Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

Fields of Akkadia

405 6 5
By SithTrooperO9

A/N: the politics and economy of Akkadia and it's structure.

Nobility hierarchy:

The main governing body is the House of Lords, an assembly of all the noble houses of Akkadia and it's system. Then there's the senate who represents the system in the republic and later empire and also the governor for the Galactic Empire. There are the 'old nobles' who rose out of the warring states period after the fall of the Sargonid Dynasty and the 'new nobles' who gained power long after these houses were established. The Covraii family under Dainah Covraii has become increasingly wealthier and more powerful in the years. Seeing this, other houses have sought her alliance.

Two of these allies are House Nyx and House Blûdwyne. The former is a wealthy house whose barons and baronesses have run the banks of Akkadia. The latter was one of the first of the 'old nobles' but their power has been waining for three generations. Now, their hope lies in the Covraii family. Powerful off-world allies to the Covraii family are Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Moff Ardus Kaine.

Akkadia's main exports are valuable metals, furs, high quality wood and spice. The spice oligarchs became rich from trading the spice but when their corruption became too much, they were taken down by the noble houses and disgruntled workers. The House of Lords seized power and monopoly on the spice trade but they too became increasingly corrupt. Some noble houses, mainly the duchies and counties, have powerful influence on other planets. The balande of power is delicate as the noble houses all meet up to decide but as the years pass, people begun taking on ultra nationalist views, thinking this system is flawed and sought a return to the glory days of the Neo-Akkadian Empire. Talks have begun... of a revolution.

         -city of Nineveh, Akkadia-

The troopers of my unit, the ones from the Akkadia garrison and the soldiers of the A.D.F marched through the streets of Nineveh level 9. Tanks and walkers too marched through the city streets, saluting my aunt as she stood atop Khorsabad's grounds. The parade was held in my honor shortly after I returned from Mizraim. Captains Gary and Kassus and Major Gren led the marching troops through the streets. After it was over, I walked up Khorsabad and stood before my aunt.

''Today is a great day for all Akkadians and the Ashur system.'' my aunt began her speech. ''The gods and ancients smile down upon us as we celebrate the achievements of one of our own, a beloved son of Akkadia. For the first time since the days of the Neo-Akkadian Empire, has the name of one of our own echo throughout history. You have done us all proud, Salazar Covraii, and you have made me the proudest woman for you are my nephew, my flesh and blood.'' she said and turned to an imperial officer who gave her a box. ''It is with great honor that I award to you Akkadia's greatest honors: the Order of king Ashurbanipal and the Ashur Cross.''

She placed the medals below my data code cylinders alongside the Eriadu silver crest, Sartinaynian star and the Samovar heroes medal. The crowds clapped and cheered as I recieved the awards and Prisca, Kore and Myranda rushed to my side to give me a bouquet of flowers.

(Khorsabad palace, the next day)

''Was it a wise decision to have given share of the spice profits to Black Sun, aunt?'' I asked her regarding this decision that she made. ''The House of Lords may not be too pleased with it.''

''They won't know, nephew.'' my aunt reassured me. ''Baron Erebus Nyx has helped me on the money transfer. No one will trace it back to me. As for the Black Sun, well, a monopoly on the spice will be too good for the Pykes to turn down.''

''Are you trying to instigate a war between two criminal organizations?''

''Perhaps. If they do, then, I have plans in motion to increase our family's corporation in the event. In the meantime, have you increased defenses and activated the sentry drones?'' my aunt asked.

''Are you afraid that a rival house might have declared a war of assassins on us, aunt? They won't dare as long as my units around here.'' I said. A war of assassins. A conflict between two rival houses that was created to limit civilian casualties. ''As long as I'm here, no one will dare to harm a hair on you or our allies, aunt.'' I reassured her.

''I knew I could count on you, nephew.'' my aunt thanked me for the reassurence. ''Kazzim talked with me. You wanted your troops and those of the planetary garrison to train in Hatti? In Akkadian ways, nephew?''

''Yes, aunt. I'm certain that if they do so, my unit will prove themselves to be better soldiers than before. If it goes well, my unit will become one of the best in the empire.'' I explained to her.

''Very well. I'll inform Kazzim that I will send in the transport ships to Hatti.''

''Thank you, aunt. Captain Kassus can lead the first batch. I would like to oversee their training personally, aunt.''


''Thank you, aunt.'' I said my gratitude and left her office. My death troopers followed me and we headed to Hatti.

  -Hattusa, Hatti, two months later-

I was in one of the sparring rooms at the A.D.F headquarters at Hattusa, the capital city of Hatti. I had my death troopers armed with the magnaguard electro-staffs I looted from Samovar and trained them in how to use it. They survived the tests on Hatti quite easily thanks to their highly classified training and surgical enhancements. With my lightsaber in hand, I sparred with my death troopers and their skills kept increasing along with my own. ''Good work.'' I praised them as we continued our spar till we were too tired to continue any further. ''You most of all.''

''Thank you, sir.'' the female death trooper squad leader replied as I helped her get up.

''What is your name?'' I asked her.

''You already know, sir. DT-F17.''

''No. I'm asking for your real name, not code.''

''... sir?'' she was quite surprised by my question.

''I have three main stormtrooper commanders directly under me. They have codes but I call them by their names. I call Captain Gary by his name and not TK-4567. Same for Captain Kassus and Major Gren. I ask again, what is yours?''

''Anastasia, sir.'' she replied. ''My name is Anastasia, sir.''

(DT-F17 Anastasia)

''Now that wasn't so hard was it? In my unit, we are brothers and sisters in arms, not chess pieces on a board. All my troopers are valuable to me and I won't waste them like other commanders do. Same as you. All of you, my death troopers. You aren't faceless drones, but my friends as well. Remember that.'' I told them and walked out to get a shower to clean my sweaty body. 'I hope that worked and I didn't come off as some weirdo.' I thought as I headed to the shower.

'Colonel Salazar Covraii. He's... a different person from the instructors. He... treats us nicely, like actual people but still professional as commander and soldiers.' Anastasia thought to herself. She noticed that the person she was assigned to guard can be a strict, professional and from the records, ruthless, but he treated his troops like people. With respect and care while not taking away their ability to blast the enemies dead. 'Wait... what is this feeling that I'm experiencing?'

After I took a bath, I came out to the balcony to meet up with uncle Kazzim and we watched the progress of the troopers. ''Good morning, Prisca.'' I greeted the blue haired ISB agent as she came to the balcony.

''Morning, Sal.'' Prisca greeted back. ''How are the troops?''

''Going good it seems. We'll be done in the next week. Captains Kassus and Gary report great progress among the troopers, Prisca.'' I answered her question. ''If it goes as I hope it will, then my unit may soon be one of the best in the galaxy, Prisca.'' I said with pride. ''Out of all the places to train the troopers, Hatti couldn't be better with the rough terrain and terrifying wildlife.''

''Is Hatti always like this, Sal?'' Prisca asked.

''More or less. Hattusa was among many other cities on Hatti but the wildlife and tough, poisonous mountain flora drove cities away. Hattusa remained the only city to be habitated. That's over five thousand years ago.'' I explained. ''Ever since then, Akkadian men and women have been brought to Hatti so that they may be trained to become soldiers. It certainly worked no doubt.''

From the forests, a dark blue cloaked woman watched the A.D.F garrison with binoculars and saw the ones she was assigned to watch. ''Contacting Exegol and Eternal high command. Target is safe and sound, supreme leader Snoke.''

-Ecbatana, paradise moon of Medea-

Though the noble house of Blûdwyne lost some power and influence in it's last three generarions, it was still a respected house. They controlled the largest city on Medea, the paradise moon of Akkadia. The moon was a beautiful place. Oceans and beaches, hills and forests with the temperature not too high or low. For the ancient kings, it was a spot for their vacation time. After the Sargonid dynasty fell and the Neo-Akkadian empire collapsed, House Blûdwyne seized Medea as it's fortress moon but decided not to destroy the natural beauty of the paradise moon. Only five cities were on Medea and the moon was a place where a special breed of Akkadian orbaks were found and trained.

''Woah! Woah. Steady there boy.'' I calmed the orbak I rode as he ran on the running tracks at the Blûdwyne palace on Ecbatana. Myranda invited me and my unit as guests in her ancestral family home before we returned to Nineveh. ''Are you okay, Prisca?'' I asked as my academy mate was just behind.

''I'm... fine, Sal.'' she reassured me as she was catching up.

''Don't worry about us, sir. We're... aaaaargh... fine.'' Major Gren said as he slightly struggled to control the orbak but he managed to do it.

''C'mon, Sal. No need to wait up on 'em fannies.'' Myranda called for me as she rode back to my position. ''Outsiders who can't ride an orbak and fall on their arses like fuckin' tumble weeds don't need special attention from ya. C'mon.'' she then rode forward and I just followed her, leaving the four people under my command behind with hopes that they'd be safe.

'How dare they steal Sal from me!' ISB agent Priscilla Roth kicked the orbak and followed to catch up with her superior/crush.

We reached the orbak stables and the handlers helped me get off. ''Well, ain't that a nice on treating a lady boys.'' Myranda said as none of the stable handlers helped her. Probably because they knew she could do it herself or maybe because I was a war hero and imperial colonel. When Prisca arrived, they most certainly helped her. ''And now they decide to help another woman. Fookin simps, the lot of 'em.'' she muttered and then faced me. ''Say, Sal, care to join me in one of the training grounds?''

''I never took you to be the type to be interested in spars or the violent stuff, Myranda.'' I remarked. ''I'd usually think of Kore doing it before you.''

''Akkadian blood, Sal. It's just in our nature.'' she replied. She pulled my hand and took me to the training rooms of the Blûdwyne palace. Agent Priscilla Roth looked quite angry.

(training room)

''A sword fighting match?'' I asked. Myranda came out in a fencing uniform with a sword and she threw a single edge sword for my use.

''I'm curious, Sal.'' she said. ''I heard news that you defeated a rogue jedi in Samovar. I'd like to see how your sword fighting skills fare.''

''Traditional Akkadian 'sword-dance' is it? Well, I'm not one to turn down a lady's offer.'' I said and put down the mask that came equipped with the umiform. We then got into our respective stances.

(A/N: te ura gasumi sword stance for Myranda, ko gasumi for Salazar)

We moved slowly, waiting for the moment to strike and calculating our moves. I knew Myranda well. She was a very proud woman, slightly boastful at times and not very patient. As I expected, she struck first and I blocked. I moved forward, trying to get her on the defensive but she was good. She attacked again and I was the one forced to defend myself. I blocked her strike as she came to attack and I made my move, forcing her back. A good five minutes we dueled and it was pretty fun. In the end, I held the sword at her neck and she had to surrender.

''A fine match, Sal.'' Myranda said. ''Your skills are every bit as good as I expected. How did you know that I would attack in the manner that I did, Sal?''

''I know you better than you think, Myranda.'' I replied. ''We used to hang out with Kore before the imperial academy. You... are a smart, cunning and beautiful woman, as deadly as a lion but one that is just as proud. I knew you weren't the most patient type, so I used that to my advantage. We all have our flaws but I guess your's makes you tougher, deadlier and... I guess, more beautiful in many ways.'' I said and she slightly blushed.

''Oh, stop it, Sal. You always flatter us and I fuckin' love it.'' she said with a slight smile. ''Care to join me in the dining hall for a good night's dinner?''

''I suppose so. I don't have any work at the moment.'' I replied and she took me to the dining hall.

(Blûdwyne palace dining hall)

''I... think you had too much to drink, Myranda.'' I said, concerned at how much wine she already had. Seeing as how she blatantly ignored me and my growing concern, I took the wine bottle away from her.

''No!'' she cried and made a hiccup sound. ''No. No. No. Sal, you meanie.''

''You had enough for the night, Myranda.''

''Fine. I'll stop... if only you'll kiss me.''

''... wait, what?''

''Kiss me and I'll stop drinking for the night.'' she repeated and leaned in closer. I was still shocked for the moment and did not resist her kiss. She fell asleep immediately after that.

''Can't fucking believe it.'' I muttered and put Myranda's sleeping body in my arms. I then proceeded to carry her to her bedroom in the palace and put the blanket over her. I could hear faint mutters... of my name from her sleeping mouth.

I returned to check on the troops and prepare ourselves to return to Nineveh the next day.

      -Khorsabad palace, Nineveh-

It was roughly two weeks since my unit returned to Nineveh from their intense training. Now, they were a more formidable fighting force than before. My aunt called for me in her office at Khorsabad but she wasn't there yet. I decided to use the free time available to me to design further for my new science projects in the weapons division. Two new weapons were the tie drone fighter and a new model of droideka.

The tie drone was based on skematics about the separatist droid tri-fighter. Easily one of the deadliest and smartest droids of the CIS along with being a very, very formidable starfighter easily able to compete with some of the best organic pilots. The next was dubbed the 'infrantry droideka' and was a slightly larger, better armed, faster and stronger armored version of the standard droideka. It came equip with stronger dual blasters on each arm and it had mortars on the back for launching shells but it could be replaced with strong plasma burst cannons. These two designs could help limit imperial casualties while fighting though the chances of going into production were very slim. Sometimes I wonder if my time in the science and weapons division was a waste of time.

My aunt suddenly entered into the room and startled me. I quickly put my data phone inside my pocket. ''What were you doing before I arrived, nephew?'' my aunt asked me.

''Nothing of much importance, aunt.''

''I highly doubt it will be of little importance, nephew. Don't be afraid to tell me what it is.''

''Well, I was made part of the imperial science and weapons division, aunt. A great honor for the likes of me but... I'm concerned that my designs wouldn't go past even simple prototypes.'' I explained and then an idea popped into my head. ''Aunt, would it be troublesome if perhaps a factory be built here in Akkadia where my designs could be developed? The costs wouldn't be troublesome now that the Covraii family company has a monopoly on the spice trade.''

''It really wouldn't, nephew. Consider it done.'' she replied. ''As for the monopoly, well... hording all that wealth would certainly create enemies for us. That is why I made partnerships, nephew.'' she said and I recieved updated news on my data phone.

''Partnerships and dealings with a few other houses... including the Camberlaynes?'' I was astonished by this. That noble house was a major rival in the Covraii family and to see her ally with them was beyond shocking. But I knew my aunt. She wouldn't have done this without a good plan and reasoning, one that the enemy house wouldn't know about till it's too late. ''There is a reason you're doing this. There is a plan in secret, aunt. I just know it. A carefully made plan that will ruin the Covraii family's enemies while we grow more powerful.''

My aunt snapped her fingers and four female slaves, having gold jewellry adorned on them, came to her to give her wine, shine her boots and massage her shoulders. ''You always understand me, nephew. Yes there is a plan and you'll watch it unfold before your eyes. There is a lesson to be learned in all that I do.'' she said and drank a glass of wine before looking at me. ''What do you know of the society of Nabu, nephew?''

''That they're a secret cult that likes to take in young children to join them. They were especially hated by my parents, aunt.'' I answered.

''And for good reason. The society had taken your parent's firstborn, a daughter named Rachael, your elder sister, away from them forcibly. She is currently now a priestess forced to obey the cult.'' she told me.

That revelation hit me like a blaster bolt to the heart. ''I... have a sister?'' I could only mutter aloud. ''An older sister. But the cult... aunt, you're a powerful noble and the imperial governor. Can't you do something?''

''The cult has too many political allies, nephew. To strike at them directly would bring irreparable damage to us. That is why I have devised a plan. A plan to weaken the political allies of the cult and strike at all our enemies. Your sister will be part of the family once more and we will be stronger than ever.''

''I understand. We kill two birds with one stone. If things require military support, than me and my troops here can give the much needed help.'' I concluded.

''Yes.'' she was happy that I understood her plan and clapped her hands slightly. ''Now to discuss the means of spice trade in the Seswenna Sector and others.''

(gates of Khorsabad palace)

Khorsabad's main entrance was the gates that were on the main pathway. A twenty meter tall road built in the streets and it towered over the smaller buildings of Nineveh. Standing guard at the gates were a pair of lamassu, winged bull creatures with the head of a man. Most of the heads of these lamassu were based off of king Sargon II and they stood guard as protectors.

Raggal Covraii was the son of Kazzim, a major at the A.D.F and he was a rising star in it's ranks. As of late, a pride of adamantine lions had been terrorizing the lands and he wanted the permission to go on a hunt from his aunt. As he entered Khorsabad, he was suddenly halted by Captain Gary Strave.

''Halt. State your business.'' he ordered Raggal.

''I have no time for this.'' Raggal angrily muttered but composed himself. ''I am Raggal Covraii and I am on official business on behalf of the A.D.F. I wish to see my aunt, the governor of Akkadia.''

''Sir, there us a man who claims to be a relative. Says his name is Raggal Covraii.'' Gary told me via the comms.

''Let him in, Gary.'' I replied over to him.

''You may enter.'' Gary said and Raggal walked into the palace halls and entered the elevators.

(the governor's office)

Raggal entered the office and stood just beside me and before my aunt. ''Lady governor and duchess of the noble house of Covraii, I bring urgent news. A pride of lions has been running wild in the fields of Akkadia. They are terrorizing the people who have sent in petitions for support. I came here to ask your approval to go on a hunt.'' he told my aunt.

''Why don't you take a few of your men and go with Raggal on a hunt, nephew? It will be valuable experience for them.'' she suggested to me.

''It would be a nice idea, aunt.'' I replied.

''Aunt, how could you do it?'' Raggal asked. ''Everything that our family worked for... what you worked for. How!?'' he angrily roared, scaring the slaves. ''How can you take all of this and share it with those filth? How!?''

''When is a gift not a gift, Raggal?'' I replied with a question that no doubt confused him. ''She has a plan, cousin. One that will eventually lead to the downfall of House Camberlayne and all of our enemies. We just have to be patient and if necessary, move in as the violence gets out of hand.'' I explained. ''Even I do not know all the details. We just have to wait and watch for the time being.''

'And people wonder why I chose Salazar as my successor.' Dainah Covraii thought to herself. ''Now that you explained it to your cousin, get your hunting gears ready to go.'' she ordered her nephews who did a low bow and exited her office.

(Nineveh wall gates, level 1)

''Sir, is wearing that really necessary?'' DT-F17 or Anastasia asked me. The question was regarding the traditional Akkadian hunting armor I was wearing. ''It looks... heavy.''

''It really isn't, Anastasia.'' I reassured her and put on a red cape. I walked outside to meet Captains Gary and Kassus, Major Gren and Prisca who looked rather surprised. ''What? It's tradition.''

''In my honest opinion, you look kinda ridiculous, sir.'' Gary said.

''Nonsense. The colonel looks amazing. Your eyes are just decieving you. Don't mind him sir, you look great.'' said Captain Kassus.

''I agree with Captain Kassus.'' Major Gren said.

''Why thank you, Major Gren and Captain Kassus. What about you, Prisca?'' I asked.

''You look great in everything, Sal.'' she answered with a smile and a slight blush.

'Of course they'll be all like this. Suck ups.' Gary cursed a bit in his mind.

''So... how are we going, sir? Freighter transports? Gunships?'' Major Gren asked.

''It's here.'' I said and an eleven meter tall mûmakil came. The large elephant creature, a native to Akkadia, was half the size of an AT-AT and carried a small fortress on it's back. Raggal and his A.D.F unit, all wearing their hunting gear, were atop them. ''Come on, let's go.'' I said and entered as the ramps lowered.

'First the spices and now this. What other stuff awaits us here in Akkadia?' wondered Gary as he too entered the large mûmakil which then left to go to the golden fields.

            -in the fields of Akkadia-

We rode on orbaks, some on hover chariots pulled by two orbaks, and we humted for the wild pride of man eating lions in the fields. Like the ancient hunts of king Ashurnasipal II and king Ashurbanipal, we hunted them. Our weapons were a type of slug thrower rifle with a bullet specially made to penetrate through their thick, adamantine skin. I moved to my left and gave chase to the head male lion of the pride. As he ran, I shot it and he was wounded. I reloaded it fast and shot two more times till it was finally dead.

''That's the last of them, cous.'' Raggal told me. ''All of them dead. Now the people can be safe.''

''Have the carcasses rounded up on the barge.'' I ordered and the A.D.F troops and imperial troopers I brought took their carcasses and loaded them up on the barge.

''Sir, look at this.'' a stormtrooper called to me as he saw the carcass of a dead wolf hidden in the marshes.

''Ugh... nasty. It's a female. Must've been mauled to death by the lions. From the wounds, it seems fresh. I'd say like five hours or so.'' I told the trooper and we heard sounds. The imperial troopers moved in to investigate.

''Sir, we found... wolf pups. I think.'' the trooper told me and lifted up one pup. ''What should we do with them, sir? Shall I blast them?''

''Nah. No need, trooper. They can be trained by professionals. Load all of them on the barge.'' I ordered and the trooper nodded. They took five wolf pups and I saw something white in the reeds. I moved to check and found a pale white wolf pup. ''Aren't you adorable.''

''Sir, I'm afraid we're low on fuel.'' a trooper informed me.

''What's the nearest town?'' I asked.

''A town called... Larsa, sir. Shall we set course for there? It's only thirty kilometers away.''

'Larsa? I forgot it had been rebuilt. Damn, with all the academy and wars, I forget about my birth town.' I cursed at myself for having forgotten about this. ''Set sail for Larsa, trooper.''

''Yes sir.''

'I'm coming home.'

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