Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibi...

By VoltzyVoltz

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The Calamity Box is an ancient relic from amphibia, capable of helping the user travel through worlds. Howeve... More

Through the portal
Beach bug or bed bug
Cane't hold us by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
Pizza tower
Y/N's gone mad
Bad bugs, whatcha want, whatcha want, whatcha gonna do?
Sussus Froggus
Snail Tales
Is this a good F-Anne-fic?
Boss Sprig
The Human Way
Love Frogs
Nurse Y/N
Visiting The Family
Saving Stumpy's Super Sick Saloon
The Travelling Bug Circus
The IRS will never get my taxes
Y/N's Theme Song Takeover
Grubhog Day- 1993 starring Y/N Murray
Drop it like it's Hop, drop it like it's Pop
Hop-Trump vs Joe Toadstool
Authors Note
Polly and Y/N
The Bazaar Bizarre ... or was it the other way around?
Mordecanne, Sprigby and Y/Nson
A Huge Thank You
Forgiveness is a dish best served sung
Pheromonial Outbursts
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember? Ba-dee-ya, partyin' in Wartwood-ember
Toad Tower Trouble
Start of Season 2 Authors Note
New Season, New Start
Team Y/N-Pop: Where the fun will never start
The Sorta-Sibling Special!
The Stranger From the Portal and A Failed Mission
M-M-M-M-Marcy Woooooooooooo
The Newtopia Scavenger Hunt
An Audience with The King
Their first date is a ... musical?
Tourist Trapped ... wait-
Super Cart Bros Ultimate
Honk shoo mimimi
This is not Inception
They're coming home, they're coming home, they're coming. Plantar's coming home
The Hop Darn Truth
Temple No.1: Mind-Over-Marcy

Anne-xtreme Camping

635 18 27
By VoltzyVoltz

Down in the basement of the Plantar home, Anne and Y/N were in their basement bedroom. Y/N lay in bed looking towards Anne as she checked out her hands with her open backpack sitting at her feet.

Anne: Blech. Hands are feeling pretty dry. That will not do. Lotion, lotion.

Y/N tried to whistle innocently as he moved Anne's bottle of lotion behind his wings for ... later use. Anne searched through her backpack as her hand rummaged around inside it.

Anne: Did I get zapped here with any lotion? Oh, hey. What's this?

Y/N sat up and peered over her shoulders and saw Anne holding a small paper bag. She opened it and peered inside and a look of disbelief sprang across her face.

Anne: Oh, my gosh.

She pulled out a pink and blue bath bomb the size of her hand from out of the bag and showed it to Y/N.

Y/N: Is it food?

Anne: You wanna taste?

Y/N took it from her and licked it. His face scrunched up in disgust as if he had just bitten into the most sour lemon. He quickly shook his head and handed it back to her.

Anne: Cmon, lets go show the others.

She lead him up the stairs of the basement and burst out the front door of the house where the Plantar family were, loading luggage onto Bessie.

Anne: Guys! I brought a bath bomb from home and didn't even know it! Oh, yeah! Man, I can't wait to try this baby out. Uh ... You guys going somewhere?

Sprig: Yep. The three of us are going to Camp Flemington. Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy.

Y/N: Oh yeah. I remember you guys telling me about that. Asked me to look after Anne and make sure she didn't get into any shenanigans.

Anne: Wait, without me?

Hop Pop: Sure are. When we Plantars camp, we camp hard. No sense in you coming with us and being miserable.

Sprig: You know you hate dirt, bugs, rocks and nature.

Polly: You're soft, Anne, like a baby.

Hop Pop: Really, you should be glad you're not one of us.

Anne looked away for a moment disappointed but then looked back to them.

Anne: Thats ridiculous. Me, soft? Pfft! Just because I'm not a Plantar doesn't mean I can't have a good time with you guys. Take me with you. Please, please, please?

Hop Pop: Are you sure? I wasn't kidding when I said "rough."

Polly: And I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft.

Anne: Super-sure.

Sprig: Aw, come on, guys. If Anne says she can handle it, she can handle it.

Hop Pop: Well, all right, kid. Hop on.

Anne jumped onto Bessie's shell and Y/N followed after her and sat besides her and Sprig.

Y/N: Yknow, Anne. You're really starting to change. The Anne I know would never want to go on camping trips.

Anne: It's just a matter of growing up, Y/N. I'm a changed person.

Sprig: Psst. Hey, since you're coming with us, we gotta lather you up with this gunk. Only way to keep the ticks away.

Sprig pulled out a pot of honey and a honey stick covered in honey and started rubbing it all over Anne's face.

Sprig: Here we go. Ahh. And back around. Oooh, looks like i missed a spot. Ok, your turn, Y/N.

Y/N: No thanks, lil man. Today are my ticks conference meeting and discussing the stock market and public demand, this day is too important for them. Also fun fact did you know that most honey includes a bees-

Anne quickly shut him up before he could spoil another thing for her. Later on in the day they arrived at Camp Flemington where other frogs were sat doing regular camping activities like fishing, roasting worms or sailing on the river.

Sprig: I can't wait to tell scary stories. The more teen frogs running from deranged psychopaths, the better. Haha.

Polly: I'm just happy to get off the farm. So much fresh air, and it's all mine.

She deeply inhaled and inflated herself with air but as she giggled she was sent into Hop Pop's stomach and losing the air.

Hop Pop: I personally love the peace and quiet. A frog can really hear themselves think out here.

Hop Pop closed his eyes in though and his face grew more anxious as he did it.

Hop Poo: Well, that was a mistake.

Y/N: I personally love just being a part of nature's ecosystem and hearing the chatter of the bugs all around you. Ain't that right Anne?

Anne looked down at a crawling beetle and shuddered in disgust.

Hop Pop: You sure you wanna stay, Anne? You can take Bessie and go home if you need to.

Anne: Hey, hey, hey! Here's an idea. How about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already? Who's with me?

All: Yeah!

The rest of the day they spent together as a family. During fishing, Anne's line was pulled and she was dragged into the water and chased by a giant fish.

While she put up a sorry excuse for a tent it collapsed and spontaneously combusted as everyone quickly started putting out the fire.

As she was carrying water from the lake, she itched her back and turned around to see a giant pink spider attached to her back gnashing its jaws at her. She screamed and shook it off as it chased her around.

When all were in their sleeping bags, Anne stayed grumpily awake but started rolling down the hill they were sleeping on while shouting and landing in a thorny bush.

The next morning they all awoke feeling refreshed. Anne however had thorns sticking out of her hair snd clothes and tick bites all over her back. Sprig was rubbing the honey gunk over the tick bites in an effort to try make them disappear.

Anne: Ow! Careful! I'm pretty sure those ticks caused internal damage.

Sprig: So, awkward question, but are you sure you wouldn't be happier back home?

Hop Pop: Seriously, Anne, no need to torture yourself. Take Bessie and go home. And don't you worry about us, because we'll be just fine without you.

Anne: No! Look, I know it seems like I'm miserable, ok? But I'm not. It's just ... it's just, uh ... I'm not used to such easy camping.

Sprig: Easy?

Anne: Look around you. Singing, butterflies, laughter. I guess I'm just used to something a little more ... extreme.

Y/N thought for a moment, his hand scratching his chin.

Y/N: Anne's right. This does seem pretty tame than from what it was like back in the jungle with Ant and Mantis.

Just then, an crazy-looking and wild frog jumped out from the bush Anne was standing by. She let out a yelp and jumped away.

Soggy Joe: So, this place ain't extreme enough for ya?

Anne: Uh, dang right it ain't.

Soggy Joe laughed maniacally and the others looked at each other in concern. All bar Y/N who was staring at his beard in amazement.

Y/N: Bones? Bones of his enemies?

Soggy Joe: I can take you folks to a real campsite. One where there ain't none of this kiddie stuff like shelter or potable water. Blech.

Hop Pop: Well, would a more extreme experience make you happy, Anne?

Anne: Uh, yeah?

Sprig: If Anne wants hard-core, we go hard-core. Lead the way!

Soggy Joe lead the group into a forest. The rest hang back while Y/N talked with Soggy Joe.

Y/N: So, sir-

Soggy Joe: The name's Joe. Soggy Joe.

Y/N: Right, well my name's Y/N. Y/N ... well thats all actually. Anyway I just wanted to ask Soggy Joe sir, but might those be the bones of your enemies lying in your beard.

Soggy Joe looked around and leaned into him.

Soggy Joe: You a cop?

Y/N vigorously shook his head.

Soggy Joe: You'd be correct in your observation then, kid. Wait, hold up. We're here.

They looked around the flat land which was surrounded by a dark and gloomy bog. Soggy Joe ran up to a puddle of mud and flopped into it, Y/N did the same. They stuck a finger each into the mud and tasted it. They gave a look at eachother and nodded.

Soggy Joe: We bunk here for the night. And in the morning, if we're still alive ... I'll take you all out for pancakes.

Anne: Oh that sounds really nice.

Hop Pop: I do like pancakes.

Y/N: Yeah I'll just grab like a salad or something.

Later than night, they all sat on logs around a campfire in the eerie darkness.

Soggy Joe: Want to hear a tale?

Anne: Uh ...

Hop Pop: I'm good.

Polly: Hard pass, old man.

Sprig: Oh, me! I love scary stories.

All others except Y/N (who gave him a hearty pat on the back) glared and growled at an oblivious Sprig.

Soggy Joe: Gather 'round and hear ye the tale of the mud men. Born in the bowels of the bog itself, the mud creatures stalk the inky night, lusting to devour any frogs that might have wandered into their domain.

Soggy Joe sinks into a pool of mud and they all look at it confused.

Polly: Ten bucks says he doesn't come back up.

Y/N: You're on Lil P. That sounded a lot better in my head.

Soggy Joe jumped from out of the mud puddle and they were all pushed aside.

Soggy Joe: Just like us! Ah, yes. The mud men only fear two things, daylight and being clean.

Y/N: So they're just like teens nowadays?

Soggy Joe: Holy honey thistle!

Hop Pop: What? What is it, Joe?

Soggy Joe did an awkward half-sprint into the woods.

Soggy Joe: Nature calls. Be right back.

As Soggy Joe ran into the woods the others were left frozen in fright.

Sprig: Is this extreme enough?

Anne: Ah! Uh ... um ... What? No. I am loving this.

From behind them they heard a low groan and turned around and saw Soggy Joe standing there emotionlessly.

Sprig: Oh, hey Sogman. Everything ok?

He groaned again and fell to the floor, showing an axe sticking from his back. The others scream and the fire blows out suddenly.

Hop Pop: Don't worry. Good thing I brought my copper matches.

The fire lit into a green flame but it illuminated the danger around them. Standing above Hop Pop was a giant mud man.

Sprig: It's the mud men!

As he said that, others emerged from the deep bog around them and groaned. Some wielded gardening tools in their long and lanky limbs and they advanced onto them.

Hop Pop: They're real!

Polly: And they're here for our delicious souls!

Anne: Oh, man, this is all my fault. Everyone, grab a torch!

They all grabbed a piece of burning wood from out the fire and waved it infront of them at the mud men, trying to keep them at bay.

Sprig: Back away!

Y/N let out his claws and slashed at the mud men but it was no use as it could do nothing against the muddy exterior. One by one, the mud men flicked mud at the other's torches and extinguished them and backed them in a corner.

Sprig: Really wish we had some sunlight right about now.

Hop Pop: Or heck, cleaning products.

Anne gasped in realisation at what she could do.

Anne: I have something even better. Everyone, take cover! Peony Princess bath bomb!

She took the bath bomb out of her backpack as the others ducked out of the way.

Anne: Good-bye, dear friend.

She ripped the label off and chucked it at the mud men. It flew past them all and landed in the muddy water.

Hop Pop: Well, guess we're dead.

Polly: Uh huh.

Y/N: Can I get my 10 bucks before I die?

Polly: Do you see any money on me?

Suddenly, the bath bomb fizzed and turned into a colourful explosion, clearing away all the dirt from the mud men and leaving many pathetic looking frogs standing awkwardly in the bog.

Mud Man 1: The jig is up, boys!

Mud Man 2: Quickly, before she throws another one if those things!

All the mud men screamed and ran away in terror and shame as the others cheered and celebrated.

Polly: I can see your butt!

Y/N: Taste lotion, freaks!

Y/N threw Anne's bottle of lotion at the running mud men, hitting one in the head and knocking it unconscious.

Hop Pop: Guess we were wrong to doubt you Anne, you really are use to extreme camping.

Anne's smile dropped and she sat on a log.

Anne: Guys, I have a confession. This extreme camping stuff is nonsense. I was miserable back there. I was just trying to cover it up.

Polly: So you dragged us to this horror show for no reason? Twisted. I love it.

Y/N: Polly, serious question. What is actually wrong with you?

Sprig: I don't understand. Why lie about it? Why be miserable?

Anne: I wanted to prove to Y/N that I can change. All that stuff he said before about the old me not wanting to do this made me think just how cool you guys are. I guess I've also been feeling a little left out lately. I'm not a frog. I'm not a Plantar. I'm not some cool jungle ninja. Heck, I wasn't even invited on this trip. I really like you guys and wanted to be with you, miserable or not.

They all rushed to Anne's side and gave her a group hug.

Sprig: I don't know if it's the sweet-smelling toxins or the overwhelming emotions, but dang it, I'm a mess.

Hop Pop: Next time, we'll include you, Anne. Even if we know you'll hate it.

Y/N: And I'm sorry, Anne, for making you think that you had to change who you are to be special. You don't have to change because we all love you just the way you are.

Anne: Thanks you guys- Aaah!

She screamed as Soggy Joe groaned and arose from the dirt. They all screamed as Soggy Joe stood upright and straightened out his back. The axe popped out of his back with no injuries visible.

Soggy Joe: Oooh-wee! Good thing I wore my axe-proof vest, eh? So, what'd I miss?

Anne: Oh, pretty much everything.

Soggy Joe: Really?

Sprig: Oh, Joe, there were these crazy cannibals.

Soggy Joe: Wow.

Hop Pop: They tried to eat us.

Soggy Joe: Oh, serious?

Polly: Yeah actually, it turned out they were just frogs.

Soggy Joe: Oh, no way.

Y/N: Yeah. Just wimpy little frogs but they actually had like huge arms and legs and they were covered in mud.

Soggy Joe: Unbelievable.

Anne: And then we ran, we tried to use torches, it was all a big thing.

Soggy Joe: Uh-huh. Yeah?

Anne: It was very dramatic.

Soggy Joe: Oh? Keep doing.

Y/N: Anne saved us with her disgusting tasting bath bomb.

Soggy Joe: Yeah, I smell it. It's great. Is that peony?

Anne: Yeah, that is peony.

Soggy Joe: Yeah, I have a nose for these things.

Anne: So that's pretty much it. You're pretty much all caught up.

Soggy Joe: Oh, great.

Crickets chirped in the background.

Cricket 1: Damn this is boring.

Cricket 2: I know, right bro?

Cricket 1: I liked it better when they were about to die.

Soggy Joe: So, you all want to get pancakes early?

Anne: Oh, yeah, that sounds great.

Hop Pop: Let's het out of here.

Polly: I've always been more of a waffle girl myself.

Late into the night they all sat around the dinner table as Anne wanted to discuss a serious meeting.

Anne: Guys, now that we've been through a lot, there's something I'd like to share with you. This is how I got here.

Anne unwrapped a cloth and revealed the strange music box. Y/N remembered it as the one Anne showed him when they first met but she didn't show Sprig then so they were the only two to know about it.

Sprig: Wow. Shiny.

Hop Pop: Oh!

Anne: It's some kind of crazy music box or something. I've asked Y/N about it before but he doesn't seem to remember much about it. Have you guys seen anything like it before?

Hop Pop: May I?

Anne: Sure. I mean, it's busted.

Hop Pop picked up the music box and began inspecting it carefully.

Hop Pop: Nope. Never seen anything like it.

Anne: Well, it wad worth a shot.

She lay her head in her hand and looked down at the table sadly. Sprig put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her compassionately.

Sprig: Anne, I promise, we're gonna find a way to get you and Y/N back home.

Anne: Thanks, Sprig. That means a lot to me.

Hop Pop got up and loudly yawned, drawing everyones attention.

Hop Pop: Well, thats enough excitement for me today. I think I'm gonna turn in.

They all bid Hop Pop a good night and returned to their own rooms to sleep.

Meanwhile, back at the camp the mud man that Y/N knocked out had just started to wake back up. Before he could get up he felt four spider legs grip onto him and drag him into the bushes.

Mud Man: Help! Somebody please help!

Another spider leg covered his mouth and shut him up.

???: Shhh. There is no one left for you to call help.

Mud Man: P-please! Who are you?

The spider creature stepped into the light. Eight large spider legs protruded from his back and twin spider fangs were seemingly pushed into his flesh with dry and crusted blood covering them. E/C eyes glinted in the moonlight and his H/C hair was wild and messy without any care.

Y/N?: The name's Y/N. And it'll be hard for you to forget.

He lifted the mud man by his legs with one of his spider legs and lowered him into his fangs which clamped around his neck, injecting him with a painful and burning venom.

Mud man: Ah! It hurts! Kill me, please!

His ears were delighted at the screams as he dug into his meal, ravaging the body alive as the mud man writhed and screamed in pain. Eventually the screaming died down and he wiped the blood away from his mouth.

Y/N?: I know you're out there. You can't hide from me forever you mistake.

And he wandered back through the forest, his spider legs twitching on his back.

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