn't notice." I chuckled. "I'll be more careful next time, baby." I smiled and gave him another sweet kiss.

"What kind of a dog?" Damon's voice was hard and rough and all of a sudden Stefan was there picking me up on the counter, stretching my leg backwards to examine the wound on my calf.

"Ouch!" I yelled even if it didn't hurt that much. When I looked back at the wound, it wasn't that big and it had already healing up.

"What kind of dog was it?" Damon barked.

"I don't know!" I snapped back to him. "Some German Shepherd mixture, how will I know?" I glared at him and noted his angry look. "Why, do you wanna adopt it?" I smirked.

He looked at me as if I had lost it totally.

I sighed. "It was some longhaired German Shepherd." I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "I barely know the English names." I muttered. "It was grey... looked like a wolf." I exhaled half a laugh.

Everything went dead still.

"You were bitten... A wolf bit you?" Both brothers looked chocked.

"It was a dog!" I smiled a cocky smile.

Damon was suddenly shaking my shoulders, blazing mad. "You were out showing off on a full moon and got bit by a wolf?" He screamed in my face and shook me so I almost fell off the kitchen counter where I sat.

"Ouch!" I yelled again and straightened out my leg. "What do you mean?!"

"A werewolf-bite kills a vampire!" Both brothers yelled.

Everything went dead silent again and I furrowed my eyebrows. Surely this wasn't a werewolf-bite? "How big is a werewolf?" My voice was tiny and crackled.

"It looked like a longhaired grey German Shepherd."

In a flash I realised the danger I had put myself through. "Could this be a werewolf-bite?" I breathed.

Both brothers were silent; watching each other and me. Once again I flexed my foot backwards up on the counter to look at my calf. The wound was open again, much bigger than just minutes ago, bubbling and moving, looking disgusting.

"What does a werewolf bite look like?" I asked.

"Like that!"

Once again, the silence was suffocating as we looked at the wound and each other.

"Oh my God!" I breathed when the fact finally dawned on me. The panic started to creep up from my stomach toward my throat. "But you've been through this before, what did you do with Rose?" As soon as the question was out, I knew.

"I staked her." Damon's voice was cold and hard and I knew how much pain he had been through during that time.

I exhaled with my face showing more pain than he revealed, but then I remembered. "Klaus! Klaus blood is the cure, right?" I pulled the phone out from my back pocket and tapped his number.

"Emma!" I heard the Salvatore's object, but I just waved them off and heard the line crackle and Klaus voice.

"Emma, how nice to hear from you." He had that usual tone that made you wonder if he was really glad to see you or extremely bored. "What can I do for you?"

"Hey Klaus, are you okay?" I used my perky tone and tried to go through the usual pleasantries, but got soon down to business. "Here's the deal... I was out and some dog got a little too close to my hamstring. Now the guy's tells me it must have been a werewolf..."

The other end of the line was eerily quiet.

"So, I was wondering if I could just pop over and..."

"Bite me?" He asked, and I started to laugh when I heard how insane it sounded.

"Yeah, I'm really losing it!" I laughed. "I mean it's still okay, but you blood is the cure, right?"

"I can't help feeling a little used." I heard him say and I laughed, but started to feel a little burn from the bite on my leg.

"If you just pop over, I'll promise to help you." He said.

"Thank you, I knew you were a nice guy." I teased him. "Can I come over right away; I know it's late..."

"Sure, you're welcome."


"I'm in Magyarorszag." Klaus said. "It's actually morning here."

"What?" I inhaled sharply, it had totally slipped my mind that he had left the country.

"You know; Magyarorszag... in Hungary..." Klaus explained.

"I remember where it is, even if I can't pronounce it!" I snapped. "But that's a hell of a distance!"

"Five thousand miles give or take..."

By now I started to get the severeness of what I had done. "But... but how long do I have...?" My voice drifted off and my eyes widened as they found Damon and Stefan's face before me. "I'll call you back..." I hung up.

We kept staring at each other for a long moment.

"How long did it take for Rose?" My voice was weak, barely audible.

Stefan looked over at Damon who had dark blue eyes and so much pain on his face. "A couple of days..." Stefan said.

"Twenty two hours and eleven minutes." Damon's voice was stone cold.

I gasped. Would my life be over in just a few hours?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Being a vampire is apparently not as easy as it might sound...

I'm always interested in hearing your perspectives on what's happening in this story.

Thank you for reading!  //VeGirl


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