Insanity (Mhaxmalechildreader)

By SheerPath1

26.4K 721 340

The day a child gets there Quirk, for most it's one of the best days of their life. For Y/N. It was the worst... More

Insanity. (Introduction Chapter)
Eri and Y/N, The Cursed Children.
Meeting Are Heroes
Save Us!
Objective Number 1: Locate Y/N and Eri
(Not a chapter) Which do you want?
(Again not a chapter) Why Have I stopped posting?
The Battle Has Started
(Not A Chapter AGAIN)
Suneater vrs 3 Depressed Dudes
Kirishima and Fatgum vrs A Spear and Sheild
Mimic's Attack And The League's Assistance
Filler (sorry for not posting)
Y/N's Suppressed Anger, And Last Hopes
Im Sorry & I Did A Bad Thing
The Future Of The Book
How Did It Get This Many Reads?!?
Schools Have Too Much Power (✨StOrYtImE✨) 😁😭
The Final Fight, Y/N's True Quirk (pt 1 😏)
The Final Fight, Y/N's True Quirk (Part 2 😏)
Y/N's True Quirk Explanation (SPOLIER, READ IN ORDER)
Actually Meeting Are Heroes
Aizawa Has A Coffee Addiction, Fatherly Feelings
πŸ’₯Y/N And Eri's Dorm VisitπŸ’₯
πŸ’₯Eri & Y/N's Dorm Visit (part 2)πŸ’₯
✨SIDE STORY✨ (part 1)

Lemillion, The Hero That Never Gives Up!

791 31 12
By SheerPath1

Chronostasis: Finally. We've succeeded.

Overhaul: Yes. A permanent version of the drug from Eri, and an improved drug from Y/N. We finally figured out how to preserve and alter the affects of there power. With this, We can completely annihilate a Quirk, and with this, we can make anybody do whatever we want. It's a cure from Eri, and with Y/N's we can keep it going in the right direction pulling all the strings form the sidelines without anybody knowing. Now, we can fix this world.

Chronostasis: But the process is expensive and takes far too long. It took us an entire month to create five bullets from Eri, and we got eight from Y/N.

Overhaul: Because we're doing it ourselves, down here. I'll find a more suitable environment. Now's are Chance. With All For One gone. We don't have time to waste.


Mimic: Ill kill anyone who disrespects the yakuza! Crush them all to death!

Toga: Whimps like you always have the shortest tempers. You get all mad and show what losers you are.

Twice: We cant face them right now. So well let the heroes deal with it. Ima kill this guy!

Toga: I get it. You want to hide how weak you are from the rest of the world. You look down on others because you think it makes you look stronger. So lame. Thats the yakuza for ya.

With Toga and Twice annoying him, Mimic accidentally exposed his hiding spot. Izuku saw this and used Full Cowling to break open the wall, Erasurehead then used his Quirk and everything stopped moving as Mimic fell out of the wall.

Mimic: What? My Quirk!

Twice: Sorry yakuza. I think we'll do what we want after all.

Twice & Toga: Later!

Izuku: the League of Villains!

Mimic: You'll pay-

Nighteye then launches his support item into Mimic's face, knocking him out.

Nighteye: Catch him!

Izuku then kicks off the wall and quickly catches Mimic as he lands infront of Aizawa and Nighteye.

Aizawa: The League betrayed them?

Nighteye: Seems so. And they used us to aid in their scheming. Though at least we're on solid ground now.

Izuku: Y/N. Eri. Togata.


As they continue walking, Y/N starts to slowly wake up. Another bizarre ability he has is he adapts rather quickly, meaning after about 3 times of him getting injected with it the drug is 75% less affective. Making the drug Overhaul used work less and less overtime. Y/N then opens his eyes and he notices that he's in the arms of Overhaul, he's rather drowsy so he's having trouble thinking straight.

Chronostasis: Here.

Y/N then feels himself be put in the arm of Chronostasis as Overhaul reached for something in his pocket. Knowing it was another needle to knock him out Y/N try's getting out of the mans arm but its to no avail. Chronostasis then uses his arm to push Y/N into his chest so he couldn't move his arms, he was kicking him though. His other arm still holding Eri who was really scared.

Chronostasis: Could you just inject the needle already?

Chronostasis was obviously struggling with Y/N kicking him, also using just one arm. Overhaul then finds the needle as he starts pulling it out of his pocket only to hear a voice behind Overhaul.

Mirio: Excuse me ,gentlemen. But, we need to talk. You've got some explaining to do.

As I see him I manage to kick Chronostasis in the groin as he yelps in pain, adrenaline the only thing keeping me going. That causes Mirio to look at Chronostasis and see the needle as well.

Mirio: What are you doing?

Mirio asks slightly taken aback, after all this isn't the most pleasant scene.

Overhaul: You shouldn't have been able to get here so fast.

Mirio: I took a shortcut. Give me the kids. Im here to rescue them.

Overhaul: Now that you know the situation, you've decided to play hero, eh, schoolboy? You were happy being ignorant when we first met. Unfortunately for you, these kids didn't want to come with you. You're no hero to them.

Mirio: Thats why I'm here.

Overhaul: Im not gettin' through to you. Allow me to be clearer. You're going to die down here.

Mirio is ready to charge at them but all of a sudden his balance is all off and he falls.

Mirio: What's happening to my body? My balance is all off.

Sakaki: hahHAHhah! You feeling sloshed?

Mirio looks up to see a man with no shirt on who's grabbing onto the roof by the pipes, he's drinking alcohol and most of it is just going over his mask and falling onto the ground.

Sakaki: Your legs look shaky an' you're swaying. I feel the same. Thats why I'm walkin' up 'ere. Stand too close to me...

Mirio: Okay. Its the guys Quirk. Eri and Y/N are still right in-front of me. I've just gotta get past him and...

Suddenly gunshots are fired at Mirio as he dodges, he looks up to see a man who looks like an actual Plague doctor.

Nemoto: What is your Quirk?

Mirio: Permeation. When activated I can pass through anything! *gasps* why'd I tell him that?

Nemoto: I see. That explains how you made it this far so quickly. You used your power to slip past Mimic and the others.

Sakaki: You missed him? Stupid. What're you, drunk?

Sakaki then throws an empty bottle at Nemoto to which he flicks it away with his hand.

Nemoto: That would be you.

Sakaki: Ya think?

Nemoto: I suggest you stay silent and support your superior teammate.

From the Eight Bullets of the Hassaikai group, Shin Nemoto! Quirk: Confession! He can force people to tell the truth if he asks them a question. Occasionally, he can even drag out a truth the person talking doesn't know about!

Also from the Eight Bullets, Deidoro Sakaki! Quirk: Sloshed! He causes those around him to lose there equilibrium.

Mirio: I get it. Your power must've forced me to tell the truth somehow, and they put someone like this on the front lines? Weird.

Mirio is using a wall to support him as he's still under the effect of Sakaki's Quirk.

Nemoto: That true. I am in a different class compared to the dispensable pawns in this organization. Im the only one who fully understands the young boss's ambition.

Nemoto then fires bullets at Mirio as he uses his arm to cover his face (arm pads are bulletproof).

Mirio: He's torturing his own children, and you call that ambition?

*Bold means his Quirk is activated since it involves his voice*
Nemoto: hm? Aw. It would be wise for you to leave your feelings out of this. Don't you know they'll only get you in trouble? When you first met Eri and Y/N in the street. You let them return with the boss. Correct?

Mirio: Yeah . I did.

Nemoto: And then you found out what our plan was and regretted abandoning them. Thats why you've come to rescue them. You're no hero. You're just trying to soothe your own conscience, aren't you? His body is already swaying thanks to Sakaki. Now to hit him where it hurts. Make him question what hes fighting for. If I can make him loose focus, its all over. I live for the young bosses ambition! He needs me! Im his right hand! His most valued assistant! We'll share such joy when his plans come to fruition! Now!

Sakaki then throws knifes at Mirio as Nemoto gets his gun ready to fire.

Nemoto: Die, you nuisance!

Mirio dodges the bullet as he holds his breath and goes into the wall. Shocking both of the Hassaikai members. He then starts going threw walls and bouncing back like a ping-pong ball as he comes up to punch Nemoto and Sakaki.

Mirio: Ultimate move. Phantom Threat!

Mirio: He's right. I am weak. I've been carrying around the guilt of letting Eri and Y/N go. I acted unforgivable in front of them. But despite that, rather than see us get hurt. They chose to return to that hell! There kinder than any one of us! Thats why I chased after them. And why I wont stop until there safe!

Sakaki: no way! How's he still upright?

Mirio: I get the taste of something much worse than your intoxicating Quirk on the regular.

Nemoto: You're no Hero. You know the truth!

Mirio: I wont waver! Im going to make sure Eri and Y/N have a reason to smile! Until they can, I wont stop!

Mirio then punches the two Hassaikai members multiple times as he appears behind Chisaki and almost punched him in the face, Eri and Y/N are still in Chronostasis's hands.


Mirio then kicks Chronostasis in the face as Eri and Y/N go flying in the air. He then catches both off them, Y/N barely conscious but trying to stay awake despite the injection.

Eri: Please don't! Go back! Leave me! Otherwise he'll kill you! If your gonna save anyone save Y/N!

Y/N: Don't... worry about me. Just. Get Eri- out of here.

Mirio: Im never going to let you two down again. I swear it. I am going to be your hero!

Overhaul then looks up as he mumbles *flithy* to himself, a rash under his eye. His tone in his voice shows how annoyed he is right now, he sounds like he's about to go on a killing spree.

Overhaul: Come back, Eri, Y/N. How many times do I have to tell you? Its your fault. You break people. Thats just how you were born.

Eri: Go. Hurry!

Y/N: Please.. just go.

Y/N starts to tear up, scared of what will happen to Mirio as Eri is frozen in fear. Y/N still barely conscious.

Mirio: Don't listen to him.

Overhaul: You know how this goes. I always have to get my hands dirty because of your selfishness. Every action you two take results in people dying. You're cursed humans.

Mirio is now 100% pissed, he might just become a murderer after this.

Mirio: How could you ever say that to your own kids!

Overhaul: Huh? Oh, right. Thats the story I told you. I don't have any children.

Overhaul then uses his Quirk as the ground has spikes coming out of it trying to stab Mirio. Mirio jumps up and makes sure Eri and Y/N aren't hit as he also dodges the spikes.

Mirio: He's not just reassembling. He's shaping new spikes! And he's so fast! You two could have been hurt. But he didn't care.

Overhaul: Yeah, it wouldn't have been a big deal if they got hurt. If I put them back together immediately, I can revive them. Even if there not quite the way they were before. Eri and Y/N already know what I can do.

Man, Mirio looks ready to kill. Overhaul then creates more spikes, however this time they're much larger around 2x wider than Mirio and are super long. Picture what it would look like if you were a flea in a carpet, like that.

Overhaul: What'll you do if they get injured? Under these conditions. Im the only one who can heal them. I've sealed off your escape. And you wont be able to run away using Permeation while you're holding them. So. You going to fight me, Schoolboy?

Kuruno (Chronostasis)then sites up as he points a gun towards Mirio.

Mirio: I thought I knocked that drunk out, but my balance is still off. Is his Quirk still in effect?

Overhaul: *whispering to Kuruno* Careful, aim for his arms.

Kuruno: I didn't expect he'd be able to use his Quirk so precisely. Its obvious he's been well trained.

Overhaul: Can't let anything get in the way of your shot.

Overhaul then makes the spikes he made shatter as Mirio shields Eri and Y/N from the shards of the spikes.

Mirio: He's clearing the path so the bullet can hit me. Sorry about this.

Mirio then puts his cape over himself, Y/N, and Eri so that Overhaul and Kuruno cant see him.

Mirio: I cant see his face, but based on what he's doing, id say thats Kuruno, Chisaki's right hand man. If the briefing was right, I defiantly don't wanna be on the receiving end of his Quirk.

Kuruno then fires, however it goes right threw the canoe and doesn't hit Mirio, Eri or Y/N.

Kuruno: He hid his body to obscure my aim. And here I thought heroes wore cape's just to make them look cool. (SAMMMMMME)

Overhaul: Chrono!

Mirio then come sup form the ground and punches Kuruno as he falls to the ground. His gun got thrown to the other side of the room.

Kuruno: Sorry, Overhaul!

Overhaul: He's strong. But... he put Eri and Y/N down! If I break them, hell be forced to back off.

As Overhaul goes to use his Quirk to make the spikes pierce Eri and Y/N, Mirio appears up behind him as he goes to punch him.

Mirio: Of course you would do that! Monster!

Mirio punches him square in the face as he goes flying to the ground.

Mirio: You wanna know why a hero wears a cape? (Yes please) So he can use it to comfort someone who's suffering. Thats why! Watch my opponent.

Mirio kicks away Kuruno who's about to garb his gun as Eri and Y/N look at him in disbelief.

Mirio: Predict his next move! Act fast! Chisaki's so good, its hard to believe he's just some yakuza thug! He's strong, yeah. But...

As Overhaul is about to use the spikes again Mirio jumps up in-front of him about to punch him again.

Mirio: make no mistake. Im stronger!

Mirio punches Overhaul in the face again. As he remembers the promise he made.

Mirio: Im never going to let you down again, Eri, Y/N. I am going to be your Hero!

Mirio: you wont lay another finger on them! Ill take on anyone I have to! You've lost this fight, Chisaki!

Eri and Y/N are stare in shock as Mirio has the upper hand on Overhaul.

Overhaul: Don't use that name so casually, fool. I've abandoned it.

Boss: Your still bringing up that plan? I gave you your answer Chisaki. Stray too far from your humanity, and you loose sight of the old ways. No ones gonna follow a demon with no heart.

Nemoto: Master!

Nemoto is still laying on the ground as he's stuck in the wall from Overhaul's attacks, his mask almost broken off.
Mirio: *gasps* I thought he was down for the count.

Overhaul: Nemoto! Shoot!

Overhaul throws the container of finished bullets towards him as one of Eri's fall out. Nemoto grabs it as he loads his gun, ready to fire.

Nemoto: Those are his true feelings. The boss needs me. I cant let him down. Even if it costs me my life, ill assist him however I can. But where do I aim? I only have one bullet, and I'm shooting at an untouchable target. How can I keep him from using his Quirk?

Nemoto then remember Mirio telling them about how he will protect Eri and Y/N as he turns around and aims at Y/N who is still barely conscious, Eri supporting him as he leans on her.

Nemoto: His tree feelings!

Mirio jumps towards Eri and Y/N as Eri braces herself while Y/N barely knows what's going on, he's mainly just following Eri's movements.

Mirio: You two have been living with so much despair this whole time. Thinking you had no choice but to suffer so much.  That help will never come! *Eri and Y/N already know what I can do.* Well, I'm not going to let you down again. Don't worry. I wont let you two suffer. Not anymore!

Mirio is smiling as he blocks the bullet from Y/N and Eri as it hits his own body.


*4 or 5 year old Mirio getting saved by a hero after he almost drowned in a river*

Little Mirio: Ill be a hero who saves people!!

Mirio pumps his fist in the air excitedly, he's at home with his parents inspired after what happened that day.

Mirio's Dad: Mirio. You have to be careful. One wrong move with your Quirk and you could split in two. (Wow real nice dad)

Mirio's dad picks him up and holds him in-front of him, grabbing him under his arms so he wont fall.

Little Mirio: Huh?

Mirio's Dad: Its a really hard Quirk to master. *remembers all the times he couldn't control his Quirk, like when he was playing video games with Amajiki and he fell threw the floor*And thats why your pops here gave up on being a pro. You sure you still wanna be a hero?

Little Mirio: YOU BET!

Mirio's Dad: All right. Then ill support you in any way I can. (AWWWW)

*flashbacks of Mirio's Dad believing in his dream, like running threw a field with a cap or helping him with his Quirk*

Mirio's Dad: Just do your best.

End Of Flashback: (sad music)

Overhaul: You're diseased. Your Quirks allow you to dream you'll become something bigger. But that way of thinking is an illness of the mind. *he sounds crazy rk btw, like his tone and the stance he's in*

Like this:

Overhaul: Im offering the world a cure!

Nemoto: Master. I did it.

Overhaul: Ironic, isn't it? You came here too save these kids and its there power that will end everything you've come to rely on. YOURE POWERLESS!

Mirio then throws Kuruno's passed out body at Overhaul before he can make more spikes as he runs up to him.

Mirio: Watch your opponent carefully. Predict his next move!

Mirio then punches Overhaul in his arm as Overhaul puts his arm up to block the attack. Mirio then gets ready to punch him again.

Mirio: No. I am not powerless! I am still Lemillion!

Overhaul's glove disintegrates as he goes to touch Mirio, but Mirio leans to the side and dodges.

Nemoto: I cant believe it. Sakaki's Quirk is still in effect. And he's lost the power that made him seem invincible. Yet, he still fights. Why? For the kids? Madness. What is he?

Mirio then uppercuts Overhaul, fuelled by rage. He continues to fight asOverhaul launches spikes at him, he runs up to Eri and Y/N as he gets them further away form the battlefield, still continuing fighting despite all the injuries he has. Eri and Y/N are silently tearing while watching him in shock.

Little Mirio: Ill become a hero and save people!

Mirio has a stab wound in his left leg while his bottom right of his chest has also been stabbed.

Overhaul: You wanted to become a hero so badly. And you couldn't even save Eri or Y/N. you're filthy Lemillion. Infected. But ill fix you all with there power, with Eri and Y/N's power. Every last one of you.

Mirio: Nighteye, Tamaki, I'm still fighting. CHISAKI!


Just before the spikes hit Mirio, suddenly a black shadow looking creature appears out of no-where and takes the hit, defending him.

Looks Like this: (yes I know its an IDM from Ajin Demi Human, Greta show btw, it just looks sick.)

Overhaul looks in shock as Mirio looks over his shoulder to see Y/N with his hand in-front of him, his e/c eyes glowing. The creature runs up to Overhaul as it goes to kick him. However before it does somebody breaks down the wall making Y/N loose his focus and the creature disappears, its Izuku!

Okay, FINAL FIGHT CHAPTER IS NEXT! Gonna come out this week 100%, if not I will do something, also I'm doing a QNA but nobody's asking questions besides @CheezyPootato, so id love it if you went to that chapter and asked questions! Final fight there's going to be this like character development thing, Y/N will not just be sitting around waiting to be saved lets just say! It'll be sick, hopefully. Also that creature is from an anime called Ajin: Demi Human, I've watched it and personally liked it, very interesting but unique concept, its like how I write stories. Realistic, real things, and realistic reactions, I approve! And also... THANK YOU FOR 1200!!! IM FAMOUS! Im like a YouTuber, but I don't get paid.

Anywho, hope you have a great day! Also I'm interested to see the part where Mirio realizes his Quirk is gone, I forget how that all went down. SEE YA!

Have A Cookie: ✨🍪✨

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